Last time we left Lucius with a hand pointed at his neck.

The Evil Doers

But before he was able to free them, 'Tut, Tut," Lucius heard someone's teeth clicking behind him, felt a wand pointed into his neck, his hand was stung with a hex, and the pain made him drop his wand.

"Lucius, don't pick it up, your game is over."

And when Lucius tried to play rough by pulling out a second wand while turning around, he heard a nasty growl and felt a furry, large hand go around his neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, unless you fancy a bite of the furry kind." A raspy voice warned him.

He dropped the second wand and finished turning around. To Remus, not so big surprise, the dirty rat gave him extremely dirty looks and slowly moved his hand towards his pocket.

"Move a muscle, and I assure you that you will get hurt. I don't know how you convinced Moony to act against me, or how Moony has been keeping me out of commission; however, I see Malfoy written all over this drama. I should also tell you that Moony's plan to convince me to marry Curl, I mean Hermione, worked, and that Moony is aware of your betrayal. Neither he, nor I, are happy with your shell rigging games."

"I don't know what are you talking about; after all, this was all his idea, and I was helping him to get you the witch. You may call it my good Samaritan deed." Lucius saw his way out, and Remus shook his head in disbelief, the nerve.

"Hermione, love, come in." Remus called.

Hermione came into the room, she wasn't happy since she had heard about Moony helping to orchestrate the kidnapping. On the other hand, she was going to get Remus, and that made it better. She just wished that she hadn't been such an easy mark.

"Lucius told me that I was for him, and that you and Teddy were mangy dogs." Hermione looked straight at Lucius to see him squirm.

A nasty, evil growl made everyone, to include Remus, fearful and trembling. Behind them stood Fenrir, carrying a tearful Teddy.

"Papa, those are the robbers, they tried to get me, and I was very afraid until my father's bitch came. I love her; please, can she be my mummy? Please Papa, that way I am no longer afraid. I love you Papa. Uncle Lusus is a robber too; he tied me like a doggie and put a cage over my mouth." At the last statement, Fenrir snarled at Lucius, whose skin turned grey and his teeth chattered, obviously afraid.

As for Remus, he nearly gagged when Teddy called Hermione a bitch; however, he understood that Teddy was aping Fenrir, his number one hero; and if Hermione said nothing, he would let sleeping wolves lie, but maybe not, "Son, you shouldn't call Miss Granger those names."

"Your father is right, those are names for lady wolves, and Miss Granger is not that, or at least not yet. She might find them offensive." Fenrir the opportunist wasn't about to make Hermione mad, not when he was about to score with her best friend.

"Fenrir drop the act, you and I are going to have a talk about those words you are teaching Teddy. For now, what are we going to do about Lucius and the scum?"

Hermione asked him, and she felt Remus' eyes upon her. His eyes were possessive, clearly conveying his desire and hunger, and Hermione felt their warmth all over her body.

They awoke her own need and made her want him, right there and then.

"I have an idea," Hermione continued, "I think the best thing is to do nothing; let Lucius go with the knowledge that we know what he has done and that he is being watched. I am certain that he doesn't want to go back to Azkaban. Moreover, I would dare to bet that he no longer remembers a young wolf he met earlier, or maybe Fenrir should give him a taste of what could happen to him if his mouth should run."

Hermione's eyes went from Lucius to Fenrir and then back to Lucius, with a nasty look about her.

Lucius paled at the words and at Fenrir's face.

"How about Scabior and his brother?" Remus asked.

"I have some work for him and hard work is always good. As it is, I am going to need a few bodyguards for my family; you see, I believe our family is about to get bigger."

Fenrir looked at Hermione as if she and Remus were a done deal.

Then he turned to Remus, "I will watch the cub today, and you two take a day out." Fenrir wanted them out the way, there were a few things he needed to do. He needed a little time alone with Teddy to convince him to be quiet, but he was about to learn two valuable lessons; namely, children are unpredictable, and time, is a premium commodity.

Hermione blushed when Remus held her hand, his thumb caressed her wrist sensually, and he moved even closer, behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his body against hers. He looked at Fenrir, "Thanks Fenrir, I would like to take you up in the offer, but you and I, must discuss the matter of Teddy and secrets you have kept from me. And I need to find out who has been helping Moony."

The silence in the room felt oppressive, but nothing could have surprised Remus and Hermione more, than the words Teddy said next.

