This is a group effort. I am responsible for writing every other episode, another writer does the ones in between. We have a story boarding lead plot creator and artists who create visuals for the episodes.


August 4

2:18 PM EST

"This is Cat Grant reporting for GBS News from Metropolis where the city is under attack from the super villain known as Parasite." Cat turned away from the camera gesturing to the scene behind her. A red car was lying on its top, smoke pouring from the under carriage. Water was leaking onto the street from a broke fire hydrant, fallen street lights criss-crossing the roads and sidewalks. "With Superman nowhere in sight, he seems to be unstoppable, sapping the powers and energy of everyone who gets close enough." As the camera zoomed in on the field of drained officers Cat stepped back out of the frame. "Are you getting all of this Jimmy?" She whispered in a demanding tone.

"Yes." Jimmy groaned from behind the camera. "I don't know why Lois said I would do this. My job is pictures not film."

"No one else will get this close to the action with me." Cat said excitedly. Jimmy rolled his eyes, but of course she didn't see. He focused on what he was seeing through the camera. A massive wave of water moved seemingly of its own accord across the scene; as the cascade moved, Aqualad came into view. He had been sending the torrent of water at Parasite, but he had already moved to the side, throwing a punch into the Atlantean's stomach, simultaneously draining the last of his energy and sending him flying across the battle field. He collided with the now empty fountain, cracking the head off the statue at its center before falling to the ground.

"Where is Superman? These kids are getting themselves killed out there."

The view was clouded for a few moments as a handful of smoke pellets exploded. When the smoke cleared Parasite was laughing, holding Robin by his throat. He struggled wildly until Parasite had sapped the strength from his body.

"Let's get closer." Cat said pulling on his arm.

"No! We'll get killed!"

"We need audio!" Cat dragged him forward insistently.

"You're as bad as Lois!"

"Shut up and film Jimmy!"

Jimmy sighed and looked back through the camera. The scene unfolding before them was getting worse by the moment. All around them Metropolis Police officers littered the ground. They could do little more than lie there blinking with the occasional weak grown passing their lips; Parasite had sapped the strength from nearly the entire department. With their combined power he had managed to overturn cars, crack the corners of buildings and sidewalks, and leave a path of destruction behind him as he moved through the city.

"We really shouldn't be here." Jimmy said quietly, still looking through the camera.

"Shh! You'll ruin the film!"

"Robin!" Wonder Girl yelled and leaped forward catching the barely conscious boy before he hit the ground. She knelt on the patch of grass that passed for a park in the city and laid him down gently; Aqualad was lying nearby, the Atlantean already trying unsuccessfully to get back to his feet. She looked back up at Parasite, her light blue eyes narrowed in a scowl at him. He just looked back at her with a knowing smile.

"It appears even you heroes are slaves to your teenage whims." He said with a dark laugh walking down the front of the car he stood on. The hood bent under his weight, steam from the ruined engine billowing out from the cracks in the metal.

Wonder Girl let out an enraged battle cry and flew at Parasite with both fists out, aiming for his head. She jerked to a stop as he wrapped a hand around each of her wrists. Her braclets protected her from being drained, but even as she struggled, she knew he was already too strong for her to manage. Letting go of one wrist and holding her away from him, Parasite placed a hand on her cheek.

"Agh!" Wonder Girl screamed feeling her energy sapping away. "Let go!"

"Wonder Woman could have put up a better fight. I'm rather tired of the League sending their sidekicks to do their job. I have no business with children."

"Stop calling us children!" Superboy's angry yell was punctuated by a quick powerful punch that landed squarely on Parasite's jaw. Parasite blinked at him, a smirk unfolding across his mouth.

