I hope you enjoy this updated version of this chapter.

Chapter 1

Twilight princess Child

A twenty year old child ran into the house.

"Is the baby here." He asked. He's been looking forward to seeing the child for a long time. It's not every day you get a niece or nephew.

"Calm down Rusl, yes, the baby came just a little bit ago. It's a baby boy." The mother said. She was holding him in a blanket. He was asleep. He looked pretty healthy. What was strange was the birthmark on his hand. Three small triangles put together into one larger triangle.

"A baby boy!" Rusl asked. He couldn't contain his excitement.

"Yes. Any word from my husband?" The mother asked. She sent a letter a week ago saying it's almost time. She hoped he'd be here by now.

"No, he may not come in a while." Rusl said.

"Oh, I understand." She was obviously disappointed. Another girl the same age as Rusl walks in.

"Has the baby been born?" The girl asked. She looked down to the baby. "Aw, he's so cute. What's his name?" She asked.

"We decided to name him Link if he were a boy. Named after his great grandfather." The mother said. The girl was a bit apprehensive.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. I heard that every child named Link was doomed to lose his parents and get stuck in the center of fate's web." The girl said. She heard the stories about the Hero of Time.

"I'm sorry, but I can't think of a better name for him." A really tall man with deep blue eyes walked into the house. The mother smiled when she saw him. "Welcome home dear. I thought you weren't going to come in time."

"I made my journey back as soon as I got your letter." The mother was relieved and happy that her husband was home. "How's the baby?"

"Link is a healthy little infant." The mother said.

"So it's a boy?" The man asked.

"You guessed it." The father was happy to have a son. It was a dream of his to have a son.

A few months passed. The mother was playing with Link. Link's hair was growing a bit. It was light blond now, but it was going to get darker as time went on. The father was cleaning and sharpening his sword.

"One day, when he's old enough, I'm going to teach him how to fight with a sword. You never know what could happen in this town."

"Are you sure you want to teach him the way of the sword? How will you know when he's ready?"

"I'll know. Trust me. It's only right that it's the father who teaches their child the way of the sword. I'll know when he's ready."

A few more months passed. The mother was cleaning and the father was in the kitchen until a fire started.

"We need to get out of here. There's a fire." The father shouted

"I'll go get Link." The mother ran up the stairs. She made it to Link's cradle. He was crying loudly. "Shh, shh, it's ok, everything will be ok." She picked Link up just as the smoke was getting low enough for it to be inhaled. She started inhaling it. She tried not to, but she was only focused on getting her son out alive. She ran down the stairs, trying not to trip. She looked around for her husband. "Kile!?" She yelled for her husband. She didn't see him anywhere. She eventually spotted him, there was a support beam on top of him and it crushed him. "Kile!" She knew there was nothing she could do with a baby in her hands. He was still crying. Though he started growing quieter. She had to get out. She started running to the door, her vision was starting to blur. She tripped and fell, but couldn't get back up. Her vision started to darken and her little baby's cries were getting quieter and quieter, until everything turned silent and dark.


"What's going on?" The girl from a few months ago asked, her name was Uli. She and her future husband were standing outside their house. They ran to the house that was burning.

"A fire started in the house. I'm going in to see if there are any survivors. I might be able to save them." Rusl said.

"No, I don't want to lose you." He ran inside anyway. "Wait, Rusl!" Rusl found the mother instantly. She wasn't breathing and neither was the child she held. He started to tear up. Fado soon was in. He was only 12.

"Fado, you get out of here." Rusl yelled over the loud noise of the flames.

"No, I want to help." Fado insisted.

"Ok, you get the mother out if you can." He nodded. Rusl ran to the kitchen and found the father on the ground with the support beam on him. "No, my brother." He started to cry, it was bad enough that he lost his sister in law, but now his brother. He got the support beam up and lifted him up onto his back. He managed to get out. Fado had already gotten the mother and child out.

"Any survivors?" Uli asked.

"No, I think they're all gone." Rusl said.

"No, that's not possible. Why?" Uli was starting to tear up.

"We'll have a funeral for them. They can go to Kakariko graveyard. The mayor has a friend there who can bury them." Rusl said.

"But, our mayor is getting on in his years, you know how old he is."

"I know, but what choice do we have." Rusl was trying not to cry. He loved them so much, he couldn't stand it.

"You're right. Why did this have to happen, to them no less?" There was a small coughing noise. They turned around to see Fado picking up the small child. Shock was written all over his face.

