Note: Hey guys! I've been wanting to write this fan-fiction for a while and I really hope you like it because I have some good ideas for this and for some reason I've been interested in time travel fan-fictions lately. Any way, enough talk and on with the story so here you go chapter 1: The Nosy Brothers!

Disclaimer: I am not J.K Rowling. Everything you read about: characters, locations, events, etc. all belong to the queen herself.

"Finally!" said a 15 year old Lily Luna Potter as she arrived home for the beginning of her summer break as she had just finished her 4th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She dropped her bags by the door and ran into the kitchen to see Ginny over by the counter chopping up some fruit, "Hey Mum!" she smiled.

"Hey Lils" Ginny smiled warmly at her daughter, placing the chopped apple in a bowl and walking over to hug her, "Train ride not too bad?"

"Not at all, Al and I played exploding snap against Hugo and Rose. That is until Fred decided he needed to interfere.." She ended dryly, then added, "Though I've never seen James laugh so hard either."

Ginny smiled and rolled her eyes when they heard a crash, "Lily!"

Wincing slightly, Lily ran over to her father on the ground and Teddy biting back laughter as he helped him up.

"Oops... Sorry Dad... I forgot that was there..." She avoided her fathers eyes as Ginny walked out of the kitchen.

"I thought that was you.." She said walking over to greet her husband, by placing a kiss on his cheek, "And it's great to see you Teddy, Vic, not giving you too much trouble right? It seems like forever since you've been back here." she joked lightly.

"Of course not." Teddy smiled and hugged Ginny, "And I'll try to get over here more, works been mad lately."

"That and maybe Teddy can't get away from his new wife." Lily said a smirk forming on her face.

Teddy returned the smirk and leaned against the door way, "Watch it squirt." he replied using the name he called her ever since she was little.

Like a mature person Lily replied by sticking her tongue out at Teddy.

Laughing slightly Ginny then asked, "Where are Albus and James? I didn't see them come in?"

"They decided to apperate back, since Albus can now and James decided to go along." Harry replied.

"That's right, sometimes to hard to think, that they're almost grown up." Ginny replied right before there was a loud thump.

"Well I guess they're home.." Harry then replied in response.

"I'll go check and make sure they didn't splinch themselves.." Lily said turning for the steps knowing that they have a numerous occasions, most of them being James. She ran up to the second floor when she heard hushed yell.

"I told you to be careful!" Came a voice that Lily knew was from James

"And I told you that we shouldn't be in here!" The next one came from Albus.

"Whatever, lets just get out of here, before Lily comes up, and maybe we can ask her about it without having to go to Mum and Dad.." James sighed and Lily took that as her queue to go and found them in her room.

"What are you going in here?" She asked looking around as her backpack and the contents once in it were scattered across the room, and before they could respond continued, "You went through my stuff?!" she practically yelled, but not loud enough for her parents or Teddy to hear.

"Lils.." Albus spoke holding up his hands, "We can explain..."

Lily narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms, "Oh really, then please do, because I'd love to hear what you two have to say.."

Albus took a deep breath, "Well, I accidentally landed in here and James came in finding me. We saw your backpack on the bed and James mentioned something about you acting strange lately and-" then James jumped in deciding that he had a better idea, and instead of explaining held up a necklace, with a small hour glass attached to it, "Why do you have this?" he asked, his voice half full of demand and half filled with curiosity.

"You have no right to go through my stuff!"

Albus ignored her and decided to follow James's route then asked, "More importantly, where did you get it? The only person how has one of these is Aunt Hermione..." then realization dawned on his face "You took it from Aunt Hermione didn't you?"

When Lily didn't respond James continued, "Well? Why did you take it?" but didn't give her a chance to explain, "It doesn't matter, you shouldn't have it anyway, you could get into some serious trouble." then with a nod to Albus they started to walk to the door, Lily finally spoke.

"Where are you guys going?"

"To give this to Mum and Dad and see what they think about it." James said stopping at the door way

"What? No! They'll ground me for the summer if they find out!" She said her eyes wide and she reached to the time turner trying to grab it form James's hand.

"Lily, what are you doing?! your going to break it!" James said not letting go.

"Everything alright up there?" Ginny called as footsteps started coming up the steps.

"James, please." Lily said and gave it one more tug.

"No, Lily, I'm your older brother I only want whats best for you and having this time turner isn't it." James replied.

The footsteps got louder.

"Since when did you start acting your own age? All mature?" She asked narrowing her eyes again.

Surprised by Lily's comment, James accidentally let go of the time turner, making Lily fall back landing on her butt... and the time turner.

There was a muffled curse, from who Lily guessed was James, then Ginny spoke form the top of the stairs.

"What are you three doing up here? you sound like a herd of elephants."

Than Lily heard nothing, everything when black, and she felt a swirling sensation all around her. It was like she was flying very fast, but backwards. A blur of colors and shapes rushed past her, her ears were pounding. Finally she felt solid ground beneath her. Then she heard hush voices, but could only make out one.

"Tonks is that you?" a voice called, "you need to be more careful.."

Lily looked up, it was dark, but she could tell that she was inside, although, not inside her home. A few people maybe four of them, Lily couldn't tell, her head was spinning and her ears were still pounding, walking out of a doorway and where looking at her. Finally her vision cleared and she automatically recognized the faces.

Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione... But they were younger, much younger, they looked her age...

"Your not Tonks..." Hermione said, being the first to speak...

Suddenly her vision when cloudy again and the darkness returned pulling her under as she collapsed to the floor...

Note: Val La! Chapter one is complete, let me know what you think so far.

Next chapter: Grimmauld Place