Hello! And welcome to my latest and greatest project of public fan-literature, to put it in rocket scientist terms. Some of you may know me of the infamous, yet dated Santa Clive fame. Professor Layton was one of the first fandoms I ever wrote fanfiction for, and quite possibly the first I ever fell in love with. Not in that sense, per say, but you get the idea, no?
With Azran Legacy coming late 2013 in Europe and 2014 in the states, I felt it was high time to give the professor one last tip of the hat before we say goodbye to him, possibly forever? Nah. Not forever. Remember, it's "so long". Not "goodbye".
The following is a story, a simple story with a basic, redundant premise but a story all the same. We follow the great Professor Layton and Luke in their little "London Life" in small tidbits in-between their adventures, which contain subtle morals alluding to the path that one must take in order to become a true English gentleman. In a sense, a series of small one-shots.
One hundred, to be exact.
Please, don't be swayed by the idea. I'm a man who actually gets things done. I've done this premise about three times before with the same result of success. I have rarely missed a day, and I will continue to do so throughout this promising summer.
One hundred chapters, one per day, you get the premise, yes?
As with every other writer, reviews do me nicely, please leave one for me to respond to, if not for my sake, for the story's. Thank you, that's quite possibly the only thing I could ask for, after all, I'm doing this for free, but I wouldn't necessarily label it a charity.
Apologies for the long introduction, a pet peeve of mine is when these are longer than the actual chapter.. Ah well. Spoiler potential, word count, location, timeline specifications, and etc. will be posted below. As will be the case with every chapter.
Spoilers?: No.
Location: London Museum of Art and Selective Abnormalities, London.
Timeline: Anytime after Curious Village, yet before Unwound Future.
Track Listened to While Writing: Unforgettable Memories from Miracle Mask.
Word Count: 1178 words.
How to Become a Gentleman in Just 100 Days
A Detailed Guide to Becoming an Elegant, Established, and Well-Loved Contributing Member of Modern Society
Tip NO. 001: Art
"Luke, a true gentleman appreciates all forms of art, even those that he may not comprehend at first."
The London Museum of Art and Selective Abnormalities, a stunning example of unique architecture done right. Having been scaled and designed by a famous architect, the building sports an unnatural, yet alluring appearance.
A twisted building, with certain portions designed to appear as if they were coming at nearing civilians. In reality, the work of a number of optical illusions put into work to help gather the museum a consistent crowd.
Today, its enigmatic attraction has managed to reel in one of London's finest men, none other than the great Hershel Layton himself. A university professor on the outside. While also a charming gentleman, intelligent archaeologist, and above all, doting father, on the inside.
The man is not alone, he never was to begin with, despite the losses he has accumulated over the years, he continues to stand stalwart with a straight face. Only once has that face ever been faltered with.
"Ah, all the exhibits here are quite intriguing, would you not agree?"
He is accompanied by Luke, the ever-curious boy, and devoted follower to the professor. Still a growing boy of an ambiguous young age of around ten to twelve or so, he has much to learn as an apprentice. Even then, their relationship stretches far beyond the typical mentor and student scenario, at times, Layton would not mind one bit considering the boy to be the son he never had, and continues to thank Clark for fulfilling the boy's request of wanting to study under the man, a request Layton knew for sure, that he'll never forget.
The situation is no different from Luke's perspective.
As the museum is filled with the mysterious and the unexplained, Luke isn't quite sure what to think of it all. It's all interesting, yes, he knows that as much.
"U-Uh, yes professor! These exhibits are all really great, but...what exactly do they mean?"
"Oh my! Mr. Layton, would you come see this piece, please?" asks a girl from the sideline, unknowingly interrupting the young boy.
Flora, the second accomplice to the professor on this little trip, and his daughter by rule of adoption. Still largely unaware of reality and its cruel intentions, she is a growing girl who may seem shy at first, but will open up with a bubbly personality once the right buttons are pushed. The literal definition of a golden apple.
Admittedly, Layton often has troubles expressing himself to her. After all, with all of the losses he has faced and eventually come into terms with, and those that have yet to come, he still questions just how he'll react if something potentially dangerous could ever happen to Flora. Perhaps scared to kingdom come, and then some.
An explanation that deducts why he is so reluctant to let her join him in his bewildering peregrinations, and why he must act out of alignment even at the stake of the gentleman's code. The thought alone scares him half to death.
"Why Flora, this piece is quite extravagant. Thank you for notifying me about it, won't you have a look, Luke?"
"Oh?" Luke looks up from the current piece of selective art he was investing himself in, a simple piece of graham placed on a white plate, concealed within a glass cage.
Entitled, "Prisoner of Love".
Luke leaves the cracker behind and takes a gawk at what the professor and Flora are gazing at.
A wall.
"Derivative Points of Similar Interest"
Donated by: The Montsarton Gallery
A wall with paint splattered all over it, paint of many, different colors. A lot of the colors interact with each other, mixing to create new ones entirely, while others tend to stick to themselves.
Luke raises an eyebrow, "Huh? But...I-It's just a wall with paint on it!"
Layton tips his top hat with a smile, "On the contrary, my boy. I find this to be a true piece of a craftwork, one an artist can be proud of after years of hard and well-refined work. It may appear to be simplistic at first glance, but a deeper observation reveals a subtle piece of imagery that pokes at the mental subconscious and how society operates, all perfected with top-notch handiwork."
He turns to Flora, "Flora, my dear. What do you make of this piece? After all, you were the one who noticed it."
Flora taps a finger on her chin daintily, studying the piece much like the professor himself would do, "Hm... Well Mr. Layton, I see the work of someone that's been really steamed. Like a man who's been pushed to his brim had to let out all of his anger all at once, and the stress-relieving result was this!- Um, i-is that a good observation, Mr. Layton?"
The professor smiles, "I have no judgement on your opinion, Flora. What you see is what you believe, and it would be ungentlemanly of me to sway your perspective otherwise. I for one, see a tale of romantic woe. A man who has just been heartbroken by a prominent woman in his life, a sweetheart to be precise. At first, he seems content with his life since she has so easily moved on, and attempts to move on. However, halfway, he breaks down, and is unable to cope with the loss of the love of his life. With that, comes this painting, a flourishing result of his saddening emotions and the toil it has taken on him. Truly a beautiful treasure."
Luke narrows his eyes, staring at the painting as best as he can, yet he still fails to see anything that sets it apart from a generic wall.
"Luke, my boy, what do you believe the painting is about?"
The boy continues to stare, but ultimately fails to make similar deep connections that Layton and Flora established moments earlier. He sighs, "I'm sorry professor, but I'm just not getting it..."
Layton chuckles, adjusting the brim of his hat, "Ah well, understandable, my boy. Not all paintings stand out to one at first. Perhaps we should come back later and see if you see something then, give a bit of time to think about it?"
Luke nods, "I suppose that'd be nice."
"Well then, come along Luke, Flora. I happen to hold slight curiosity for the "Wonders of Cryptid Avian Pottery" pavilion that Chappy mentioned earlier. I'd like to take a look at what sort of cryptic beasts have been captured onto those pots."
Flora nods with a smile, "C-Coming, Mr. Layton!" she begins to make her way through the crowd before her separation anxiety can get to her, when she notices that Luke has not budged an inch since the professor left the painting.
"Luke, um, are you coming?"
The boy merely gives her a fan of his right hand without even looking at her, "Just a minute, Flora. I want to keep looking at this painting, I still don't get it, but I just really want to see all the fuss you two were making about it!"
Impressed by his perseverance, Flora leaves him to his extended study.