Disclaimer: Still don't own Glee, Iron Man, or The Avengers...I'm giving up hope...
A/N: I am pleased to inform you that with reaching chapter 4 you have also reached the end of the Iron Man drabbles. FEAR NOT! Next up is an Incredible Hulk drabble and then we get to go through all of Iron Man 2! Believe me, that's gonna be fun! Also, with my request of you all to review, I want to throw something else out to you. I'm focusing mainly on the Marvel universe and writing drabbles with Glee characters for the movies. If you come up with a drabble that's based off of Glee that you want me to try to write, throw it out there and I'll see what I can do!
"Do you have any idea when you're going to be coming back?" David asked from the screen of Blaine's laptop, crowded in with Wes, Nick, and Trent. Jeff and Thad had a mandatory tutoring session and weren't there that night, not for lack of trying. He had started regularly webcamming his friends back at school to keep them informed of the situation with his dad. He hadn't quite been able to bring himself to leave yet.
"I don't know. I've been talking to the dean and he's talked about letting me repeat the year considering the fact after Dad was captured my grades tanked to the point of no return. He said it wouldn't go on my transcript and I could make a clean start," Blaine explained as he reclined in his chair, trying not to meet their eyes. "If that's the case I might just stay here until next year. You guys can all come visit if you choose. Dad said so. Summer on the beach in Malibu with Tony Stark. Can't beat that can you?"
"No, sounds pretty awesome to me," Nick said. "Although I might be going somewhere with my family, not sure yet."
"Find out soon so that I can let Dad know whether or not to expect you," Blaine said.
"No problem. We need to go, Victor, Seth, and Andrew want us to have a late night practice to make sure that we're ready for Regionals next week."
"But it's like…10 there!" Blaine laughed.
"Shut up Anderson," Wes said, grinning. "We'll talk to you later," and the call disconnected.
Shaking his head Blaine grinned and spun around, standing up and heading downstairs. "Hey Dad? How would you feel about ordering pizza for dinner? I'm starving," the boy said, walking into the living room. But when he looked around Blaine felt his blood freeze in his veins as his eyes fell on an incapacitated Tony Stark on the couch, pale, covered in sweat, eyes wide in terror, the arc reactor missing from his chest. "DAD!" he yelled, running forward before a heavy blow to the back of his head felled him, sending him sprawling to the ground, head spinning as Blaine tried to get a handle on his directions. "Wha…" he mumbled.
"Well Blaine…looks like you might have to come with me as leverage," he heard a familiar voice speak from above him and then he saw Obadiah standing over him before a second blow to the head sent him spiraling into darkness.
"Blaine?! Blaine, can you hear me?"
Someone was patting his cheek, calling his name frantically, and when he forced his eyes open the first thing that Blaine noticed was a lot of red hair hanging in his face. "Pep…?" he asked weakly, reaching up to clutch his head which was throbbing unbearably.
"Oh thank God," she muttered, helping Blaine sit up and supporting him with her hand at his back. Blaine looked down at his own hand and found it covered in red.
"Joy, more bleeding head wounds…" Blaine took in his surroundings, brow furrowing in confusion as he tried to remember how he had gotten here. It was set up like a warehouse, but looked as though it could double as a lab if someone needed it too in a pinch. Over in the corner was a large suit of metal that looked very much like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz if he was hopped up on steroids. "Pepper…where are we?" he asked.
"Stark Industries Section 16. One of Obadiah's little projects," she said with an amount of disgust that Blaine didn't even think Pepper was capable of.
"Obie? What do you mean? What's he- Shit, it was him!" Blaine exclaimed as Pepper helped him to his feet. "Dad, Obadiah took the arc reactor out of Dad's chest! We've gotta do something!"
"I'll call Rhodey, he was already on his way over to the mansion," Pepper muttered, her skin going white at Blaine's statement.
"Well, now we know that Stane was in fact working on a suit," a balding man in a black suit said several feet away.
"Yeah, but I thought it was going to be bigger," Blaine heard Pepper mutter as she tried to get through to Rhodey on the phone.
