Hii (: So the last episode basically left me all broken and messed up because it was just so ASDFGHJKL. For those who have seen it, you might understand why. I had goosebumps for more than one reason. For those who haven't seen it, I suggest you see it first then read, cause this does contain spoilers!

But ASDFGHJKL. Can I just spazz out for a moment and say Morganders 3. They were so beautiful and I loved that it was focused on Greg. My only complaint is that it left me wanting more, especially at the end with Greg and Morgan but it was pretty rocking overall!

Anyway, the fact that it didn't end how I was expecting it to and the interaction between the two, gave me a little idea for a different ending. So here it is, I hope you guys enjoy and I'd love to hear some feedback/thoughts. -cough, cough- (;

"You know how that sounds right?"

"Yeah, crazy. But it doesn't matter, I have to do this."

Morgan tossed the stuffed animal she had been examining back on the table in frustration as buried her hands into her hair. About half an hour had passed by since she had argued with Greg and she couldn't get the conversation out of her head. She couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought of her thinking Greg was insane but she couldn't help it. It was crazy to think that a ghost was at fault for the murders of the ghost hunters. Her world consisted of science which meant that if she even considered for a second that there was a possible supernatural twist to it, it'd destroy everything she believed in. No, the answers were in the evidence.

She had found the earring that led them to Monica Downs, which only met that there had to be something in the pile of toys that could help them find the accomplice. She studied the table full of toys. There had to be something in it that didn't fit. She looked over at the bat that was used to kill Carrie. They had found partial prints on it, which Sara and Nick were running, but they were smudged and she honesty knew better than to get her hopes up. Instead, she walked over and picked up the binder of photos from the Simms case and trial that Sean had provided. Monica had been at the trial and appeared in many of the pictures. Morgan remembered how she mentioned that 'one of their boys' had killed Doug and Carrie, as well as how D.B. theorized that there was an eight victim. Was the eight one in here as well?

The CSI was in the middle of flipping through a photo when she heard a knock at the door. She looked up to see D.B. at the door. She gave him a questioning look before he entered. He laughed, "I didn't want to startle you."

Morgan shook her head and shrugged in response. "So I was thinking about how you said there could be an eight victim who was Simms accomplice and it got me thinking, maybe he could be in here?" She explained as she showed him the binder, "After all, Monica was."

D.B. nodded, "It's a good theory but why would he follow the trial? Don't you think he would have tried to get away as far away as possible."

Morgan nodded, "Yes but what if Simms threatened him? That if he ran, he'd have Monica find him or something?" D.B. opened his mouth to answer her but was stopped by Sara.

"You'll never believe who the eight victim is," Sara said as she walked in with Nick. Both Morgan and D.B raised their eyebrows awaiting Sara's response. "Thomas Pope."

"The plant manager at the slaughterhouse?" D.B. asked. Sara nodded as Nick pulled out a sheet and handed it to D.B. for him and Morgan to see.

Morgan's face turned white as her eyes took in the face on the sheet. The binder that she had been holding to, fell to the floor with a loud thump. She felt her stomach sink as memories of the two recent murders came back to her. She stumbled as she felt the room starting to spin.

"Morgan? Morgan?" Sara asked with worry as D.B. grabbed onto Morgan's arm in fear that she'd fall. "Morgan what's wrong?"

"G-Greg," she managed to croak out as her eyes filled with tears.

"Greg?" Nick asked confused, "Morgan, What's wrong with Greg?"

She grabbed the paper from D.B.'s hand, "Greg's with him .. Greg's with this man." The paper trembled in her hand before Nick took it. "Morgan, what in the world are you talking about?" Nick's face was hard as stone as he looked her in the eyes.

Fear had taken over Morgan as tears rolled down her face. She fought to find words before they all came pouring out at once, "When we were in the slaughterhouse in the room where the boys were killed, he seemed weird. Like he heard or felt something. I asked him and he shrugged it off. When we went back to process Carrie's murder, we found her EVP recorder. Greg walked out of the room with it, he was listening to it like he was trying to find some sort of answer. He told me how his grandmother was a psychic and how when he was younger, he was too, that he inherited it. But when he decided to become a CSI, he choice science instead of the supernatural. We talked about it and I thought that had been the end of it but I guess I was wrong. I found him leaving the lab about half an hour ago. I asked him about it and he said he needed to go back, that he needed answers and he was meeting the manager there," by the last word, Morgan was screaming, "Greg's with the murderer! He's gonna kill him, he's gonna kill him! I knew it wasn't a good idea but I didn't do anything to stop him! I should have gone with him!" Morgan fell to her knees with her hands buried in her face sobbing.

Nick knelt down in front of her, embracing her while picking her up. "Morgan, no, don't say that." Her face was buried in his chest as Nick looked at D.B. and Sara. "We need to go, now," D.B. ordered as he looked at Sara, "Nick, you stay here with Morgan. Sara, you go get back up." Sara nodded as she took one final look at Morgan before walking out the door to inform the others and get help.

Morgan broke from Nick's embrace, "No, I have to go. I need to go." D.B. shook his head in disagreement, "You're too upset Morgan, you need to calm down. Just stay here with Nick, we'll bring him back. You could only compromise the situation."

"No," she pleaded, "Please I need to go. I want to help." D.B. and Nick exchanged looks, D.B. hesitated before giving her an answer, "Fine but you need to get it together. Stop crying and you do as I say. I know you feel responsible and I know you care, so I'm gonna tell you what I told Greg once. Don't let your heart get in the way, it'll only stop you. If you let it, it'll stop all of us and it might put you in danger as well. Let your head lead and do not for whatever reason go against what I say. Are we clear?"

