"I didn't mean to hurt you." Gold said softly. He felt embarrassed now. He had only panicked. But Silver still seemed mad. Hopefully he won't hurt him... "...I'm really sorry..." Gold mumbled. The redhead seemed to be very pissed off at him. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. Besides... You're probably still slightly terrified after all. It was a normal reaction if you think about it." Crystal said with a smile. "Says you. You're not the one who got attacked." Silver snorted. "Silver... I... Don't be mad... I'm... I'm sorry..." Why was he being so difficult? Crystal had patched him up after all. "...Stop that. Like Crystal said it's fine. It was a normal reaction. You're not ready to face them again. But next time let me fight them without you panicking." Silver snapped. "Okay... Okay... Sorry..."


"You look terrible. You sure you're okay?" Green asked. "I'm fine. Don't worry. The dumb idiot just panicked. Seeing his kidnappers wasn't good, that's all." Silver said sternly. Green just frowned slightly. Of course that was to be expected, but then again Gold had been trying to get back to them during the first little while. Why that reaction now? It didn't make much sense to Green. "Well try to make sure it doesn't happen again, I mean things could have been worse." Green muttered. "I know. We're keeping a close eye on him now..." Silver replied with a sigh. Suddenly Silver's Pokégear started to ring. What was going on? Crystal's name flashed across the screen. He picked it up. "Hello...?" Silver asked softly, dread was starting to fill his body. "He's gone. I only left for a few seconds and he's gone!" Came the reply. Silver felt faint. This couldn't be happening. "...That bastard!"


"Are you sorry for leaving us~?" Proton asked. Gold squirmed around as he tried to get out of the green haired man's grip. "I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me! I didn't want to leave! I swear please!" Gold screamed. Gold was feeling very frightened. He had come back as soon as he could. He knew he couldn't come back as long as the others were watching him. "The Boss was very upset when he found out that you had left him. You were such a bad boy." Proton said as his left hand came to grip Gold's throat. Gold's body stiffened at the touch as he tried his best to not cause any more reason from the green haired man to hurt him. "He was so upset. And that wouldn't be tolerated!" Proton shouted as he started to squeeze the raven haired boy's neck. Gold could feel the pressure on his windpipe, it hurt so much. He tried to choke out a reply but he couldn't. "Let me teach you a lesson that you'll never forget!" Proton hissed as he threw Gold to the ground. The young male tried his best to catch his breath to no avail. Gold could only hoped that it wouldn't be so bad...

Gold laid on the floor. He felt so cold. His whole body ached. How he wished it was Giovanni that actually punished him and not Proton. Gold shivered as he curled into a ball. It hurt so much to do that but Gold didn't care. His throat hurt so much, he knew that he probably had marks around his throat from all the choking Proton did. Giovanni wouldn't be happy. He wouldn't be. Proton would be punished. That thought brought a small smile to Gold's weary features. He closed his eyes and finally welcomed the sleep that brought the horrible day to an end.


"What do you mean he's gone?" Red asked with a pained look on his face. After all that happened Gold had decided to return after all. Silver was cursing himself; this had been his fault. He had decided to visit Green to talk about what happened, he had left Gold with Crystal. It was his fault. "I tried my best! I just left for a few seconds! He asked for a drink! I went and grabbed one! He was gone when I returned! I'm sorry!" Crystal stated as tears filled her eyes. She felt so bad. "Don't blame yourself Crystal. This probably would have happened anyways. I could see it in Gold's eyes... He was much too broken to stay with us. He had to go back. He's not ready to stay away from them. But when the time is right he'll return." Green told them. "SHUT THE HELL UP! WHAT DO YOU FUCKING KNOW?! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIM! HOW DID WE DO THAT WHEN WE LET GOLD GO STRAIGHT BACK TO THOSE ASSHOLES?! THEY COULD KILL HIM!" Silver screamed as he grabbed Green by the collar. "Silver calm down." Red said. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"


"You left us my pet. Why was that?" Giovanni asked. Gold didn't reply. He was in so much pain and he was just so tired. He could barely keep his eyes focused on the man in front of him. "Answer me." Giovanni said in a threatening tone. "I wanted to explore outside a bit..." Gold mumbled. He didn't even care if Giovanni couldn't hear him properly. "If you wanted to go outside I would have let you. As long as one of the others were watching you." Giovanni stated in an icy cold tone. Gold tried to make himself appear smaller. This wasn't good. "...I'm sorry Sir... Please don't–" Gold started to say. "I've told you to call me Master! I'm done with you! Archer! Take him away! I want him out of my sight!" Giovanni barked. "No wait! Please don't! I'm sorry! I didn't mean–" Gold shouted, starting to feel panicked. Archer grabbed one of his shoulders. "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! DON'T TOUCH ME! I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T!" Gold screamed as he attempted to get away from the teal haired male. "Proton, help Archer and take him to a cell. I'm done with him for now."

Gold shivered as he started to rock back and forth in the cell. This place was worse, so much worse. Gold didn't like this place. There was no windows and it was dark, cold and damp. "P-please... L-let me out. I-I'll be good– I promise I'll be g-good." Gold sobbed as he buried his face in his knees. I should have never went outside. I'm so stupid! This is all my damn fault! I'm such an idiot! Why did I even do that?! Gold could feel the tears start to fill his eyes. "I'm so stupid..." Gold muttered softly. As the tears started to fall down his face, Gold could have swore that he heard Aibo's familiar comforting chatter...