This was written in response to the Drabble Challenge on Facebook. It's set around the current episodes... it'll be easy to spot where. Please let me know what you think.

Marshall Mann 'In Plain Sight' – Maybe instead of just anyone, you should be looking for someone. Someone who challenges you, who calls you on your BS, gets in your face and makes you think

Joe's wasn't as crowded as it could be, but they had definitely been in there when it was emptier. Must've been the threat of the approaching superstorm, all the surgeons and other assorted hospital staff having one last drink before being on shift and responsible until the crisis blew over.

Alex Karev sighed as he sat at the bar, sipping his beer. It would be the only one of the night; paediatric surgeons couldn't be inebriated at any time, let alone during tense times. He ignored Joe, ignored everyone else bustling around him, ignored the doomsday freaks trying to clear the bar with their talk of apocalypse.

He ignored everyone, until a familiar presence appeared at his side.

'Mer? What the hell?' he turned to look at his pregnant friend.

'Relax, Joe knows I'm only drinking water,' she smiled, resting her hands on her baby belly.

'But still? You really want Fetus to know how much time you spend in bars, before he's even born?'

'No, idiot; Fetus knows exactly what he's getting in to,' Meredith chuckled. 'I'm here to talk about you, and your lack of Fetus-giving partners.'

Alex looked at her strangely before he shook his head and took another swig of his beer.

'I'm serious Alex,' she turned to face him. 'We're all worried about you; after Izzie, Lucy, and everyone else… well, we're worried.'

'Well, you shouldn't be,' he spat half-heartedly. 'I'm always looking for someone... anyone'

'Well, maybe instead of just anyone, you should be looking for someone. Someone who challenges you, who calls you on your BS, gets in your face and makes you think,' she called him on his mood.

There was a clatter behind them as a group of interns walked in, and Meredith noticed Alex's eyes following one particular woman.

'On the other hand,' the pregnant surgeon smiled. 'Maybe you just need to grow a pair and tell the someone you have found.'

Alex missed the smirk on Meredith's face as she rose slowly from the bar stool, pat his arm and left the bar.

But then again, maybe she was right.

Maybe it was time to say something to Jo Wilson.

Something other than an insult.