Ranma 1/2:

A New Awakening

Alternate Continuation (Dani: minor crossovers)

By: Dani Yanega

Concept by: Jerry Unipeg (starfire)

(Dani: Legend is listed in Profile. My profile is also where I will address specific questions or issues that readers ask about.

I do not own many of the Characters in this story though some are mine all the KNOWN characters belong to those who originally created them. Thxs.

Please also NOTE I write Alternate Universe (AU) stories whether they are crossover or not. The AU applies to ALL characters. Thus this will make them OOC to the original Story and I like it that way. So if you plan to comment that Akane is not like that sorry I writer her like I like to. This goes for all the characters it makes the story more fun for me to write that way. Got to have some antagonist and some friends :D)

Chapter One

The soft sounds of early morning, stretched gently over Nerima, and to the ears of Nerima's premiere martial artist. Ranma woke earlier than usual. His internal clock seemed a bit off kilter. Most of the time, Ranma liked to sleep in when he could, but he would not let himself miss training. Early morning was the best time for it. Ranma laid in his futon, trying to remember the strange dream he had that night. It fluttered in and out of his consciousness, but never long, enough for him to remember anything. There would be a flash of color, a quick sound, but nothing definite. Ranma shrugged his shoulders. He was about to roll off his futon, when he noted that he was actually, a she. Waking in _his_ female body was annoying, but she was getting use to it. She checked the futon and the floor for water both were dry. That surprised him.

[Nabiki must have been taking pictures again *sigh* well at least it helped pay my way, I just wish I didn't feel so used. Hmmm, it's dry. I wonder how she managed that.] Ranma searched around her for a glass or cup, seeing none she got up scratching the back of her head in thought.

[Must have gone to bed this way, funny I don't remember being female before bedtime? Oh, well who knows with a violent tomboy around it's possible.] She put those thoughts aside and started to get dressed.

She _was_ getting used to her female body, but she would never admit it to anyone. Ranma pulled out his standard red Chinese satin shirt, black Kung Fu pants, and slippers from the closet and dressed. Then turned around and kicked a lazy panda out of his futon, through the open second story window. This started their morning training ritual. It seemed Genma liked sleeping in panda form. It was warmer with all that fur. Her father still had not realized that she had been holding back for the last two years, especially after the Mount Phoenix incident. The only challenge she had in fighting him was trying to make it appear that he was presenting her _with_ a challenge. Genma had ceased being a challenge to her long before Mount Phoenix.

"Come on old man, let's see what you got? It must be better than that?" Ranma shouted, following her father out the window.

/I am just warming.../ *SPLASH*! The panda held out a sign, as he tried to right himself but was to late.

/You can do better then that, _boy_!/ The panda emerged from the koi pond holding up a sopping wet sign.

Ranma landed in the yard, she had taken her standard ready stance. She did not want to let him know of her more powerful skills. She glared at her father, waiting for him to make the first move. She did not have long to wait, as Genma took to the sky from the pond, a spout of water some three feet in height trailing behind him. He did a flip in the air and headed toward his son turned daughter with a paw extended. Ranma waited until the last possible moment before she ducked under his leg, came up behind her father and did a spin kick, knocking him face first into one of the walls surrounding the yard. Ranma's frustration grew as the battle progressed, simply because, in spite of her best efforts to tone down her fighting, she found herself repeatedly knocking the old man into the koi pond. She was going out of her way to leave what she thought were wide openings, for him to take advantage of, but the old man moved so slowly compared to her now, that if she did not attack she would blow the charade entirely, waiting for him. Genma after having four consecutive splashdowns in the pond, without landing a single hit in return called; a halt to Ranma's exercise.

/Hold, that is enough of a beating for today, boy, your getting sloppy, you need work on your technique some more if you want me to continue to train with you!/ Genma told her, with a sign he had flipped several times; as he hauled himself out of the pond.

Ranma rolled her eyes and snorted her disgust. She turned and walked into the Dojo, to start doing some kata. Not long after the end of the battle, Kasumi brought the kettle of hot water. She first went over to the panda, pouring some of the water over him, she loved watching the change from panda too human it fascinated her. Than Kasumi headed over to Ranma, she waited until she was finished with her kata, and then went to pour the rest of the water over her. As Kasumi started to pour, she noticed that something was different about Ranma's female body, it looked different somehow, but she could not put her finger on what it was. When Kasumi finished pouring the rest of the hot water over Ranma's head, she was stunned when nothing happened.

"Oh my!" Kasumi blinked as the kettle hit the floor.

"OH NO! NOT AGAIN?" Ranma shouted as she stared down at herself.

"_Boy_ how can you _let_ yourself get stuck as a girl again, oh the shame to have such a son, as...URK!" Genma ranted until Ranma punted him into LEO (Dani: lower earth orbit, for you new FanFic readers).

"Perhaps the water had cooled down? I will go heat-up another kettle." Kasumi said heading back into the house.

Ranma followed Kasumi to the kitchen surprisingly not as upset as she thought she should be, and this bothered her a little, ok maybe a lot. After three kettles of hot water, still nothing happened. Ranma finally went to take a bath, she spent ten minutes in a hot furo, and there was still no change. She sulked only a little then Ranma got out of the tub, and went to get dressed for school. When she entered her room, she found a girl's Furinkan School uniform and underclothing waiting for her, along with Kasumi. Kasumi greeted Ranma with her 'sternest' smile. It always amazed Ranma how gentle soft-spoken Kasumi could wield so much power with just a simple smile.

"Ranma, I really think that since you will be remaining a female, that you should dress appropriately. It is really the proper thing to do." Ranma was about to protest.

Then Kasumi gave her, the 'I know best smile and I will not take no for an answer'. Therefore, with a sinking heart, Ranma felt her doom approaching. While Kasumi helped her get dressed, Kasumi also redid her hair, and against the definite protests of the martial artist applied a light amount of makeup. While she worked on Ranma, Kasumi again noticed something not quite right about the cursed girl. It seemed her ears, were just slightly on the pointy side, and her eyes were a bit wider more almond shape. Kasumi just shook her head, that was not possible, and she happily went about helping Ranma dress.


