You guys! IM BACK! :D Im so sorry for the delay! Its just (for some stupid reason that I do not know) my account was disabled for months! And I finally got it fixed( though I didnt do anything to fix it). I am not complaining! xD It works again! YAY! *celebrating* Ahem, anyway. Since the delay went on for months. . . Ive taken it to make this chapter for you guys. (: And I apologize ahead of time for any mistakes you find.

~ENJOY! (:

Nico sat up and stared up at his older cousin. Percy only looked back down at him. Percys shoulders slumped low as if the guilt where weighing them down. How could he tell him? This was going to be extremely hard. . . for the both of them. Percy exhaled and sat down beside Nico hugging his knees to his chest.

"Okay," Percy exhaled, "It went like this. . ."

Nico turned his body toward Percy and hugged himself as if preparing for the impact.

"That night. . . two years ago," Percy began, "I was at home alone. Gabe had gone out with mom and Bianca. I didn't know where or for how long they'd be gone, but it was already getting late. . . by the time it was 2 a.m. Gabe came home . . . alone."

Percy continued telling the story and was lost in the memory itself as he explained.

Percy sat on the living room couch. He was so tired and was struggling to keep his eyes open. It was late and he was getting worried. Though he was tired he kept his eyes pasted to the door. Waiting for it to open.

Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity the door opened. Gabe walked in closing the door and shutting it. He was covered in scratches and bruises. His right forearm had a bruise in the shape of a hand mark.

"Gabe?" Percy was now alert and stood to his feet, "W-what happeed to you? Wh-where's mom?"

Gabe didn't respond, but only walked to the kitchen. Percy's eyes followed him.


Gabe opened the fridge forcefully and took out a beer while smiling to himself. He chuckled lightly so Percy couldn't hear.

"Gabe!" Percy spoke up, "Wheres mom!?"

Gabe slammed the fridge's door shut and stormed over to Percy grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He glared down at him.

"Don't raise your voice like that at me you little dipshit!" Gabe screamed, "You wanna know where mommy is at? Yeah? Well, get used to her not being here." Gabe pushed Percy back forcefully, "She ain't comin' back."

Percy shook himself of the feeling of Gabe screaming at him like that. Then he focused on the line: She ain't comin' back.

"What do you mean she's not coming back?" Percy said in a low voice.

"I mean," Gabe said through gritted teeth, "She's gone! She's fed up with your shit! She never wanted you as her son! Constantly getting kicked out of schools! Being the little rebelious idiot you are! Doing horrible in school! She's done! Gone! She left, because she doesn't wanna be near you!"

Percy's voice raised once again, "That's not true!"

Gabe swung his hand and slapped Percy. Percy's head jolted to the right.

"Okay." Gabe smiled, "Don't believe me. . . I'll tell you the truth Percy. I did her a favor."

Percy felt his cheek burning as he held it. He fought back tears and looked Gabe in the eye, "What kind of favor?"

Gabe smiled, "She was so fed up with this life. She never wanted to have kids. Especially one like you. She'd been talking about taking her life the entire trip. She said she was tired of putting up with you and sooner or later she'd end up taking her own life. . . So, I did it for her."

Percy took a step back, "You-You're lying. . ."

"God! You just don't get it, do you, numb skull!?" Gabe pulled Percy close to him and leaned into his ear, "I killed you're mother, because she was asking for it." Gabe smiled cruelly, "Why even your cousin asked for it."

Percy pulled away from Gabe quickly, "You mean. . .Bianca?"

Gabe shrugged, "You tell me how many cousins you got. . . Well, how many you have now."

Percy's eyes widened in fear, "You didn't. . . W-what about Nico?!"

"Nico's in the orphanage. He has other little orphans to play with. The kid is what? 12? He won't remember."

"Bianca was Nico's only family!"

"Besides you."

"That doesn't mat- wait. . ." Percy put the pieces together. It took him a while to understand, because of his ADHD and dyslexia. It always made him a bit slow on things. "YOU . . . killed my mom and cousin?"

"That my friend," Gabe smirked, "Is the 64 dollar question."

"Answer me!"

"Okay. Fine. Yes, I did. I did them a favor."

Percy backed up until his back pressed against the wall. His eys became red and his bottom lip quivered, "No. . ."

Gabe outstretched his hands in a false sympathetic hug. He feigned a pout and said, "Is little Percy gonna cry?"

Percy brought up a hand to cover his mouth muffling gentle sobs and the tears began to fall.

Nico was shaking biting back tears in his eyes. He looked at Percy and saw his sea-green eyes becoming red. The silence hung between the two and nothing, but the shores waves were heard. They were calm and quiet as if not to disturb their silence.

"Did he. . . " Nico spoke in a hushed voice, "Tell you how they. . . died?" Nico's voice cracked at the last word.

Percy didn't look Nico in the eyes, but nodded.

Gabe wrapped Percy in his arms tightly. Percy struggled to push him away, but had no success. Sobs grew louder and louder with every attempted shove. Each ending with the same result.

"You should've seen it Percy." Gabe spoke, "It all was priceless. I told her you needed to be disciplined. . . obediant. I told her I was gonna send you to a place where that all could change for the better of this family."

