Big Time Tour Contest Chapter 1: Let's sign up!

Dana's POV

"KK are you home?" I asked as I walked into my friend Kylie's home.

"Yeah I'm upstairs come up here I want to show you something!" I walked up the stairs into her office. She was sitting at her computer typing something.

"What's up?" I asked grabbing a bean bag to sit on.

"There's a Big Time Rush contest going on right now." Kylie said still typing not looking up.

"So what's the prize? A signed poster? A cd?" I asked as I reached over to open the mini fridge and get some water.

"A chance to get to go on tour with them." I spit out the water I just put in my mouth.

"Are you serious?" I asked surprised.

"Yep take a look." I got off the bean bag chair and went over to the computer. Kylie was on the official Big Time Rush website and was signing up for the contest.

"Wow. How many people get to go?" I asked.

"Four. So me, you, Shreya, and Lilly can go." She said finally looking at me.

"Sounds like a plan."

"I already signed all four of us up, so we have better chances of winning."

"You always think ahead don't you?"


"You want me to call Shreya and Lilly?" I asked getting my iPhone 5 out.

"I texted them the same time I texted you, so they should be coming." I put my phone away.

"Kylie!" I heard Shreya yell from downstairs.

"We're up here!" I yelled. I heard Shreya run up the stairs.

"So what's the contest about?" She asked as she pulled up a bean bag chair next to mine. "Hand me a Dr. Pepper will you?" I handed her one and she settled down in the bean bag chair.

"Well the contest is a chance to go on tour with Big Time Rush." Shreya choked.

"You're kidding aren't you?" Shreya asked and looked at me. I shook my head. "Let me see that computer!" She said jumping up and walking over to Kylie. She looked. "Oh my gosh! I'm guessing you already signed us up knowing you."

"Yep. Have you heard from Lilly yet?" Kylie asked.

"No but she-" We heard the front door open and shut.

"Guys I'm here!" She said running up the stairs to the computer room with us. "Sorry I had to babysit. So what's this contest you texted me about?"

"The prize is a chance to tour with Big Time Rush on their summer break tour!" Shreya said.

"Wow that's awesome! When will they pick the winner?" Lilly asked going to the computer.

"June 7th two weeks before the tour starts." Kylie said.

"But that's so far away from now." Shreya whined.

"Its alright. We have their new season to watch up till then." I said.