Chapter 1: New Life, New Trouble

Hey! Well, here it is! The premiere of the sequel to Cops N' Robbers: Sky's Adventures! Enjoy the first chapter!

-P.S: All MC users used in the first story will appear in this story.

(After the events between Sky and the squids, peace had finally been regained in Minecraftia. Sky and Dawn married, bought a house in GeoCity, got a dog (appropriately named Butter), and settled into their new home. However, despite their undying love for each other, they had their differences. Dawn liked a clean home, Sky wanted to throw parties at their home. Dawn lives to build things, Sky liked to destroy things. But whenever Dawn leaves for work, Sky is always up to no good around the house. One day, he invited some of his friends to come to the house for a game of paintball. He, Deadlox, Jerome, HuskyMudkipz, Crystal, and Kitty are suited up in paintball gear and armed with paintball guns).

-Sky: Okay, are you guys ready?

-Crystal: Sky, are you sure Dawn is okay with this?

-Sky: Relax, Crystal. After our game, I'll clean everything up by the time she gets home.

(Then, Butter comes into the room, a butter collar around his neck. He rubs his head across Sky's leg and whimpers).

-Butter: (whimpers) Bark! Bark!

-Sky: Yes, I love Dawn, Butter. But sometimes, she doesn't let me do certain things I want to do. But since she's not here, I can play paintball with my friends. Okay, ready? Set? Go!

(Everyone scatters throughout the room. Butter makes a dive under the kitchen table, not wanting to be caught in the mayhem. All the canine could hear now is laughter and paintballs being shot. As the males battle against the females, paint flies everywhere and stain up the walls, knock over a few vases, and even breaks the front window of the house. However, Sky is having too much fun to notice this things happen. However, unbeknownst to them, about a few kilometers from the house, Dawn is seen driving her red car towards where she and Sky lived. She is obviously exhausted from working).

-Dawn: Whew...I'm glad my boss give me the rest of the day off. I need to just relax in my non-chaotic house with Sky and Butter. (Sighs) I just hope the house is still in one piece.

(Meanwhile, back at the house...)

-Sky: Eat paint, Crystal!

(Sky fires a paintball at Crystal, but she quickly ducks down behind the couch. Then, she appears again with Kitty).

-Crystal: You're the one who's going to be eating paint!

(Crystal and Kitty shoot paintballs. They hit Sky in the chest, which propels him backwards. He crashes into a nightstand, but he quickly gets back up and fires back at the girls. As everyone continues to have fun, it only damages more of the house. And unfortunately, right outside of the house, Dawn is seen parking her car in the driveway. She locks it and starts making her way towards the house. Then, she quickly realizes what's happening. She hears shouting and the front window to the house has been destroyed. She can only think of one person who could be responsible for this).

-Dawn: (angrily) Sky...

(Dawn runs up the front door, takes out her keys, and starts unlocking the locks. She opens the door, and a nearby paintball nearby hits her, but flys out the door. She makes everyone freeze).


(Everyone freezes in place. Drips of paint fall from the ceiling onto the floor, pieces of broken glass lie across the room. Just before someone can talk, HuskyMudkipz fires one more paintball, hitting Jerome in the groin and making him grasp it).

-Jerome: Oh! My tennis balls!

-HuskyMudkipz: Ha! Bull's eye!

-Dawn: (through clenched teeth) Everyone, get!

(Jerome, Deadlox, and Husky run out the door. Crystal and Kitty head out as well).

-Crystal: We...should probably get going, Kitty.

-Kitty: Aw...but I wanna see the fight.

(Crystal places her hands on her hips and glares at Kitty. She laughs nervously and runs out the door. Crystal follows along and shuts the door on her way out. Dawn is furious with Sky, who pleads for her to listen to him).

-Sky: Dawn, before you say anything, let's look at the bright side of all this. At least the house is still standing.

-Dawn: Still stan- YOU DESTROYED EVERYTHING IN OUR HOUSE! I just got back from a hard day at work and all I wanted to do is relax! But now, I'm gonna have to spend hours on end, cleaning up the mess that you made! You know, Sky, ever since we got married, you promised me that you would tell me about everything you wanted to say to me. Why didn't you tell me about this!?

-Sky: I knew that if I did, you would say no!

-Dawn: Because it's downright ridiculous! If you wanted to have a paintball game, why didn't you just go down to the range?

-Sky: Because it was closed and I didn't feel like walking over there 'cause I'm so lazy.

-Dawn: You know what, Sky? Get the hell out of my sight right now!

(Sky hangs his head down and trudges over to his room. He falls to his bed. Then, Butter enters the room, jumps into Sky's bed, and lays beside him).

-Sky: Well, Butter...looks like I really screwed up now.

-Butter: (growls) Bark!

-Sky: I know you tried to tell me. The problem is that I never listen. How will I ever make it up to Dawn now? She's probably regretting this marriage already.

(Sky sighs sadly as he starts petting Butter's head, a stray tear falls from the right side of his sunglasses).

Oh boy, Sky really messed up this time. Can he do anything to make it up to Dawn? Stay tuned for more.