Disclaimer: I do not own anything written here. It is all owned by Marvel. As much as I would love to own Loki, I don't. This is entirely Loki based so if you don't like him, don't read.
Authors Note: This is my first Fanfiction. Any comments are welcome as well as criticism. At the moment I'm unsure whether to continue or not but I will decide soon. Enjoy! ;-)
Loki sat in his 5 meter by 5 meter cell and sighed. He had been in the same cell for nearly 15 years. It was a long time for anyone to sit in a cell. Especially for the God of Mischief. Against one wall there was a tear stained mattress. Loki moved to it now. As he sat down the solid spring dug fiercely into his skin. The only light in the room came from a small window high up the wall. Yellow light filtered in, casting shadows across the room. Just another painful reminder. He would never escape. Loki bowed his head. His overgrown black hair filled his vision hiding the horrors of his cell. He preferred it when it was dark. Then he didn't have to see his own blood staining the floor in various shades according to how recent his injury was. It was the evidence of his failure to free himself. From the times when he still had hope and strength. When he repeatedly flung himself against the solid iron door until he was broken and bleeding. When he had clawed at the wall to try and drag himself closer to the tiny window in the hope he could break it. He would get so close only to fall again and again, until his hands were bloody and torn or he hurt too much to continue. Not once had the guards ever checked on him. He had simply been left to die. Without his magic he had to heal naturally. Slowly. Like a mortal. Of cause Odin had taken away his magic as soon as Thor had handed him over, like an unwanted dog. Thor, his once trusted brother, had simply given him away without ever even looking at him. He turned his back and walked away. He had never visited him. Never even asked about him. For years Loki had sat, waiting for his brother. Hoping, no praying, for him to visit. When the nightmares had returned, he would scream for Thor. But he never came. Not once. Eventually Loki gave in. He had been abandoned by everyone. It was just another type of torture. Being made to feel like he needed someone. To feel weak. To feel…mortal.
Every hope had left Loki. He had nothing but pain here. Nothing left to live for. He knew he would never leave here. At least, not alive. Maybe not even then. Perhaps they would just leave him here, in this cell, to rot. Until there was nothing but bone left of him.
There was no doubt in his mind that he deserved punishment, but not this. Never this. He would not wish this fate on his worst enemy. No-one would ever deserve his life. Not now…
Loki placed his head in his hands and sighed. Loneliness, it turned out, was a strange thing. It claims the soul and never lets go until someone else saves you. Loki had been lonely for a long time. He missed people.
Occasionally Odin would visit to check the wards around his cell were still in place. Never anything more than that. Not even a glance. Eventually, about 3 years ago, his door had stopped being guarded. When Odin was sure Loki no longer presented any threat, when he was too weak to, Odin ordered the guard away. The only sound now was his own ragged breathing. Strangely enough, he missed their random and violent insults and their loud footsteps. At least he knew someone else was there. Now, in this horrible place, he was entirely alone. It was a strange feeling for the God, to feel alone. Like he needed someone. Desperately. Not just anyone. Loki needed Thor. As much as it shocked him, Loki really missed his brother. He missed his booming voice and bone crushing hugs. He would give anything to see his traitorous face. To hear his laugh… anything. Thor was the thing he most missed. More than anything in all the nine realms and beyond. Now more than ever before in his life, Loki needed his brother to be there for him. To rescue him from himself. Loki threw back his head and screamed the only thing he could, "THOR! Thor please!" Loki whimpered. Tears trickled down his face. He was broken. The only thing that would ever fix him was Thor. Only he would never come. Never fix him.
Loki gave up. He sasurrounded by frozen air and nothingness and cried. His violent sobs rocked his frail body. "Thor"
That's it. Please review. You know you want to.