(Hey guys! Well, the response was overwhelming: A sequel. Which I am incredibly excited about, because I really just didn't feel doe with these characters. So here we go!

If you have not read my story, Damsel, I would advise you too, because I don't think this story will make much sense otherwise.

This chapter involves a lot of prego/medical talk. If you are pregnant, get your info from a doctor, aka not me, because my info comes from google and my limited personal experience.

I really hope you enjoy. -Jordon)


Noah and I walked up the sidewalk hand in hand. When we reached the entrance, he held the door for me and we both entered the warm clinic. It had been two days since Noah's court hearing, and we were attempting to figure out how to proceed. We were both staying at my mom's apartment, with me in my room and him on the couch in the living room. At least, that was the formal agreement. Really we would both stay up watching television until the early hours of the morning then fall asleep in each other's arms.

Mom hadn't said anything about finding us in that position, which I was glad for. I had spent the past months sharing a room with three other girls. The thought of being alone terrified me. I don't know if Puck guessed as much or if he didn't want to be alone either, but either way, I was glad that he was there.

My bedroom was exactly how I had left it, but it no longer felt like my own. I was a completely different person than I was in July. All the pictures, the trophies and medals, the pages ripped out of magazines taped to the wall… They meant nothing. I didn't feel right even standing there, looking around. It was like I was invading someone's privacy, intruding.

Noah and I approached the window, and the nurse inside slid back the glass panel. She smiled as we stepped forward, but when she recognized who we were, me in particular, her entire expression changed. She kept smiling but her eyes were full of pity. I felt my insides clench; I had been receiving that exact look everywhere I went. The grocery store, the gas station, and now the doctor's office. I could now identify with the girls I would hear of on the news: Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Lee Duggard, I now felt disgusted to ever have watched them on the news. I understood how degrading it felt to finally escape your captor and find yourself caught in the media circus.


"Baby Puckerman."

"Right. Fill out these forms, the doctor will see you shortly." We took the clipboard and took seats near the door. We filled them out in silence, then we waited some more. He rubbed his hand over his jaw, the other hand clasped gently around my own.

"Puckerman?" We both started, then followed a different nurse towards the exam rooms. She took my weight, height, and blood pressure then told us that she would be in soon. I tried to get comfortable on the paper covered table and Noah sat in one of the blue chairs, staring at all the posters on the walls. This was my first true doctor's appointment. They had ran tests and stuff at the hospital but it wasn't special, and Puck had already gone to the police station. Today would be different.

There was a knock on the door and a pleasant looking woman in her late thirties entered. "Hello, I'm Dr. Witcher. You must be Lucy and Noah." She introduced herself and shook our hands.

"Quinn actually."

"Right, Quinn, okay." She made a note in my chart. "Now it says here you're… 27 weeks pregnant?"

"We think, yes. We… don't really know."

"Okay. How have you been feeling? How has your pregnancy been since the beginning?"

I took a deep breath. "Uh… Hard. I've been under a lot of stress."

"Okay. Any morning sickness?"

"Yes. I was nauseous the entire first semester. I experienced some dizziness. I have leg cramps. I can't sleep at night, so I'm always tired."

She gave me a smile. "Well, while I'm betting you aren't feeling the best, these are all very common symptoms of pregnancy. Some women experience these and more, some get really lucky. Have you felt much movement?"

"I have. Noah hasn't yet."

She laughed. "The little one is being picky! Any major concerns?"


Puck spoke up. "This is our first visit with a… Lady doctor. So we just want to know if the baby is healthy."

"Understandable. Okay well, if you will lie back we can start." I did as she asked.

She took the hem of my shirt and pulled it upwards, exposing my round stomach. I jumped a little bit. Puck tensed up as well, which did not go unnoticed by Dr. Witcher.

"I'm sorry," she apologized quickly. "I should know better. I will be more explanatory. What I need to do is measure your tummy, just to see how it compares. Okay?" I nodded and she proceeded. She made a note in my chart. "Well, you are measuring a little smaller than is average, but that's okay. You might just carry small. Pregnancy is a very personal, independent thing. Now, I'm going to feel your tummy, just to get a better guess of the baby's size." I gave my consent, and she proceeded.

"Well the baby feels like it is on track. It's over a foot long, probably about 15 inches, and I would guesstimate the weight at right under two pounds. Well, normally at this point with a woman with no prenatal care this far in gestation, I would recommend a vaginal exam, but given your history, I can understand if you feel apprehensive." When I slowly nodded she added "We don't have to. It is completely up to."

I let out a slow breath. "No. I'm not jeopardizing the baby's health. Go ahead." She nodded and began to set up the equipment. I turned my head. "Noah. Can I hold your hand?" My voice cracked and he jumped up to come stand by my head, taking my hand and squeezing.

Dr. Witcher came to the head of the table. "Okay, I am going to shut off the lights and then begin the exam. Do you want me to walk you through it?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Okay, just remember: long deep breathes. Noah, keep her as calm as possible." He nodded and she began.

I tried desperately to get my mind off of what was happening between my legs. Noah smoothed my hair. "Where do you want to live?"

The question caught me off guard. "What?"

He cleared his throat. "Well, where do you want to live, we're gonna have to move out of your mom's place. It's full without a baby. We could live here, or near here. Or we could move across the country. Hell, we can move to France if you want."

I smiled and gripped his hand tighter. "I don't care where we are, as long as I am with you."

Dr. Witcher began to speak. "Okay, we are all done with that aspect. Now we just have the sonogram and we will be done!" She took my legs out of the stirrups and brought out a small screen. "Okay, I'm going to lift up your shirt again, and then spread some cold goo on your belly. Okay?" I nodded and she went about her business. She pushed some buttons and began to roll a wand over my stomach. Suddenly the screen lit up and we got to see our baby for the very first time. I began to cry, and I think Noah did too. The baby was alive, and on the screen, kicking and waving. Dr. Witcher made some notes in my chart and pointed out some body parts on the screen.

"Okay. Now, would you like to know the gender?" I looked up at Noah, but his eyes were glued to the screen. I nudged him.


He looked down. "Either way Q, it is up to you."

I looked back to Dr. Witcher. "Yes please." She smiled then looked back at the screen.

"Well, nothing is 100% until birth, but I've been doing this a while. I'm going to say that you are expecting a healthy, beautiful baby girl."

I began to cry again. A baby girl! We were going to have a daughter. Noah pumped his fist in the air then leant down to give me a chaste kiss on my forehead. Dr. Witcher turned on the lights and helped me wipe the goo from my stomach. She then smiled, hugged us both and congratulated us. On the way out we booked another appointment in two weeks time.

We found ourselves in a secluded frozen yogurt shop on the edge of town. As we both tore into our treats, Noah looked up.

"I am so pumped."

"You wouldn't have been happier with a boy?"

"No way! Boys are shitheads! Look at me! No, I definitely wanted a girl. And you know what? She will be perfect. I love her already. And you know what? I love you." I looked down at my froyo in embarrassment.

"You don't have to say that."

"Say that? Quinn I mean it. I mean it more than I've ever meant anything. I… I love you more than I love the Cowboys. I love you more than the Rangers. Shit, I love you more than the Cowboys, Rangers, and Oilers combined. And that's a lot of love."

I couldn't help but giggle. "I… I love you too Puck. I truly do."

(What do you think? Review, please. -Jordon.)