Disclaimer- I do not own smallville and by the way sorry it doesn't get to the real story till the last part but the lines didn't seem to need to change all it really needed was the characters thoughts behind it. Enjoy, please leave reviews if you can!
Isis Foundation- Clark's POV
She has to be out there somewhere. Clark rapidly typing on the computer that helped him find so many people and save so many lives. The only problem was the person that it belongs to, the person that help him find and save those people isn't there to help him.
"Chloe where are you." Clark says hopelessly typing. Someones walking towards him. Chloe. Clark turns almost disappointed to find Oliver where he expected to see Chloe's small figure with her genuine smile.
But instead he sees the man that wanted him to kill Davis, the man that wanted him to destroy the goodness in him when there was another way to save the world, the man that says you have to sacrifice one to save a thousand lives, the man that doesn't understand the true meaning of being a hero.
A burning rage burns inside of him that he was there and not Chloe. The hatred of him just being in his prescience. Clark turns back to the computer to try and avoid tossing Oliver out the window.
"If you're looking for Chloe you're wasting your time Clark but I guess thats what you do best isn't it?" Oliver says flatly. Clark tries to hold his anger back and not rip Olivers mouth off his face just to shut him up.
He continues to type on the computer biting his tongue as hard as he can. He'll leave sooner or later. Just stay calm Clark. Don't let him get to you. Clark repeats in his head.
Oliver walks up to get closer to Clark. Not a good idea. "She's gone man. She doesn't want to be found. If there's anyone who can make themselves invisible it's Chloe." Oliver says in a more forward tone.
"Davis must of done something to her, Chloe would never lie to me if she weren't trapped." Clark answers avoiding eye contact with Oliver, knowing he doesn't believe him.
"Either that or she just can't resist how dark Doomsday is. Besides Davis isn't a monster when he's around her. He's got real feelings for her." Oliver says while standing in Clark's point of view.
"Whatever his feelings are for her.. Chloe would never care for him." Clark answers weakly. Looking back down to not let Oliver see the pain in his face.
"Clark she sent you on a wild goose chase to Alaska when she was hiding that psycho killer in the basement!" Oliver yells assertively. She must've had a reason for that. She must've... Clark refuses to give up hope on Chloe, knowing she would never give up hope on him.
"Take it from a guy who spent 10 billion dollars on a merger with the girl that got away. You- you don't always choose who you fall for." Oliver says trying to convince Clark to give up. Getting more annoyed that Oliver would even think that Clark would give up on Chloe makes him more furious.
"Chloe you're talking about does not exist." He answers looking into Oliver's eyes now. Trying to warn him to back off. "She'd never choose Davis over her friends."
"Well people change Clark. And it's time you did too." Oliver replies in a softer tone. Anger flares though Clarks body. She was your friend! How could you turn your back on Chloe just like that? Clark keeps calm and refuses to let the feelings get the best of him.
Oliver shaking his head. "You should've kill that thing when you had a chance." Oliver says while walking towards the door. "Clark I know you want to save everybody, but eventually you're going to have to make the tough decisions. It's what heroes do." Oliver walks out the door and leaves Clark only to be with his worried thoughts about Chloe.
He turns to see a picture of Chloe and him from their high school years. God Chloe where are you. I could really use your help right now. He knows he would be lost without her. Without Chloe he would have never became the man he is today.
She was the one who helped him save so many people. She was the one who helped him get through the tough times. She was the one...
His phone starts ringing. The caller ID only read:BLOCKED He answers the phone quickly not expecting anything in particular.
"Who is this?" Clark says flatly. "Clark it's Chloe. I just wanted to let you know I'm okay." Chloe answers nervously. His mind relaxes but then feels the adrenaline kick in. "Chloe. Where are you?" Clark asked worried.
"Davis and I are gone, but please don't try and find us. Okay? We're fine." Chloe says trying to sound convincing. "You think that you're safe Chloe, but Chloe you are not safe with him." Clark tells her in a worried tone.
"I'm sure everyone is fitting me for a straight jacket right now but Clark I do know what I'm doing. And I knew that if I told you any sooner that you would have found a way to stop me. So look everything I've ever done right or wrong I did for you." Chloe replies.
"By running away. Admit it Chloe you have feelings for Davis thats why you're protecting him." Clark answers letting the pain in him slip out. "Clark I'm protecting you. I meant what I said! Condemning Davis to a life as that monster is worse than killing him." Chloe says. "But what about you Chloe? Chloe I'm going to spend every second looking for you. I will find a way to save you." Clark answers fighting his own tears of pain.
"Clark you're not here to save one person. You're here to save all of us." Chloe replies softly. "And you think sacrificing yourself will help me do that." Clark answers letting all his pain come out. "Chloe you're wrong. You're wrong Chloe." Clark says fighting back the tears full of pain and loss.
"I must of thrown away a million green rocks away and I've never really saved you. Now I can." Chloe answers softly. "Chloe listen to me this is your life we're talking about, don't do this." Clark pleaded, letting more of the pain and worry escape from his mouth.
"Clark. If there is one lesson I've learned from you it is that choosing the greater good is never a sacrifice." Chloe answers not letting it show any sign of pain. "Chloe." Clark sas into the phone worried. "Chloe!" He repeats.
No! You let her slip through your fingers again! I have to find Chloe! I need to save her! I need to tell her how I feel! Finally letting the pain and anger take over him he bashes the file cabinet leaving dents all over.
"Chloe I love you. And I'm lost without you." Clark whispers faintly looking at the picture of each other. Tears finally flow out of his eyes as he slides to the ground and buries his face in his hands.
He looks up to the photo of them and remembers she is the reason he is the man he is. She was the one that helped him fight for the greater good. She was the one that helped him save lives so many times. She saved his life more times he could ever save hers. Chloe Sullivan was his hero. She would sacrifice her life to be with a psycho killer just to save Clark and the world with it.
"Chloe I will find you and I will save you even if that means I have to die." Clark says standing up. "Don't worry I will save you. I promise."
He runs off to her apartment.
Chloe's Apartment
The door bust open. She must have left something. She had too. Maybe a clue of where they were headed. Anything please. There it was. A note for him.
I'm so sorry I had to leave. There is something I always wanted to tell you. Something that never went away. Not even when I said it did. Clark I love you. I have loved you since the day we met in 8th grade. You are one of my greatest friends. I have loved helping you save so many lives. It was amazing to see you become this hero that I know today. I know that you probably will keep searching for me and Davis. But Clark you need to know I want to do this. I promised you I would do anything to protect you. And I meant it. It is finally my time to save you. Clark you were meant to save the world. Maybe I was meant to save you. Clark I will always love you and you will always be in my heart. And remember Clark you are never alone. I will always be there for you.
Love Now and Always,
He could see the tear stains when she wrote this paper. He folds the paper carefully and places it in his jean pocket. It's all my fault. I should have been there for Chloe more often. I should have been there for her like she was for me. I need to find her and make it right. Without Chloe I will be completely lost and alone in the world.