Although everyone knew about her curse, Kasumi felt it would be better if she went with the name Ranko just to stem any confusion for those that had not known since she could not change back. The truth was that Kasumi so missed the times when she used to help Akane and Nabiki dress and would teach them to apply makeup she wanted that again. Since Ranma did not know how to do those things. Then Ranma got stuck and she had the chance to be the mother again and teach her.

As Akane and Ranko were running to school, so they would not be late, Ranko decided to stay firmly on the ground and not walk on the fence. Ranko was deep in thought, her mind drifted back to this morning. She was still in shock, she still wanted to know how Kasumi could talk her into wearing girl's clothing, wear her hair loose, and makeup just by smiling that blasted smile of hers. She was so deep in thought she never heard what Akane had said to her. All she heard as the hammer came down was Akane's usual battle cry.

"_RANMA_ NO BAKA!" Akane stood over her fiancé with her fists clenched tight around her mallet.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" She yelled at the youngest Tendo.

"Stupid violent tomboy!" She whispered under her breath.

"I asked you a question and you were ignoring me!" She growled, at the cursed girl.

"_WHAT!_ Because I _DON'T_ give you my undivided attention, because I might be having some emotional problems about being stuck, and trying to figure out what to do, you _HIT_ me? Oh, geeze Akane _GROW THE F # UP ALREADY_!" Ranko threw her hands up in the air as she glared at her fiancée.

Akane got angrier she started to summon her mallet to send Ranko on a flight with Air Akane. She then stopped when she looked into the sad confused eyes of the young girl in front of her. She bowed her head and had enough decency to look guilty. She turned from her fiancé. She took several deep breaths then turned and faced the confused aqua-transsexual. Akane was not sure but she could have sworn she had seen fear as it flashed in the blue sapphire pools of the petite redhead but it passed through the blue pools so quickly she was not sure it was even there. She placed her hand on her fiancé's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Ranma, is there something I can help you figure out?" She asked hopefully, Ranma nodded, and leaned in conspiratorially.

"_How_ does she do it?" Akane looked at the redhead with a completely confused look, while Ranma continued.

"All Kasumi had to do was _SMILE_ and it was as if I had no will to resist her suggestions at all!" Her head shook when she looked down at her clothing.

Akane just laughed as they continued on to school, she was about to answer, when they noticed they were getting close to school. Ranko cringed and Akane began to glow when they heard the familiar sound of a bicycle bell, but watched as Shampoo rode by them on the fence.

[Well, what do ya know?] Ranko thought, as she slowed and watched the Amazon ride off looking for her Airen.

[I might actually have one day of peace for a change.] As she thought about a quiet relaxing day, Ranko started to laugh a little bit.

Akane stopped and turned her head as she glared at her baka fiancé. She still could not believe Ranma was wearing girl's clothes. Though she did understand when Kasumi wanted something, she would pull out the 'smile' Ranma complained about. When Ranma came down this morning Akane was to say the least stunned, to say the most furious.

(o)(o) FLASHBACK (o)(o)

"Come on Ranma we're going to be late!" Akane shouted up the stairs.

Soon she heard Ranma coming, she went to the stairs to wait for her, when she looked up she saw Ranma in a girl's school uniform, and looking better in it then she did. She clenched her fists and saw red. Her aura exploded around her as she screamed at her jerk of a fiancé.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING DRESSED LIKE THAT! YOU PERVERT HOW DARE, YOU EMBARRASS ME!" Akane pulled her biggest mallet from mallet space and was about to pound Ranma into goo, when Kasumi called to her from behind the redheaded girl.

"_Akane!_ That is enough! You will leave Ranma alone, I made her dress this way and I _will_ not have you beating on her. Or did you _forget_ the promise of _Honor_ you made me?" She finished by giving Akane a look she very rarely saw on her sister's face until Ranma and his father showed up.

Akane bowed her head in shame as she remembered her promise never to strike anyone in anger. She then looked up glaring then turned from Ranma and headed out the door. Ranma followed after with both their lunches and book bags since Akane left without hers.

(o)(o) END FLASHBACKé é (o)(o)

"What's so funny _Ranko_?" She jibed, still slightly annoyed.

Surprisingly, Ranko ignored her hot-tempered fiancée's teasing. She was surprised that it did not really seem to bother her today. She just continued to laugh as she walked to catch up to Akane. In between chuckles, she explained why she was laughing.

"I don't believe this. I change my clothing and hairstyle and Shampoo didn't even notice me. I just might have some peace for a change. If I had known that was all it would have taken I would have done it sooner." Ranko laughed even more.

Akane looked at Ranko, it was then that she noticed that her body and face looked different, more then usual but she could not figure out what it was, and her laugh sounded suspiciously like tiny bells, crystal bells. When they neared the school, they saw Kuno waiting at the gate. He was standing _guard_ the wind ruffling his hair. He wore his Kendo habbaka and had his bokken lying across his arm. At the same time they spotted the upper classman, Kuno saw them.

"Ah doth my tigress Akane and my Pig Tail Goddess come to me! My heart soars at seeing the both of you. Come to me, my loves and show me of the love thee hath for my divine self!" He rushed forward with his arms out and hearts in his eyes.

Akane was getting ready to take her anger out on Kuno, when she noticed Ranko was not getting ready to fight him. She saw as a mischievous smile began to form on her lips. Ranko reached out and took hold of Akane's arm to stop her then in a hurried whisper said.

"I have an idea, just play along, ok?" She whispered but did not even wait for a reply as she jumped into action.

"Oh Kuno, we know that your love for us transcends all earthly bounds!" Ranko spoke in a very sweet and bell like voice.

"But I am afraid that for you, our love can never be." She hung her head the smile forming again. Akane watched confused.

"Indeed! It is because of that black-hearted Sorcerer Ranma Saotome. He hath put his evil spell upon you both." Kuno's voice rose, but not quite a shout as he waved his bokken dramatically in the air.

"Oh no great Kuno, *GASP* Ranma did not put *WINCE* us under any spells." Ranko said with a wide-eyed look as she started to pretend to be in pain.