"You're not my family." Percy spoke still trying to push him away.

"Your mom was refusing." Gabe held Percy down harder, "Bianca decided to get involved. We fought and fought and eventually . . . I accidentally drove off the hill and crashed. You should've seen how at peace they seemed to be. No more worries expressed on their pale lifeless faces. It was beautiful, Percy."

The fake embrace was becoming so tight, Percy was losing his breath and it was making it harder to pull away. "You and I. . . both know. . . that was no . . . accident."

"Yeah." Gabe agreed, "But the police dont."

"They will. . . soon."

Gabe's eyes widened in anger and he gripped Percy's hair dragging him to the bedroom. He forced Percy onto a chair. He began to rummage through drawers angrily.

Percy only watched him gaining his lost air. Tears still ran down his cheeks and sobs were silent. He watched as Gabe continued searching for whatever he was looking for.

Gabe finally turned holding a roll of duct tape in his hands. He went over to Percy who tried to make a run for it, but then ended up pushing him back down to the chair.

"Not to fast," Gabe said angrily,"You're not going anywhere."

He forced Percy's hands down on the armrest of the chair and began to tape several layers around his wrist. He did the same with the other hand and Percy's feet.

Percy felt himself shaking everytime the tape made the eerie unrolling sound. Now he was terrified.

Gabe suddenly forced a cloth into Percy's mouth and as Percy tried spitting it out Gabe forced his mouth closed. He began to wrap several layers of tape over Percy's mouth. Once finished Gabe knelt down in front of Percy and grabbed his face making sure they made eye contact.

"You will not breathe a word of this." Gabe spoke through gritted teeth, "If you do just wait and see what happened to that little cousin of yours. You tell anyone I'll make sure Nico is the one to suffer from it. Do you understand me?"

Gabe released Percy and walked out closing the door behind him. Percy sat there and let the tears fall. He lost everything he had. . . He didn't have a mom anymore. One of his only family members was killed along with her. Now, if he were to tell anyone what really happened his only family left, Nico di Angelo, would be the one to suffer from it. . . That night was the night Percy swore he'd never speak a word of this to anyone. He promised he'd do everything in his will power to keep Nico safe. Even if it was the last thing he did.

Nico had lost control throughout the explaining and was sobbing uncontrollably. He had his face burried in his palms and sobbed. The waves shores had become more aggressive as if angry it too had heard the truth.

Percy looked down at Nico and got on his knees next to Nico and embraced him. Nico immediately wrappped his arms around Percy and sobbed louder into his chest. He gripped Percy's clothing and hugged him tighter- never wishing to let go.

Percy held Nico tightly and let his own tears fall. No words could express the guilt he felt and pain engulfing him. It truly hurt to see Nico like this. He'd seen Nico cry about Bianca only once. That was the day right after when he recieved the news. That was the last day Percy and Nico had spent together entirely.

Since Percy was 2 grades ahead of Nico, Percy being a freshman and Nico a seventh grader, they didn't see each other in school. The first 3 months everyone showed them pity and were being extra kind to the two. After they moved up the next grade everyone went back to their regular selves. But they never disrespected them.

It was when Nico finally became a freshman and half way through the first semester that it changed. Nico was being bullied from several kids that came from other schools and all the people that knew Percy's incident had already graduated leaving all the newer students to wonder why he was so outcasted.

"Why?" Nico sobbed, breaking Percy's thoughts.

"What?" Percy looked at Nico in his dark eyes, the whites of his eyes were extremely red.

"Why didn't y-you tell me?" Nico still hugged Percy.

"Nico I- I couldn't," Percy's voice breaking, "I feel like an awful cousin for keeping it from you, but I. . . I had to protect you!"

Percy didn't mean to yell, but he couldn't bare even just the thought of losing Nico to Gabe.

Nico didn't talk back to Percy, as he normally would. Instead he hugged Percy tighter and whispered, "Perce, you're all I have. I care about you. I understand you're pain. . . But tomorrow is gonna be different. I swear it. . . Things are going to change and things will get better."

Percy froze hearing these words. He gripped Nico's clothes tight so his knuckles became white. He then pulled Nico in closer as they continued to cry. Nico's head pressed against Percy's right bruised cheek, but Percy ignored the little pain. The pain physically was nothing compared to the emotional pain.

The two stayed there for a long period of time. It was then they realized it had become late and Percy would have to return to Gabe and Nico to the orphanage. . . They were reluctant to release each other, but did so.

"Tomorrow," Nico wiped his eyes using his long black sleeves, "We'll meet up at the cafe with Thalia, Annabeth and Grover."

Percy nodded in agreement.

"Ill be there at 10 a.m. sharp and not a second later. Have your things ready and we're leaving." Nico continued.

Percy began to walk with Nico and listened to him.

"And when we do. . ." Nico said, "It'll all be over."

"Yeah, I know."

To Be Continued. . .

Wow. I tried to make this chapter very brotherly. Did I suceed? Let me know! (: Once again sorry! But I hope you liked it! :D Remember:

Best review gets chapter dedication! AND More reviews equals longer chapters! (: