Epilogue: Every Night
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns it. I just make-believe it's mine for a bit.
Warnings: Sex, sex, sex, sex... rimming!
A/N: Here it is... the end! I hope you guys like it! :)
Special thanks to Daddy's little crazy bitch, Padfootette, Harrytwifan, sara, Bookwoman17NerdyMom, dianapham12, Mayle, dXrXaXrXrXy, dmg0813, samara, jade, mel, kim, Crystal Bruner, Death'sAngel18, Fred, Diddleymaz, DanzAngel, Gingerchild, darkcutey, CLovesHarryPotter, RipleyWhiteFire, ThatCrazyGinger, Amanda, Buford, Belldandy55555, SeminoleSweetie, Rufescent, avalon evermore, Lissah, Water0Blossom, mightymouse29, WhammygirlZ, slightlyanonymous, Jansis101, Day Met The Night, Julkula, halvwyn, and Mai Jim Oliver.
You guys are the best, most awesome reviewers a girl could possibly wish for! :D I love you all and I'm so grateful to everyone, followers and reviewers alike, who stayed with me till the end! :)
This is the first chapter fic I've ever completed. I actually choked up when I hit the complete button! I couldn't have done it without you guys!
I'm coming home to you
Every night...
Coming home to you
Every night...
My mind is made up
Nothing could change that
I'm coming home to you
Every night...
Every Night - Imagine Dragons
"Dad! Wake up!"
Draco opened his eyes and fumbled for his wand. He cast a Tempus and stared blearily at the time, informing him it was 4:45 AM. He groaned and shut his eyes again.
The voice was impatient, insistent. He rolled over and nudged Harry.
"Draco?" Harry murmured sleepily.
"It's one of yours," Draco told him. "Go and quiet your hellspawn."
Harry snorted and tried to sit up. He groaned and clutched his head. "What time is it?"
"Too early," replied Draco, snuggling back down under the covers, keeping his eyes open to ogle Harry's arse as he climbed out of bed and hunted for some pants. He smiled appreciatively at the sight.
"Pervert." Harry stuck his tongue out and pulled on his pants.
Draco chuckled. "Maybe; but I'm your pervert," he said with a smirk.
Harry laughed; a husky sound in the early pre-dawn hours, a sound that went straight to Draco's groin. Harry pulled on a pair of jeans and opened the door, behind which the insistent voice was chanting, "Dad! Dad! Dad!" like a mantra.
"Dad; you took forever to wake up!" Lily bounced up and down, red curls whipping about chaotically. "Can we open presents yet?" She peered around Harry into the room. "Is Angel up yet?" she asked, calling Draco by her pet name for him.
Draco groaned. He should have known better than to assume Lily would let him go back to sleep. "I am now," he called.
"Good!" she beamed. "James and Al and Scorp are already downstairs! Now our whole family can open presents together!"
She looked so excited; Draco had to smile – especially at her use of the words, "Our whole family".
Their family. It was such a beautiful thought.
He and Harry really hadn't been together long enough for that, he supposed. This was their first Christmas together since they were teens, and he didn't want to get carried away.
On the other hand, he and Harry had already had a few conversations about possibly moving in together, and they spent the night at one another's houses more often than not. And Harry hadn't corrected her statement.
He smiled. Perhaps calling them a family wasn't so far off, after all.
It was Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day; but on Christmas day Harry and his children would be going to the Burrow, and Harry had talked Draco into coming with him and bringing Scorpius. Draco regarded the impending visit with some trepidation. So they were celebrating their Christmas together on Christmas Eve, along with a visit to the Manor.
He sat up with an exaggerated groan. "You're killing me, you little brat; you know that, right?"
Lily giggled.
"It's Christmas, Angel! You have to get up!"
He made a stern face and waggled a finger at her. "I'll let you off the hook this once; just because it's Christmas, alright?"
She giggled again and nodded.
"Now, shoo! I need to get dressed." He made a waving motion with his hand. "Off with you!"
She laughed and turned to race back down the stairs.
Harry had watched the whole exchange with an amused smile. "Hurry up, Angel," he teased.
Draco stuck his tongue out at him. "Prat."
Harry chuckled. "You love it. Come on, Drake; hurry up." He left the room, closing the door behind him as he went.