"Our torturer is...is not Ranma for he has been trying to free *INTAKE OF BREATH* us, it is the...OH, man who claims to be his father!" Ranko stumbled and doubled over slightly as she steadied herself by taking hold of Kuno's arm.

"He is an evil shape shifter...that turns into a giant panda! He has enslaved us and all *GASP* in Akane-san's home." Ranko tried hard not to laugh but it was hard to hide it as it swam in her eyes.

"Wha...What are you saying?" Kuno asked, with a surprised look as she lowered her head to hide her mirth Ranko continued.

"He tricked Ranma into *GASP SWOON* making him think he was his father...!" Ranko turned her head, as if to hide her tears, she was actually trying to hide a smile.

Akane wanted her turn at the king moron of Furinkan High School, so she took up the _play_ giving Ranko time to calm down and get her laughter under control, even though to Kuno it looked as if she was sobbing. He started to reach for his pig-tailed goddess when Akane grabbed his arm to distract him, so as not to blow their fun.

"It is horrible to watch sempei, for every so often Ranma breaks free as we have but as you can see the evil shape shifter has a strong hold *GASP* as he...tries to regain his control. Do you not see the truth! It is in those times Ranma tries to free us. OH! He *INTAKE OF BREATH* has even tried to turn to you and your great skill...!" Akane turned to hide her smile, as she realized how hard it was to keep a straight face.

"To help him vanquish the shape shifter but the evil that he is, has cast a veil over you preve...preventing you from seeing the truth!" Ranko finished for her fiancée as Ranko moved to the other side of Kuno her laughter for the moment under control.

"He has taken over my home and family and has been forcing poor Ranma to help him. He has even entranced *GASP* Ranma's mother to force us to capitulate with his nefarious scheme!" Akane used her innate acting talent to its fullest advantage while using language close to what Kuno liked to use.

Akane covered her face and turning away dramatically from Kuno to hide her own smile. She had started to laugh, and worked to make it sound like sobs as she continued to lay it on thick for the moronic Kendo fighter. Once she was sure she would not laugh she turned to face him, she even managed to force tears from her eyes. Ranko was surprised to see the tears.

[_WOW_ I am gonna have to ask how she did that!] She listened as Akane laid it on like thick peanut butter.

"You must forget us for your safety for if the panda *GASP* gets a chance to strengthen his spell on you he will and take all you own even your *INtAKE OF BREATH* sister for his own pleasure!" Ranko had to turn at that, as they both knew Genma only wanted food and money to buy sake.

"But my loves!" Kuno cried as he reached for them his eyes filled with angry tears that he had not seen the true evil before now.

"How can I the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High give up my love for thee? I however have shamed my family and myself by wrongly accusing Saotome Ranma when it was the evil incarnate that I should have gone after! The veil he has placed over mine eyes has lifted he will pay for his treachery!" Then he turned and ran for the school.

As soon as Kuno was out of earshot, Akane and Ranko broke down and released the laughter they knew they could not have held any longer. Thank Kami-sama, he had left when he did. They laughed until their sides ached. The other students were shocked, then slowly they began to applaud, it first started with Akane's friends, then Ranko's friends joined until finally the whole schoolyard was applauding the performance. Akane and Ranko bowed graciously to them.

"What happens when he goes after your dad?" Akane asked still giggling as she spotted her sister coming toward them.

"Pops can fight his own battles it will be nice to have some peace for a while and enjoy the show." Ranko said as they both turned to face Nabiki.

"You know that he'll be back after you two again." Nabiki said as she shook her head pityingly.

"So true, but he _will_ leave us alone while he tries to figure a way to free not only Akane and me but Ranma as well." Ranko said with a sly smile on her lips.

"Now you can sell more pictures to him and at a higher price too." She continued as she smiled impishly at the surprised look on Nabiki's face.

"You knew I was getting pictures of you!" Nabiki asked with a shocked look on her face.

"I had known for a while now, oh come on Nabiki, did you really believe that I, with people attacking me in the middle of night or trying to sleep with me, _did not_ know you were taking pictures?" She rolled her eyes at the naiveté of the mercenary Tendo financier.

"_However_, things are going to change, from now on Akane, and me get ten percent of all money you make on us!" Ranko stood looking at Nabiki and using Kasumi's smile.

"_NOW_ wait just a damn minute here...ok Ranma, I will give you and Akane ten percent of the take related to you." Giving in as she saw both her sister and Ranko start to glow with looks of promised pain.

[I don't believe I am agreeing to this!] Nabiki thought to herself as she walked away.


The two martial artists watched as Nabiki stormed off, they then heard the warning bell as it rang and ran for class. They got to their seats with time to spare. Class went as it usually did, Ranma sleeping and Akane glaring at her. Though as the morning wore on and it got closer to lunch Akane noticed Ranma fidgeting in her seat, and trying to scratch her back. Akane put it down to the bra she was wearing. As the bell, rang signaling lunch, Ranko got up to leave, when Akane and Ukyo gasped. Ranko turned to them questioningly.

"What? What's the matter?" All her two fiancées could do was point at her.

Ranko looked down at herself, she felt everything looked in place. There was nothing showing that should not be then she looked over her right shoulder behind her to check and when she looked down her back the best, she could all she saw was fire engine red. With a shocked expression, she looked at the floor and her red hair was just about two inches from it. She looked back up at the two girls with a wide-open mouth that opened and closed with shock, she was finally able to speak.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!" She said as she spun around and grabbed the bright red locks.

Ukyo was the first to notice Ranko's back. She grabbed Akane's arm tightly to steady herself. Akane turned to yell at her too let go when she saw that Ukyo was whiter than a ghost was and about to fall over. She grabbed the chef to steady her, when Ukyo pointed at Ranko's back.

"_MY KAMI-SAMA, What is that_!" Akane turned to look and she too nearly collapsed from the shock.

