Once again, I've watched "My Babysitter's A Vampire" the movie. After it ended, I ran to the computer and started typing this. I REALLY think Benny and Ethan are the cutest together. Makes my insides flutter! Anyway, this fanfic will probably be like 3 chapters. Not long. Enjoy!

"Damn it Benny. I told you not to drink the fruit juice. You know it makes you wacky."

Benny giggled in the backseat. It was uncontrollable. It was obvious he wasn't his normal self. Ethan sighed, annoyed, and went through a stoplight. Just an hour ago, they were having a great time at the arcade, which they had finally been able to go to. Both of their guardians had made them hold their plans until tonight because both had failed on a History test. Neither got terrible grades, but this one slip made them regret not studying the night before.

"We're almost home. Just hold tight buddy."

Ethan turned the corner and pulled into his driveway. Ethan's parents still weren't home, and Jane was staying over at a friend's house, so both boys were alone.

"You better stay over tonight Benny. Your grandma will send me visions that will scare me to death if she found out that you drank fruit juice with me around."

Ethan turned the car off and jammed the keys into his pocket. He slammed the door behind him as he went to get Benny. Ethan yanked the door open and watched as Benny had fallen over, giggling at himself. Ethan bent down and slid Benny's arm around his shoulder and lifted the taller boy up. Ethan swore under his breath at how stupid he had been to let Benny drink the fruit juice when he knew Benny wasn't allowed to drink it. Ethan pulled Benny out and got Benny to finally stand up by himself. Benny lay limp against Ethan's shoulder.

"Boom, boom, boom. I win again." Benny slurred out. He raised his hand out and made a fake gun, shooting it blindly at the house's lower window.

"C'mon Benny. Pick up your feet. You're heavy." Ethan grunted angrily. One foot after another they went. After what seemed eternal, Ethan had managed to drag Benny up the last stair and lean him against the brick wall of the house. Ethan fondled his thighs for his keys.

"Hey Eth-Ethan. We should…sh-should party all night long." Benny giggled and rolled back and forth on the wall. Ethan glared at him and shook his head. Ethan dug his hands into his pockets and felt around.

Where are my keys? I just had them. Ethan thought. It was getting cold and he wanted to Benny to lie down.

"H-have I ever told you…your hair looks perf-perfect in the moonlight?" Benny was looking at Ethan, cheek squished against the brick wall.

"No Benny. Please stay quiet. You've done enough tonight."

Ethan exhaled loudly and began searching the floor for his keys. He couldn't find them.

"Benny, have you seen my keys?" I must be stupid to ask a kooky person where a missing item could be.

Benny blinked widely and guffawed.

"Yeah. I-I took your keys…" Benny smiled like a dork.

Ethan raised his eyes to the roof and huffed.

"May I have them please? I would like to get into the house at some point." Ethan outstretched his hand and motioned his fingers for Benny.

"No." Benny laughed again and slipped on his feet, causing him to slide away from the brick wall and scrape his cheek. Benny held a hand up to his cheek and looked at the blood.

"Owwie." Then came another brainless laugh.

Ethan growled undertone. "Give me the keys Benny. Please, then I'll give you whatever you want." Benny blinked one eye after the other and wiped his bloody hand on his neck, where it stained a dark pink.

"I-I doesn't know." Benny flicked his tongue out and blew a raspberry.

"Benny! Give me the keys! Now!" Ethan's ears blushed pink with his boiling anger. This was getting ridiculous. Why was benny being so relentless?

Benny gave a squeaky sound from within his throat and pushed his legs forward, slamming Ethan into the front door. Ethan went to move Benny, when Benny locked an arm at each of Ethan's shoulders, making it impossible to escape the taller boy's menacing stance.

"Benny. Please stop and give me the keys. You need to calm down." Ethan's voice was shaky. Benny was acting weirder than he normally does, even when he drinks the wrong stuff.

"I don-don't think so Ethan." Benny giggled loudly and stared deeply into Ethan's face. Ethan shifted and put a hand on the doorknob, as if that was to help. Benny was getting very close, and Ethan knew it was the fruit juice doing its wrongs.

"Benny, I really think you sh-" Ethan was cut off. Not from being scared of his best friend, but by what his friend was doing.

Benny was kissing him. Kissing him directly on the mouth, where Benny was busily working his mouth right on top of. Ethan didn't know if Benny knew he was kissing him, but whatever Benny knew, it was to not give Ethan the keys. Ethan stood frozen as Benny worked his body closer to him, and ran his mouth messily on top of Ethan's. Ethan had never kissed anyone before, but he never knew his first one was to be with Benny. Ethan didn't even know what to do, but stay frozen and hope it was just the juice. Benny slid his hands onto Ethan's shoulders and shoved his tongue into Ethan's mouth, where he felt around and continued kissing Ethan's now wet lips.

Shit! What is Benny doing?! I've got to get him to snap out of it!

Ethan wretched his hand into Benny's front hoodie pocket and pulled out his keys. They had been there all along. Ethan then switched hands and put the key into the lock. Benny didn't seem to notice, only caress his fingers along Ethan's sleeve with one hand, the other rubbing Ethan's thigh with his thumb, and pull back, only for him to come forward again with a rush of his tongue. Then Ethan heard the pleading moan of pleasure escape from Benny's lips. Ethan's heart smashed itself against his ribcage faster. Ethan slowly turned the key and waited a second before opening the door. Benny had placed both hands underneath Ethan's cheekbones bringing Ethan's face closer, which seemed impossible by now. How closer did Benny expect to get? Ethan turned the knob and leapt back with it as it swung in. Benny was thrown forward and fell face-forward into the indoor foot mat. Ethan stared down and wiped his mouth. It was wet and warm. Seconds later, Benny sat up and blinked, a large purple bump forming in the corner of his forehead. Ethan's heart didn't slow.

"Benny…are you alright?" Ethan's voice was high-pitched and uneasy. Ethan shut the door, and tossed the troublesome keys onto the end table by the umbrella stand. Benny stood up and gripped the staircase railing.

"Yeah I think so. My head just hurts. Why was I on the floor?" Benny groaned.

Ethan tried not to look at Benny's still-wet lips. He pointed lazily at the doormat.

"You tripped when we walked in. I told you not to drink that juice." Ethan tried to sound assertive.

"Awwh. That's why my head hurts? You're kidding. The machine must have given me the wrong order." Benny stood up straight and adjusted his shirt.

"Yeah. I told the arcade manager to fix it in the past. After seeing you dance on a table, I think he called the mechanic."

"Good. Can…can we just go to bed or something? I've got the worst head pains. " Benny started up the stairs.

"Uh…sure. I'll be up in a sec." Ethan then turned the corner and waited for Benny to shut the door. When that came, Ethan ran to the bathroom.