Authors Note: Thats for the reviews! Here's the first real chapter. Mind the headings to know which POV it is in. :) Even Bella, odd Jasper. Possibly some Victoria's or Garrett.

Rachelle Leferve is my Victoria.

DISCLAIMER (last/only): All recognizable characters are not mine, but an OC's featured in this story are in fact mine, and if you like the/wish to use them, PM me. The plot line is also mine, and please don't use. All lyrics/songs/artists featured in this story are not owned by me, if so I think I wouldn't be leaving in a one bedroom apt. :) Also any poetry used ever in this story, I have no rights to at all. Free use!

Oh, and I used the name of the night club in The Mortal Insturments. Don't belong to me!

Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you

When you think everything's okay and everything's going right

And life has a funny way of helping you out when

You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up

In your face

Ironic- Alanis Morissette


It was twilight, of course it was twilight, and there he was. Leaning against a wall, outside of a bar, taking a drag off of a cigarette, was the devil himself. I wouldn't have recognized him, not if my first and last encounter with him hadn't been as.. Impression leaving as it was. He was in all black, and he wore a hat, but it was him. A small growl rose from my throat, I didn't know why exactly, but it did, and his head shot in my direction, and I. I ran, slamming my back against the brick wall of the nearest building.

I took the long way away from him, as fast as I possibly could to get back to Vicky and I's home. We lived in a two bedroom apartment in the Lower East Side. Other than our rooms, and the bathroom, the whole place was wide open space. The concrete floor was splattered with rugs of different colors, and paint spills. Victoria liked to paint, and she thought maybe she could even get something of her's put in a gallery why we were here.

"VICKY!" I slammed the door shut, and tossed my purse on the stand by the door. Victoria came sliding in front of me in her fuzzy socks.

"What Boo?"

"I just saw a Cullen outside of that club, Pandemonium. "

"What?" She screeched out. "No! That can't be right. Did they see you?"

"Only one. And no, he didn't."

"Which one?" She crossed her arms, and started to pace the room with me.

"Jasper Hale. It was him. I know it. He was smoking outside of it. I didn't catch a good look really, I just freaked out and ran. But I know it was him. A gut thing, you know." She nodded before grabbing my arm and pulling me into a hug.

"Just avoid him. This is a big city, and maybe he's alone? Besides you could just throw him across the room you know."

"She has to be with him. Where she is, they all follow, and he is always with her. I've never seen him without her." I didn't hug her back, my mind was racing, and I was slipping into a panic attack. My breathing was heavy, and I couldn't stop the thoughts from rushing around in my head. So many thoughts. So many."I know I could, but I don't want to deal with them Vic." My gift had been something strange, no ones power worked on me for one thing.

Every nomad we came across, anyone that had a gift always looked at me funny. Like one girl, the one time I got very close to the Cullen's, the Denali's, there cousin's, we ran across them midhunt. Tanya had called Victoria trashy, and I went for her throat. Kate, her sister, had tackled me, and got a glossed over eyed look, but nothing happened. She later explained, once everyone was calm, that she could shock vampires. Eleazar told me I was shield, and that he couldn't get a read me. My scent was also muted, you couldn't quite catch my smell unless you were within a few feet of me. The only other thing I excelled in was fighting, and strength. I seemed to never lose my newborn strength, and I was risen an natural fighter. A few rare times I even had to dispatch a few perverted nomadic assholes. Victoria wasn't the greatest fighter, she never really had to fight. She had someone there for her or ran.

"Shhh. Calm down B. Please, calm down. Your scaring me. So what if they are back? What can they do? Nothing. Garrett will be here soon, and he'll help us keep them away if they are here. Besides, I won't let anyone hurt you honey."

"No. Don't tell Garrett, he doesn't know anything about my past, and I want to keep it that way. Just in case, some how, they'll leave and I won't run into them again." She sighed before I felt her body move, and I assumed she nodded. I had my face pressed into her neck, and I was hugging her tightly.

"What if he is alone though?"

"I couldn't see why he would be." I pulled away from her, kissing her cheek, and walking to the couch.

"Nope, nope, nope! Your not watching Doctor Who tonight, you're going out with me! You promised!" I flopped belly first on the purple couch with royal blue polka dots, and clicked on the TV.

"Hey, you may have given me immortality, but it's my choice if I want to be an eternal couch potato or not." She huffed.

"You know, the Doctor isn't going to come for you. You need to get out there girl. New York has a huge population, and that means a huge population of vampires. You at least need to try and date or something. You haven't been with anyone since I turned you. I know you gotta be getting-"

"Victoria go get dressed or so help me I'll behead you." She laughed and flew off to her room. That was Victoria though, mother hen one moment, and trying to pimp me out the next.

"You better be getting ready to. You know it won't be pretty if I have to throw you into the shower, and man handle you!" She screamed out.

