Gandalf will have no choice but to either-
A) Leave
B) Cast a spell
C) Knock both kings out cold
Sadly, leaving was not an option.
King Thorin of Erebor, was glaring at King Thranduil, of Mirkwood.
Fili, Kili, Ori, Dwalin, and Balin, tried to calm their king.
Tauriel and Legolas, stood behind theirs.
If both these kings don't put aside their egos, then Gandalf will have to do it himself!
Flying through the air, at ridiculous fast speed, Bilbo and Lesh are on their way to the meeting.
Both hoped that they weren't late!
According to Lesh they were a few days ahead. Bilbo hoped so, he wanted to look around before the meeting started.
Bilbo was hoping this day would come, when he finally sees the beautiful city. If only it had been on better days where war is not at the front door.
Oh well, doesn't matter, Gandalf did say he was going there too.
"Look Bilbo, look!" Cried Lesh happily. Bilbo looked down and can see the city. His mouth hung and eyes wide.
"It's beautiful!"
"I still don't see why you're here Elf!"
Gandalf shook his head. Of course there would be a fight!
Thorin and Thranduil have been at it for two minutes already! Let's hope Galadriel comes here soon to stop these fools from killing each other, when they both have a common enemy. "I'm here because I'm an elf, Dwarf," replied Thranduil.
Before Gandalf can say anything, a loud screech reached them. Gust of wind blew blinding everyone. Covering their eyes from, whatever is causing it. Gandalf lips turned, happy to see them. The gust stopped. Everyone uncovered their eyes, what they saw was unbelievable. A large bird stood in front of them, shaking his head from the dust. A little boy on his back popped his head over the eagles. Thorin and Thranduil looked at the newcomers in question.
Gandalf couldn't be happier.
Finally the bickering has stopped.
Bilbo looked around, "are we late?"
Gandalf approach them. "No my dear boy you are not late but early." Bilbo sigh relief, sliding off his brother's back. "So happy to see you again Gandalf!" said Bilbo hugging Gandalf, he hugged back. "Where is Radagast?" Gandalf pulled back to get a better look at Bilbo, he has grown. "Late I assume, don't worry he'll be here."
Thorin was able to get a better look at him.
He was short. Honey colored hair, and big hazel eyes. His blue pants fitted nicely on his hips, his white shirt was almost see through (almost). His long coat with vine like designs on them. A sash wrapped around his body tied in a bow in the back, it almost looked like he was wearing a dress. His crown look like wisps of silver... are those feathers in his hair?
Thranduil approached him, Thorin can't help but growl. Gandalf shook his head, another problem to add-on the list.
Bilbo was looking at everyone around them.
An elf approached him. Bilbo looked up, shocked by the beauty of this man. The elf got on one knee placed his hand on his chest. "Thranduil, King of Mirkwood." tilting his head slightly. Bilbo snapped out of his gaze, "Bilbo, Son of Gwaihir, Prince of the west mountains." Lesh bowed slightly "Lesh, his brother."
Now that is something you don't see everyday. A hobbit and an eagle calling each other 'brother'. Life is full of surprises.
Thorin walked up to Bilbo and Lesh, Thranduil rose.
"Thorin Oakenshield, son of Thrain, son of Thror, King of Erebor." He announced.
"So... Are you Thrain's son or, Thror's?" Asked Lesh Throin was not expecting this, "Thrain's" he said proudly. "Then why did you say 'son of Thrain, son of Thror'?" Asked Lesh again "Unless you have two dads, do you have two dads?!" Thranduil looked away a small smirk can easily be seen. Fili and Kili where snickering, Ori was drawing Lesh and Bilbo, Dwalin was hiding his laughs with his coughs, and Balin shook his head holding back a smirk, and approached his king.
"Thorin has only one mother and one father, men can not bear children." said Balin as if taking to a small child.
"That's not true, we seen it! Didn't we brother!"
Bilbo nodded, "It was during the time we went to the Shire to see where I came from!" a grin spread on his face.
"What?!" gasped Thorin.
Lesh nodded, "Yup! Eru gifted them for their nature loving ways, so he blessed them the joys of love and life!" raising his head proudly.
Thorin and Balin turned away from them, muttering among themselves.
This will be interesting.
Even Thranduil was looking at him, though its hard to tell with his stock expression, and tilt of his head.
An elf came into view announcing the meeting.
Lesh went around, since he's too big to fit in to the entry way. Bilbo walking ahead of everyone excited to see more of the place. More importantly the library.
Too bad he didn't see Thorin's eyes trailing his body. Thranduil not far behind.
So so sorry everyone for being so late with the updates life wouldn't let me type
and yes I know its short but hopefully Ill be able to upload more chapters well more like more longer chapters
up next the meeting