
Kiku Honda walked down the cobbled street. His black trench coat trailed behind him and his shoes made soft clacking noises against the stone. His eyes were cast down as he walked down the dimly lit road. He was rather bored to be honest, but he would never admit that, he was supposed to be a calm and quiet man, though in reality he was a ruthless killer that stalked around in the darkness of night, feeding of unsuspecting victims. The act of this was rather selfish in his opinion, although he had to do it to live. To live... Something he didn't do any more... He was a lost soul who wandered the earth for all eternity, alone... He had had many friends only to watch them die as he lived on... So eventually he resorted to being alone, he couldn't stand the guilt that came with watching some one that's close to you die. So here he was wasting his time by aimlessly wandering the streets and pitying himself for his own sorrow and loneliness. His brown eyes were dull and held no emotion, in all the years of his life, that's one thing he had learnt to hide from seeing eyes, he thought it was best to be away from people who would actually care for him than people who just say "Are you alright" then move on. His chopped raven, black hair fell perfect as always and his face was slightly paler than usual which meant to other vampires that he hadn't fed for a while, which also meant that he would be an agitated vampire. It would be easy to annoy Kiku right now as all he craved was the red liquid that ran through human veins. Animal blood just didn't seem to be enough for Kiku. His brother Yao had once had him try it for a few days and Kiku couldn't take it, he just threw it all back up. So Kiku had to feed off humans which made him feel worse than he already did anyway, so Kiku really had no choice in the matter his body just wasn't helping him out at all. A sigh left his pink lips as he stopped walking and lifted his head up to see if there was any victims around, as he called them, that's what they were to Kiku, humans, all to him were victims, none off them could escape his grasp one he had locked onto them. Just another day in his blood stained life. His brown orbs spotted a woman in her mid twenties, she looked as though she was fairly intoxicated by the way she was walking, all alone in the streets at around midnight. This was perfect, too easy in Kiku's opinion... But a feed was a feed... He waltzed over to the woman and began to follow her.