"Vick! We got neighbors, stop it. They already think we're lesbians." Her loud laughter cackled over the sound of my precious Doctor Who marathon. I sadly sat up.

"Seriously though. You'll feel better if you can forget about it for a while." She was standing in the hall, in her bra and jeans, holding up two different dresses. "Which would look better?" I eyed the dresses carefully. There were both new, and very expensive looking, the tags still on them. One was black, and covered in metal work around the collar with was cut very low. The other was an pale shimmering green silk dress. It was short, more than likely reaching above the knees a few inches, and the neck was scoop, and had greek sort of straps.

"The green one. "

"It won't make me look Irish will it?"

"No. It's an icy color, it's classy and sexy. The black may be a little to much. Wear your black gladiator heels with it. The one with the silver gems." She grinned, and trotted back to her room, mumbling something about 'for a person who dosen't like fashion'.

"I'm so taking this black one back, if it's to trashy by the way."

"Liking it, and knowing what works are two very different things." I mumbled back. "Yeah you should. I'll go with you." I pushed myself off the couch like a weary old lady, and slowly made my way to my room. I didn't want to go, and I thought if It took me long enough she might take pity, but I had no such luck. Gazing longingly at my bookshelves, and writing desk.

I looked around my room. I had just got it perfect, and I intended to buy this apartment one day. There was so many places in NewYork, so many people, that no one would notice if I stayed here forever. My walls were painted grey, with black trim, and the only other color in the room was the violot accents. The room was on the smaller side, compared to Victoria who got the master, but I liked my room. Surprisingly I hadn't gotten any cleaner as a vampire. Paper bits were littered about, along with shoes, and discarded jeans.

I just couldn't shake the thought that the Cullen's could be here, in my new home, and not knowing for sure or not was killing me. I needed to know.

I opened my sensibly sized closest, and peered inside. What the hell was I going to wear? I groaned. "Do I really have to go Vic? I promise I won't stay in, but I don't want to go clubbing. You know you want to go see Garrett, and as soon as you see him you'll be whisked away with him. Or worse, I'll get a free show."

Victoria stood in my door way, absolutely gorgeous with smoky eyes and natural bouncy hair. She was turned at eighteen, like myself, but something about her made her look much older. She could easily pass as late twenties, yet I dare not tell her that. It did nothing to her looks, while she was a foxy woman, I was still an awkward teen. She leaned her head against the frame, a sympathetic smile."I keep forgetting your not me. You'd think I get it by now, my little introvert." She pulled on the black leather jacket in her hands. "What are you going to do? Go to the park or something?" I chewed on my lip.

"Well.. I was thinking of making sure Jasper's alone. Now don't think I'm weird, but I'm good, I'm silent, and you can't smell me. I was thinking of finding him, and following him. "


"What happens if he spots me? Ask him whats up. I always got the drift that Jasper was different. I'm sure if I asked him not to tell anyone, theres a good chance he wouldn't. If Alice see's, she see's. I just can't not know what the hell is up."


"I'm sure I don't need you Victoria. Now go- Find yo man." I winked and pushed her out of the room, shutting the door behind her. I carefully listened to the click of her heels, before I stripped my clothing.

I pulled out my black jeans, tank top, and the most silent soiled boots I owned. Pulling a long-sleeved black thermal over my ninja wear. I turned to the mirror, pulling up my long hair dark hair. It had gotten so much darker with the change, and I couldn't help but be happy about that. My mother had my hair color when she was younger, and as she got older it had gotten more red. I didn't want to be anything like her. My cheek bones, and jaw line were more defined now. But some how I was still angles, a little to skinny in places, and a little to curvy in others. Even my upper lipp had remained smaller than the bottom.

My ruby eyes stared back at me, and for a moment I thought I was crazy. How could I even be considering this? I sighed, head falling on the dressing desk. If I'm really doing this I need to at least look a little bit better. So with the applying of some black eyeliner, and mascara I quickly jumped out of the fire escape. Making quick work of getting on to the roof. Pandemonium wasn't that far from here, and I could easily jump from building to building, and if I had any luck, Jasper would still be there.

The lights of the city were dazzling, taking a moment to simply stare in wonder, before I took off as fast as my legs would take me. Silent, and focused I found my way to the pulsing music that was coming from the popular club. I walked to the edge of the building I had ducked behind, gazing at the spot he had leaned against. It was five minutes into my stake out before I spotted Victoria, and her clicking heels. Then Garrett came out of the club's double steel doors arms wide."Tori!" He called.

"Garrett, bout time you found us." The greeted each other with a hug, and a sloppy kiss on the lips. I was to busy mentally gagging, to realise that the vampire I had waited for was walking out of the doors, and lazily to them. My hole body froze with terror, and mentally scalded myself. Jasper was an empath, but he didn't take any notice to any frightened emotions, or maybe his gift no longer worked on me.

