Pewdiecry: Not Lonely

WARINING! This is a... Yaoi! a BL! Don't say I didn't warn you. If you don't like it, don't read it!

It contains my favorite pairing,

❤PewdieXCryoatic ❤

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the: games or characters mentioned such as the barrels, Stephano, etc.

Also, because both of these guys swear quite a bit, there is a fair amount of coarse language. nothing TOO inappropiate though (my kokoro could barely handle this :,-D)

Crys POV:

I laughed, stumbling over Pewds shoulder, while fumbling over my words. I talked to Scott and Zutes incoherently. And, as if they could understand the meaningless, dizzy language I was speaking, they laughed and chatted back.

Well, fahk, we were drunk, that's just the crap that happens.

The late night crew had gone drinking to celebrate Pewds coming to Florida. Red, Snake, and I had always been able to hold liquor fairly well- I tripped, almost dragging Pewds to the ground with me. Maybe I wasn't that great at it. Snake and Red though, they're another story.

However, after a certain amount shots, and intakes of vodka, even Snake has succumb to extreme drunkenness. He kissed Jund tonight. He WAS drunk after all, but he has always hated Jund.

"You fucker." Snake let out a growl from his throat.

"You pussy." Jund smiled a cocky, amused grin.

"Your mother is a whore."

"And you are a Bastard." Next thing I knew, their lips had crashed together. Snake tackled Scott off of his chair at the bar. Woah.

People began to stare and shout. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, I could swear one of the cat calls or whistles was from Red. I dunno..

I dumped my drink on the both of them, hoping to extinguish the horrible tension in the air. It was like saying: See, we're all weird, so lets get drunk and be happy.

Scott erupted into laughter, and pulled away from Snake. Snake soon collected himself, and also left the floor. I laughed when he tripped over another chair.

"Was Mr. Chair our enemy today or what?" I lean on Pewds a little more.

"Dude, you are so drunk." He groaned.

"He's always drunk. Vodka, hard liquor. He thinks he can drink that stuff and still be sober." Red explained.

"A whole new wooooorrrld!" I suddenly started singing. My mind was failing me. I wanted to stop talking and saying dumb things, but the words wouldn't cease. Damn... Pewds laughed.

"Whatever, you know? I can drive Cry, and Scott home."

"What? No, pewdie. This was supposed to be a way to welcome you here, I'd feel bad if-"

"Really, its no big deal. I had fun, I'm just not that into liquor."

"Alright... Russ and I can handle
Zutes and Snake." She smiled. Those two seemed to get along nicely. Good. I'm happy they're happy-
"Urrgggg." I lurched forward,
cupping my hands over my mouth.

"Are you alright?" Pewdie stopped walking and let me kneel down. Not here. Not now, I can't get sick in public, and look so pathetic. I said I could hold my liquor and I would-

"Blurrggg" No! I'm a man. I got this. "I can... handle this.." Pewds wasn't having it. He moved me towards a garbage can outside a store.


"No way sir, that is embarrassing as fuck.."

"You'll feel better..!" I held my stomach. It was like he was subconsciously coaxing me.

"L-leave! I can do my buisness by myself..."

"What if you pass out or some shit?! No." I prepared to argue, but my face was already buried in the street can. Gross. This was so embarrassing. I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my shirt. Pewds patted my shoulder. Cooing in my ear: It's alright bro. You're okay bro.

That made everything so much worse. I wanted to be left alone; I didnt want him to see me like this. Why was I suddenly driving myself crazy with the thought of embarrassing myself in front of some guy? It was like I was suddenly a teenage girl (like those ones that are into yaoi). Damn you liquor. You see what you do to me?

"Oh man.. Is he alright?!" Red called from a distance.

"Yeah. He is just a little sick. I think he'll be okay though." He slung my arm back over his shoulder. "Just a little while longer until we reach the parking garage."

My head was fuzzy when I walked through my door. When we turned the lights of my apartment on, my brained seemed to mentally stab itself from behind my eyes. I started to turn the lights off in the kitchen area. Suddenly remembering the bad taste in my mouth, I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"You don't want the lights on?" Pewdie laughed.

"Fuck no." He laughed a even more. I staggered, still a little on the tipsy side. "Make yourself at home, friend." I shut my bedroom door behind me as I dressed. Upon getting a good look at myself in the mirror, I saw how flushed I still looked. 'You're silly' I thought giggling at my reflection. I hope I still remember the party tommorow. The clubbing was fun, and the drinks were cool.

"Yo, Feliks?"


"You got a place to stay, right?"

"Oh, yeah bro. I'm staying with a
few friends."

"They Yankees?"

"Go big, or go home dude." We laughed. I hummed 'a whole new world' when I went back into my room. " The hell. Bro you are so drunk!"

"Correct, sir." I slipped into my bed, prepared for tommorow's hangover. "Pewds!" I beconed.

"What?!" I could hear the TV in my living room. He was comfortable after all. He leaned in my door way.

"Love you~" Oh my God. The drinks, they are purely works of the devil. I prepared to take it back, but he thought it was a joke. Well... I was joking after all, right? He laughed.

"Love you too, bro." I closed my eyes, relieved.

I was horribly drunk.
I know it didn't actually happen.
Why do I have the memory,
Of a kiss goodnight

From Feliks?