I'm so sorry I took long at this chapter! I was having a writer's block about how to continue this story! And I keep thinking that this story wasn't good enough.

Alright, this is a new chapter! :) So far, I thank you all of you guys for the reviews, favorites and the follows! I will continue writing and I will try my best, Minna! :D

There's a certain reason why this chapter is called Nirvana. Lol! I hope you like it!

Engyinelllaa's option of the new Fairy Tail update: I was pretty sorry for Rogue! :( I hate the sadistic Ultear. Grrr.. Please don't kill Rogue!

Chapter 5

Remember Nirvana?

Loki swore. He swore that he was never going to rely on such idiots on a simple task. Let me remind you again, who was he again? Right, he was Loki, the leader of the 12 Zodiacs and also the ladies' man! Cha-ching!

You're dealing with a real professional right now.

And he swore on his life that he was never ever going to cooperate with two simpletons again.

He twirled the red tequila in his hand and the red liquid swirled in his hands. Loki heaved a sigh.

He gave up searching for the salmon-headed simpleton as he was not found in their rendezvous place which was actually the storage room.

So he has gone for a nip instead.

He placed his elbows on the wooden platform of the bar, shoulders hunched forward as he sipped his tequila, feeling fizzy and bubbly.

The woman seated next to him gurgled down a shot of some strong liquor and burped noisily. Loki did not bother to flirt with her or even glance her way. He was drowning in his red tequila, attempting to get drunk as he could.

After all, he had listened to a dragon slayer who had over 50 percent possibility of going to an asylum for his absurd ideas and a smug ice molder mage who volunteered the role of being a waiter thus making him dress up as a goddamn seductress.

And then Loki seriously had to wear very itchy lingerie (which was also Natsu's plan in case, things got hotter. DUH) and some silicon stuffed into his chest and then got sexually harassed by some bastard dragon slayer. (That's what he refers to Sting groping his fake chest.)

Loki dumped the shot down in his pit and lazily rested his head on the platform. The bartender shook his head at the poor ginger-headed young man and walked away, scratching his black hair and picking up his green cat-like creature in a freaking pink suit.

Just as Loki's eyes fluttered before falling asleep, the dim lights in the bar flickered out and the whole restaurant was plunged in darkness.

Things were not quiet going well as Natsu predicted.

Apparently, he was thinking of checking out his newest collection; an icky green substance which was claimed to be actually a magic portion. He had bought it at a magic store in Fiore and the old man there had told him that the icky green stuff can actually make a person get rabies.

Right, he wanted to test the theory whether dragon slayers were immune to rabies. Well, maybe or maybe not.

So Natsu had decided to test this theory on a certain dragon slayer who was dating with our favorite celestial mage of Fairy Tail.

But right now, he was stuck in a cabinet and covered in a fascinating powder called flour.

Not to mention that he was also discovered by a very pretty pink-headed girl with the blue eyes, reminiscent of a certain petite take-over mage girl which he had encountered a few minutes ago and also a very sharp voice, reminding him of the scarlet armored mage.

He was struck mute. He opened his mouth to protest but closed it again.

He claimed to be the cabinet ghost and Natsu doubted this girl was stupid enough to go along with it unlike the dog person from Lamia Scale (He meant Toby :P), he kept silent.

"You seriously think you're the cabinet ghost? Please! There's no ghost with a fork in his hand with a piece of meat sticking to it!" She folded her hands across her chest.




Damn, she has a point. Natsu made a mental note to himself to polish off his kitchen utensils after eating a meal.





"What if I am?" He managed to smirk, but his voice wavered at the end, his confidence level way too low.

Her voice reminded him too much of Erza that he couldn't even retort back.

He saw the girl flinch with annoyance. Wait, does this girl also have Erza's temper? Natsu cringed.

"Don't make me laugh! Did you hear us talking about our big plan to dominate this restaurant?"






Realization struck and the pink haired girl clamped a hand over her mouth.

Natsu raised a finger with his mouth hung open.

"Hime-chan. You just reveal our plans to a total stranger." For the first time, Natsu realized that there was a third presence in the room.

A quizzical expression crossed his face and he was totally left dumbfounded.

"I was not making you laugh when I say I was the cabinet ghost. It's not a joke, anyway. None taken" He said nonchalantly.





The latter couldn't believe his dumbness.

Ridley almost smacked herself with her free hand. This guy was an idiot!

"Could you dump a water barrel over him and wash off the flour?" She signaled to her assistant who bowed and grab the nearest barrel he could reach.

"Hey… Wait! What are you doing? Are you going to dump that water barrel over me?" Natsu's eyes widened and Ridley rolled her eyes.

Apparently, he was a hopeless idiot.

"Just do it already." Ridley walked off, pampering herself with a napkin.

And then, the lights in the room flickered out, leaving a confused mage and two mages who were thinking of cutting the power supplies before it really went out.