The woman turned down a dark alley way in a rough part of the city, this was too easy, way too easy for Kiku's taste, but he needed to feed, he hadn't fed in around three days, any longer and he would be pushing it. The woman stumbled slightly in her heels and fell over, this was Kiku's chance. He walked briskly over to the woman and held out his hand to her , a fake smile across his face, although it looked more like a grimace.
"Are you okay?.." His accent was thick but the woman was far too intoxicated to realize. She happily accepted it and Kiku helped her up she slurred her words badly.
"Thankkkssss Misssttttterrrrr..." She added a hiccup on the end and before she could scream Kiku had clamped his hand over her mouth and had slammed her up against the wall. She whimpered slightly and Kiku immediately bit down hastily on her neck and began lapping up the crimson liquid and swallowing it. With in a few minutes he was full and he released his grip off the woman and snapped his head back and wiped the liquid off his chins and licked his fingers. His eyes were now a blood crazed red, he knew he would have to calm himself down before he went back out into the streets. He looked at the ground and grimaced slightly, he hated the aftermath of his feeding. He listened to the silence of the night and wondered if anyone had heard him. His worries were answered as he heard the cock of a gun from behind him, and a American accented voice spoke up,
"Oi! Stop there dude! You're a vampire and I am a hunter! You're going down!" Kiku rolled his eyes at the obnoxious voice and slowly turned around to face the man his raven hair covered his blood red eyes and a little bit of blood dribbled down his pale chin giving him away almost immediately. A small smirk twisted onto his face as the hunter came towards him.
"Werr what are you going to do?" The hunter made a little 'hmph' noise and spoke again.
"Well dude, how about I tell you my name and you tell me yours not like it'll matter coz I'm gonna kill you anyway so..." The hunter stopped walking momentarily and spoke again, " My name's Alfred. , you?" Kiku smirked bigger and spoke clearly and velvety,
"My name Mr Hunter? Shourdn't you know that?" Alfred sneered,
" No dude, stop messing with me.." Kiku chuckled lightly and spoke,
"Well, Mr. Arfred, my name's Kiku Honda... You maybe know my brother Yao?" Alfred stopped moving towards Kiku and let out a frustrated sigh.
"Yeah I actually do.. He killed my brother Arthur last year... So maybe killing you will make me feel better..." Kiku mocked a gasp and then smiled at him revealing his red eyes.
"Maybe it wirr... but good ruck taking me down Arfred... I've rived ronger then you and I am a vampire... Sayonara hunter..." Alfred sneered again and shot Kiku's feet. Kiku jumped backwards doing a back flip in the process and landed gracefully on his feet. Alfred's eyes widened slightly, he never missed a shot. He pushed his blond locks back from his face and smiled slightly. He cocked his gun again and shot straight forward, Kiku jumped to the side and ran across the surface of the wall , he then jumped at Alfred and flipped Alfred over his own head throwing him to the floor in a heap. Alfred landed with a grunt and got up again, and pulled out a wooden stack from the inside of his long brown, leather trench coat. He ran towards Kiku who jumped to the side getting a gash on his forearm in the process. He gripped his bleeding arm and let out a low growl. Alfred smirked and ran at Kiku again, who jumped just in time landing on the rooftop. Alfred clenched his teeth and shouted.
"Come down here and fight!" Kiku just chuckled. I don't feel like dying today Alfred, but I will give you this..." Kiku then jumped before Alfred could comprehend what was going on and landed on Alfred's head, knocking him out cold. Kiku smiled as Alfred fell to the floor in a heap. After a minute Kiku walked towards the cold hunter. He nudged him with his foot and was satisfied he was out. Getting a better look at him, Kiku saw he was rather cute, although the constant scowl on the American's face did nothing for him. He opened his eye lids to check he was out, he was, he realized how ocean blue they were, he was lost in them momentarily, they were clouded in hate for his brother, he looked at his hair it was dirty blonde and had a strange cow flick prominent on the top of his head. His glasses were at an angle and broken, probably from were Kiku's foot had come into contact with his face, although he could always get a new pair, they looked as though they had belonged to his grandfather or something. He wore a brown leather trench coat, a white shirt, red tie, black trousers and brown combat boots. In Kiku's opinion he looked like a cowboy... stupid Americans. He stood up over Alfred and smiled, he looked so feeble and help less, like a sleeping baby. He gave a twisted smile,
"I can't wait untir we meet again, ... See you soon... Sayonara..." Kiku gave him a warm smile before he jumped onto the roof again and ran along the roof tops, leaving the American in the ally, along with the dead body of the woman.

~Time skip~
Kiku reached his and his brother's and sister's home. He opened the door to be greeted with darkness. No one home. Great... He walked into his room on the left side of the house and sat down on the bed removing his coat he looked at his now ripped pin stripped shirt, and at the still bleeding wound he had gotten. Alfred must have put some holy water or something on it because around the wound was burned slightly and it wasn't healing like if he was just a cut from a stake or knife. Alfred knew his stuff Kiku would give him that. He walked into his on suite bathroom and proceeded to cleanse the wound of the water and wrapped it in a bandage. Kiku got ready for bed and spent the rest of the night in a lot of pain as the water spread through out his body, although there wasn't a lot of it, Kiku was in agony. When Yao got home that night, he was met with Kiku sat on his bed writhing in pain. Kiku would be bed ridden for days to come.

Alfred had woken up in the alley and cursed himself for being so stupid. He was now stood at his brothers grave with flowers in hand, Tudor roses to be exact, his brother loved them. He put the flowers down and a single tear rolled down his cheek. He swore on his brothers grave that day."I will avenge you Arthur,.. those vampires will be ash soon, I promise..."

Hello~ This was actually started as a oneshot thing so I turned it into a story and is already completed but I'll post single chapters a day (may way of annoying you). ;3 But thank you for reading this and comments/follows/favourites much appreciated.