"Daddy, Papa Fenrir and Uncle Lucius wanted me to help you get your mate, and they tolds me to put a candy in your food. I had this many, "he showed them two fingers, "and I put them both, many times, maybe these many times," and he opened both of his hands, showing all his fingers.

Fenrir's mouth twisted into a horrified grimace, while his eyes darted around the room, looking for a quit getaway, and Lucius' shakes worsened.

"Teddy don't cry, please darling, you didn't do anything wrong; responsible adults usually don't ask little wizards to do naughty things for them." Hermione took Teddy away from Fenrir and held the child tightly in her arms, but he was more than upset.

Hermione wanted to kill both Fenrir and Lucius for using Teddy so poorly. Now, she was certain that Teddy required a mother, even the tyke knew that, and she was the mother he needed.

Remus grabbed both Lucius' and Fenrir' arms, to drag them away from Teddy and talked softly, so Teddy couldn't hear.

"Fenrir, if you conspired and helped these idiots, I am no longer on your side."

"I only wanted Moony to propose to Miss Granger, but she was too smart and could see that it wasn't you but Moony. I swear, that was all that I did. I would have never done anything to hurt Teddy." Fenrir sounded sincere.

He is telling the truth, I am sorry for working with Lucius, but Fenrir wanted what was best for you. Lucius overheard my conversation with Fenrir, and, later, Lucius tricked me. Not sure what this is all about.

He told me his plan was to scare you a little, but never to sequester you and demand ransom. Surely, Lucius was the one responsible. Moony told Remus.

And Remus looked at Fenrir, "I swear Fenrir if you do anything close to this again, all bets are off. Am I understood?"

Fenrir reacted at hearing the words; he could see a bleak future in front of him, Miss Granger would tell Miss Lovegood, and he would not longer have Teddy's company; and his life and careful plans would fall apart, not good, not good at all. "We can make an unbreakable if you don't trust me." Fenrir offered.

He was about to tell Remus a secret hidden for over three decades, Fenrir was Remus' real father, but had promised his mother never to tell, and that was the reason he had bitten him to cover up his parenthood. Thus, he was relieved when Remus answered. He loved his son and grandson, more than all the witches in the entire world, and would never give them up, never.

"Yes, I want that, but we will do it later today. Right now, I want to go home with my son."

"Daddy, I want to go with Grandfather Fenrir, he wants to take me for a dip in the pond." Teddy was right behind him.

Teddy winked at his grandfather, and Remus saw it and rolled his eyes. Fenrir gathered up his grandchild.

"For today, but first I need to talk to your grandfather before he takes you." Remus tried to look at Fenrir on the eye, but the guilty wolf looked the other way.

"And Daddy, can we crown Aunt Hermi as the queen bitchie, after Gran..."

Fenrir turned them around, away from Remus, on time to whisper, "Shhh our secret, remember? She is afraid of bites, we don't ," and louder, "we don't want your new mommy to be scared. She might be scared of a crown," and he winked an eye at Teddy who understood. He knew Hermi was afraid of bites, yes he knew. Teddy winked back. All was okay for now.

"Hermione, do you want to go to Diagon Alley, and maybe to a Muggle cinema?" Remus invited her.

"Yes, but we can talk to Fenrir later since there are things that you and I must discuss with Teddy, ahead of time."

Finally together-

They held hands while they Apparated inside his flat, and Remus went into the shower upon their arrival.

"I need to wash up, would you wait for me here," He bent and kissed her cheek with an open mouth, making her warm all over.

"I guess," she answered mysteriously.

He turned the shower on and closed his eyes to think about Hermione. Tonight was a full moon, and he wanted her very badly; he was in a state of extreme sensual awareness.

Especially since he hadn't been with a witch since Dora had died. He didn't want more pain, but gods, Hermione was so beautiful, and the idea of loving her had him on the edge.

Damn, she smelled so fine, and with this in his mind, his hand went to his burgeoning erection, imaging that she was in the shower with him.

He could feel her small, warm hands in his bum, kneading, caressing, going between his thighs, teasing his bollocks, and slowly coming around his body to pull his hand off his hard cock and wrapping hers around it.

