A/N: I hope the story won't confuse the readers. The story has two alternate characters from the world shown at the Road to Ninja Movie (I suggest you watch it!) and from the real Naruto world. You could all probably guess which character came from which world since they have opposing traits. Anyway I hope you'll love the story!
So as not to confuse some readers who have not watch the movie the Sakura and Sasuke (the ones from the other world), their convo will be italicized for now. And if you do feel like it's confusing please tell me! I apologize already. Oh another thing Naruto's name will be kept as Naruto (his name in the RTN movie was Menma) but I decided to keep Naruto's name.
And this story will mostly focus on Sakura and Sasuke (the original ones). But I'll try to add some characters as the story progresses. Depends on how much you readers would love to see.
Please review and tell me how to keep things going as I am in need of suggestions. Thank you!
Disclaimer: (Must I?) Oh well, I do not own Naruto. But the story is mine! Mwahaha!
Chapter 1
"FOR THE NTH TIME SASUKE I DO NOT WANT TO GO OUT ON A DATE WITH YOU!" the pink haired kunoichi stormed off leaving a broken hearted Sasuke again.
"Neh.. Sakura-chan wait up! Why can't you give me a chance? All I'm asking is just one date! One!" Sasuke pointed out. His hands all over the place as he tried to get his message across.
"I said NO!"
"Hn. You're getting annoying again." Sasuke replied to a Sakura who showed off her puppy dog eyes and crossed fingers hoping Sasuke would listen.
"But Sasuke-kun the festival tonight would be so much fun! Why won't you go with me? It won't be a date or what! I promise!" Sakura made motion with her hands, biting her lips hoping Sasuke would say yes.
"Tell me again why I ever agreed on going out with a player like you?" a bored looking Sakura said as they walked over some stalls.
"You do know you're hurting my feelings right?" Sasuke made a dramatic remark, hands clasped on his heart.
"Shut up. I only agreed to this because I will never get to hear the end of this nuisance from our friends."
"Uhm guys..." a stuttering Naruto said trying to call their attention.
"Get your asses in here and let's get this party starteddddd!" A wild Hinata shouted finishing the sentence for the poor shy boy.
"Are you really gonna mope all night long?" Sakura asked her attention towards the uninterested man next to her.
"Tch. The only reason I'm here is because of that dead last and the rest of rookie nine's constant pursuing of the subject." he stated rather lamely.
Sakura merely sighed.
"Uhmm.. Sakura-chan and Sasuke the guys said.. To uhmm.." Hinata's stuttering broke the awkward silence between them.
"Get your asses in here already! Its time to partyyyyy!" That will never be mistaken for anyone but Naruto's boisterous voice.
"You're drunk Sasuke. Why did you bring me here? This bench is pretty cold." Sakura complained not liking the place already.
"Sakura-chan.. I know you don't really like me as much as I like you but I brought you here because I want to sincerely say this to you.." Sasuke stated losing some confidence as he began to speak.
"By sincerity you mean getting yourself drunk? Nice.." she rolled her eyes.
"Will you just listen? I swear you're full of yourself sometimes!" he shrugged her shoulders, trying to gain some little attention.
"If you think that remark will make me listen you're dead wrong. I'm leaving!" she got up from the bench obviously offended. She stopped however when he heard him scream.
"Sakura-chan! IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!"
"Sasuke-kun I'm still in love you.." she stated so softly that if you don't have keen ears you wouldn't have heard it. But this was Sasuke he heard it clear as day.
"I know you think I'm just an annoying and a weak teammate of yours but there's more of me Sasuke-kun, just give me one chance!" she was already starting to show tears. This honestly annoyed Sasuke more.
"Sakura-chan I know you don't really like me since we were kids and I know you are way out of my league considering you are a hero's daughter and I'm just a nobody but please give me a chance, just give me one chance!" Sasuke explained with all honesty. He knew his place but his heart didn't and he'll be damned if he would not listen to his heart.
"Sasuke..." for once in her life Sakura did not know what to say.
"Damnit just say it Sakura!"
"Hn." For once in his life he did not know what to say.
"After all these years you still can't look at me in the eyes and just say it. Just say it Sasuke! I'll stop when I hear you say it!" Sakura practically begged him. And he knew he needed to answer.
"I'm sorry but I don't love you."
"I'm sorry but I don't love you."
Sakura was still feeling groggy. Last night she got her heart broken again with the same man again at the same place again. It took a lot of strength to walk out of that situation and Sasuke didn't even say a thing to her. No words of comfort. No words of assurance. Nada.
But Sasuke still followed behind her back to the bar where her friends were. There she wallowed up the pain and drunk the stupid breaking of her heart away. Sasuke too drank some but ultimately it was Sakura who got stupidly and emotionally drunk.
But even though Sasuke was probably the last one Sakura would have wanted to be with after their talk, it was him who brought the poor kunoichi home. It was also him who heard Sakura's wish when she saw a shooting star passed by and her words stung his heart.
