I'm on tumblr again peoples! torajune28 :P

If only I owned these wonderful boys, the things I'd... ... -.-

Well, now we know what and how. Isn't this jolly c:


"I see you haven't reflected at all," Spencer hissed, moving Derek's hand from his knee to his ribs. He linked their fingers so Derek wouldn't move down to his legs again. "You do know that if I don't keep shaving, my legs will be prickly and gross every time you touch them. You'd have to wait a month to touch them again before my hair is even remotely soft again."

Derek's soft kisses on his neck stopped when he spoke, and the man seemed to catch what he was saying. "But you can't stop me from touching you for a month, Spencer! That's absolute torture!"

The brunette shrugged, staring at the black box that read ten-o-clock in red numbers. "We should sleep. We're exhausted and we have to wake up if a break comes in. Who knows what time that'll be." He deliberately yawned and stretched, laying his head on the pillow instead of Derek's arm.

The darker man seemed to be running through scenarios. He finally opened his mouth when Spencer was close to drifting off. "Babe, what if I shaved them for you? Like, whenever they start to get prickly, I can do it for you and you don't have to worry."

Spencer shook his head teasingly. "I don't think so, Derek. It was so uncomfortable to stand there with my legs raised on your knee while you shaved them." He was lying. It was kind of gratifying to feel so… in control for once. Hands on hips, a leg raised like a certain beverage captain. He loved it.

"I-I..." Derek went silent and Spencer smiled mischievously.

"Okay, Derek. I'll let you shave my legs. But if you forget even once, I'll withhold for two weeks. One week for each leg."

The darker man kissed the back of his neck sensually and smiled into the honey waves. "I love you, Spencer." The younger of the two closed his eyes again. "I love you, too, Derek."

It was six-seventeen when the call came in and the whole team rushed to the crime scene. They had pulled a huge break, allowing them to catch the man by four p.m. By six p.m, they were on the jet, and Spencer and Derek were sitting together again, which Prentiss noted, texting Garcia the news. The blonde replied with a happy face and gloated to her coworker.

Prentiss sighed, realizing she was wrong. Garcia had been right, Derek had something to do with Spencer's legs and his strange mood this morning. They probably had a bet or something and the brunette lost. In denial of his defeat, he must have lost his temper and was angry about having to shave his legs.

But Prentiss could see the way Derek was watching Spencer's legs and she knew it couldn't have been just a bet. The darker man licked his smirking lips and his hand slid over to Spencer's knee sneakily. The brunette jolted as it touched him and his eyes jerked up to see if anyone saw. Prentiss discreetly averted her eyes to the other side, watching JJ on the phone with her son. Seemingly satisfied, Spencer reached his hand over and pinched Derek before sliding his hand into the darker one for a few seconds, then pulling away and settling for their knees to touch.

Prentiss smirked to herself, texting Garcia a reply with her newfound hint. The response to that was a gibber jabber of letters and a capitalized "I DON'T HAVE TO PHOTOSHOP ANYMORE! We set cameras up. EVERYWHERE." The raven haired woman laughed out loud, pulling the looks of Rossi, Morgan and Reid. But she only wiggled her phone, "Garcia," slipping off her tongue. She waited until no one was paying attention to her, and longer after that, until Spencer and Derek relaxed, their pinkies touching, brushing against each other. She carefully moved her phone in their direction and captured a short video, sending it to Garcia. "Oh, the fun we'll have teasing them," she wrote. Prentiss closed her phone and then her eyes, a satisfied smirk on her face and an image of Garcia's enhanced picture of Spencer's crossed, flawlessly shaved leg flew through her head. "The fun indeed," she thought.

Yey! The end! I'm hoping you enjoyed my silly little brain child! If not, ah well, it wasn't your cuppa.