Draco climbed out of bed and dressed himself. He glanced around the room – it was done in Gryffindor colours, much to his dismay and Harry was constantly amused by his commentary on it. He made sure to complain loud and long about how it was like acid to his eyes, and how indecent it was to expect him to sleep in such a garish place. But secretly, he loved it. Because it was just so Harry.
He smiled as he thought about his presents for the kids – he was pretty sure they'd love the things he'd bought them. He thought about the present he'd gotten for Harry, and a nervous bubble of excitement ran through him.
He'd looked long and hard for the perfect gift, and finally found it – a smooth, masculine braided leather bracelet that had protective charms woven into it – charms that would bolster his shielding abilities and ward his wand hand against Expelliarmus. A useful thing for an Auror; a necessity for the master of the Elder Wand.
He'd also picked up some new robes for Harry, and bought four tickets to a Canon's match. The last he'd been uncertain about, considering how Ginny had died; but it had been well over a year now. Harry seemed to be able to enjoy Quidditch again, and his children had resumed playing it.
Much as he liked not having the Weasel around, he'd seen since Harry had regained his memories how bereft he was without his best mate. Draco had decided the time had come for them to patch things up, for the sake of Harry's happiness – and if that meant he had to sit through a Canon's game with the Weasel, that's what he'd do.
There wasn't much he wouldn't do to ensure Harry's happiness.
Smiling, he made his way down the stairs to the sitting room, where a large tree had been set up. The children were crowded around it, excitedly looking over the pile of gifts underneath. The room was prettily decorated for Christmas, with white, silver and gold. The tree and the pine boughs hanging made the room smell of pine, and the scents from last night's baking wafted in from the kitchen.
It smelled and looked just like Christmas.
Scorpius spotted him and came over, throwing his arms around his father's waist. "Hey, Dad!" He looked up and smiled happily at Draco with dove-grey eyes that echoed Draco's own, and he smiled just as happily back.
"Hey. Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas, Dad." Scorpius ducked his head and squeezed him tightly. "I'm really happy," he added softly.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. Me and Al are practically brothers now."
Draco's heart warmed again. "Yeah," he said lightly. "Almost."
Harry smiled at him from across the room.
"Can we open them now?" Lily's voice was eager.
"I said when everyone was here, didn't I? We're all here, now." Harry grinned. "Drake, wanna help me hand them out?"
Draco felt like his face would split from smiling so much. He crossed the room and began selecting presents from under the tree.
Soon, the delighted cries of the children filled the air, along with the tearing of paper. Draco handed Harry a box. "You, too," he said.
"Thanks, Drake. Here," he handed over a box of his own.
Harry chuckled when he saw Draco had bought him some new robes. "So you actually own something that makes you look like someone I don't have to be ashamed to be seen with," read the card. He swatted Draco playfully.
Draco raised a brow when he realized Harry had gotten him a set of robes, as well. But as he looked at them, he realized they were high quality, and would have a very flattering fit. He smiled bemusedly at Harry. "How on earth did you manage that, Potter?"
"Buying me clothes I'll actually wear?"
Harry laughed, relieved. "You will? I'm so glad. I was worried you wouldn't like them. You're so strict with your wardrobe."
"So how'd you manage it? Do you actually have taste, and just prefer to dress like a hobo?"
Harry snorted. "Prat. Hermione helped me, actually. It's her taste; not mine."
"I see." Draco lifted a brow. "Well she has good taste." Except in men, he added silently.
They opened the rest of their gifts together, enjoying the children's delight in their presents, and the presents they received from one another.
"Canons tickets?" Harry shot Draco an amused look.
"I thought we could go and… take the Weas- Weasley with us."
Harry stiffened.
"You're related to him, Harry. And he's your best friend. You're miserable without him. You need to forgive him, for your own sake."
Harry stared. Then he lunged for Draco, grabbing his shoulders and kissing him deeply. As always, Harry's kisses made him melt and feel as if a jelly-legs jinx had been cast on him. He whimpered and drew his arms around Harry, kissing him back.
The cries of "Ewwww, gross!" and "Da-ad! Yuck!" brought him back to reality quickly, though. The two of them broke apart, blushing.
"I really didn't need to see that," Al groused. "Aren't you guys too old to snog now?"