"Still delicious." He released Wondergril and she crumpled to the ground. She tried to stand, but just fell back to her hands and knees. She lifted her head just enough to see Superboy sending a stream of continuous punches into Parasite that would have crumbled anyone else; despite his effort each time he made contact, he only succeeded in feeding more of his power into the villain. "Kryptonian is still my favorite, even if it is just half." Parasite said in a mocking voice. He caught each of the next two punches in his hands now holding Superboy captive as he drained away the rest of his strength; slowly he forced the clone to his knees.

"No…" Wonder Girl leaned against the fallen statue next to her, using it to support her weight as she tried to stand again.

Parasite's voracious laughter echoed around the ruined street until it was caught off abruptly, drowned out by the sound of raging wind. Wonder Girl forced her gaze up once more and caught sight of a blue blur whipping past. Where Superboy had been kneeling just moments before, only empty sidewalk remained. Parasite was locked in position, his head thrown back with laughter, arms outstretched to the now absent Superboy; he was frozen solid, a windswept block of ice surrounding him.

"What in the name of Hera-" Wonder Girl gasped and Superboy suddenly appeared next to her, a pair of bright red boots standing out against the grass next to him. "Superman?" But superman's feet weren't that small. She looked up, straight into the face of a girl.

"I've got a plan, but I need your help." Her voice was gentle, but commanding. All Wonder Girl could do was blink. The girl standing over her was dressed in a bright blue skirt that was almost too short, a cropped top baring her midrift, and a long red cape whipped in the breeze behind her. She was the spitting image of a female Superman, complete with the S emblazed on her chest. Her hands were on her hips, red fingerless gloves tight over her fists. "I need you to trust me."

Wonder Girl just blinked again, dumfounded. A thunderous cracking cut off her thoughts; she jerked her head to the side to see the frozen Parasite breaking free of his icy bonds. The other girl flew up and out straight at the villain, shoving him back into a building using what was left of the ice as a shield.

"You can trust her. Just help her." Superboy said rolling over to his stomach. He pressed his hands into the ground trying to sit up. "Her name is Kara."

"Who-" Wonder Girl started to ask, but Superboy cut her off with a surprisingly angry glare.

"Just help her!" He growled. Wonder Girl gulped and nodded, pulling herself to a stand and somewhat shaky legs.

Kara was hovering over Parasite as he got to his feet shaking chucks of ice from his body. Her face broke into a wide smile. "Thank you!" She called out.

"What is this? Another Kryptonian? My lucky day." Parasite laughed, his own smile more of an evil grin that was suddenly hidden by shocking red material. Kara had her arms clasped around the villain, her cape protecting her from his draining powers. If the situation hadn't been so dire, the crimson covered villain's attempts at freeing himself would have been almost comical; the way he was now draped in Kara's cape made him look like a red ghost.

"Tie him up!" She shouted. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she focused on her grip. Parasite was straining against the girl. "Hurry!"

"That's the plan!?" Wonder Girl exclaimed as she took the lasso from her belt. Unable to muster the energy to fly, she half ran half stumbled over to the pair. She slipped the looped rope over Parasite and ran around him, pulling it as tight as she could. "I think I've got him."

Ever so slowly, Kara relaxed her grip. Parasite was making unintelligible noises of rage, slightly muffled by the cape. She floated back to the ground, landing lightly. "So…now what?" She asked quietly.

"You go back to the Watchtower." Superboy had managed to stumble over to them. "You need to get out of here before someone sees you Kara."

"But-" Once again Superboy's look was silencing. Kara just nodded and took to the air again, flying away into the clouds without glancing back. A thought struck Wonder Girl's mind as she flew away.

"Somehow the flying thing looks weird without the cape on." Superboy just glared at her again.

"Did you get all of that, Jimmy?" Cat asked peaking over a hedge in the park. Her suit was covered in dust and debris. Jimmy had dirt smeared from head to toe. All he could do was nod as he followed the mysterious girl with the camera.