Oh gods, it felt so real that his body arched at the sensation. Her soft breasts pressed against his back, her hardened nipples gently poked into his skin, his hips moved with her imaginary hand, and he groaned. Her thigh wrapped around his leg, and he could feel her sleek sex rubbing upon his bare skin. He put his hands on the wall to give her better access,

"Yes, darling, just like that, oh Merlin," Remus moaned aloud, and he felt his cock throbbing and his bollocks tightening.

Wait, his hands on the wall? And how could his hands be in two places at the same time, i.e. around his cock and on the wall?

Remus opened his eyes, looked down, and, to his delighted surprise, saw her hands actually touching him.

"Hermione? Are you here?" His voice was strangled; bloody hell, the strong, herbal soap probably had masked her scent.

"Who else," she laughed softly and licked the water on his back.

"Stop for a minute, come around here." Remus wanted to see her, to see her naked body. And he felt that this was the Plunge, the Remus' Plunge. He was going all out for Hermione and taking a page from Fenrir.

"I was so afraid when I heard you in the cottage; I cannot stand for anything bad to happen to you. Oh gods, you are so pretty, come here." His eyes feasted on her body, reverently admiring her beauty, drunk with happiness, and consumed with lust.

"Do we need to be married to have sex?" She asked teasingly.

"No, necessarily, but I would like to." His hands caressed her body, and his mind was no longer working very well.

"The answer would be, let's talk about it later, I need you right now." Her hand lowered and touched him again, squeezing him between her fingers, and making him growl.

She went down on her knees and pressed her lips to his stomach, Remus watched the naked witch and her tongue, now swirling on his naked skin; it made made him shudder.

Moony, no longer caring, howled with pleasure at the precise moment her mouth went around his swollen cock. His mate, after all these years, was touching his body, giving him pleasure never felt before, "Curly, I love you."


"Mr. Lupin, Mr. Lupin," a tall witch clad in revealing attire of leather and silk, ran after Remus. He was in a hurry, to go home for his first month anniversary, and he tried to outrun her. Moony was particularly anxious to get going.

"Mr. Lupin, hi, I am Cherry Pop, nice to meet you." She stretched her hand with long, lacquered, cherry-colored nails, when she finally caught his attention.

Remus, let's go, Curly awaits us, and I want to go home. We promised to be at home early, Moony growled impatiently.

"Yes, how may I help you?" Remus asked, cold and reserved, and quite sure that he wasn't going to like this; Pop, he just remembered her name; it was the one from Moony's articles.

"I have a large check for your friend Moony, he was adamant on getting his pay before today, he needed to buy a special gift. I really would like to meet him, err, you. He is your wolf persona, right? We want to do a series featuring him. Our readers love the articles, and now that you are married to the most famous witch, Ms. Hermione, we want to hear his opinion; but he is not answering our letters to set an interview."

She said assessing Remus, as one would check a juicy steak for dinner; he was a piece of beef, literally. He was particularly annoyed when she licked her lips, slowly, while looking below his belt.

Remus relaxed a bit after he heard the 'no interviews;' whereby, he assumed the payment was for something he had written before and answered with confidence, "I don't think you will hear from him anytime soon, maybe not ever."

"But, last week, when he wrote his last article…" Cherry continued.

"Do you mean last week, like in eight days ago?" Remus blood pressure was rising; a special gift indeed, an anniversary gift, he should have guessed.

"Yes, ah, wait, I have something here for you," she pulled two magazines from a satchel she carried.

"Here you go the last two magazines with the articles he wrote right before the wedding. If you are ever interested in hooking up, here is my card. And here is all the fan mail for the sexiest werewolf in all the land, Remus Lupin."

She gave him a reduced bag full of miniature scrolls. Then she made a growly sound and a face as if she wanted to bite him, and Remus blushed as if he was about to explode.

Remus stood frozen in place, looking at her pulling out a red lollypop. She stared straight into his eyes, while she unwrapped it, sucked it, and licked it, suggestively.

Remus reacted and took the magazines, "Thanks, Miss Pop," and he ran away.

He heard an impish giggle, "Cherry, Cherry Pop. Call, you hear?" she yelled.

"Moony, where are you evil wolf? I am going to find a way to suppress you. Moony where are you? Are you still feeding me potions? You are dead meat. Answer, I say…"

The End.


I love Moony, but the next is a Fenrir and Hermione, a Fenrir who is a mix of the Malfoy and Mates and from Right Mate. If you all like the werewolf stories, let your voices be heard. Hugs to everyone.