It was as if those words were the trigger for all hell to let loose. All of a sudden something massive, metal, and glowing was bursting out of the shadows and attacking the other men in suits, who Blaine could only assume were secret agents of some kind because there was no way they were police officers and they certainly didn't work for Stark Industries Security. A look to the chest piece of the metallic form gave Blaine a glimpse of his father's arc reactor. "Obadiah?" he asked breathlessly as Pepper hauled him to his feet.
"Come on, we need to get street level," Pepper said quietly as she tried to avoid notice, but it was too late. Obadiah's metal suit had already turned towards them. They were running in the opposite direction before they saw it move, but they could hear it pounding on the metal behind them, shattering glass as they went.
"What's going on?!" Blaine yelled as they took a sharp turn and heard the suit crash into the wall, only for a minute though before it was following after them again.
"Obadiah wanted Tony's suit!"
"What?! What suit?"
And then it clicked in his mind, the news broadcast about the village over by where his dad had been kidnapped, how something had gone and taken out the terrorists that had taken over there, the loud sounds of machinery that came from his dad's workshop every night lately. If it wouldn't have ended with him getting plowed through by the man he had viewed as a grandfather Blaine would have stopped right then and there and stared at Pepper in shock. Instead he followed closely behind her up the stairs, confused when he heard bullets behind them and the pounding had halted.
"Go Pep! We've got a chance," Blaine urged and they were able to make it to the main floor of Stark Industries and ran outside onto the street. Blaine was catching his breath when he heard a phone ringing.
"Tony?! Tony, Obadiah's in a huge suit like yours!" Pepper was explaining into the phone and Blaine could hear his dad trying to calm her down.
"I know Pepper, I'm on my way but you need to get out of there. Did you see Blaine?"
"I'm right here Dad," Blaine responded, getting as close to the phone as he could, Pepper holding it out to him somewhat.
"Thank God. When all this is over we're hitting the gym and you are getting some more training mister, but for now just get out of there you two. Head for the-"
Unfortunately Blaine never found out where they were supposed to rendezvous at because the ground right in front of them began to crack and split and look as though something were tunneling up out of it before Obadiah's metal monster appeared, towering over the both of them. "Pepper, your services are no longer required," they heard a much deeper version of the man's voice say as he raised his hand and a gun barrel started circling quickly. Blaine stepped in front of her, arms outstretched.
"You don't want to kill your leverage, do you Obie?" the boy asked, heart pounding in his chest. Then, from both the phone and the sky above all three heard the voice of Tony Stark scream "STANE!" before a red and gold suit tunneled into the silver one, sending it flying through the air.
"Dad!" Blaine exclaimed, taking a step forward before Tony lowered the face shield and looked at Blaine.
"Take Pepper and get out of here Blaine. I can't fight him if I'm worried about the two of you."
"I'm not leaving you!"
"We're not having this fight right now Bl-"
He wasn't able to finish the sentence before the Iron Monger had charged him, throwing him into the side of the building. Tony was only down for a moment though and then he rushed back at Obadiah, laser pulses shooting from his hands and hurtling Obadiah through a trailer towards the public streets.
"Blaine, we need to go," Pepper said.
"I was serious Pepper, I'm not leaving him. I might have an idea too as to what we can do. Come on," he said, taking her hand and pulling her back into the building. "If we overload the arc reactor, and Obadiah's on the roof, then he'll probably end up getting fried."
"Just tell me what I need to do."
Blaine was surprised at her response, raising an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you be the one telling me that we need to make sure he gets taken in alive so he can face justice?"
"Obadiah paid those terrorists to kill your dad."
Those words froze the boy's blood. "Extra crispy it is then," he practically growled out as he tried to remember what Tony had taught him about the controls several years ago when the arc reactor was first up and operating. When Tony's voice came over Pepper's phone again both of them jumped.
"Where are you guys at?"
"Arc reactor," Blaine said shortly. "I was going to overload it. Can you get Stane on the roof?"
"Just what I was going to ask you to do. I've been waiting for years for you to start thinking like your old man Blaine. We're headed towards the roof now, but you need to wait until I'm clear or else I'm going to end up toasted too, got it?"
"Got it. It's just about ready to blow, when I trigger it, just tell me when you're clear and I'll hit the button."