Watchtower, Earth's Orbit

August 4

3:45 PM EST

"This is what I've been talking about all along! The Justice League is no better than the Reach!" The red haired man raised his arms dramatically with each exclamation. He gestured to the screen behind him. A blond girl was flying away from a scene of destruction. "This proves it! Aliens are running rampant. With that symbol it's more than obvious the girl belongs to Superman. The last thing Earth needs is another alien. The Justice League think they can pull the curtains on the world, but not on G. Gordon Godfrey!

Finally we have someone with sense in the United Nations. Lex Luthor! With our planet narrowly escaping annihilation at the hands of aliens, Luthor is moving for the UN to enact The Earth Reclamation Registration Act." Godfrey stopped his pacing and placed his fists on his hips, his stance reading as confident and powerful. "Otherwise known as TERRA. A fitting name for the bill now being ratified by the Alien Oversight Committee, if I do say so myself.

We're taking back our planet for the humans that belong here!"

Batman pressed pause on the remote, freezing the ranting man on the screen. "The UN is pressing for it again." He commented, his voice as emotionless as usual. The rest of the league was gathered around the table. Black Canary was nodding from her seat next to him.

"I don't understand how they can do this. After everything the league has done for them. Especially J'onn and-" Her words were cut off by Superman storming through the door with Kara close behind him.

"I couldn't just sit there and watch! I had to help!" Kara had her arms crossed over her chest, a determined frown on her face.

"I told you to stay at the fortress until I knew it was safe for you to be out in public. Now look what's happened!" His responding shout was one more of fear than anger.

"You can't tell me what to do! I'm older than you Kal!" Kara retorted. "Last time I saw you, you couldn't even sit up."

"Not anymore Kara-"

"Hey!" Black Canary had stood up and was glaring at the two. "We've got bigger problems now. Kara's appearance has driven the UN to instate their alien registration act. That means everyone and everything, even members of the League and the Team. Which includes the two of you."

Kara and Superman glared at each other for another moment before relaxing simultaneously. "You should have told them about me." Kara grumbled.

"We'll talk about it later." Superman said regaining his composure. "Go wait at the zeta tubes for the others." His tone said there would be no arguing. Kara let out an exasperated sigh and left the room grumbling to herself.

"I think the Team is going to get tired of these secrets." Batman said with a slight growl to his voice.

"You're one to talk." Green Arrow didn't miss the glare at his comment, but he ignored it any way, a small smile on his face.

Aqualad B02

Robin B20

Superboy B04

Wonder Girl B21

Kara looked up towards the zeta tubes excitedly. "You're back!" She stopped her nervous pacing and turned towards them so fast she lifted off the ground and hovered a few feet above them. "How did it go? Everything okay? How's Tim?"

Conner sighed heavily at her rapid fire questions. "Not now Kara." He grabbed her ankle pulling her back to the ground glancing over his shoulder as Cassie walked in behind him half supporting Tim. Kaldur was walking easily enough without support now.

"I think now is the perfect time." He commented looking from Conner to Kara. "It appears that this girl is only a mystery to the rest of us, as I assume the League is aware of her presence."

Conner just nodded in response. Kara's mouth fell open. "You didn't tell them about me?" She asked sadly.

"We had good reasons." Conner said looking away.

"Good reasons or not, we know now. I would like to know the whole story." Kaldur said turning to Kara. He just gestured for her to begin and she blinked rapidly at him.

"There's not much to tell really." She began hesitantly. "I crashed in Smallville, Kansas three weeks ago. I guess my ship was looking for Kal's. It took some damage so it took me longer to get here."

"Can I lie down now?" Robin suddenly asked from where he was drooping next to Cassie. "Dick was right about Parasite; I feel like falling down and never getting up."

Kara frowned, disheartened by the statement. All the stories she'd heard about Batman's protégées had led her to believe they were nearly as invulnerable as she was. Despite that, Cassie was smiling and tightened her grip on him. As the two walked away, Kaldur cleared his throat.

"There is much more to the story, I am sure."

Conner groaned exasperated now. "She's been up at the Fortress. Superman has been training her so she won't accidently kill anyone with her powers."

"That's not fair! I've only had them a few weeks!" Kara exclaimed. "I think I'm doing pretty well. So does Kal!"

Conner just growled again and walked away with heavy steps, leaving her alone with Kaldur. She sighed and looked down at her red boots not expecting to feel the weight of a hand on her shoulder.

"He will come around. Conner is always like this when he meets someone new. Family is no exception." Kaldur said offering a smile.

Kara smiled back. "Thanks."

"Unless Superman has already given you a tour of the Watchtower, you are welcome to join me. The others should be checking in now." He turned and started to walk down one of the tower's many hallways. After a moment's hesitation, Kara was following close behind him.

"So…" Kara looked around, her blue eyes widening at the view from the windows. Stars were even more dazzling up close. Aqualad caught her expression from the corner of his eye.

"The Watchtower is daunting to most people who see it." He said with a slight nod. "You will learn your way around. Eventually."

Kara quickened her pace to walk next to him instead of behind him. "You're in charge?" She asked curiously.

"I have only recently been made the leader of the Team. About as long as you have been on this planet."

"Oh." She bit her lip and looked away. "Still wondering about that?"

"I cannot deny I am curious. You are from Krypton, and yet you look so young." His eyebrow was raised slightly as he looked at her.

"My ship took some damage when the planet exploded." She crossed her arms, wrapping them around herself. "It took me… a long time to get here. Time passes differently at those speeds. At the time, Ka-Superman was just a baby. And I was this."

"Here." Kaldur stopped and held out his arm gesturing to the room off the hall. "Ladies first."

Kara blinked at him then turned into the room. "Wow." A slivery blue glow covered the room.

Kaldur walked forward and pressed a few buttons on the console in the center of the room, bringing up a map of the world.

"What's this?" Kara asked blinking with amazement.

"It is our communication center. I can contact the other members of the Team from here." He cleared his throat. "Beta Squad, this is Watchtower, requesting a status update."

"Watchtower this is beta. Mission objectives successful."

"Well done beta." Kaldur pressed another button and the map whirled to another location. "Gamma Squad this is Watchtower requesting a status update."

"What's up Watchtower! Gamma squad's all good."

Kaldur rolled his eyes and turned the map.

"Where is this?" Kara asked moving closer.

"South America." Kaldur replied. "Alpha Squad is there."

Kara leaned back with a smile on her face. "This is so… cool."

"Welcome to the Team, Kara."

Amazon Rainforest

August 4

5:30 PM AMT

The jungle was surprisingly quiet, the numerous birds making few noises. One let out a shrill call to the others drawing their attention to the lizard climbing along the branch where they perched. As they turned to study the creature, sizing up the meal, it morphed into a small monkey, still the same brilliant shade of green. Startled, the birds took flight calling out warning to the other birds. The monkey let out a chattering laugh before pushing aside a clump of leaves to look beyond the branches before it. There, looking out of place among the greenery, were two dome-like structures and long strips of bare land. Men laden with guns of varying caliber patrolled along a chain link fence surrounding the area.

I found it! Beast Boy's enthusiastic thought echoed inside Miss Martian's mind.

Good job, Gar. She replied then reached out for the connection to the others. Tigress, Blue, Batgirl. Beast Boy has eyes on the base.

Well it's about time! Beetle's internal voice had a slight echo the others didn't. It is not surprising that the Beast Boy has found the hangar, Jaime Reyes. He is most suited for this environment.

Rendezvous at Beast Boy's location. Batgirl sounded as calm and cool as ever giving the order.

Tigress? M'Gann reached out again, concern edging her thought. The response was taking longer than it should have.

I'm good. I'll be there.

"Alpha?" Kaldur's voice crackled out of the communicator on Batgirl's wrist. She paused as she moved along the fence, nearing their planned point of entry. Quietly, she lifted her wrist and pressing a button on the side.

