Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Disclaimer: the names and places are not mine for they belong to the world of the Black Jewels
Daemon can remember his Life with Jaenelle. The look of her... the smell of her... everything about her. He can remember the purge. Remember His father and nephew so how is it that he woke up in Terreille still a pleasure slave? And why can't anyone else remember what he knows?
Daemon woke with a start. His body was throbbing in ways that reminded him all too well of his life in Terreille. Moaning he reached for Jaenelle only to find a wall next to him. Becoming agitated he allowed himself to take in the room… not just the looks but the smell of it…
He was now sitting on the side of a small bed in a room that with its bathroom could fit inside half of his study. Plain white walls and cream colored carpet brought in light from the empty landscape. A plain desk and simple wooden chair were his only other furniture.
"What the bloody hell is…" his words were cut off by the sound of a bell. Then he cursed. He knew this room… well maybe not this room but ones like it. This was a room for a pleasure slave… and he was anything but a slave.
A minute passed before *Are you trying to get both of us in trouble?*
Trouble? Who the hell would care if… pain not his own flowed through the thread. It only took a moment for pain all his own to follow.
It couldn't have been a dream… not just any dream… The Sadist woke. No it hadn't been a dream but the means to a better life only this time he knew where to look and he would be damned if he went there a slave.
*Get to the dragons teeth. I'll meet you there.*
*Daemon… I*
*Move your ass prince and don't make me come looking for you.*
Lucivar rocked back on his heels. It didn't take much thought to know the threat or who had just gave him an order… He only wished he knew why. Then again maybe not.
The dragons teeth? Daemon couldn't get… Oh bloody hell… IF he could get there on his own he would find a way to make it into there.
He called in his war blade. The queens here would have a fit before trying to remove it from him … that is if they knew that he had it to start with. With a grin he called in his jewels. As a slave he wasn't allowed to wear them… as a man that had just been given an order by the Sadist he was not taking them off.
R & R always helpful. Special thanks to Bittersweet Fable for correcting this for me