There was a slight sizzling sound and Ridley whirled around cautiously just to get the tip of her hair in Natsu's burning range.





"Hyaaahhh! FIREEE!" Her voice shrilled across the room, hitting a higher octave than her usual high pitched sharp voice. Natsu had to clutch his ears from being raped by the outrageous voice.

There was a splash of water and then, there was two drenched mages.







"Hime-sama. I have put out the fire." The aforesaid monotonous voice said.

The water has got rid of the flour and Natsu was once again not covered in a fascinating powder called flour. Ridley blew her bangs from her face and muttered, "Thanks. Thanks a LOT."

The latter who put out the fire with the barrel of water bowed in the darkness and offered the girl a towel.










Natsu yapped a little at the painful sound he just heard. It reminded him so much of Erza. Not that he missed her though.


"I don't need that damn towel! Give me a torch!"

After a few seconds later, a light beam shone on Natsu and he squinted at the sudden brightness focused on him.


"Tell me who you are or I'll-"






"Or I'll what?" Natsu shivered. It was actually like facing Erza's wrath right now.

A moment of complete silence followed and Natsu could feel his patience fading away.


Ridley double checked her sight and wiped her eyes. She flicked off the torch light and then flicked it on again, doubting her eye sight and wondering as if the light was playing tricks on her.

Standing before her was a total stranger from before. His pointy hair was no longer jutting out in different directions and was now hanging downwards due to being drenched.

And not to mention his toned muscular chest as he had taken off the cloak he was wearing before and had gotten rid of the ridiculous fork in his hand.

Ridley's paper heart fluttered inside her chest. She was paper so she has a weakness towards water and fire but since she has turned off her magical abilities at the moment, the water didn't really affect her at all. But then her paper heart craved for some warmth.

She once again inspected the fire mage; his broad muscular chest, his pointy pink-hair and also his prominent frame of his jaw line.

A jolt of blood shot up her nose and she was flung backwards with an unnatural force.

Suffice to say, he was…








"Hime-san. Why do I feel like your eyes are taking the form of hearts?"






The same monotonous voice said and this time, Ridley made a mental note to fire him but she couldn't help but agree.




"I don't know about you guys but I really must go!" Natsu called out, waiting for an answer. It was correct. He really needed to go.

He had to poison a bastard dragon slayer with some icky stuff he got at an old magical store and get the girl.

When he got no replies afterwards but a gasp and a squeak, he decided to make his own exit.

Aiming an iron fist at the wall, the wall was demolished and pretty soon, there was a hole in the wall. Natsu jogged pass the duo and was gone in a quake.






"Hime-san. Why do I feel like your eyes are narrowed to slits and probably thinking of murder to me right now because I keep saying those lines?" (Lol, this person is likely to get killed)

Gray hid behind a row of tables and chairs in the adjoining room. He peeked again and saw the awfully familiar blue hair. Then he crouched low under the table again.

Out of 6 million people, why does it have to be Juvia?

Calm down, Gray.

He breathed in and out.

And he panicked.

He remembered the tingling feeling he felt a few moments ago. The kind that tickles your spine up and down, making you uncomfortable as if you're being stalked, which is why he just turned around for a moment and saw her.

And a stalker is even much scarier if it's a love obsessed Juvia Lockser.

Right now, he was crouched under a table and several people have been kind enough to drop some pennies for him.

He kicked the coins away.

Holy shit.

If he didn't get out of here soon, he would have become endangered.


Yes, Endangered Gray Fullbuster, he'll have to get an ID card for that, with the word "ENDANGERED. DO NOT HARM" in capital fancy letters. And it has to be Blue because he likes blue, kays?

And he would say it's in Blue because he likes Blue not because Juvia has blue hair.




Damn misunderstandings. He hated it.

He looked at the floor which didn't look appealing to him at all.

Just when he was trying to figure out what he was going to do, the lights flickered out.

Lucy fumbled with the small walkie talkie in her hands, trying to call the baka dragon slayer but failed as there was no reply on the other side.

Lucy grunted. He was probably having fun with that brunette girl.


"Have you got a signal from Lyon?" Lucy asked the person behind her and he shook his head in disapproval. They both sighed in union.


If you're all wondering who Lucy had stumbled upon, it was none other than Hibiki.

Just when they were going to start a conversation, the lights flickered off and Hibiki immediately turned on his arcade magic to light up a small area.



"Apparently, I have fixed some lacrima camera around the restaurant in case something happened." Hibiki explained and entered some data which Lucy looked in interest.

Lucy really was regretting now that she had chosen Sting instead of Hibiki.

Well, that is if she could survive all through his annoying playful comments and attempts.

Then she felt something snake around her waist, probably Hibiki. The brunette threw her a proposal for a date which Lucy declined gladly.