Commotion on the other line told the two that Stane had caught up to Tony and they waited anxiously to hear what was happening. All of a sudden the elder Stark was hanging from the center of the glass ceiling above the reactor and Blaine could tell his Dad had lost one of his gauntlets. Since he wasn't flying the boy could also deduce that the situation was a bit more dire than they realized.
"Guys, it's time to hit the button!" Tony called down at them.
"Get out of there!" Blaine yelled up, his heart beat deafening in his ears.
Gunfire, glass shattering, raining down on he and Pepper, and Blaine couldn't help but feel as though he might never see his father again. "Push it!"
"I'm not killing you!" his son all but screamed at him, but after another volley of fire, Tony was left hanging by just his hand, his eyes locking with Blaine's
"It's okay," he said just loud enough to be heard. Blaine bit the inside of his cheek, nodded, and hit the button on the control panel before immediately grabbing onto Pepper and dragging her outside.
The arc reactor started making some kind of horrible sound, it fluctuated, and then all of the energy was shooting upwards towards the roof. Blaine and Pepper were thrown to the ground from the shockwave, but it was over in just a few moments. Looking up after the flash of energy had passed Blaine was able to watch as Obadiah fell into what remained of the once mighty energy source, but he didn't care about that. Getting to his feet he ran for the stairwell that would lead him to the room, Pepper not too far behind.
"Don't be dead don't be dead don't be dead don't be dead," he muttered over and over under his breath as he opened the door to the roof and looked around. On the grating where the ceiling used to be, Tony lay, eyes closed, not moving, the reactor at the center of his chest flickering dangerously. "No no no no," he choked out, running over and falling to his knees next to his father's body. "Dad? Dad wake up! Don't do this to me again! Don't you dare leave me again!" Blaine yelled, shaking his father, pounding at his chest, straining to get the suit off of him. There was no response, no sign of any change, and the reactor just seemed to get dimmer and dimmer, flickering less and less often. "Wake up you bastard!" and with that he let his hand fly, slapping his father across the face.
Pepper was standing just a few feet behind them and Blaine could hear her crying, his own body shaking from the force of trying to keep his own tears dammed up. "You can't do this to me…" he whispered. "You can't do this…I already lost you once and I didn't know if you were ever coming back. Please Dad, please…"
Leaning forward he rested his head down on the chest piece, watching the arc reactor as it flickered feebly, then stronger…and stronger….and then it was shining almost like normal.
"We need to have a discussion…about you calling me a bastard…"
Blaine's gaze shot to his father's face and he found Tony's eyes half open as he grinned at his son. "Hey, you kinda deserved it," Blaine said with a choked laugh.
"Yeah, I suppose I did. Pep?" he called and Pepper hurried over. "Wanna get on damage control? I'm gonna go get a new battery so that I don't die if that's alright."
"That's fine Mr. Stark," she replied, pulling herself back together quickly. "I'll have Happy come around with the limo."
"Thanks Pep. Now, Blaine, let's talk…"
The press conference was set for the next day and Blaine sat in the side room with Pepper, Agent Coulson of the Strategic Homeland blah blah blah, and his dad while Pepper tried to make Tony as presentable as possible before he had to go out and meet the sharks. He watched his father and his assistant closely, wondering when those two were just going to admit that they wanted each other, but rolled his eyes when things started getting intimate, ignoring them as much as possible. He couldn't just leave either, considering the fact that the press wasn't supposed to know that the great Tony Stark even had a son. So he was stuck in there, with them, while they made puppy dog eyes at each other.
"I hate to interrupt, but Dad, you need to get out there, and I'm getting ill," Blaine said from his seat and Tony pulled away as Pepper finished up, walking for the door and ushering Tony out.
"Be back in a few," Tony said with a wink towards his son as he stepped out and the boy turned the channel to the press conference.
"How long til you screw something up?" he muttered to himself with a grin as he watched Tony take the podium and immediately the questions started flying. Some reporter seemed pretty insistent, and Blaine was impressed that his dad was able to stumble through a halfway decent response before he started to get off track when Rhodey caught him and got him back on track.
"The truth is…I am Iron Man."
The bottle of water he had been about to open fell from his hands as Blaine's eyes widened, his mouth falling open in shock. Well the guys at Dalton were going to love this.