"Link's alive." Fado said.

"What?" Uli ran over to Fado and took the infant from his hands. "He's right, Rusl. Link's alive. I can feel his heart beat." Uli said. She hugged him tight. She was so relieved.

"At least I have one family member left." Rusl said, he was starting to tear up again. He was a bit happy that his nephew was at least alive. Though he did just lose his brother and sister in-law. At least he still had Link.

"What's going on here?" The mayor came toward them along with his son, who was 25 and holding his baby girl. His name was Bo and he was going to be the next mayor once his father passed. He saw the house and the bodies of the parents.

"What happened here?" The future mayor asked.

"The house caught fire. Fado and I got them out. We thought them all to be dead, but only the infant survived." Rusl explained.

"Only the infant?" The mayor asked.

"Yes. He's the only one who lived." Rusl said.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Rusl. As brother of Kile, it is your responsibility to look after your nephew. Until he's of age to live by himself." The mayor said.

"Of course." He was looking down at the couple.

"Such a sad thing when people die young. Let's get them to Kakariko. There, Renado can have them buried." The mayor said.

"Dad, are you sure you should be going in your condition? You've been coughing a lot." Bo asked.

"I'll be fine, Bo. Now, let's get them there."

A few days passed and there was a funeral for Link's parents. While there, Renado sensed something about the young child, Link. He could sense a great adventure was in store for the young boy.

A few years passed, Link is able to walk and speak. He was three years old and still had light blond hair, but it was starting to turn darker. Rusl was training somewhere and Uli was hanging clothes while humming a little song. Link was playing with some toys that Rusl had got for him last time he was in Hyrule Market. A weird creature came up to Link.

"Funny thingy." The little Link said. Uli turned around and saw a bokoblin. Usually they stay in the forest. Uli started running to him, but the bokoblin threw a dagger and hit her leg.

"Rusl!" She tried getting up. The bokoblin lifted it's machete and was about to kill the helpless toddler when Rusl came and chopped off it's head just in time. Both were relieved that the boy was safe. Rusl then ran to Uli.

"Are you ok?" Rusl asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Is Link ok?" Uli asked.

"Yes, he looks a bit shaken, but other than that, he's fine." He picked up his wife and carried her inside.

"Don't leave him out there by himself for too long." Rusl nodded, setting her on the couch and went back outside. Link was nowhere to be found.

"Link?" Rusl looked around and saw him playing in the distance with his friend Ilia. They were running around and having fun. Splashing eachother in the water of the small pool in front of the house. Rusl sighed with relief.

A few more years passed and a baby girl was born in the village. She was the daughter of Sera, the store owner, her name was Beth. Link was only five, but he was willing to help. He would love to help the people of the village. People were surprised that he liked to help so much. He and Fado would work together to help Fado's dad get the goats into the stables. Though, Uli thought it was a bit dangerous. What if the goat turned on them and attacked?

Another two years later, Link was seven by this point. There were now two more children. Colin and Talo. Colin was born last spring, while Talo was born last summer. It was a cool Autumn day. Ilia and Link are playing by a stream, splashing eachother and laughing. Having so much fun. Then, Ilia noticed a small red horse making its way into the village.

"Look, over there." Ilia said. She was pointing behind them. Link turned around and saw the horse. Just then, the horse came running to him and stopped right in front of him. It was a small little pony. "Aw, what a cute horsey." Ilia said. Link started petting it. "She acts like she knows you."

"I've never seen this horse in my life, but I'm willing to keep her." He continued scratching her ear. She seemed to enjoy that. "What do you think of the name Epona? You like it?" She whinnied.

"Epona sounds pretty, what made you think of it?" Ilia asked.

"The name just came to me." He didn't understand why the name just popped into his head, though he was glad it did. He thinks the name suits her.

"Link! Dinner!" He heard Uli shout.

"Ok." He shouted back. "I'll see you later Ilia." He said with a bright smile.

"See you later." Ilia said. Link led Epona over to the house.

"Where'd that horse come from?" Uli asked.

"She came up to me while Ilia and I were by the stream. Can I keep her?" Link asked.

"We will ask the mayor. He will decide, ok?" Uli said.

"Ok, I understand." He was a little disappointed. What if he couldn't keep her?

"For now, tie her to the rail." Link nodded and tied Epona to the rail with a rope. He went in for dinner. Rusl came in a few minutes later.

