Well, taking a Bethan break (not for long though) and coming back with BORY story!
That's right, we got a Benny/Rory story going on!

Hope this first chapter can catch everyone's interest!

Thanks for checking it out.

No, I don't own Benny or Rory, or any of the other characters of MBAV.

"God you're so annoying!"

"Yeah, well you're an idiot!"

"How can I be an idiot if I'm smarter than you?"

"I'm awesomer than you!"

"Awesomer isn't a word you moron."

"At least I can fly!"

"I can do magic!"

Benny and Rory were in a death-stare match, each not blinking as they glared at the other.

"I'm undead dude; I don't need to blink!" Rory said triumphantly. Benny squinted but still didn't blink, and the match continued. Ethan stood by, watching them with Sarah, both looking annoyed by their argument. Benny blinked and Rory whooped in happiness.

"No fair! You cheated!"

"How did I cheat?" They both bared their teeth at the other, flames of emotion blazing in their eyes, one hissing through his fangs.

"I hate you so much."

"Not as much as I hate you!"

"At least I'm not annoying!"

"At least I'm not stuck-up!" They turned away from each other, storming off in different directions. Sarah looked at Ethan.

"I'll take Rory, you take Benny." Ethan nodded and took off after Benny, Sarah going after Rory.

*~Ethan & Benny~*

"Hey man, you okay?" Ethan asked, finding Benny curled up in one of the chairs at the end of the hall, staring at the floor.

"Yeah. I'm okay."

"You sure? You and Ror have been at each other's throats for weeks now. I don't think a day goes by without you two hating on each other." Benny just shrugged. "Is there anything you want to talk about?"


"Are you-"

"Yes I'm sure!" Benny exclaimed, looking at Ethan. "Listen E, it's just something that's between Rory and me. Okay? Just… don't worry about it." Ethan didn't look convinced, but knew it would be pointless to press the matter even more.

"Okay… I just want you to know, if you ever want someone to talk to, I'm here for you."

"Thanks E. That means a lot."

*~Sarah & Rory~*

"What is wrong with you?" Sarah asked when she finally caught up with Rory, who just hissed at her. "Come on Rory. You're not usually this…angry."

"Well, Benny makes me… angry," is all he said, avoiding looking at Sarah.

"You're lying."

"No I'm not," Rory grunted, eyes glowing yellow in anger. "He just gets to me is all."

"Well you and him need to get whatever is going on between you two under control. This has been going on for weeks and it's getting kinda annoying." He glared at her for a second before taking off. She rolled her eyes as she walked away to find Ethan and Benny.

"He ditched school?" Ethan asked Sarah in surprise, who confirmed his question with a nod. Rory may be a slacker, but he had never ditched before. Ethan looked at Benny, who looked uncomfortable. "You need to talk to him. I don't know what's going on, but you need to work it out."

"I'm going," Benny said, already heading towards the school's doors. "See you guys later."

"Wait you can't-"

"Yes I can!"

Benny stood outside of Rory's house, about to knock when the door pulled open.

"Hi," Rory said in a breathless tone of voice. "I was wondering when you were gonna come over."

"Well," Benny said, entering the dark house and following the blonde to his room, "when Sarah told me that you left, I figured I'd come see if you were okay." Rory was silent for a moment as they entered his room.

"…Did you mean what you said today?" Benny smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Rory's waist and leaning down, kissing his cheek softly.

"Of course not baby. You know it's all for show."

"I know," Rory said, leaning into Benny's embrace. "I just hate having to act this way. I could take anyone that tried to mess with us if we came out you know."

"I know. It's just…" Benny didn't finish his sentence, but Rory knew where it was going.

There was only one thing keeping the two boys from admitting to the world that they were in love.

"I know." Rory pouted and Benny shook his head before playfully rubbing his nose along Rory's.

"I love you," he whispered, smiling warmly at the blonde. "No matter what happens between us at school, I will always love you."

"And I love you. So much, that our arguments hurt me."

"I know baby. I'm sorry."

"I forgive you," Rory whispered before kissing Benny softly. "And I love you more."





"Do you really want to get into another argument?" Benny asked, raising an eyebrow at the grinning blonde. Rory just continued to smile and kissed him again.



"Do you think we should check on them?" Sarah asked Ethan as she and him left the school that afternoon. "Considering we haven't heard from either of them all day, should we be concerned?"

"I don't know. There's something going on between them that they know about, but won't tell us. And it's weird. They're my best friends, but it's like… they're hiding something from me."

"Well then let's go to Rory's and see what's going on." Ethan nodded as they began to walk. Sarah leaned close to him to whisper. "When we're away from the school we'll take the express route," she whispered, giving him a sly wink. Ethan blushed but smiled.

"S-sounds good."

Benny and Rory were curled up on Rory's bed, and Benny was playfully running his fingers through Rory's soft blonde hair.

"I love you," Rory said, snuggling into Benny.

"I love you too."

"I wish we could tell everyone."

"I know baby. Someday we will."

"It's been weeks! I'm tired of acting like we hate each other."

"We do have a certain love-hate relationship don't you think?" Rory just hissed playfully before straddling Benny's lap.

"It's more love than hate now, don't you think?" Benny leaned up some and kissed Rory softly.

"I love you more than I hate you." The two young men began to kiss softly, the blonde in the brunette's lap. They didn't even hear the quiet knocking at the window, they were so lost in each other.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Rory flew off of Benny and smacked into the ceiling at the outburst, just floating there, staring at the two intruders in surprise. Benny was silent as he stared at them as well before looking up at the shocked blonde, who still clung to the ceiling; his eyes were wide in shock.

"Um… hi?"

Ethan and Sarah stared at the two boys; Rory floating up against the ceiling and Benny on Rory's bed; both looked slightly disheveled.

"D-did we just see…?" Ethan's voice trailed off as he glared at Benny. Rory saw this and floated down until he was crouched protectively next to the tall brunette, who was still sprawled on the bed. "Why were you guys…" Ethan didn't seem to be able to get a full sentence out.

"So you two…" Sarah seemed to be speechless too. Benny and Rory looked at each then back at Sarah and Ethan.

Then they nodded.

Sarah gasped and covered her mouth with her hand, looking appalled and shocked.

Ethan's jaw had dropped as he stared at them.

"How long?" he whispered, and when he got no response he screamed, "HOW FUCKIN' LONG?" Benny flinched at Ethan's yelling but Rory just hissed, his fangs showing as he crouched a little more in front of Benny, protecting him. Ethan saw this and took a step back. He shook his head and turned to stare at the wall, not even looking at his friends anymore.

"6 weeks," Benny said, getting up off of Rory's bed and taking a step towards Ethan. "E… I wanted to tell you. But… I didn't know how." Ethan didn't say anything to Benny, but he did turn to Sarah.

"Get me out of here." Sarah looked apologetically at Benny and Rory before grabbing Ethan and jumping out the window with him, taking off.

"That actually went better than I thought it would," Benny said, collapsing on Rory's bed, the blond vampire next to him.

"It'll be okay. Ethan can't say mad at you for very long."

"This time might be different baby." Rory ran his fingers through Benny's hair and kissed his forehead.

"At least you have me."

"Thank God I have you."

So… Whatcha think?

Please review!

Thanks for reading so far!