"I wish a Sasuke-kun who'll love me would fall out of the sky."
It wasn't supposed to even hurt him but the words pierced right through him as if a kunai was struck directly in his heart.
Feeling a little better now after some aspirin and a long shower, Sakura began to walk out of her apartment. She didn't want to recall any of the events last night but her brain was against her. She vividly remembered everything. She got a mental kick from herself.
"Damn it. You think it wouldn't hurt the second time around." She could already feel the tears but fought back.
"Sakura-chan!" Naruto called and embraced her so tightly when he got near her.
"Hey Ugly" Sai added with a small pat on her back. Sakura knew that they knew. It's moment like this that they could understand each other so well.
And so the tears she held back made their way out. She hugged both her teammates while the two whispered soothing words. When they first heard the news this morning their protective sides were immediately triggered.
There was nothing more tempting than to make a certain heart breaker pay. But their baby girl comes first. It was somewhat an unspoken rule between the males that Sakura comes first. And it's not because they think she's weak or any of that bullcrap but because when they needed someone it was her that stood by them. It was her who cried for them when they couldn't cry. It was her who smiled for them when they couldn't smile. Or it was simply because they love her in an overprotective-more-than-friends-less-than-lovers way.
"Ugly, no need for you to say it."
"Sakura-chan if it makes you feel better Sasuke is having a major hangover too." Naruto tried to make her feel better.
"If it helps we can beat him up for you Ugly." Sai proposed with a genuine smile in his face.
"Beat who up?"
It didn't take a while for Kakashi to piece the puzzle. A crying Sakura. Two overprotective boys. A missing Sasuke.
"Permission granted" he suddenly said.
"Ugghh.. Where am I?" Sasuke asked feeling like a ton hit him. Its pitch black all of the sudden.
"Sasuke where are we?" Sakura asked her hand on Sasuke's arm.
"I can't see.."
"All I can remember there was a great darkness that engulfed us.." Sakura recalled but still clueless of what happened.
As their visions started to come back they realized they were still in the bench exactly where they last remembered.
"Hey we're still in here! Phew for a second I thought we got transferred to another world." Sasuke joked trying to make fun out of the situation.
"Will you stop being annoying? Im out of here." Sakura got pissed and walked away. This was so tiring for her.
The said girl stopped but did not look at him.
"Sakura-chan as promised I'll stay out of your life. Take care. And I'll always be here for you. You know how much I love you."
She didn't even look back. All she did was continue moving forward.
He stared at her retreating back and gave a silent sigh. Last night before the sudden darkness he almost cried and he thanked that the darkness prevented her from seeing him so vulnerable and weak. As if she hasn't seen that enough from him.
Someone was charging towards him.
And he swore it was his shy blonde best friend who never ever says profanities.
"What the hell?!"
Something's wrong. Something does not add up. Normally when she's around the villagers they would smile at her and acknowledge her. All she got were some smiles and the occasional whistles. No one had even approach her especially the kids who adores her late-father. She doesn't let the attention get to her head though but this was a sudden change in the air.
It was really getting into her. She thought she was getting crazier when she saw Ino inside a shop dressed in clothes she never thought Ino would be able to wear. Good thing she did not see her, she still can't process it in her brain. The soft-spoken Ino in revealing clothes? Kami she wonders if the gods are playing with her.
She could not even describe the feeling when she saw Sasuke out the drug store. Why she didn't notice him past her she did not care. She did not seem to notice the sudden change in his wardrobe. She was just glad (for once in her life) to see the player's face.
Said man for the first time twitched. He noticed the lack of -kun and a different tone in Sakura's normally sweet voice. And if he calculated correctly last night event with her will earn him a minimum of a month of her not talking to him. To say that Sakura just called his attention so demandingly really caught him off guard.
"Are you ignoring me?"
Two surprises from her in just one day Sasuke was beginning to get impressed. Or was he still just heavily medicated from the pills he just took to get the hangover away.
"Uchiha don't you dare ignore me!"
Sakura was right in front of her now and she looked furious with a tinge of confusion.
"I know what I said last night but it doesn't give you the right to go stoic on me!"
"So it is about last night." Sasuke thought to himself but something was still off. Sasuke settled for a hn for an answer.
"Are you mocking me?!"
If Sasuke was capable of showing any emotion he would have shown a scorn face. Honestly who does she think she is? A daughter of a hero?
And then she slapped him. She just slapped him. And everyone stopped on their tracks, eyes glued on the stinging face of the respected ninja. Sasuke's eyes however, though he wanted to punch her back, decided he was not going to go against his morals.
"The hell to you Uchiha!"
She stomped out but suddenly stopped on her tracks when she saw the Hokage Mountain. She could not believe her eyes; her father's face was replaced by Naruto's father's face.
"What the hell?!"
A/N: So how did it go? Please tell me! I hope you guys didn't get confuse. And mistakes will be edited during the next upload. Arigato!