In the middle of Ranko's back between her shoulder blades was a wet gooey lump the size of a goose's egg, and to the girls, it looked like it was still growing. Akane looked at the lump, which Ranko was trying to see, then she turned to Ukyo and they nodded to each other, ran over, and grabbed Ranko. With each taking an arm, they dragged her out of the class. They then pulled her kicking in screaming out of the building, and off campus heading toward Dr. Tofu's clinic. Nabiki watched this with a curious eye. She called one of her lackeys over then gave her, her instructions.

"I want you to follow them, and get whatever happens on film and tape." Her employee nodded and took off after the trio.


"HEY COME ON GUYS I CAN WALK!" Ranko screamed still kicking.

Both girls stopped and looked down at their fiancé, then let her up. She smiled a little then started to walk toward the clinic. Ukyo and Akane began to walk ahead of her. They had started talking quietly to each other. Akane filling in Ranko's other fiancée on what had happened that morning. Ranko began to walk a little slower, it was not as if she wanted to be left behind, but she felt so tired. While she slowly walked on, she began to lean against the fences lining the street for support.

[_What_ is the matter with me?] She paused as a wave of pain washed over her.

Holding onto the fence with one hand, she doubled over holding her midsection. She tried to call out to her fiancées but all that came out was gasps of pain. She pulled herself along the fence using her hands, while she tried to catch up with the girls. She moved with halting steps as each step brought a new bout of pain through her body. She looked up through unfocused eyes and watched as the two out of focus shapes disappeared around the corner several blocks or so ahead of her.

[Oh, man I gotta get to the clinic, if my enemies find me now I'm a _goner_!] She thought slowly looking around for those very people.


Akane had finished telling Ukyo everything they knew to this point and that she was now calling herself Ranko. Ukyo was stunned to say the least confused to say the most. With an evil smirk, Akane also told her of the trick they played on Kuno and redirected Kuno's delusions onto Ranma's father. She started to giggle when she told the chef Ranma had gotten Nabiki to start giving them ten percent of all the money she makes of them. Ukyo could not help but laugh at that. Then Akane became angry again as she spoke to the chef.

"Yeah the stupid _baka_ is probably doing this just to _embarrass_ me, I just know it! I even bet there is nothing wrong with his back either, it is just a joke!" She fumed, as Ukyo looked at her with disgust.

"I mean how, could her hair grow that fast when the dragon whisker doesn't work on his female side and that..." Ukyo paused when she heard a familiar sound.

*bweee bwee bweeee!" They turned to see P-Chan running toward them.

"P-Chan! Oh, my baby's back!" Akane bent down and scooped up the wayward pig.

Ukyo scowled at the piglet as he nuzzled in between Akane's breasts. She thought Ranma should stop protecting the pig's secret, especially since he had no honor. Ranma however could not so he continued to leave hints a 747 airplane could fly through. Ukyo then began to look around for Ranko since she knew how she felt about the little piglet, but could not seem to find her.

"Akane where's Ranma?" Akane looked up as she snuggled her pet and looked around.

"I'll bet that _baka_ snuck off with that bimbo Shampoo!" P-Chan nodded his agreement.

Ukyo glared at the both of them then stormed off back the way they had come. Akane stomped off behind her threatening great bodily harm to Ranma if this was a trick. They went back some three blocks. When they rounded the corner, half way back on that block they saw her laying on the ground against the fence, trying to get some air. The lump had more than doubled in size. P-Chan squirmed to get free of Akane. He wanted a piece of Ranma while he had the chance. Until Ukyo turned and in a deathly cold voice whispering in the pig's ear she said.

"I _know_ Ryoga! Do _anything_ and I _WILL_ tell her!" The little pig slumped going pale, and looking at Ranma with a look of defeat.

Both girls ran up to Ranko, Ukyo knelt next too her while Akane looked on worry and anger warring in her eyes. Ukyo helped Ranko to stand and steadied her against the fence. Once Ranko was breathing normally, Ukyo draped one of Ranko's arms over her shoulder and the other around her back trying not to touch the oozing lump. She then turned and glared at Akane.

"Will you drop that _stupid pig_ and help me!" Akane's anger flared as she glared at Ukyo

"P-Chan is not stupid and what do _I_ care what happens to that pervert, _YOU_ seem to care for him, you take him to Dr. Tofu's!" She started to squeeze her P-Chan a little tighter.

Ukyo looked at her with disbelief then turned and staggered off with Ranko. She pushed past Akane not caring she knocked the youngest Tendo off balance. She glared at her as she helped Ranma toward the clinic neither girl saw the pain in the redheads eyes at Akane's comments. P-Chan saw and smirked with delight at the pain he saw there. Ukyo did not leave without a parting stab at the obstinate Tendo girl.

"If your _pet_ is more important then the _LIFE_ of your fiancé then take your pig and go home. Ranma needs someone that cares for him, that he can trust, and _that_ obviously isn't _you_!" She then turned the corner with her fiancé.


Akane stood staring after Ukyo and Ranma. Her face contorted into anger, her aura blazing a brilliant red. When P-Chan was squirming to get away, she realized that she was burning him up. She dissipated her aura and with a 'Hmpft' in their direction she turned to head back to school. She took about two steps before the tears started to flow. She turned, and then ran after Ukyo and Ranko, with P-Chan tucked under her arm. She caught up with them a half a block away. They were moving slowly as Ranko could not seem to move very fast. She came up on the other side of the redhead and took her other arm draping it over her shoulder. Still holding P-Chan, she helped get Ranko to Dr. Tofu. About a half an hour later, they entered the clinic doors.

"DR. TOFU!" Akane yelled while she and Ukyo tried to keep a weakening Ranko from falling.

Dr. Tofu came into the lobby of his clinic. He was shocked at seeing Ranma in a dress. He was about to ask what was going on, when he noticed how pale she was, and just caught her when she passed out. Dr. Tofu picked up the unconscious girl, he stopped when he felt something large very soft and very moist on her back. It also felt like it was moving. He rushed her to an exam room, half noticing how much lighter she was. He did not notice he was being shadowed by the two girls. He quickly removed her jumper and top, then to his surprise a bra. His questions flew at the two girls as they watched. Akane explained why Ranko is wearing a dress and that she was going again by Ranko instead of Ranma. Dr. Tofu nodded with an understanding smile, when she explained Kasumi made her wear the clothes.