"Dear, why is there a horse tied to the house?" Rusl asked.

"Link found the horse by the stream and wanted to keep it. I told him we will tell the mayor and he will decide what to do with it." Uli said. She was a bit worried too. What if it wasn't tamed?

"She's not an it, she has a gender." Link said. They looked over to him. He was feeding little baby Colin some mashed pumpkins.

"As you probably can guess, Link is upset. He doesn't want a chance of losing the horse." Uli said.

"That is apparent, isn't it?" Rusl agreed. "I don't know, maybe it would be ok to have a horse in the village." Rusl said.

"I don't think so. We have more little kids running around than before." Uli pointed out.

"True." Rusl and Uli sat down for dinner. After dinner, they invited the mayor over to talk about the horse. He decided that it has to leave. It could possibly hurt somebody. So, Link untied Epona from the banister and walked toward the woods. They were in the area that would have his future home.

"Go on, Epona. Go. You're free. You can't stay here." Link said. Epona nudged his head. He gave her a hug around her neck. He stopped hugging her. "Go now." He tried pushing her to the exit, trying not to cry. He felt a strange connection with the foal. How could he get rid of her? The connection was so strong. They knew eachother somehow. "I can't do it. I can't get rid of you Epona. You seem like a great horse. I can't. What am I going to do?" Epona looked over to the forest and then nudged her head into Link's chest, making him fall backward. An arrow came, right where he had been standing not a second later. He got up. A bulblin, it shot the arrow. Epona gestured for him to get on her back. He got on. She started riding toward the bulblin and Link grabbed a branch off a tree. He threw it at the bulblin and it ran off. "Yea! Great teamwork, Epona." She whinnied. They headed back to the village and met up with Rusl. He was on his way to check on Link because he was taking a while. "I know I was supposed to get rid of her, but I can't. We share a strong connection, and she just saved my life."

"She saved you?" Rusl asked.

"Yes." Link explained the whole story. "I can't abandon her, not after what she's done for me."

"Then, I guess we need to talk with the mayor. Let's all go home." Link nodded and followed Rusl home. Link rode on Epona as they walked. He made a grass whistle and it sounded like a song, Epona loved it. By the time they made it to the house, it was sunset.

"What's going on?" Uli asked.

"According to Link, the little foal saved his life. Link does not want to get rid of her. I think she'll be fine." Rusl explained.

"I promise, I'll take care of her." Link said. He was still riding on Epona

"Ok, let's talk to the mayor and see what he decides." Uli said. They went to talk to the mayor again. They told him the story.

"Alright. Under one condition, once you are old enough to live on your own, that's when you can take her in. In the meantime, she will stay at the ranch, where you will take care of her." Mayor Bo said.

"Thank you so much." Link said gratefully

"No problem." Mayor Bo said.

"That sounds reasonable. Go ahead and get going." Rusl said.

"Right." Link rode Epona up to the ranch, explaining to Fado what he was told. They found a nice place for her in the stable.

A few months later, Rusl and Fado built a house for Link, as a birthday present. It was a surprise. Mayor Bo felt he was old enough and responsible enough to have a place of his own as well. It took a few weeks, but it was finished, just in time for Link's birthday. They led him over to the place with his eyes covered.

"Rusl, please tell me, what's the surprise." Link said. Rusl had his eyes covered.

"You have to wait." They made it there in no time. He uncovered Link's eyes and he stared in amazement of the place.

"It's huge!" Link said in awe.

"It's yours." Rusl said.

"Mine?" Link said. He didn't quite believe it was his.

"Yes. Fado and I built it. It is just for you." Rusl explained.

"That's so cool."

"Go on and check it out." Link ran over to the ladder and climbed up. He opened the door and looked around, there was a nice sized kitchen, a table, a basement even. He went over to the basement, but couldn't see anything so he decided not to go over there. He went over to the ladder and went up to the second platform, there was a bookcase there. Then another platform. He climbed up that and it had a large window looking out to the front yard. Rusl was standing there looking up at him smiling. "How is it?"

"It's awesome." Link said. He felt like he was in a dream.

"Glad you like it." Link ran back down then jumped off the top platform

"I love it. Thank you so much."

"It's for your birthday. I hope you spend many happy years here."

"I definitely will. Thank you." After this, they went and got Epona. Link spent 9 years in his new home, then, there was the time of the Twilight. We should all know that story.

Next chapter will be up soon.

See ya,

Zem :D