Note: Hey guys sorry I've been away from so long anyway here's chapter 8. Oh and a heads up this chapter is based on chapters ten and eleven from the book, just in Lily's point of view.

The rest of summer had flown by fast for everyone and before they know it, it was the morning of September 1st.

Lily was woken up by Hermione, who told her to hurry up. So Lily got dressed and hurried to go down stairs where she bumped into Harry and Molly started yelling


As well as the painting had gone off to; Lily covered her ears when she was down the stairs. Her father had talked about it, but she never imagined it would be that bad. Once the curtains were closed she walked over to Ginny, "You alright?"

"Just fine." She grumbled and glared at the twins as they walked by. Lily could have sworn she saw them flinch slightly. But she also knew now why her mother yelled at James and Albus when they were going to try and levitate their trucks last year.

"WILL YOU LOT GET DOWN HERE, PLEASE!" She heard Molly bellow.

"Don't worry." Ginny said, "She's not always this bad."

Lily nodded because it was true; she had never heard her grandmother like this. Even when her and most of her cousins went at the same time; that was more people then now too. Practice must have paid off.

They soon left and as they walked to go meet up with Tonks she felt something furry go past her leg. She looked to see a bear like black dog, "Padfoot..." She said softly in a cross between amazement and amusement.

Sirius must have heard her though because he gave a noise that sounded like a bark and a laugh. She then watched him tarot off to Harry.

An old woman greeted all of them around the corner and it wasn't until she greeted Harry that Lily knew it was Tonks.

From there it took them about 20 minutes to get to Kingscross Station. They then waited between platforms nine and ten before entering platform nine and three-quarters.

Lily was excited when she saw the Hogwarts Express, looked the same as it did in her time, but... Slightly newer.

She also looked around at everyone there. There were no real familiar faces, but as they walked Harry greeted Lee Jordan. She had met him a few times because of George.

Out of the corner of her eye and saw Sirius take Harry aside before he rejoined them. Moody then showed up with they're luggage and they boarded the train. She thanked Molly for letting her stay before going off to find a compartment.

"Lily, you want to find someplace to sit with us?" Harry called.

"Yeah, sure." She said and followed him and Ginny, though she knew exactly where they would end up.

By the very last carriage they saw Neville Longbottom, and Lily was a bit surprised when she said him. Neville was the Herbology Professor and Head of Gryffindor House in her time, and he was a favorite by most students. Though in this time it was obvious that he wasn't very put together.

He seemed a bit out of breath when he greeted Harry and Ginny and when he spotted Lily, introductions were made and they all entered the card where Luna Lovegood sat.

Luna was just as odd as ever, and she learned that through the majority of the ride. Lily was also pretty sure that when she sat next to Luna and asked if she could look at the Quibbler that Harry, Ginny, and Neville stared at her.

Neville then showed them what his new plant could do and they all ends up drenched in a liquid the exploded from it.

Her father had always joked with Neville about that whenever he brought a weird plant over their house.

Lily heard the compartment door open and thought is would be Ron and Hermione and wiped some goop off her face and looked over, but was wrong and saw Cho Chang.

"Oh... Hello, Harry... Bad time?" She said and sounded a little nervous.

'Yes' Lily thought

Though Harry just replied, "oh... Hi..." And Lily rolled her eyes.

She sent a glance at Ginny who didn't look very found of Cho, but then again, even in her time, she still wasn't.

Lily wanted to whack Harry after she left, but didn't want to be questioned about it either.

Ginny then vanished the goop and the compartment door opened the again and this time it was Ron and Hermione. From then on not much happened and before they knew it they had arrived at Hogsmade station and gathered their things and went over to the carriages. She saw Harry staring at something and knew what he was looking at, even if she couldn't see it.

Lily caught sight of the castle and it felt like she was home, even if it was in a different time. She also couldn't wait to eat. She looked up at the staff table and saw Dumbledore and a younger McGonagall, a woman who she guessed must be Professor Spout, Mr. Bins, and a younger professor Flitwick, but she didn't see Hagrid...

She must have spoken that part aloud because Hermione gave her a look. Lily wasn't supposed to know who he was.

"Fred and George told me..." She said quietly to her, and it seemed good enough, for the moment.

"It's that Umbridge woman!" She heard Harry say and she looked at the staff table wondering how she could have missed her, and her father was right. Umbridge did look like a toad, actually that would be an insult to toads. But before she could ponder of the thought any more the first years entered the room and the hat began its song:

/In times of old when I was new

And Hogwarts barely started

The founders of out noble school

Thought never to be parted:

Unites by a common goal.../

Once the hat was through the sorting began, but Lily was still think about the song she had just heard, a warning, and she was probably the only one here that knew why he gave that warning.

Lily cheered with the other Gryffindor's when a new house member was added and soon McGonagall took the hat away and Dumbledore took stood to make his speech.

Lily gave Dumbledore her full attention when he mentioned Quidditch, but much to her dismay that was when Umbridge interrupted.

Lily along with the rest of the school watch Umbridge walk, or maybe more like waddle over to speak. As she spoke Lily instantly felt her hatred for this woman rust through her vanes.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young Witches and Wizards to be of viral importance." She began and Lily instantly toned out what she was saying and began planning and plotting.

'Let the war begin." She thought.