"Dean…" He paused, wanting so much to just tell him how sorry he was, how he regretted ever holding back information from him. He wanted to apologize for everything, in every way there was, but all he could manage to choke out was a feeble, "I thought I was doing the right thing."

Dean just scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned to walk away. He was done with everyone screwing him over and then coming back to him, expecting him to just accept their apologies like nothing had happened. And he would have, he would've gladly accepted Castiel's apology like nothing had happened. But this had happened one too many times, and he was done. "Yeah. You always do."

He watched, pain etched into every fiber of his being, as Dean walked away from him. He thought briefly about giving him everything that he'd bought him as a way of apologizing, but then figured that as upset as he was, he'd probably just throw it all away, and then his heart would be even more broken. Think Castiel! You are a many millennia old angel; there must be something you can do to get him to forgive you! He mentally scolded himself, desperately searching his mind for any way he could come up with that might convince Dean to forgive him. And then…

"Dean!" His hand is on his shoulder, turning him around, and his lips are crashing down over his, cutting off his irritated retort. And time stands still for those few minutes that their lips are melded together, and Castiel could swear that he can feel his vessel's heart leap in an odd, fluttery way. And then Dean is pushing him off, shoving him and swearing up a storm, and he's rapidly blinking away tears, trying his damnedest to look as angry and upset as he was earlier. But he can see it there, plain as day in his eyes, how he was trying so hard not to break down earlier, how much he had to harden his heart to be able to even tell him off. And then Castiel is grabbing him by the front of his shirt, smashing his lips against Dean's; and Dean isn't pushing him away this time. No, this time he's grabbing, kissing back, and groaning as Castiel practically bruises his mouth. "I'm sorry," he murmurs when they finally come up for air, touching his forehead to Dean's as he searches his eyes. He expects him to say something, but he only closes his eyes and chuckles, and Castiel is confused as to what he finds so amusing. However, prodding about is amusing only leads to more chuckling and he is left to stare in wonder at him, a soft smile coming over his face as he stares at him.

And all he can think of, listening to Dean's amused chuckle as they in each other's arms, is that this man, who has been through so much and seen so much tragedy, has the most beautiful soul that he has ever seen.