"Alpha here." She whispered. Her eyes darted around watching the patrolling men as they moved by. Beast Boy had already flown over the fence; they'd barely spared a glance at the bird he had portrayed.

"What progress have you made on the mission?"

"We're moving in now." Batgirl replied. "Alpha out." With her last comment she flipped over the fence, landing on a passing guard; he crumpled to the ground, knocked out cold. A slight whistle of air called her attention as two more men fell. Tigress came running stealthly out of the undergrowth, tucking her dart gun back in her belt. Miss Maritain flew overhead quietly putting a fog of sleep over the rest of the men who slumped over on the spot.

There's a lot of power coming out of there. Blue thought, landing close to the nearest hangar. He sounded more nervous than usual, his eyes flicking around quickly as if expecting an attack.

I'll check it out. Miss Martian replied. She took a breath and ghosted through the metal wall.

After a few minutes Batgirl pressed her ear to the cool surface. M'Gann?

You guys need to see this. She thought quickly before projecting the scene in front of her into their minds.

"They pose an absolute threat!" The podium in front of the man received a brutal pound from his fist. "Earth belongs to humans, not these alien invaders. It's up to us to stop them. We have to defend ourselves." The crowd of people gathered around him roared their approval. Even the man holding the camera raised a fist in the air, almost dropping the machine.

"We will reclaim our planet! And we will not be stopped." With his final words he raised his arms in the air. Moments later the hangar doors flew open, ripping from their hinges. Scorch marks adorned he now flattened doors; smoke billowed out of the opening they left.

"That's funny," Batgirl's voice carried into the building. She walked through the smoke screen followed by the rest of the squad, "because we were about to do just that."

"Traitors!" The man who had been speaking knocked over the podium and ran to the side. The others gathered around him pulled out their weapons, a few of them open firing on the Team.

"Move!" Batgirl and Tigress both jumped to the side to avoid the bullets. M'Gann stopped the ones flying towards her and Beast Boy. Blue Beettle raised his arms and fired his cannons, knocking most of them to the ground.

Secure them Jaime Reyes!

Way ahead of you. His arms had already morphed into his staple cannons, firing two at a time to pin them down.

Beast Boy transformed into an elephant and charged to one side, waving his trunk and striking anyone he could reach. Tigress pulled out her sword using it to knock aside their weapons and the blunt end for knocking them out. Batgirl threw a handful of smoke pellets into the fray leaving the goons left standing choking and gasping for air; it made it easy to land kicks and punches that left them lying limply on the ground. The team moved through the hangar, taking on each wave of opponents slowing moving towards the back.

The next man that came towards them was wielding a familiar looking spear. "Watch out!" Blue flew past blocking the strike intended for Gar who was now running around as a tiger. "They've got Reach weapons!"

M'Gann lifted into the air and raised her hands, her eyes glowing bright green. Several of the spears were jerked away from the men and exploded.

"How did they get those?" Tigress shouted to no one in particular. No one answered.

They moved farther into the hangar, some of the men getting lucky enough to land blows of their own before getting taken out. In a brief moment of stillness, Batgirl spotted a shape weaving among the stacks of crates that lined the walls.

"He's getting away!" Batgirl pointed at the leader who was making a break for the back door.

"I've got him!" Tigress took off after him, pulling a ball from her belt. She threw it and as it flew at the fleeing man it burst into two, a thin rope strung between them. It wrapped around his legs, forcing him to his knees. He crashed into a stack of crates. One shattered as it hit the ground, spilling its contents across the floor. Tigress halted staring at the red egg shaped items, her eyes wide. "You… you have those?!"

The man had rolled over and was frantically trying to untangle the rope. He started pulling himself backwards as Tigress advanced on him. The first punch landed on his jaw, laying him out flat. The next broke his nose, more power behind it as she knelt on his chest. "Do you know what those are? What they can do?" She demanded with each punch. "All they do is hurt people!"