"Yeah, Dad," said James. "It's one thing to know your parents snog, it's another thing to have to see it." He wrinkled his nose.
Lily just giggled.
Harry laughed.
Scorpius looked a little uncertain. He'd never seen his father snog anyone before, so the experience was quite new for him. However he appeared pleased that his father looked so happy.
Draco was still stuck on the way James had said, "Your parents", as if he and Harry were both his parents. He knew that that was probably not how James had meant it, but the thought still made him flush.
Harry caught his gaze and smiled warmly. "Merlin, I love you," he said, eyeing Draco with undisguised adoration. Draco flushed, still revelling in it every time those words fell from Harry's lips. His heart melted just a little bit more.
"I have something else for you," Harry said in a low voice that made Draco shiver. Then he turned and surveyed the kids. "Everybody done?"
The kids all nodded or shouted their agreement, and Harry held up his hand for silence.
"I have something very special to give to Draco," he said, and James immediately began making exaggerated gagging motions.
"TMI, Dad!" he cried. "Too much information! I did not need that mental picture!"
"James, stop," said Harry in disgust. "Despite what you may believe at fifteen, not everything is about sex."
Draco snorted. Boys at fifteen were incorrigible.
James' eyes widened in sudden understanding. "Now?" he squeaked.
"Now," said Harry firmly.
"What now?" asked Lily, but her brothers shushed her.
Draco wondered what was going on, but Harry had succeeded in gaining the quiet he wanted. He turned to Draco, smiling, and handed him a small, prettily wrapped box.
Draco opened it carefully, only to uncover another box inside it. He pulled it out and opened it. Inside lay nestled a beautiful ring; silver, encrusted with emeralds and diamonds in an elaborate pattern that formed a miniature Chinese dragon winding about the ring.
His breath caught. It was lovely. It had clearly been made specifically for him, and the gesture was incredibly sweet. He turned to Harry, to thank him, but Harry sank to his knees in front of Draco.
Draco trembled.
"Draco," Harry said softly. "You were my first love. I would never have let you go if not for that accident. I fell in love with you all over again when we became friends again, without even knowing our history. I can't imagine my life without you, anymore. I love you, my children love you, and I've discussed it with them. We all want you to be part of our family. I want you with me, every day, for the rest of my life. Marry me."
It wasn't phrased as a question, but there was hesitancy, uncertainty in Harry's eyes.
Draco couldn't breathe. In his wildest dreams he'd never imagined, never hoped that this would happen. Oh, he'd envisioned them marrying someday, eventually; after all Harry's talk about taking things slow, and the snail-like pace he'd set over the summer, Draco had expected it to take years for them to reach that point. And in all his fantasies he'd been the one doing the asking. But here was Harry, asking him. and asking him now.
"I've only ever loved one person, Harry," he said thickly. "And that's you. It's always been you; only you. I've never wanted anyone else. Yes, Harry. Yes!"
Now it was Draco's turn to launch himself at Harry, and they were kissing and his arms and his heart were so full of Harry it almost hurt; in the back of his mind he registered the children whooping and catcalling, but all he could think of was Harry.
Suddenly a thought came to him and he pulled away, sharply. "Scorpius," he breathed. But when he turned to his son, he saw a look of utter delight on his face. Draco let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.
"Me and Al are really going to be brothers now, aren't we?" Scorpius asked excitedly.
Draco nodded. He couldn't speak.
Then Harry was peppering his face with kisses and murmuring endearments into his ear, and Draco started crying. He couldn't help it.
It was the single happiest moment of Draco Malfoy's life.
They all flooed to the Manor after breakfast. Lily had been there before, and she and Scorpius enjoyed the reactions of the other two boys to the vastness and finery.
Lucius and Narcissa greeted them at the fireplace.
"Mrs. Malfoy!" Lily cried, running to hug Narcissa as soon as she was out of the fireplace. Narcissa returned her embrace, smiling. "Happy Christmas!"
"Hello, Lily. Happy Christmas to you, as well."
"Father, Mother," Draco nodded to his parents. "Happy Christmas!." They returned his rather formal greetings.
"Potter." Lucius nodded to Harry, stiffly.
"Malfoy." Harry nodded back. They would never be close, but Lucius recognized that Harry had been instrumental in helping him secure his release, and had been responsible for keeping his wife and son out of Azkaban altogether. It galled him to be indebted to Harry, and he wasn't entirely happy about Harry's relationship with his son, but Draco had already provided him with an heir, so he said nothing.