P-Chan watched and listened to what was going on, at first he was happy that Ranma was now out of the way for Akane's affections, then he began to worry, if Ranma suddenly became stuck in his cursed form could not he also become stuck. Once the doctor had stripped Ranko to the waist he turned her over, he asked about the hair, again Akane answered.

"We don't know, I would be inclined to think it was the dragon hair curse, but that doesn't work on her female form, and before we could ask about it we noticed the goose egg sized lump on her back...!" Akane finished, looking over Dr. Tofu's shoulder while he worked on moving the thick soft hair out of the way.

They both gasped, and Ukyo ran to the other side of the exam table to see what was wrong. She covered her mouth and gagged, as she stared down at a bulging sack the size of a basketball, which was made out of what looked like membrane tissue.

"Well it is no longer the size of a goose's egg." Dr. Tofu said stating the obvious.

Then Dr. Tofu moved to a cabinet and removed a few items. He came back with a glass slide, a small scalpel, and a small metal dish with cotton balls and a bottle of peroxide. He gently scraped a bit of the sack nearest Ranko's back. He put the sample on the slide.

"Akane, please gently dab some of the peroxide where I removed this sample I need to take a look at this." He said over his shoulder as he left them.

Akane put P-Chan on the exam table next to Ranko, and Ukyo glared a warning at the cursed pig. Ryoga did not know what to do he was too shocked, and just sat there staring at an unconscious Ranko. Akane did what she was told while Ukyo stared transfixed. Ukyo reached out and gently touched the sack closest to her, and quickly pulled her hand away, when she felt its cold slimy surface. She grimaced as she wiped her fingertips on her pants. What really freaked her was that when she touched it, it had moved. She looked up at Akane with wide questioning eyes. All Akane could do was shrug her shoulders. When Akane was finished, she turned and put the bowl and other things on the sink that was in the room; she spun quickly when Ukyo shouted.


Akane turned and nearly dropped the bottle of peroxide she was still holding, just as Dr. Tofu came running into the room. He stopped and gaped at the site before him, he slowly advanced toward the table while Ukyo backed away, she bumped into Akane, and they clasped hands, watching the horror unfold in front of them. P-Chan sat transfixed, when he felt himself being lifted and handed over to a familiar embrace. The membrane sack was spreading, rapidly by the time Dr. Tofu had walked the few short feet to the exam table Ranko was completely, surrounded by it.

Tofu began to examine the sack, he also began reaching out with his senses, he could feel Ranko's aura inside the sack but it was changing, morphing into something else. He turned to Akane with a worried look. He found her and Ukyo's gaze locked on the encased fighter. The fear in their eyes made him feel pity for the young girls but he needed them to focus if he was going to help his patient and friend.

"I think you better call Ranko's father." He said as he started to turn back toward his patient.

"_NO_! Call his mother not that jackass; he might try to do something stupid that will hurt Ran-Chan!" Ukyo responded with urgency.

Akane looked at her then back at the sacks that had become her fiancé. She nodded for she knew Ukyo was right her father and Mr. Saotome would try to do something stupid that might get Ranko killed. She left the room to make the call. She decided to call one other person, who might know what was happening. To this person she put limitations and threats if they were not followed to the letter.

Shortly after Akane returned to the exam room Cologne pogoed into the clinic and at Akane's request she was alone. When she entered the exam room, she nearly fell from her staff as she stared at the mass that was her son-in-law. Ukyo scowled at Akane, and spit out her question.

"_Why_ did you call her, now we are gonna have to fight off Shampoo who is bound to do something _just as stupid_ as that damn panda. Not to mention Mousse the tag along!" Ukyo snarled at a defiant Akane.

"Akane made me give my word I would not tell granddaughter where or why I was leaving, and I kept that promise, I did not even tell Mousse. I could tell by her voice that the confusion caused by their presence was not a good thing at this time, and I can see I was right." Cologne responded for the Tendo girl.

Dr. Tofu looked at the old woman and motioned for her to follow him. She did and he showed her what he had found under the microscope, from the sample of tissue he removed from Ranko. She gasped and looked at him with disbelieving eyes. She quickly looked at the sample again then backed away from the microscope her face full of disbelief.

"This is not possible! There must be some mistake!" Cologne gasped.

Dr. Tofu shook his head, he was about to respond when they where interrupted. They turned quickly to face two girls with anxious expressions. Akane's expression turned to a scowl when she noticed the nervousness of the two healers.

"What is a mistake? What is happening to Ranma?" Akane demanded, Ukyo right beside her nodded that she wanted to know too, and so did P-Chan.

Dr. Tofu took a deep breath then let it out. He looked at the girls with sadness, and then turned to the old Amazon for some help. She nodded then faced the girls.

"I think it would be best to wait for son-in-law's father bef..." She was cut off by Ukyo.

"We didn't call that _jackass,_ he and Akane's father would probably do something that would get Ran-Chan killed." She spit out in disgust as Cologne nodded, and then continued.

"Alright, then I think we should wait for his mother then since it concerns her child." Cologne looked in the direction of the exam room. Akane's aura flared as she approached the two adults, fire in her eyes.

"_We aren't_ going to wait, what is happening with Ranma!" She finished as she pulled out her mallet.

Dr. Tofu's hand snaked out quickly and took away Akane's mallet giving her a reproachful look. Akane glared angrily at the doctor. Then she hung her head in shame, with a small tear flowing down her cheek. She looked back up with pleading eyes as she was frightened and feared she would lose her friend and fiancé.

"Well, as near as we can tell Ranko is being reborn, that membrane is a birthing sack." As Dr. Tofu explained, Cologne raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you calling son-in-law by his female name?" Cologne asked with a great deal of curiosity.

"Because, when Ranma woke up this morning he was stuck in his female form and Kasumi thought it was more appropriate that _she_ be more feminine and go by his female name." Akane answered her.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" They all ran to the exam room to see the membrane trying to be torn open from the inside.

