Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Short, I know. :(


It has been five years. Sakura and Itachi have been together for the past five years.

After Sasuke's consciousness vanished from their world, Sasuke's body collapsed. He wouldn't wake up and he still hasn't. The doctors had asked if he had ever fainted before. Naruto says that he has, once, back in high school. The doctor then says that it is surprising that Sasuke ever woke up. Apparently, he had been suffering from various brain problems since childhood – Mikoto and Fugaku had kept it all a secret. That is also why Itachi had been sold to the palace. That is why his parents hadn't stopped him.

The doctors have tried various surgeries on Sasuke, but none of them have worked.

But they won't give up. It has all taken a great toll on all of them. Their hopes have been raised each time that a new procedure or new technology is created, but all of them have failed. Some of them have worked on other patients, but none of them work on Sasuke.

It is as if his soul has been long gone.

After Sakura gave up the throne, Kakashi was voted to be President. Sakura was also voted to be one of his councilors. The other positions were filled with various police officers and commanders that have been known to do good jobs. Itachi had been nominated for head of security, but due to his known status as an Akatsuki member, he lost the position; however, he was offered a position as a police instructor instead.

Two years after Akatsuki was defeated, Karin and Suigetsu began dating. Karin, Hinata, Tenten and Ino also decided to open a café. Sakura randomly works there and just her random appearances bring a lot of customers from around the world. A bunch of the guys also decided to join the police force. Naruto has also decided to become president eventually. It is now his dream.

Many of them sometimes wonder what Sasuke's dream would have been had he been okay.

And like that, five years passed.

She is now 24 and he is 29, and today is a special day. Today is the day that Itachi has something special planned.

Today is the day that he is going to propose to Sakura.

They are currently on one of their many dates.

It's a dinner on the roof with food made by the both of them, together, in the kitchen of the apartment they live in together.

He hadn't been sure what kind of proposal she would like – but he knows that, as long as he is the one to propose, she'll love it anyways, and it isn't exactly his cup of tea to propose in public with all their friends around. So, instead, he chose a small, intimate proposal.

"Sakura, what do you imagine for our future?" he asks.

She is looking up at the stars as she contemplates her answer.

"I'm not sure. I would like for us to be together forever though."

She reaches out and holds one of his hands between both of hers.

"I'm fine just following wherever you go."

She leans her head on his shoulder.

He clutches onto the ring box in his pocket.

"You don't have any hopes for our future?" he asks.

"Not really," she answers, "I just want to be by your side."

He isn't sure if she's just answering the question as she thinks he'd want the answer to be, but he also doesn't know if she actually means the things she's saying.

"Have you…" he pauses, "Ever thought about getting married?"

Sakura couldn't sit up straight to look at him any faster.


"Marriage. Have you ever thought about it?"

She suddenly finds the eye contact too extreme and she looks away. He smiles a little at her shyness. He lets go of the ring box and puts his free hand over one of her hands.

"Are you thinking about it now?"

She doesn't answer. She is too surprised to.

"Sakura…" He reaches back into his pocket and pulls out the ring box. "Will you marry me?" he asks as he opens the box.

She stares down at the somewhat plain ring. She's not the type for big diamonds or statement jewelry. She looks good in them, but he has come to realize over the years that she was princess, that she doesn't like them. She did when she was younger, but not now.

He takes his hand out of her hands and takes the ring out of the box. He places the box down and Sakura's eyes haven't left the ring. He then takes her hand and begins slipping the ring onto her hand.

She stares at the ring on her hand. She's screaming in her head. There are so many thoughts going through her head that she can't even think of anything to say.

"Marry me, Sakura."

He's staring at her and she's staring at her hand. He knows she'll say yes, but he wants to hear it.

Then, she mumbles, "You're supposed to wait for my answer first, you idiot."

And then she hears him laugh and her thoughts stop just to listen to it. He does laugh and it usually is around her, but his laughs are sparse and far in between. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her to him amidst his laughter.

She wraps her arms around him too. She can feel the rumble in his throat as he laughs at the top of her head. She smiles and her head is clear now.

"When do you want to get married?" she asks.

"When do you want?" he asks.

"As soon as possible," she responds, "Tomorrow, even."

She smiles. "I love you," she hears him say.

"I love you too."


"I want to ask you something…" she asks.

"What is it?"

"Do you want kids?"

He nods.

"How many?"


"I want a daughter, by the way."

"Two sons."

"No. At least one daughter."

"Fine, two sons and a daughter."

"We'll see how that goes."

She smiles as she feels one of his hands combing through her hair.

"So what time do you have to be awake tomorrow?"

"Late, why?"

He smiles a little as he kisses her.


Phew, finally done! Let me know what you think! :) I hope you've all enjoyed this story. I apologize for the irregular updates. :(

Please reviewww! :) It will make me veeeery happy.