Author's Note: Hi everyone my name is spontaneous-kid and I am so glad to be finally writing a story. It's my first one and I'm brand new to the site as far as being a member so I apologize in advance for all the updates I will be doing on these chapters. One good thing is that now that I know how the chapter will look and how it is set up, future chapter will be better. Please feel free to tell me if the story needs help or even to point out ideas and help move the story along, I only have the first chapter written and I have no idea when a new one will be posted because as I previously stated I'm a virgin writer lol.

Summary: It started off like any other day for Stiles. As the day went on however, things started getting weird, like weirder than normal. Why the hell does Derek seem to follow him, Scott is always on guard as if something big is about to happen, and just when things can't get any weirder Stiles is attacked only to awaken a power he never knew he had.

It started off like any other day for one Stiles Stilinski. He woke up at 5:30 AM just to shut off the alarm and lay back in bed for another fifteen minutes before rolling out of bed because the sunlight decided to be a bitch and smack him right in the face, he really needs to move his bed around or something. After dragging himself out of bed and into his bathroom, he would shower brush his teeth and change ready to face the day. Breakfast was normally be cereal because who honestly had time to cook this early in the morning? Then around 6:30 he bids his father farewell if he hasn't already left or if he even came home at all, and grabs his car keys and heads to school. Some days he picks up his best friend since elementary school which is one Scott McCall or he would ride by himself and meet up at the entrance of school. Today however was a day that would change Stiles life forever, even more than finding out werewolves and dealing with his friend being bitten.

"Oh My God," Stiles exclaimed as he and Scott walked up to the entrance of school. "Dude I'm so not looking forward to chemistry today." Stiles knows that Mr. Harris has a deep hatred for him, I mean come on if detention almost every week wasn't bad enough, he also had to deal with the side comments from the teacher as the day went on. "It can't be that bad." Scott tries to rationalize, "I mean it's not like he gives hard work or anything", Scott really doesn't pay attention much since Allison came into the picture. Stiles mentally tells himself to relax 'I mean it's not like Scott does it on purpose as much as I wish he did, at least then I would be able to call him an ass and have him know why he's getting chewed out', "Scott come on he practically bullies me everyday, I mean the side comments he makes, plus he always gives me detention." The memory flashes through Stiles eyes' making him angry 'Scott went through the door before me and the bell just had to ring, I was literally a second late but still got detention.' "Maybe today will be different, it is Friday." Stiles sighs' and roll his eyes but it gives him a moment to think, 'maybe today will be different.'

To Stiles' surprise the day was different, Mr. Harris seemed to ignore Stiles for today, 'huh maybe Friday is my lucky day after all'. While the school day was ending Scott suddenly decided to let Stiles know something strange. Stiles was walking to his car when Scott ran to him and started a conversation. "Hey Stiles, have you noticed anything weird going on?" Stiles just sat next to his jeep confused because first 'Scott was all up Allison's ass now all of a sudden he wants to see if I've noticed anything different?' Shaking his head of the thoughts he answers "No Scott, why is something going on that I don't know about?" Stiles starts to get scared and starts panicking and has to take deep breaths to stop the panic attack from coming. "Whoa Whoa calm down Stiles I just think you should be careful that's all, and if you notice something please say something." Ok now that was weird because normally Stiles is the one to over think things, "Ok I will but don't scare me like that dude, that's not cool." Scott looks relived and Stiles decides to just let it go and not over think things today 'I mean the day can't get any weirder can it?'

Little did Stiles know his day was about to get worse. Stiles bid goodbye to Scott and drove home, he knew his dad wouldn't be home it was only 3:30 in the afternoon and if he was lucky his dad normally wasn't home until around 9:00Pm which gave Stiles enough time to think of dinner and cook it. If he left it to his dad who knows what he would eat, 'ugh fast food or takeout, No Thank you!' However after trudging up the stairs and throwing his book bag on the floor he finally looks up and screams, though he would tell no one that it was girlish because it was so not true. "Derek what the hell are you doing here!" Stiles exclaims and falls to the floor while trying to stop himself from having a panic attack. Derek just stares at Stiles while he waits for him to calm down, it really shouldn't startle Stiles as much as it does but still It's not everyday some guy just climbs through your window and is waiting for you to get home.
"How long have you been here anyway" It takes all of Stiles energy to calm himself and stand back up and now that he takes notice he sees that Derek looks upset or at least it looks that way. "Well now that your calm, I need to tell you that I need your help", Stiles just looks at him like he's grown an extra head, after all they have been through you would think Derek could just call and let people know, but then again direct and upfront is how Derek rolls. "Ok so you sneak in my room just to tell me you need help." Stiles tries to figure Derek out which should be easy after spending so much time with him but somehow Derek manages to surprise him everyday.
"Something is coming and I need you to stay around someone from the pack at all times." Stiles is confused at Derek 'wait does he actually care?' "Wait how will staying around the pack help you?" Stiles is confused on how this will actually help. Derek becomes frustrated at Stiles' constant refusal to just listen for once, 'always stubborn why can't he just fucking listen sometimes?' Derek eyes turn red for a second while he battles his thoughts, "Because your human and I don't want to see you hurt. You're a part of my pack Stiles and believe it or not I care about you." That right there throws Stiles for the biggest loop and Derek actually cracks a smile as he hears Stiles heart beat a little faster and the blush that comes across Stiles' face. "Ok but you do realize that Scott is perfectly capable of making sure I'm safe right?" Derek loses his smile and once again battles his thought from the annoyance that Stiles brings, "Because Scott isn't exactly paying attention right now because of Allison and if he can't keep his mind right then I'll just do it."

