I love a killer 13

Chapter 13: Meet Raleigh.

Hiccup pulls into the compound on the ATV and looks around at the guards running into tunnels and doors.

A guard grabs his arm and yells


He runs and motions for him to follow him.

Hiccup grabs a rifle and follows him.

'This is going to be easier than I thought.'

As hiccup ran through corridors he saw bodies mutilated and maimed, he first thought of Toothless, but this seemed more ruthless and brutal tan his usual. Blood coated the walls, floor and ceiling, body parts slain all around like balls in a ball pit.

'What kind of compound is this?!'

He gets in an elevator with the other men.

Team leader: Alright, listen up, whatever is down there sure as hell ain't nice. Head shots only, keep it tight.

The team loads their weapons and look at eachother and the door opens.

'Oh shit...'

The see a man at the end of the hallway and there is a man, the same man who helped Astrid, with blood on his hands and chewing something.

"...that ain't bubblegum..."

Hiccup takes aim, but he finds that he cannot pull the trigger. He sees a strange look that he's going to or has helped him in a way.

Hiccup blinks and when he opens his eyes he sees everyone around him slaughtered.

"Hello hiccup, I am Raleigh. I will lead you to Astrid and Toothless. When I get you to them, you will fight your way out."

Raleigh grins and starts to chew on a man's severed fingers.

"How am I supposed to trust you?!"

He raises his rifle, his finger on the trigger and his sight trained on his heart.

"Because I'm the only hope you got."

He begins to walk and hits a button on the wall and a door slides open.

"Well? They won't rescue themselves."

Raleigh smiles and steps aside.

Hiccup walks and stands on the elevator.

"Until I see my best friend, I consider you hostile."

Hiccup looks at him and the closing doors.

With toothles.

'How are we going to get out of this place?'

He looks around trying to see an exit or a window and nothing.

Astrid starts to whine.

"...John. I don't feel good. I think I'm gonna..."

John rushes to her and holds her as she starts to throw up.

"Oh god we need to get you to a hospital..."

John tries to think and his thoughts are cut short when he hears a ding from the door he entered from.


He warns and he sees the man who saved Astrid and a soldier in combat gear. John rushes the soldier.

Hiccup saw John rush and he dropped his rifle and hugged him as john tackled him.


He cried in joy.

John looked at pulled off his mask and laughed happily.

Raleigh laughs and steps forward.

"I hate to interrupt, but there are soldiers heading this way. We must hurry and escape this irksome place. Follow me. I shall lead you to a place for you."

John looks up at him

"Who is this?"

Hiccup looks up at him

"This is Raleigh...he's going to help us...I hope."