Roxa's Final Wish by Walker of Nothing and DeRaza360

A/N: Dreamer: This is Dreamer here finally going to update, as you know he has allowed me to finish to the story and I hope it turns out great :-)


"How many more have failed to stop my Key?" The silver haired Nobody was not pleased by the current events, but wasn't surprised that the Key in question only grew stronger from each of his former comrades that he felled.

"Roxas has eliminated Numbers II, III, IX and X, his perseverance only seems to grow stronger the closer he gets." The blue haired Nobody was expressionless, the Superior was obviously still oblivious to Saix and Axel's original plan. That, or he just didn't see it as a threat seeing as there wasn't much left of the Organization to take control of.

"He will soon reach Kingdom Hearts, his intentions have been made clear, the Key will make his final stand here." Approaching Saix and placing his hands on his shoulders and giving him one last order, "Saix, should Kingdom Hearts fail to grant us hearts, do what you will." Darkness swirled around the Luna Diviner as he faded away appearing in a familiar room, one where he would always gaze at the heart shaped room.


Roxas continued his tiring journey and after slaying many of the Organization, not that it really mattered anymore. He was still trying to remember "her" name, but to no avail, he just couldn't remember, no matter how hard he tried.

"So this is how it's going to be?" A familiar voice from the all too familiar swirling darkness and the red haired Nobody who emerged, but could Roxas really fight his best friend? "Still playing the hero?"

"It's the only way to save "her", don't you ever think about the times we had together, just the three of us eating ice cream together?" Roxas was distraught by the fact that Axel didn't seem to care about the friendship that the three of them had. What had happened to them that caused them to drift so far apart?

"Roxas, Roxas, Roxas, you've eliminated most of the Organization to do what? Free Kingdom Hearts? How is that going to save her? She did what she was created to do, I didn't like it anymore than you did, but we can't change what happened. Got it memorized?" Despite how angry Roxas felt towards his best friend, he laughed at his catchphrase.

"I'll do whatever it takes, even if I have to fight Xemnas and I still don't know who this "Sora" person that everyone keeps talking about." Roxas raised his weapons Oathkeeper and Oblivion making his point clear, if he had to fight Axel then so be it.

"That's how it's going to be...then there's only one way this is going to end!" Raising his arms so they stretched outwards as the flames exploded into a blazing ring of fire. His Chakrams materializing from the blaze of fire. The area around them was on fire, reaching high and magma covering the floor slowly draining Roxa's strength.

Hiding in the flames, all Roxas could do was keep his guard up in a attempt to at least block the pyromaniacs attacks. Of course he couldn't keep it up forever, even the spiky blond had his limits, but after that cure spell he felt great.

Axel jumped from the flames and attacked Roxas, but instead his Chakrams sliced air as Roxas rushed Number VIII right in his blind spot. His Keyblades scraping the magma and sparking as they connected to the assassin knocking him off course and sending him flailing through the air. Using the momentum from his Keyblades, Roxas flew towards Axel as the red head attempted to block his attacks. However, between Axel's loss of balance and Roxa's momentum, the pyromaniac was pummeled by the young Nobody's attacks. Axel fired a fire spell towards Roxas, but he tucked his body rolling in midair while deflecting the fire spell and his Keyblades knocking Axel down. Immediately after, Roxas summoned columns of clear light surrounding the pyromaniac and the surrounding area destroying everything.

When the light cleared, the magma was gone and the whole area was steaming, all of the fire and heat was evaporating and Axel was barely standing one hand clutching his chest while the other was leaning against the wall to support his body.

"You...what makes you can free Kingdom...Hearts...well?" Small wisps of darkness began flowing around the red head signalling his end.

"Axel..." The shock of seeing his friend die right before his eyes and more so because Roxas was the cause.

"Don't go back to being a zombie on me now...even if I die I'll still be immortal in people's memory...ugh..." With those final words Axel faded away leaving Roxas alone to contemplate on his words.


Saix was staring at the heart shaped moon in the sky, wondering if he would ever obtain a wasn't long before Axel appeared, using the same trick on Roxas as he did Sora.

"Xemnas has given the word, the Organization is no more," the blue haired Nobody kept his focus on the moon which ironically sated his rage. He wanted to destroy everything, the Organization was useless and Kingdom Hearts was doomed anyway.

"That kinda ruins our plans, though we could always find other way's to get our hearts back." Axel wasn't surprised, in fact, he would have been surprised if Xemnas hadn't broke up the Organization. There were only four left, and once Kingdom Hearts was gone, the two of them would have to start from scratch.

"Yes...we could always do that, even if Xemnas does survive, we don't need him anymore. We'll just have to find a new Keyblade Wielder to manipulate for our cause, I doubt we can use Sora unless we take someone dear from him." Saix walked over to one of the couches and took a seat, Saix wasn't known for relaxing, so it came to a surprise to Axel.

"Well I think I have someone in mind, it's a stretch, but then where would the fun be if it wasn't?" Chuckling and falling flat on his back into the soft couch falling asleep almost instantly. Roxas had taken a lot out of the red head, almost as much as Sora if not the same when he was at C. O.

"Well, it's better then nothing, get some rest Lea, we have a lot of work to do." The Luna Diviner almost smiled at seeing his friend snoring louder then a Large Body Heartless. Not that he had ever witnessed a Heartless sleeping...did Heartless actually sleep? Shaking his head Saix dismissed the thought, wondering why he would even get distracted by something so trivial.


Kamen Rider Sting: Thank you for the Story Favorite.

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JN: Thank you for the Story Follow.

thegoodfolk: Thank you for the Story Follow.

reaperfrost8: Thank you for the Story Follow and Favorite.

DeRaza360: Thanks for the Story Follow and Review.

M1A.00: Thank you for the Story Favorite and review.

The Three Kings: Thank you for your Story Favorite.

A/N: Dreamer: Thank you all for your support, especially DeRaza360 for letting me finish it, I hope you enjoy it.