The blush on Stiles face deepens if that is even possibly I mean it's bad enough to be so white but now to be blushing like a cherry tomato while your crush tells you he won't leave your side is flattering to hear. "Dude I can take care of myself I mean I have wolf's bane should another alpha pack comes" Derek eventually just give up and is seething, "You know what fine if you think your fine then go ahead, just know that I will be around if something happens!" Stiles is once again confused by Derek, 'What the hell, first its Stiles I need your help, then its fuck off but just know I'll be watching umm creepy much?" "Ok that's beyond creepy Derek but I'm telling you that you don't have to worry about me, I'm a BAMF. Besides it's not like I'm not safe at home, my dad's the sheriff remember? I reek of badass ness ok well maybe not all that but I can run fast thanks to lacrosse, and like I said I nothing's going to happen, I mean since the alpha pack, when was the last time anything weird happened around here?" 'Besides your overreacting just a little bit and -,"
"STILES!" Derek cuts him off with a shout and Stiles is thankful for once to be home alone because that would definitely alert his dad. "I already told you that it's fine if you want to ignore my help. So stop talking please." With that being said Derek leaps out of the window clearly tired of the conversation leaving a confused and annoyed Stiles to stare at the spot that once held Derek.
'He always does this' Stiles thinks with a huff, 'well fine two can play that game, if he wants to be an ass then I'll just show him that nothing is wrong.' With that thought flashing through his head, Stiles heads out of the house carrying his music and his sketchpad and phone, hoping to get out of the house for a little bit and take his mind off things before his dad comes home expecting dinner.

Stiles was an frequent drawer and he really doesn't see why people draw more. I mean sure it's time consuming but it's a way to relieve stress or that's how Stiles sees' it anyway. After deciding to walk to the woods he soon finds himself already at peace and soon he begins sketching the trees and the leaves that fall. Stiles goes into a haze as he draws, making sure to pay attention to detail like the way the branches bend to the way some leaves are dying and some are changing colors. He doesn't even notice the shadow creeping upon him and when the figure is right behind him Stiles still doesn't notice until the shadow growls low deep and menacing.

Stiles stops his drawing and freezing his heart is racing and he can't stop the thought of 'Derek was right' running through his head. Clutching his sketchpad Stiles turned to face his attacker, behind him was a menacing snarling Ophiotaurus if Stiles is right on his Greek mythology because seriously after finding out werewolves who else knew what existed. 'OH MY GOD!' Stiles tries to stay calm but the drool coming from it's mouth its haunting 'Seriously A snake body and the upper body of a bull with the face to match, How can my day get any weirder.?'
The Opiotaurus leans closer to Stiles as if it is smelling the fear radiating off Stiles and as if it can hear the heartbeat that is banging against his ribcage desperately hoping to find a way out of this. Suddenly a roar so unnatural brings Stiles out of his daze and soon he is running but trips halfway through getting up only to have the Opiotaurus come up from behind slithering it's way towards him. 'For once I wish Derek was following me instead of being mad' Stiles clutches his sketchpad as he waits for the blow to happen that will end his life, suddenly his sketchpad came to life, paper flowing all around him to protect him from the monster in front of him. The paper from the sketchpad flew off the pages and turned into spikes and hurled themselves at the Opiotaurus. The monster soon backed off and slithered away, leaving a confused and scared Stiles to try and figure this crazy shit out.

'What the fuck, did I just use magic, what the fuck is a mythological creature doing hunting me and WHERE THE FUCK IS DEREK WHEN YOU NEED HIM!" Stiles did the only thing he can do walk back home and make dinner, the day may be going to shit but that doesn't mean he's going to lose his mind. I mean really weirder shit has happened ok maybe not but Stiles is no stranger to supernatural beings so he shouldn't be scared. He does however realize that he needs help figuring this out and as he prepares dinner he sends out a text to Derek and Scott. "EMERCENCY MEETING TONIGHT, WE NEED TO TALK AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."