''H,where are you?Frank muttered as he dialed his phone.
Ryan,Natalia,Eric and Calleigh were analyzing data in the same room and wondering where the hell their boss was.
Frank held the phone to his ear,and waited for Horatio to pick up.
''You know you're late for work? Is there a reason why-'' ''-I'M NOT SHOWING UP TO WORK LOOKING LIKE THIS,ARE YOU CRAZY?!'' Frank held the phone away from his ear. Damn that man could yell when he wanted to.
''Looking like what?'' ''I'M NOT SHOWING UP TODAY!''
''The hell you ain't!'' Frank hung up. ''Eric,Ryan,you're gonna come with me. We may need to drag him out of the house.''
Back at the house,Horatio locked the front door and scurried back up to his bedroom to hide under the blankets. It wasn't long before Frank showed up and found that Horatio had locked them out.
''Move over,''Ryan sighed. Frank did as he was told and watched as Ryan stuck a small pin in the door knob and picked the lock.
Horatio heard the noise as his friends came into the house and locked the door to his room. Again the lock got picked and Frank just looked at the figure curled up under the blankets before he watched as Eric took hold of them with a firm grip.
Too late. Eric yanked the blankets away to reveal Horatio still in his night clothes,but he had a few new features.
Perfectly shaped feline ears sat atop his head matching his red hair,and a tail that was just shy of the length of his leg was twitching uncontrollably.
''Holy shit...''
''Uh...Meow?'' Horatio chuckled nervously.
''OK,that's new...You're still coming to work,though,''Ryan stated.
''Are you kidding?! If I show up for work,I won't be able to work! Haven't you noticed? Natalia's a cat-boy fanatic! I won't last a day!'' Frank was stifling a laugh and decided to go outside to get a hold of himself. Ryan hat sat down on the bed with Horatio while Eric pulled out his clothes for work.
Horatio watched him,but soon his eyes were on something else-his tail. Ryan watched feline slits take form as the redhead went to paw at it.
Ryan chuckled.
Eric was watching too,and soon Horatio was practically chasing his own tail.
''H,careful. You don't wanna hurt yourself,do you?''
Too late. There was a loud screech as the man managed to get his new claws stuck in his tail. ''YEOW!''
Both Eric and Ryan backed away and watched the red head nurse his slightly bleeding tail by licking the wound.
Ryan looked at Eric. ''I think he'll adjust just fine. And we can run his DNA. I'll bet it's in his genes to be a Neko.'' ''Ryan, a Neko is a cat girl.'' ''Yeah,so? Look at his behavior.''
Eric watched the redhead continue to nurse his poor tail. His ears were down,much like a sad cat.
''Here. Get dressed and we'll bandage the tail,''Eric offered as he set the clothes down and left the room with Ryan.
''Come on,H! You have work to do!'' Ryan and Eric were doing their best to pull Horatio away from the hummer. Horatio was beyond arguing and was instead snarling and hissing.
Frank'd run inside already to get Calleigh and Natalia. ''I'm warning you,he's already figured out how to use his claws.''
They got outside and found Ryan sitting on Horatio's back. ''Ryan,get off of me! You're gonna break my spine!'' ''H,I think those Neko genes set you physically back about twenty years. You'll be fine.''
''Oh,Horatio! You look so cute!'' Natalia was coming towards him. Now he wanted to move.
''Great! Now he needs to be fixed before you let him into your house!''Calleigh said smiling down at her boss.
Now Horatio really wanted to move.
''You're not fixing me! Ryan get off!'' Ryan found himself on the ground all of a sudden,and Horatio was on his hands and knees on the roof of the hummer,his ears flat against his head and his tail was swishing angrily.
Eric smiled somewhat slyly,and reached into his pocket. Horatio picked up a fresh and very appealing scent.
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