He looked older than his years; his hair thinner, his face lined and his eyes strained. Some of the pallor in his cheeks had left in the few months he'd been back, but the signs of Azkaban were still with him. Even without Dementors, it had taken a vicious toll on him over twenty years.
"Grandfather." Scorpius was stiff and formal with him. He still wasn't used to the man he'd spent his whole life without knowing. "Grandmother." He smiled at Narcissa, and she smiled back.
"Happy Christmas, darling," she said to him. She embraced him simply, without fanfare. He shook hands with Lucius.
Each of Harry's boys greeted the Malfoy elders politely and respectfully.
Lily hung back from Lucius, eying him speculatively. Harry wasn't entirely surprised that she still found him intimidating. Hell, even he found Lucius Malfoy somewhat intimidating, though he'd never admit it - of course, how much of that was Lucius Malfoy's ability to intimidate and how much was the fact that the former master of the Manor had tried to kill him a few times in his formative years, he wasn't quite sure. However, letting on that he felt uneasy in the man's presence would seem too much like letting him win.
Lily nodded, as if having decided something.
"Mr. Malfoy! Happy Christmas!" she chirped, and gave him a hug as well. His eyes widened, and he stood there, startled for a moment. Then he gave the barest hint of a smile and returned her embrace, a little awkwardly. Harry stared, and exchanged bemused glances with Draco.
Draco suppressed a grin. "Get used to it, Father," he said. "She's going to be your new granddaughter!" He held out his hand so his parents could see his ring. He felt rather nervous. He knew his mother would be happy for him, but his father... he couldn't help that he still cared so much about what his father thought.
"Congratulations, Draco! We're very happy for you!" his mother smiled radiantly. "It's a lovely ring, isn't it? I thought so, when Harry showed me."
"I see Potter didn't waste time," commented Lucius dryly.
Narcissa shot Lucius a look. He sighed.
"At least he makes you happy," he added gruffly.
Draco stared at his parents in shock. "You knew?" he asked weakly.
"Of course, dear." Narcissa raised a brow. "You mean Harry didn't tell you?"
Harry cleared his throat, and Draco turned to look at him. "I know how important tradition is to you and your family," he said nervously. "So I went and asked your parents for your hand."
Draco just stared. Harry shifted. Then, for the second time that day unmindful of his audience, Draco seized Harry and dragged him into a passionate kiss.
He kissed Harry long and deep. In front of his parents.
Harry didn't seem to mind.
That night, he and Harry curled up on the dark green settee in front of a small fireplace in his personal suite of rooms. Draco's rooms were tastefully done in earthy tones, green and brown. It was a calming, relaxing environment that was also very classy – completely Draco, Harry thought.
The boys had been thrilled with their rooms, though Al and Scorpius had begged to be allowed to share. Lily took the usual rooms she'd adopted for her visits to the Manor with Harry.
They were finally alone, for the first time that day - and for the first time since getting engaged. Draco felt almost shy.
Harry laced their fingers together. "I love you," he whispered.
Draco swallowed. "I love you, too," he whispered. He smiled as he gazed into Harry's green, green eyes. "Make love to me, Harry?"
Harry kissed him then, long and slow, sensuous and deep. He pulled back long enough to murmur, "Anything you want, love," before kissing him again.
Harry took his hand and guided him towards the bed, kissing him repeatedly as he did so. He backed Draco onto the bed, guiding him down on his back gently. He sucked Draco's bottom lip into his mouth, nipping it. Draco moaned as the slick slide of Harry's tongue against his made his arousal grow.
Harry pulled back just enough to kiss along Draco's jaw, in the hollow behind his ear, and down his exposed neck. Harry licked and bit and sucked on Draco's pulse point, drawing a long groan from the blond's throat.
Then he undressed Draco, placing kisses along his body as he removed each article of clothing.
He peppered kisses on Draco's torso, his chest; gently teasing Draco's nipples with his mouth, sucking and biting the small nubs gently. He licked and sucked and bit, and Draco moaned under the attention.
Harry pulled back and gazed at him in the moonlight.
"Merlin, you're beautiful," he said reverently. "So fucking beautiful."
