I wake up in a small room that seems very familiar.

Sunlight streams through the single window, which is above my bed. A chair is next to my bed, and a desk sits opposite of that. Looking out of the window, I see Stolbrist, with people as small as ants bustling around. It looked as though the battle had never happened, until you looked at the walls around the city and the crushed farms outside of the river.

Did we win? Where are Jack and Flu? Where is…

Oh yeah. I remember where Brind is.

Getting out of the bed, I look around. Immediately, a burst of pain comes from my right hand, which I see is bandaged up. My left hand is also cut, but it isn't hurt as badly. Then, I turn to see something I've been missing for what seems like forever.

My backpack! I open it up to see everything in it, and after looking through the stuff for a bit, I hear a voice come from right behind me.

"You're awake!" Jolting up, I turn around to see Flu with a grin spreading across her face.

Jack bursts into the door, along with Colt. I'm hit with a chorus of questions.

"Are you okay?"

"What happened up there?"

"Why is your hand-"

"HOLD ON!" I yell over them, even though I can hardly contain my excitement of seeing my best friends alive. "Could we talk somewhere else, and get some food? I'm starving."


Di limped through the forest, cursing all the while. He had been so close to winning, and yet…

It was because of the Creative boy. He had seen him fly to the tower, and had even tried to shoot him with his bow. No one listened to him though; they were too enraged in their battle. He knew that the spy could kill him easily, but he had underestimated the boy and his partner.

So now he limped with his broken leg (which he had gotten from a stupid Godist soldier who had accidently hit it) through the forest and away from Stolbrist, cursing the boy and cursing his enemies.

He had only one thought.



As I ate, Flu and Jack explained everything that they had done since I had been captured. They told me about the pyramid, as well as being saved by Nilloc, who introduced himself to me. His choice of weapon was strange, but beyond that I had a feeling we would get along just fine.

They also told me about Anna, who apparently was Yeoj's daughter. Her and Colt were at the castle negotiating a treaty between the Ancients and the Wizards. Being the children of the main leaders of both sides, they were put in charge of negotiations that the High Wizard and the Council of Elders could not handle.

After the beacon turned off, the Godists just all randomly crumpled and fell like ragdolls. After a minute of confusion, the Stolbrist army and the Ancients realized that they had somehow won. Soon after, both sides began to work together to repair Stolbrist and count the losses.

There were many losses. I'm not going to go into it, but there were.

There was one thing they were holding from me, though. The entire time, they seemed to be hiding something.

"What is it? What are you not telling me?" I ask.

"Well… it's not very good." Jack replies.

Flu reluctantly continued his statement. "You see, Phillip… your mother is gone. She's missing."


One Week Later

Jack, Flu, Nilloc, Anna, Colt and I stood side by side in the front pews of Stolbrist's church. Siwel Brind's funeral was beginning, and as each person who knew him stepped forward to his casket before going back to their seat, I looked over to my friends.

Jack, Nilloc and I were all wearing ceremonial suits, and Colt was wearing a similar Ancient-style suit. Flu and Anna both had a simple dress, which was customary to Stolbrist tradition.

I found myself holding back tears as I stood there.

Soon, everyone had gathered and sat down. It came time for us to step up on the platform next to the casket and give a speech about Brind, since no one knew of his family.

Jack stepped up first, and after giving a heartfelt speech about Brind being his mentor and friend, he was finished. Flu followed after, and Nilloc after her. Then, it was my turn.

Clearing my throat, I look out over the crowd. Many of these people were from the army, and others I didn't know.

It was hard to start, but after the first few words, I just let myself speak. I spoke of Mr. Brind and my friends, how he had helped during all of our travels, and how he would be missed.

Before I knew it, I was finished. Stepping down, I took my place next to Colt and Flu.

Looking at Brind, I knew this wasn't the end. Not close.

This was just the beginning.

Thanks to everyone who view and reviewed this story. I'll start on the sequel soon (as well as go through and change the story up a bit), but for now, I have a few acknowledgments:

First, I want to thank my first reviewer, Themegaarmy, for inspiring me to keep on going with the first few chapters. I also want to thank Iliketoreviewgoodstories, who I see almost everywhere. Even though I haven't seen you revently, both of you are really cool.

Second, I want to thank the FullMoonFlygon, HPE24, Exb756, and the magician herself: Mellifluousness. You not only inspired me to write this story, but you also supported me all the way through. You guys are awesome, and I can't wait to see more of your stuff later!

Last (but certainly not least) I want to thank my friend Pandasaur17. Not only did I make a character from him (Nilloc), but he also helped me think up new ideas for the last few chapters, as well as making a story of his own.

And that's about it for now. I'll see you guys in a week, and I can't wait to start on this new sequel, as well as seeing your feedback.

So yeah...

See you soon.