Akane and Ukyo tried to go and help their fiancé but both Dr. Tofu and Cologne stopped them. The girls turned and glared at them, however the glares were wasted as neither adult was looking at them. They were staring with concern as they watched the progress of Ranma. When Dr. Tofu explained to them why they could not help.

"She must do this by herself; she must release herself from the cocoon if she is to have a chance to survive." Both girls gasped as they turned to watch Ranko's rebirth.

It took ten long agonizing minutes before Ranko was able to get her hand through the membrane, everyone in the room started breathing again while they watched her tear at the membrane. They could hear her gasping for air, and several times Dr. Tofu and Cologne had to stop the two young girls from rushing forward to get her out of the sack. After another twenty minutes, Ranko had fully emerged from her _cocoon_. She was still her five feet six inches tall, her hair was still nearly to the floor, but now it was curly and wild like the wind, also if it was at all possible even a brighter red. They also noticed that she seemed to glitter with golden twinkles. When Ranko stood up, she shook out her now unruly mass of very curly candy apple red hair. It was then that the group watching her saw something on her back. They all gasped as Ranko now stretched out a pair of gossamer wings there were two sets like butterfly wings. The top pair of wings where a light glittery red, while the bottom ones were a darker shade of red. They too glittered in the sunlight. Ranko started, turned to face the group, and jumped back as if frightened by them. Her hair fell behind her revealing the fact that she was now completely naked. Akane's anger exploded as she stared at the thinner more delicate body of her fiancé. Ryoga could not take it as a trickle of blood came from his nose as he passed out in Akane's arm. She dropped P-Chan, and then lunged toward the frightened winged girl.

"RRAANNMMMAAA, YOU _PERVERTED BAKA_!" She screeched at the transformed girl.

"_AKANE NO_ YOU'LL DESTROY HER WINGS!" Yelled Dr. Tofu as Akane wrenched free.

Before anyone could stop her, she charged Ranko with mallet drawn ready to pulverize the pervert before her. Just as she was about to connect with Ranko's skull, her mallet met with a loud *CLANG*, it had been stopped, it was then pushed back over Akane's head causing the girl to step back in order to keep her balance. The mallet went flying behind her to land at the feet of Dr. Tofu and P-Chan.

Akane looked up at who dared to stop her. She gulped for standing in front of her child with her Katana drawn and pointing directly at Akane's throat, looking ready to kill the next person to move was Nodoka. They looked from Ranko to her mother. They began to compare the two. Nodoka was still the same height as before, five feet nine inches but her hair was now just as red as her daughter's, and just as long. It had the same extremely curly windblown look as well. The thing that really caught their attention where the matching wings that adorned Nodoka's back. She turned and glared at everyone in the room.

"I will not allow you people to destroy my child any longer, _all_ engagements are _OFF_, and if _you_...!" She turned and stared directly at Akane.

"_EVER_ try to hurt my child again _I will KILL you_!" Akane gulped as she stared at the two Faerie people before her.


Nodoka looked at the people in the room, fear and anger, waged war across her beautiful elfin face. Akane looked at her rage building in her, she wanted to pound Ranko, and this _freak_, was keeping her from him. Her aura flared as she summoned her mallet. Ranko saw this and warned her mother.

"_Momma_ she has her mallet out again!" Nodoka did not even give Akane a glance as the young Tendo charged.

Suddenly a small but powerful blast hit Akane in the center of her chest knocking her into a wall lined with chairs. Akane collapsed into the chairs left sprawled out on the floor. P-Chan ran up to her and began licking her face. The others in the room looked to Akane watching her anger build then back to the two morphed women.

Everyone nearly fell to the floor when several small sprites appeared two with bows and arrows but the third seemed to do nothing. The two archers took aim at the rising Tendo. She paused for a moment then decided they were nothing to her and charged at the Saotome women again. The archers' let loose with a volley of arrows. They hit their mark and Akane stopped for a moment, they hurt but it is nothing she could not handle, after all, she was a martial artist. She continued her charge with an angry smirk. She would show that reject from a fantasy movie not to mess with Tendo Akane.


The others watched dumb struck by Akane's momentary lapse into stupidity, all but Ukyo who was used to it. When Cologne noticed the third sprite began to glow. Bowing her head, she could guess what was going to happen. She looked over at Tofu and saw the same look. Akane ran right into an invisible barrier three feet from the mythical group. This did nothing but anger her even more. She pulled out her mallet and began beating it against the barrier. Cologne now began to understand why her granddaughter called her violent-girl. The color of the glowing sprite changed to a deep red and Cologne wondered why, she soon got her answer.

"AAAAAHHHHHH, GET THEM OUT, GET THEM OUT!" Akane was screaming when the arrows in her arms and legs began to glow the same color as the sprite.

Cologne realized that the glowing sprite was a spell-caster and set the arrows on fire. She headed toward the Tendo girl at the same time Tofu also figured out what was going on and ran to aid Akane. When Tofu touched an arrow he had to let go for they were too hot. Cologne then took over for him.

"Kachuu Tenshin Amiguriken!" Cologne said as she winked at the doctor, her hands blurred to invisibility as she removed the arrows she would not normally call the attack but she wanted the magical sprite to think she was magical.

"I warned you, but you chose to ignore my warnings." Nodoka stated flatly as the spell-casting sprite returned to a glowing pale blue.

They turned to the mother of Ranko, with questions, they wanted answers, but Akane was not to be stopped, after all the arrows were removed, she tried to stand. She glared daggers at the Doctor and Cologne, but they just shook their heads.

"It is not them that cause your paralysis, _girl_, the heated arrows fused the nerve endings in your arms and legs, and you will be unable to do to much for the next day or so. Just be thankful I did not allow them to do as they wanted." Nodoka left the threat hanging heavily in the air.


Ranko watched her face filled with confusion and fear. She could not understand why all of a sudden she should fear people she knew, her friends. All she wanted now was to leave this place and head back to the Dojo. _No_ not the Dojo, someplace high someplace safe, home, yes home, high in the clouds she looked out the window at the sky with longing.

{Momma, I wanna go home} She thought as she stared out the window.

{I know daughter and we will, to our new home.} Nodoka replied telepathically.

