Just a short story written in lecture about how Kitty and Artie cope with being so far away. It's literally just a glimpse, and their relationship will be explored further in my longer story I am currently writing about Kitty's trip to New York.
Far Away
"How was your day?"
Kitty instantly relaxed as Artie's voice washed over and she shut her eyes briefly.
"It was okay. Coach is being very tough on us." She admitted. "Since she got her job back, she's been like slave driver."
"She's always been mean." Artie mused.
"She's worse than mean. She's evil!" Kitty cried.
Artie laughed. "Did you know she tried to shoot Brittney out of a cannon once?"
Kitty gasped. "No!"
"Yeah, she refused though."
"She's insane."
"She is."
"So, how was your day?" Kitty changed the subject.
"Great! Some producers were in today scouting talent. I think one was looking at me, but I'm not sure." Artie gushed.
Kitty could hear the excitement in his voice and grinned. She loved how passionate her boyfriend was about his work.
"If they weren't looking at your work, then they're blind. Your work is amazing." She replied.
She could almost hear Artie's blush. "I'm not that good."
"Are you joking?" She cried. "Your piece about the Glee Club was fantastic. You got nearly full marks. How can you say you're not that good?" She shook her head with a disbelieving smile.
Artie was quiet for a moment. "I suppose."
Kitty sighed. "You're too modest."
"What's the point in being arrogant. Nothing food comes from being so arrogant." Artie pointed out. "Besides, you wouldn't love me if I were arrogant."
"I'd love you no matter what." Kitty insisted. "Anyway, being a little arrogant when you have good reason to be isn't that bad."
"Hmm, it's just not me." Artie admitted.
Kitty suddenly felt a need to hold her boyfriend and kiss him soundly. He was so kind and she loved him all the more for it. It was rare to find someone so humble and she counted herself a very lucky girl.
"Have I ever told you just how much I love you?" She whispered.
"I could hear it again." Artie teased.
Kitty went serious. "I love you so, so much. I am so proud of you and I can't wait to visit you this summer."
"I love you too. I can't wait either. I want you to meet my new friends, and Rachel and Kurt and Santana and-"
"I already met Kurt and Santana." She pointed out. "They don't like me very much, remember?"
"That was the old you. You've changed." Artie replied. "They'll love you like I do."
Kitty was quiet. She hoped that they would like her. She knew that friends were important to Artie and she was desperate to prove she had mostly changed.
"They will like you." Artie assured her.
"Hope so." Kitty sighed.
There was a noise in the background and Artie went quiet for a moment.
"Sorry, I've got to go. I've got a group project to work on and my group's just turned up." Artie said.
"Alright. Good luck and have fun." Kitty chimed. "Love you."
"I love you too. Speak soon."
With a click, Artie was gone. Kitty looked over at her dresser and grinned. On the table was a plane ticket to New York. It would only be two weeks and summer would be upon them, and she would be in New York with Artie.
Being so far away was hard, but that would change for a couple of months. The Big Apple wouldn't know what hit it.
Please Read and Review. I hope you enjoyed this brief insight into them dealing with long distance relationships.