"Babe, this is my old friend Jasper Whitlock." He released her, and turned to bow at Jasper. "The Major, and an extraordinary wing man." I scowled at Garrett.

They met eyes and realization took over both of them. Vicky looked like she was about to bolt, and silently prayed for her to be brave for me. What did he mean by Major? "Well how about that. I've met your girl before." He drawled out. I didn't remember Jasper being southern. My scowl deepened.

"I'm not his." She hissed out. Jasper just shook his head and chuckled. The hat he wore hid his face from me at this awkward angle, but from what I could tell, he was grinning that grin again. His golden hair curled out from under his cowboy hat, and I also took notice he was wearing a pair of rough-looking black cowboy boots.

"How do you to know each other?" Garrett attempted to hide the horror in his voice, most likely terrified they were an item once.

"It was when I was with the Cullen's, her past boyfriend caused quite a ruckus. Long story, and long time ago. I'm not with them anymore hon, no need to be afraid I hold any grudges. As long as you don't?" He seemed so friendly, and kind. But there was something just off about it, like it was forced. A certain tightness to his voice. Who was I to know his voice? I'm loosing my head.

"Good to know. It was actually a relief to have him gone. "

"Where's Ella?" Thank god that man never called me by my real name. Jasper shifted, uneasily, and kept glancing around, as if he had somewhere else to be.

"Busy." She answered, her toned a little clipped.

"That sucks, I was hopping I could introduce Jasper and her." Victoria snorted, and clasped her hand over her mouth to stop her chuckles.

"I really should be going Garrett. I'll see you around. " If Jasper was hurt, he didn't show it, he merely just curtly waved, and cut down the alley. I followed him on the tops of the buildings. Leaving the already making out Victoria and Garrett behind.

Jasper head was down, and his hands were shoved into his pockets. He hummed something I didn't recognize as he went, cutting up and around the building before making it back to the main street. He was walking at a slow, normal human pace, and before long he moved headphones to his ears.

"I can't escape this hell So many times I've tried But I'm still caged inside Somebody get me through this nightmare I can't control myself." Sang through his speakers. It was rare to find good rock music now, and this was one of them. I smiled slightly despite my mood. Before he finally got home, we made it through a very excentric listing of music. Including Aaron Lewis- Country Boy, Nine Inch Nails- Everyday Is Exactly the Same, and Godsmack- Bad Religion.

The entire time one thing repeating over and over in my mind. I'm not with them anymore.

His apartment, well what I thought was going to be an apartment ending up being an building. One of those types of buildings that was converted into large apartments for artists. Bare walls and open spaces, with a grudgy abandoned look on the outside. I could detect only three other residents, and they were on the bottom floor. The building was three stories tall, and my eyes darted about the windows till I could spot which floor Jasper lived in. Finnally I caught him on the top floor, walking past a window casually.

Did he own the whole top floor? I wondered, slightly amazed, forgetting for a moment how rich the Cullens were. I'm not with them anymore. What happened? How did he leave his family? Did they leave him? Any sane person would of simply went down, and rang his door. Asking these questions to his face. But no, I had to be crazy. I stayed glued to my spot, stuck between fear of the past returning, and fear of things I wasn't ready to hear again. I had blocked out so much, the only feeling left of Edward was pain. What if he was like him?

So I watched.

I watched as the vampire disappeared for a moment before again walking past one of the windows, this time with a different shirt, and a guitar case in his hand. I some how managed to from more. There was so much I didn't know about this man, and I had learned enough, he wasn't with the Cullen's. I should just leave, just go. Leave the past in the past like I had wanted, but I stood enraptured as he sat in view of the large window. It looked like his living room, and the dark brown leather chair was angled to see the view. I ducked down further, peering over the edge of the building. He carefully took the guitar out of it's case, and held it lovingly in his hands.

He closed his eyes as he strummed lightly on the strings. My hearing seemed to block every other sound out, locking in on the sound. Then he started to sing.

"Oh why am I the weird guy, Who always sits alone, Oh why do I care, No one calls on the goddamn phone." He chuckled to himself slightly. Reaching to the side of the chair and pulling up a bottle of whiskey. He took a drink and after a curse under his breath began strumming a different tune. "Ever since you left me my clothes don't seem to fit, The beers are always empty, I've quit trying to quit smoking my cigarettes, Ever since you left, Ever since you walked out my door, The bills keep pilling up, It's not as if I can't afford the money, I have enough, I just given up and I don't care enough."

I smiled cheekily. I didn't recognize the lyrics at all, they must of been his. He wasn't half bad singer either. What am are you saying, his voice just about made you turn into a puddle. I sighed. More of a huff than a sigh as I turned quickly, and ran back home.

AN: The two songs Jasper sings are LDF and Junkie by 100 Monkeys, fronted by Jackson Rathbone.