Darcy's adventures in SHIELD

[A.N] This is an Avengers/Thor one-shot. It is also my first story, so be gentle. Criticism is appreciated but flames will be mocked.

This idea came about after reading "How Darcy Lewis mentally scarred the Avengers" by Taylor Hayes. I'm not entirely sure where it came from but Clint Barton's arms also featured quite heavily in my initial daydream that 'HDLMStA' sparked. It is basically my rather poor attempt at a first fic. Enjoy!

Darcy Lewis was rather certain this entire situation was a hallucination. She would have fully believed that to, if only she knew for a fact that she would have dreamed up a much less mind numbingly boring hallucination for herself. Perhaps she should attempt to scold her subconscious? Is that possible?

Her disbelief stemmed from the fact that she was currently in a flying airship, which is admittedly rather cool, in a meeting, which is not cool and happens to be painfully boring. Perhaps she should make it more interesting..? However, the man standing at the head of the table, who only had one eye, began to lecture her, distracting her from her thoughts of chaos, for now.

"Who are you?"

Darcy was momentarily taken aback when the entire room turned and stared at her before she realised that she was the one who had spoken. Oops.

Immediately, the tall, bald, eye-patch wearing man began to lecture her, again, so she proceeded to tune him out and study the room's contents. Tall, blond Adonis whom she had repeatedly tazered named Thor. Rather short, goatee bearing genius named Tony Stark. Female-ninja-of-pure-unquantifiable-awesomeness named Natasha Romanova. Currently-not-green-Green-rage-Hero named Bruce Banner. Archer-with-the-GORGEOUS-arms named Clint Barton. Added together makes… The Avengers! So what the heck was she here for?

"Exactly why am I here?" Said Darcy, swiftly interrupting the man with one eye. Who was he again? Fuzzy? Furry?

"You are here, Miss Lewis, because you somehow managed to infiltrate one of our most heavily fortified operations bases." Mr Furry's voice was clipped and rather tight, making Darcy wonder if he'd hurt his voice while lecturing her? That made her feel quite bad. Perhaps she should have listened? After the comment registered, she immediately began protesting.

"All I had to do was ask for directions at the front desk and look like I knew where I was going! They didn't even try to stop me! How is that infiltration?"

Here Bruce swiftly cut in, "Excuse me Miss, but why were you even trying to get into a SHIELD base?"

"I was succeeding in getting in because they stole my freaking IPOD!"