Morgan nodded she wiped away her tears, "Crystal."

The sirens blared as they headed toward the abandoned warehouse. Morgan stared intensely out the window as she tried to calm herself down. She felt so much fear and guilt that it was about to drive her insane. Breathe, she reminded herself. the fear consumed her to the point where she wanted to rip her own hair out. As she fought back the tears, she tuned out her own thoughts and listened to what D.B. was saying.

Red and blue lights light up the abandoned building as it adorned the night sky. As the CSI's got out of the car, the LVPD got into place waiting for whatever was coming. D.B. gathered them as Brass and Ecklie walked toward them along with Carlos Moreno. "Jules, Nick, and Sara, you guys take the back. Jim, Morgan, and I, will take the front. Conrad and detective Moreno will stay out here," he paused to look at his team, "Remember, this man is dangerous. He killed two innocent people in cold blood and the last thing we need is to add a third. We're here for Greg, to get him out alive, so I'm gonna say this only once: Do not for whatever reason, let your emotions get in the way. I know we all care but if we stop using our heads, more than one of us will end up hurt," he looked at Morgan, who nodded along with the rest before they all split up in different directions.

Come on guys, give me a sign, Greg thought as he walked into the room where Carrie and the boys were killed. In the time he'd been back, walking around, he had felt absolutely nothing. Just as he closed his eyes, the sensation returned. Chills ran up his spine, as he expected to make some sort of contact with the other side.

Greg's eyes flew open as children's laughter filled the room. It was the same eerie laughter from the EVP recording that came after Carrie's scream, right as she died. As the almost sinister sound rang through his ears, he intuitively reached for his gun. His heart raced as he felt the empty space.

"Looking for this?" a voice asked behind. Greg slowly turned, locking eyes with the man who now dangled his gun in front of his face. He took a step toward Greg. "Wh-why are you doing this?" Greg asked as he stepped back, stumbling into a wall.

"I had to, I couldn't let them speak to the boys. First, it was that man who insisted in filming inside here. Then that girl, she said they were trying to speak to her. They were gonna tell her about me! They're angry at me, they've never forgiven me! They blame me because I wasn't able to stop Walter, because I helped Walter trap them but I didn't have a choice! He said he was gonna kill me if I didn't. The boys were gonna tell them who I was and what I did .. And now you know too .. You know too much," he said as he pushed the gun against Greg's chest.

"Thomas Pope," Nick's voice rang throughout the room as he pointed his gun at the man, "Drop the gun." As the man turned to face the others, he grabbed Greg by the shoulder and raised the barrel of the gun to his head. "No, he knows too much."

"It's too late," Sara said as she took a step forward from Nick's side, "Everyone knows the truth."

Finn came in from behind them, "You're name isn't Thomas Pope, you're really Jonathan Harris. You were Walter Simms' first victim. He took you when you were just eleven. You were a foster kid, always passed along from one home to another, that's why no one bothered looking for you. They assumed you ran away but you didn't. He abducted you and used you as bait to take those little boys. He forced you to watch him kill them, as they cried and begged you for help. But all you could do was sit and watch, silently praying that you weren't gonna be next. Then when he got caught, you ran away. Jonathan Harris died the day Walter was arrested, that's when you became Thomas Pope. But the thing is, those boys stayed alive after all these years. They've haunted you for every waking second since then. That's why you brought them all the toys, not as offerings but as a way to ask for forgiveness. Thomas, you need to understand that their deaths weren't your fault," she pointed at Greg, "His though, will be. Let him go, you don't have to harm him, he doesn't deserve it."

Silence rang throughout the room after Finn stopped speaking. The man looked at Finn then at Greg, before he moved the gun away from Greg toward his own head. "I'm sorry," he whispered as he pulled the trigger.

D.B. and Morgan stood outside the room as they heard Finn's voice. D.B. brought a finger to his lips as he motioned for Morgan to stay in place with his other. They both stood on opposite sides of the entrance as they waited to see what would happen next. Even in the darkness, D.B. could see the fear in Morgan's face, he could tell how much she was fighting to keep her calm and focus. He reached out to her hand, letting her know that they were all in it together. Morgan looked up at her supervisor and gave him a weak smile.


Morgan felt her heart stop as the sound of the bullet rang throughout the room. Both of them charged into the room with their guns ready. As they took in what happened, Morgan's gun came crashing to the floor. "NO!" she screamed as she ran toward the two bodies that were on the floor. Nick and Sara grabbed her, holding her back, as D.B. and Finn ran to both men, checking their pulses.

"We've got no pulse, he's gone," stated Finn as she checked on Thomas.

D.B. looked up at his team as he checked on Greg, "It's weak but he's still here. He needs help, stat."

Jim stood at the entrance of the room, "We need the medics in here now, we have a CSI critically injured" he said as he called for help. "Stay with us kid, we're gonna get you out of here," said D.B. as they all looked at Greg's still body, waiting for help to arrive.

Please don't hate me! Haha. I promise you that's not the ending it was just getting super long and I had to cut it off somewhere. I have the other part written but I need some suggestions. So I was thinking of making it a mulit chapter fic but I'm not too sure if its a good idea or not? So I need some opinions. Should I or should I just leave it at two parts? That way I know if should change the ending on the next part. Thanks and I hope you guys liked it!