
Frigid. It is frigid and there is hardly any food left. The crops won't grow, animals are scarce, and even the zombies are starting to become fewer. Without food there is no survival. It is over.

Steve sighs, looking out his window at the grey sky and the snow falling from it. He stands up, shivering. "Damn it's cold," he says shakily, shuffling towards his chest. He opens the hand-crafted wooden box, peering inside. There is nothing of value. He turns to go crawl back into his woolen bed, but is stopped by a familiar hissing sound. Steve whirls around, eyes widening in fear at the sight he is met with. Standing before him is the creature known as the Creeper; it stands two blocks tall, is a bright green, and explodes. It is truly a terrifying animal. "What is it, Creeper?" Steve asks cooly, backing slowly towards the wall. He looks over the Creeper's shoulder and notices the door was open. He looks around for his trusty iron sword, but it is nowhere to be found. "Just thought I'd stop by," the Creeper replies curtly, smiling. Steve sighs, realising he has no means of defense. "Very well then.. do it," he says bluntly, closing his eyes in defeat. At this, the Creeper raises an eyebrow. "What ever do you mean, Steve?"

"You know what I mean!" Steve roars, eyes now open and blazing with fury. "Explode! Finish me! I have nothing! Can't you see?! There is nothing to slay you with, there is no food, I have nothing to keep myself alive with!" Steve raves, standing up and pacing around the room. "I have no swords, no bows, no arrows, no pork, no beef, no crops, no wood, no stone, and perhaps the worst of all, no bones. With bones I could force the crops to grow!" he hisses, turning to glare at the Creeper. "Mm? Anything to say about that, brother?"

The Creeper sighs. "I came not to destroy, but to mend. I know my kind have done wrong, and there is nothing I can do but stand before you and sincerely apologize." He pauses now, looking forlorn out the window. "I came to.. Well, offer some warmth." He says it quietly, as though he is ashamed. Steve is frozen in his tracks. "Warmth?" he echoes dumbfoundedly. "I surely hope you don't mean fire," he jokes, chuckling. "No, of course not," the Creeper says, not catching on to Steve's sarcasm. "Would you, perhaps, like to share warmth?" His eyes are bright now, looking hopefully into Steve's. Steve hesitates, then realising that is his best choice, nods. "Yes... I would like that." The two embrace in a hug, laying down onto Steve's bed and waiting out the storm.