"Oh look, I've stuck a lacrima in your room too!" Hibiki pointed at the screen and Lucy whirled around to see a very ill dragon slayer lying on the ground, his face all green and ill.

"You have night-vision lacrima camera? You're so cool, Hibiki-kun!" Lucy laughed at the ill looking Sting. It was just too hilarious and humiliating. Lucy had to laugh and clenched her stomach as she did so.

And then, what bothered her was: How did Sting get ill? Last time, she remembered dragon slayers were immune to almost EVERYTHING except transportation.

Hahahahaha. Lucy thought. It's not like the restaurant would grow legs like Nirvana and then, start walking around the city, right?

Please tell me I'm right.





SFX: Ground rumbles.






There was a slight tipsiness and Hibiki grabbed Lucy and held her closer to him. Hibiki furrowed his eyebrows and tapped something on the screen.

"That's strange. My arcade can't pick an unusual magnitude around the surrounding areas of the restaurant. So, it wasn't an earthquake?"

Lucy could see the corner of his eyes crinkling. Watching Hibiki so serious was interesting.

So Lucy couldn't resist the urge to giggle. Hibiki craned his neck so that he was watching her.

"Sorry, you're really adorable when you're serious." Lucy smiled sheepishly and looked away, focusing on the screen.

Hibiki stifled a laugh and focused back on his screen.

A moment of awkward silence followed and Lucy was getting bored. And then, Hibiki started muttering intelligible things and stuffs that Lucy's brain couldn't catch up.






After what she thought like a minute or two, Hibiki snapped his fingers together and turned around to Lucy, grabbing both of her shoulders.

"I just sensed some enigmatic pressure and some suspicious magic traces." Lucy's ears perked up at this and stared at the screen with Lucy-considered-as gibberish characters but Hibiki rubbed his chin with his free hand and started drawing a pattern on the wall.

Lucy widened his eyes. The brunette had a pen in his hand which vaguely resembled Reedus's light pen. She watched with intrigue as Hibiki started explaining the layouts of the place.

"So, my conclusion is that the restaurant would likely grow legs like Nirvana. Oh remember that time? And I suppose it would start walking around the city." Hibiki chuckled and scooted to look at Lucy.











Sting rolled on the floor, feeling sick and ill. The ground was rumbling and there room was tilted at an angle that made Sting grab on to whatever was near his reach.

His walkie talkie was beeping ever so loudly but Sting just did not have the strength to answer it. He was far too sick to even crawl on the floor so he lied flat and unconscious until someone entered the room and carried him out of there.

Unfortunately, he did not remember the face of the person who carried him.

Lisanna had to hurry quickly or she would miss out something. She was at the back of the restaurant in a dark alley when suddenly, there was a power outage and from her point of view, the restaurant was somehow tilted in an awkward position.

Was it just her or had it always been this way?

She was just going inside when she heard a tune.

Lisanna spun around, on her guard, her eyes darting alertly from corner to corner. She was ready to perform her animal-soul-take-over if someone dared to threaten her.

The tune was agonizingly beautiful, its smooth yet loud tune bouncing off every corner and filling her ears with an alluring tune.

It didn't take a professional to recognize the instrument, it was a tune played by a flute. She fumbled with the walkie talkie in her hand, frantically pressed some buttons on it.





Beep. Beep.




The music was getting louder until a sharp pain settled in her head and she fell to her knees, breathless and groaning in pain.





Beep. Beep.

She was in a hopeless situation right now. She did not have the strength to walk or fight. If an enemy strikes right now, she definitely will get killed.

As the last of her strength was withering away, she could a glimpse of some shiny boots right in front of her and then the mesmerizing violet eyes that glowed in the moonlight. And then, sleep enveloped her and she fell into a deep slumber.


So here you gooo! Sorry if this chapter was crappy! I had to make this funny and also some serous stuffs have happened so yeah :S

If you're all clueless about the OCs. Then I'll gladly explain about them.

So the girl is Ridley Yumichiku with pink-haired and her outfit resembling Sherry in her first appearance, remember? On Galuna Island? She's a Paper Molding Mage. (Konan from Akatsuki? Hello? Ring a bell?)

The boy is Kaname Ichinose, who possesses a flute and he uses this magic that bewitches people and play tunes that can completely hypnotize people. :) And of course, he has those mesmerizing purple eyes and is also a hottie!

And their master is no other than Hikaru Kain :) that I mentioned in the previous chapter.

But I won't reveal their plan until the next!

Oh and my school starts this Thursday so I think I might update this after only a long time :( Sorry about that guys but I will try my best!

As usual, I would really really appreciate reviews and also the voting is still up, haha! Sticy is the lead, of course :) But I haven't decided on the pairing yet! Feel free to ask questions or PM me! :)

Please show some love to my other fanfictions too! Lost In Stereo(Sticy), Starry Night(Graylu) !

I'm also thinking of writing a Nalu fanfiction. Hahahaha xx