With a relieved sigh, Kurt dug deeper into his pillow and closed his eyes. It was two o'clock in the morning and he was more than ready for sleep. He had started to drift away when he felt a hand stroking down his back to his ass. Exasperated, he opened his eyes.

"Matt, what are you doing?"

"Come on, Kurt, it's been so long..."

"It's been a week. And I'm up to my ass in studying for mid-terms. I've been awake since five o'clock this morning. I want to sleep."

He could nearly hear Matt's annoyed response, but decided to ignore him. He really didn't need this right now.

After his exam the next morning (that he managed to power through with a large dose of both self-discipline and caffeine), Kurt and Matt met up for lunch. Matt was still in a sullen mood from the night before, and while Kurt could understand that his boyfriend was starting to feel slightly neglected, he could have wished for a little more patience. It was not like Matt had never been stressed; he should be able to relate...although Kurt had to admit that Matt never seemed to be too tired for sex.

"Alright, how about this", he suggested. "Today is tuesday, my last exam is on friday. You stay at your place for the next few days, let me study in peace, and on friday evening we go on a date, and afterwards you stay the night with me and we can...you know."

Matt rolled his eyes. "You know, you should be able to say the word by now", he said. "But okay. I'm not happy with this, but we can do it your way."

This evening, Kurt found himself distracted from his studies by thoughts about Matt. They had been dating for two months; shouldn't they still be in the honeymoon phase? Shouldn't he want to sleep with him? The truth was, he slightly dreaded their date on friday. It wasn't that he didn't like sex, it just wasn't as important to him. Most of the time, he would have been just as happy, if not more so, to just cuddle up with Matt after their date and go to sleep. But Matt seemed to have a never-ending appetite for sex, and most of their frequent fights were about his perceived lack of it. Kurt, on the other hand, felt like he only ever had sex to please Matt, never for himself.

On wednesday afternoon after work, Kurt was studying for his thursday exam, but couldn't find some important notes. He was halfway through completely wracking his apartment looking for them when he remembered leaving them at Matt's. Sighing, he put on his coat, briefly considered calling but then decided that Matt was probably at work (Yes, he still hadn't down his schedule. Sue him.). He took a cab over and opened the door with the spare key, but stood still when he heard a weird noise coming from Matt's room. Kurt's last conscious thought as he crossed the hall and silently opened the bedroom door was "This is such a cliche", and he nearly laughed out loud when he saw Matt's apparently not-so-straight roommate Frank scramble to cover himself while Matt sat there with both hands pressed on his mouth in shock.

"Wow. You couldn't have waited two more days?" Kurt asked, proud that he managed to sound calm and not overly accusatory, but then blushed, because there was a very real possibility that this wasn't Frank's first stumble into the realm of homosexual sex with his roommate. He closed the door, softly, grabbed what of his things he encountered on th way to the front door, and left. In the cab he sent an emergency text to Rachel:

"Meet me at home. Bring ice cream."

They were seated on the couch with an empty tub of Ben&Jerry's between them and an equally empty wine bottle on the table.

"How are you feeling?" Rachel asked quietly.

"I don't know. Kind of numb. Apathetic."

"At least you're not pathetic, like him", Rachel said, and then broke into hysterical laughter.

Kurt looked at her for a few seconds and then couldn't help but join in. It felt cathartic.


"You're quiet", Rachel remarked a few weeks later. "Are you still hung up on Matt?"

"No, I'm not", Kurt answered. "I wasn't in love with him, not really, we hadn't progressed so far. But the whole thing...got me thinking." He poured himself a glass of water and sat down at their small dinner table. "I think that the sex is the problem. I used to think, and Matt helped me there, that there was something wrong with me, you know? For not wanting it that much? But now I think that we just weren't compatible in that. There have to be other guys like me out there, guys who like sex, but don't want it all the time and who don't look to solve their problems that way."

"So, what now?" Rachel asked. "Are you going to take my advice and concentrate on your career?"

"My career is just fine, Rachel, thanks", Kurt said, thinking that Rachel was only following her own advice because at the moment, her love life was sub-par. "No. I want all that, you know? I want romance, I want kissing, touching, I might even want sex, I just don't want to feel pressured by it."

"You sound like you should go looking for a girl."

Kurt had to laugh. "Not gonna happen, Rachel. I'll continue looking for the right guy. I'll just do it more...efficiently."

He opened his laptop, went to a LGBT-friendly dating site, selected the best picture of himself he could find, and started making a profile. Finally, with a deep breath, he entered his preferences:

Male, intelligent, impotent.