He slid Draco's shirt off his shoulders, pulling his arms from the sleeves, dropping kisses on his arms. He kissed the Dark Mark, repeating his gesture of so many years ago, and Draco felt a lump in his throat.
He drew off Draco's socks and shoes, then he fumbled with the buttons on Draco's trousers. He pulled them off as Draco raised his hips to allow them to slide down, and Harry placed kisses along his legs.
He took Draco's toes into his mouth, sucking them one by one, staring into Draco's eyes. Then his kissed his way back up, and slowly drew off Draco's pants. Draco's cock bobbed, hard and leaking precome. Harry stared at it, salivating admiring the long, dusky pink flesh.
He leaned back down again, licking along Draco's hips, dipping to run his tongue along Draco's inner thigh. Draco gasped and let out a whimper as he arched instinctively into the sensation. His body felt like it was on fire.
Harry traced the line of fine, pale hair that ran down from Draco's navel with a fingertip. Harry licked and sucked and bit every inch of him, worshiping Draco's body with his tongue.
He teased Draco, licking and nibbling the sensitive flesh around his aching erection; but never actually touching it. He buried his nose in the soft blond curls that surrounded it, nuzzling them gently.
Draco twisted, moaning and whimpering with need. "Please, Harry, please," he begged.
Harry smiled. He loved that he could reduce Draco to this; that the cold, reserved man most people met would beg and whimper at his touch. That he could make Draco smile and laugh, and only he could make Draco say "please" before moaning his name. It gave him an untold amount of pleasure.
He held Draco's hips down firmly, and licked a long stripe along the length of Draco's cock. Draco gasped. Harry took the head of Draco's cock into his mouth, licking around the tip, sliding his tongue beneath the foreskin and making Draco groan and try to buck his hips. Finally, he swallowed Draco down, and Draco cried out.
Harry hummed and bobbed his head, taking Draco deep into his throat, and Draco arched his back, swearing and crying out Harry's name as his lover expertly worked his shaft. Harry used his right hand to pump the base of Draco's length that wouldn't fit into his mouth, while his tongue did obscene things to Draco's cock.
He rolled Draco's bollocks with the fingers of his free hand, and teased Draco's puckered entrance with a fingertip.
Then he released Draco's swollen member, causing the blond to let loose a curse that made him laugh, and ducked his head, seeking out the little pucker of flesh between his lover's arse cheeks. He pushed Draco's legs further apart, and the blond obliged him, lifting his legs and hoisting them over Harry's shoulders. Harry grasped the back of each thigh and pushed forwards, baring Draco's opening to his hungry gaze.
He licked a long, careful stripe from the top of Draco's crack to the underside of his balls, and the blond twisted and swore.
"Merlin, fuck! Fuck, Harry!"
Harry laughed huskily and began to tease the blond, dropping kisses and small licks around the sensitive ring of flesh. He flicked his tongue across Draco's hole and blew on it, causing Draco to curse again.
He hummed and began to lick in earnest. He furled his tongue into a point and jabbed into Draco's opening, causing the blond to arch and almost scream his name. "Harry! Oh, Merlin, Harry!"
Harry chuckled as he continued his ministrations to Draco's quivering pucker, tonguing his lover eagerly. Draco writhed and babbled.
Harry loved the blond like this – desperate and needy and totally unguarded. Completely at Harry's mercy. Harry closed his mouth over the sensitive hole and sucked.
Draco thrashed and moaned and finally grabbed his hair, tugging upwards. "Harry, stop!" he begged. "I want - oh Merlin! - I want to come with you. Together. Please?"
Harry pulled away, and gave him a saucy wink. "You think you're only coming once tonight? Think again."
"Harry," said Draco softly. "I've been waiting for this all day. I want you in me, making love to me. Please."
Harry smiled tenderly. "As you wish, lover." He kissed Draco slowly, deeply; the languid push of his tongue against Draco's making him moan, heady with desire.
Harry pulled away long enough to murmur a lubrication charm, then kissed him again. A slick finger gently pushed into his body, and Draco arched into the intrusion.
Harry moved his finger in and out slowly. He teased and touched and tormented his lover, until Draco was a desperate, writhing puddle of need.