Ranko looked back at her mother then smiled slightly. She then tuned again to the window and looked longingly out it at the blue sky. She fluttered her wings gently and levitated off the floor, as she wanted to be ready to go as soon as her mother said they could. She turned at the gasp and stared at Ukyo. She only stared for a moment then turned again to the window.


Ukyo was still reeling from the announcement that all engagements were off, when she noticed Akane try to attack the changed women. She just shook her head, burying her face in her hand. She looked up when Akane screamed and saw Cologne use the chestnut fists to remove the burning arrows. She then turned her attention to Ranma...no Ranko now, she looked frighten. It was strange to see the cornered animal look on her face. She watched as Ranko turned and looked longingly out the window, gently flapping her wings. Ukyo knew she wanted to fly away, but she could not let her leave, she was all Ukyo had left in this world.

"Ran-Chan, please stay, I don't want to be alone." Ukyo pleaded tears streaming down her face.

Ranko looked to Ukyo remembrance flickered, momentarily across her face. Ukyo watched as her expression changed to caring. Her expression again slowly changed to sadness. Ranko's final expression was anger. She could not understand why Ranko became angry, they were fiancées she should love her. She needed her to love her.


Ranko looked at Ukyo vague recollection crossed her memories, the friendship of two six year olds, then the sadness of leaving the only friend she had, and then anger filled her when she remembered the failed wedding attempt a year ago. She looked up at Ukyo anger filling her face. Then guilt with confusion and fear crossed her friend's face. Ranko looked around the room, at the many faces that have tormented her in one way or another. Dr. Tofu rearranging her when Kasumi was near or making him rely on Akane for help by pressing shiatsu points. Cologne trying to force her into a marriage she did not want by potions or magic. Ukyo treating her like a piece of property to be owned. Pig-boy as, he refused to take responsibility for his own problems. Then there was Akane; who wanted to be a friend until she found out she was a boy. She would lord him over her friends because she had a fiancé. She used him as a convenient scapegoat when she did not get what she wanted or when something went wrong, he was there to receive the blame.


The people and pig, in the room watched, while Ranko looked at each of them in turn, they saw to their shame the pain she directed toward them. They needed to talk with them find out what was going on but as long as Nodoka felt her child was being threatened she would not be cooperative. As Dr. Tofu turned, he faced the group of magical creatures, with his hands up in a placating gesture.

"Mrs. Saotome...!" He was cut off by a cold glare from Nodoka.

"I am no longer Mrs. Saotome, I will soon be released from my vow to _him_ and I now have full custody of my child." Nodoka spit out angrily.

Dr. Tofu looked at the others in the room, then back at Ranko's mother, but before he could ask her anything, Cologne came forward. She stood at the edge of the protective barrier. She looked deep inside using all her senses, what she discovered frightened her, but she also felt great awe. She turned to the rest of the group, with a sad expression.

"The Amazons no longer have a claim on _Ranko_ with either the Kiss of Marriage or the Kiss of Death. Although that person still exists to some extent, she is now a member of the Faerie Realm and is no longer responsible for the human life she left behind." Cologne turned back to Nodoka and Ranko and bowed deeply.

"I hope that the Amazons will be allowed to make an alliance with you and your people I feel there would be mutual benefits to both our people." Cologne smiled slightly at Nodoka and Ranko's shocked faces.

Nodoka quickly came to her senses then bowed to the elder of the Joketsuzoku. She stood and squarely faced the Amazon alone, when she responded to her comment.

"We will be honored to call the Amazons friends. We will bring your request to the Queen."

Dr. Tofu came forward curiosity written across his face. He bowed and addressed the wary woman.

"Nodoka, can you explain what has happened to you and Ranma? Why you two were changed?" Nodoka paused and looked passed the doctor almost as if she was listening to someone.

The woman then turned back to face the room with a sad but determined look, her sword raised again in defense of herself and her child. Then she answered his question.

"I do not know the full story. I only know that what has happened was because of Genma. We must leave now and go to our new home, but we have permission to return and explain all to you. We will be at the Tendo Dojo at the end of the week. Please have those concerned that should be there."

She then started walking toward the exit Tofu was going to stop them but Cologne shook her head. She signaled to allow them leave. They watched as the two women left. Ukyo followed them to the door, and gasped, everyone but Akane came running. They stared in awe as the women took flight their red wings shining in the sunlight like rubies, then almost instantly they were gone.

"WHAT HAPPENED, HEY WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?" Akane could be heard yelling in the exam room.

Ukyo looked angrily back toward the room then turned and left. She was going to be at that meeting at the end of the week. She was going to find out what happened to her Ran-Chan. Cologne followed her out a moment later, wondering how she was going to explain this to her great granddaughter. That left Tofu to take Akane home and to let them know of the changes that were coming to their lives.

No one noticed the shadow at the side of the building as they left. The shadow watched the sky in the direction the two women had flown. A low whistle could be heard from it. Then the shadow turned and disappeared behind the clinic heading to meet someone who was waiting for some important information.


The week was passing slowly, for all concerned. Nabiki let it be known that Akane was no longer engaged, and the next morning the fights started up again. To get even Akane demanded twenty percent of Nabiki's take on anything dealing with her.

"Oh, please Akane, why should I even hold to the ten percent now that Ranma is not here to enforce it?" Nabiki asked sarcastically as they walked home from school.

Akane just grinned viciously grab her sister by the collar of her dress and lifted her off the ground. Akane brought Nabiki's face close to hers, and with a scowl, snapped out.

"Because _you_ reinstated the morning battle _which I HATE_, because if you don't I will practice my _mallet bashing_ on you!" She growled at her frightened sister.

Then Akane tossed Nabiki into the fence and stormed off, leaving a disheveled Nabiki, fuming with anger. Nabiki was beyond rage, she was beyond reasoning, and she, was going to get even, if it was the last thing she did.

"Not so smart make violent-girl mad, shoe on other foot." Shampoo grinned with a feral smile, at the Tendo girl.

"What wrong mercenary-girl not like take Ranma's place as punching bag?" She spit out, as Nabiki cringed inwardly.