"Tigress!" Batgirl stopped her with a hand wrapped around her wrist. Blood dripped from her fingerless glove. Tigress turned on her breathing hard and shaking. "It's okay." She grabbed her other hand before she could do anymore damage to the already unconscious man.

"No. No it's not." Tigress looked down at her hands. "Nothing is okay anymore."

"I think this is all of them." Miss Martian said lowering the rest of the bound men to the ground. They'd managed to gather all of them in the other hangar. It was still full of crates like the other, but made for a more open space.

"This'll show them not to mess with aliens." Beast Boy said with a smile and his hands on his hips.

"That's not what we're here for. We just have to get these weapons out of the wrong hands." Batgirl said tightening the knot in the ropes binding the leader's hands.

"But… they were going to use them on us." Gar said confused.

"This is a step in the right direction." Miss Martian replied. She floated to the ground next to him. "Hopefully it will help."

"Of course it will." Batgirl said with an optimistic smile. She straightened and looked at each of them. "We did good guys."

"Hey guys I think we've got company." Blue said looking towards the doors.

"Shh!" Beast Boy turned in a circle. "Do you guys hear that?"

"It's a-" Blue was cut off by the sound of whirring turbines. The doors of the hangar rattled for a moment before opening slowly in a gust of wind. Blinding light illuminated the team forcing them to look way as the helicopter hovered. Men dressed in black began to repel down, hitting the ground forcefully and entering the building.

"Attention heroes!" A voice was being amplified over the PA system of the helicopter. "Do not move! This premises is now under the jurisdiction of the AOC!"

"What's going on?!" Batgirl shouted over the noise. As the helicopter landed another flew passed. As more soldiers filed out, a man in an expensive looking gray suit stepped out of the helicopter. He strode towards the team, his walk carrying an air of authority, and pulled a badge from the inside pocket of his jacket. Batgirl narrowed her eyes at him. "I've never heard of the AOC."

"Of course not. I'm Agent Smith." He had a no nonsense voice. The badge disappeared inside his jacket once more. "I have authorization to take all of this alien technology into custody."

"What? On what grounds?" Batgirl demanded. "You have no right-"

"Vigilantes like you have less right than the United Nations." Smith retorted stopping Batgirl's protest. "This technology will be used to defend the Earth from further invasion."

"No!" Tigress exclaimed. "You can't!"

"The League is perfectly capable of doing that. More capable than whatever the AOC is." Batgirl snapped.

"Alien Oversight Committee." Miss Maritain said quietly. "They're registering all alien technology and… all aliens residing on Earth."

Smith glared at her. "And anyone in possession of it." He turned away from them to look at the soldiers that had entered the hangar. "Pack it all up!" On cue they began lifting the dispatched men from the ground and hauling them to the helicopters loading them in like cargo. With all of them inside they moved on to the crates. As one shouldered past carrying a box of what appeared to be Krolotean weapons, Blue Beetle put a hand out to stop him.

"You can't do this! You don't know how to handle these things." He exclaimed. "You'll just get yourselves killed!" The soldier shook him off, and turned to face him with a glare plastered on his face.

"Alien scum." He said under his breath, but loudly enough they could all hear. Blue's mouth fell open.

"Excuse me that is uncalled for!" Batgirl shouted fuming.

"We don't have a problem working with the League." Smith said addressing Batgirl and pulling out a cell phone. The rest of his men filed passed him and into the helicopters leaving the hangar empty. His eyes flicked up and over to Miss Martian, Blue Beetle, and Beast Boy. "Just them and the ones like them." Batgirl's face took on the glare her mentor was so famous for.

"The League is better equipped to deal with this than you are." She breathed.

Smith just smiled at her, tucking away the phone. "We'll be in touch." He turned away and jumped into the nearest helicopter which took to the air moments later. As they flew away the team clustered together in the now empty hangar.

"After everything we've done… they still haven't even begun to trust us again."

Story by Darksuperboy

Written by me