Gradually, he added the second finger, and crooked the two with practiced ease, knowing exactly where to find the little bundle of nerves inside that would make Draco see stars.
He teased Draco's prostate and scissored his fingers, stretching and opening him for what was to come. Draco begged against his lips, and he took pity, adding the third finger and moving a little more quickly. Draco pushed back on his fingers, taking them eagerly.
"More, Harry; more!" he pleaded needily.
Harry withdrew his fingers and peppered Draco's face with soft kisses. "I love you," he whispered. "So much."
"I love you, too."
Harry lifted his legs, hooking an ankle over each shoulder as he positioned himself. He lined his cock up with Draco's entrance and pushed inside. Draco gasped and arched into the intrusion.
"Oh, Merlin," Harry groaned. "You feel so good, Draco. So hot and tight." He pressed himself all the way inside, stopping only when his balls rested against Draco's arse. He drew back slowly, pulling nearly all the way out, before pushing back inside just as slowly.
"Harry," Draco whined. He moved his hips, flexing them, trying to speed things up. Harry closed his eyes and groaned. Then he opened them again and peered down at Draco. He grinned, enjoying his lover's torment.
"Patience, love," he said in a soothing voice.
He drew out again and pushed back, still keeping his torturously slow pace. He revelled in the sensations of tight, wet heat surrounding his cock, and of Draco's shuddering breaths, the clench of his muscles as he struggled to speed things up. But Harry held him firmly, keeping resolutely to his drawn-out rhythm.
"Harry, please," begged Draco. "Faster, harder!" He wiggled his hips, pushing back for emphasis.
"As you wish," Harry smiled again. He began to pump faster, speeding up his thrusts to bring Draco closer to climax.
Draco gasped and began to move with him, and the sound of their breath, their grunts and groans, echoed through the room along with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
Harry thrust and changed angles until he hit Draco's prostate, making him cry out and writhe beneath him.
Harry kept to that angle, loving the sounds that Draco made and the way he cried out, "Oh, Merlin, yes! Harry, yes!
It never failed to thrill him to watch the blond come undone. It made him feel things he'd never felt before, with anyone… except once, long ago, when two eighteen year old boys had ensconced themselves in the Room of Requirement.
He watched Draco's face contort in pleasure, listened to his keening and cries of, "Harry, Harry, Harry!"
He felt the tight wet heat of Draco's passage around his cock, gripping him as his balls tightened and he realised he would not last much longer.
He fisted Draco, stroking his cock even as he sped up and bent his lover almost double. "Oh, Merlin, Draco, you feel amazing," he whispered to his lover.
Draco gasped. "Close, Harry; close!"
They locked eyes, green and grey, until Harry whispered, "Come for me, Draco."
Draco's threw his head back and cried out loudly, a desperate keening sound. He came hard over his stomach, cock pulsing as it pumped pearly-white fluid over Harry's hand and across his abdomen. Harry wanted to keep watching, to witness the indescribable beauty and wonder that Draco was when he came, but his passage tightened almost painfully around Harry's cock, and it pushed Harry over the edge.
He threw his head back as well as he came, almost howling with the intensity of it.
Harry collapsed onto Draco's chest, panting. Draco's arms encircled him, holding him close as he kissed Harry's cheek.
"I love you," he whispered.
"And I love you, my fiancée," murmured Harry back. Draco blushed and smiled.
"We're really going to get married," he whispered, wonder tainting his voice.
"We really are," agreed Harry.
"We're going to have to start making wedding plans. Knowing Mother, she's already started." Draco chuckled. Harry groaned, and Draco chuckled some more.
Harry spelled away the cooling mess, and they snuggled down together.
He basked in bliss, thinking that there could be nothing better than this; nothing better than holding and being held by the man he loved after making love, and talking about their wedding.
He was perfectly happy.
It was Christmas Eve, and they were in his home, along with their children and his parents – he sat bolt upright, making Harry fall off of him with a surprised yelp.
"Draco, what-?"
"Harry, the spell!" he whispered.
Harry looked at him in confusion.
"We forgot to set a silencing spell!"
"Oh," said Harry. He shifted a bit. "Oops?"
Draco groaned and put his head in his hands, as Harry began to snigger beside him.
Next to the idea of facing his parents the next morning, Christmas at the Burrow suddenly sounded like a piece of cake.
~ Fin ~