Shampoo got back on her bicycle and took off leaving a stewing Nabiki. She straightened her clothing; she then headed for home. She knew that somehow this was Ranma's fault. She just had to figure out how.


Life in the Faerie realm was different. The first thing of course was that there were many small beings. It was Nodoka and Ranko's first lesson that they had control over their size and shape. They learned that in practice in the Faerie realm they all stayed in a smaller size and changed to human size when on earth. The second thing they learned was that a week of the mortal's realm time, in the Faerie realm was actually a little over ten years. Time Ranko would put to good use.

While Ranko was left to explore her new home, Nodoka was summoned to an audience with Queen Tatiana. Nodoka was escorted in by a guard to be presented to the Queen. To say Tatiana was beautiful was to say the sun merely rose in the east. Nodoka could not recall seeing anyone or thing in her mortal life that compared to the Faerie Queen. She sat on a crystal thrown, and wore a crown of woven pearls. Her hair was as long as her own was but it was a honey blonde in color and not as curly. Her dress was of a sky blue gossamer fabric that went to her blue slippers. It was an off the shoulder dress with a strip of loosely draped cloth just below her shoulders. Her wings were sapphire blue, and almost matched the color of her eyes. When she smiled at Nodoka, the room radiated with love and warmth.

"Oh, I so wanted to meet Ranko. Is she not with you?" Tatiana asked with her soft voice that sounded like the tinkling of bells.

"I thought it would be best if I learned how _Genma_ caused all this alone. My child has had enough heartbreak because of him." Nodoka stated sadly.

The Queen nodded her understanding. Then she turned to one of the royal courtiers, a cute little pixie with short brown hair and deep brown eyes. She wore a wreath of honeysuckle around her head. She wore a sort of Peter Pan type outfit, which looked adorable on her. They whispered back and forth for a moment then the pixie first bowed to the Queen then Nodoka and left the hall. Queen Tatiana turned back toward a confused Nodoka, and she smiled at her.

"I have sent Honeysuckle to watch over Ranko and help her learn her new home, do not worry she will be fine." The Queen explained.

Nodoka sighed heavily with relief. She then turned to the Queen, expectation written across her now elfin face. Tatiana smiled and motioned for Nodoka to sit in a chair that had been provided for her. She reluctantly did as she was bid. Then they were served mint tea and honey cakes. Once the servers had, left Tatiana looked to Nodoka gone from her face was the radiant smile what replaced it nearly tore Nodoka's heart from her chest. She sat and listened as Tatiana told the tale of an inhuman oaf of a man and a small beaten child.


Ranko flew around the little Faerie community in a blur, darting in and out of buildings looking at everything there was to see. She was like a kid in a candy shop and did not know what to do first. She was just about to enter another store when she heard a small tinkling that sounded like her name.

"Ranko, wait up, I _can't_ fly that fast!" She looked around confused, when suddenly in front of her appeared a brown hair pixie.

Ranko looked first confused then she smiled and bowed to the little Faerie. The pixie smiled back and returned the bow. She then pointed to a perch next to the store Ranko was about to enter, and motioned to sit down. Ranko nodded and flew to the perch. Once she and the pixie settled in the pixie began to explain.

"My name is Honeysuckle, and Queen Tatiana asked that I come and be your guide and help you get some clothes that would be better suited for you while in the Faerie Realm." The little pixie stated sticking out her hand to Ranko.

Ranko shook it then looked down at the piece of her mother's kimono, which was, tore from her mothers outfit to wrap around her. She did not need to shrink down but she could move faster at the smaller size, plus her mother decided it was better when they met the Queen to be the same size as her, to show respect. She looked back at Honeysuckle and nodded. She looked around then quickly back, at the pixie a question forming on her lips.

"What about when I change size won't they tear? I mean our clothes didn't take well to shrinking. What about momma she needs clothes too?" She pulled lightly at the cloth wrapped around her.

"We'll take care of that too, and Faerie clothes are made with a touch of magic so they will expand and shrink as you do. Then we will go pick up your mother to go to your new home so you can see where you are going to be living. Finally we will go for a tour of the kingdom." She finished waving her hand denoting the community around them.

Ranko smiled broadly and nodded excitedly. Ranko expanded slightly not enough to lose her wrap but enough for Honeysuckle to hitch a ride. The pixie shrunk a bit more then jumped to Ranko's shoulder since the young girl flew a little on the fast side. Honeysuckle then directed her toward one of the many clothing shops. They flew in and out of the stores nothing catching her eye for herself or her mother. Then suddenly Ranko stopped short almost dislodging her little companion. She flew to the window of a store and looked in awe at a dress she knew would be perfect for her mother. They entered and Honeysuckle talked to the proprietor about the dress in the window. Ranko just stood there staring at it with a small-satisfied smile.

Soon the dress was packed up with a pair of matching slippers and crown woven of pearls and cherry blossoms. Ranko wanted to go take the dress to her mother right then but the little pixie reminded her she still needed something to wear. Ranko blushed since she had forgotten. Therefore, the hunt continued an hour later Ranko finally found what she wanted and asked if she could wear it now. Both the tailor and Honeysuckle agreed.

When Ranko came out of the dressing room the shop owner and Honeysuckle whistled with awe. The outfit was perfect for her. It fit tightly and moved with Ranko as she went through some of her more strenuous kata. When she was satisfied, it would not come off she came to her new friend and modeled it for her.

The outfit was a strapless number with a sweetheart neckline that looked like leaves. The hemline came just down to mid thigh, and had a leafy hemline to match the neckline. The outfit was a deep burgundy red. Across her arms just below her shoulder were loose fitting straps that also had the leaf motif. On her feet were slippers, where just the tip of the toe was closed, and in the middle on the top of the foot was a small loop. The back also had a small closed heel, it too had a loop, but the sides were opened. The shoes were the color of the dress, and in the loops, a ribbon was strung, and then it was crisscrossed up each leg to be tied off at just below the knee. The ribbon color was also burgundy. On her head was a woven crown of white babies breath, and pink crystals. Around her waist was a v shaped belt the same color as the crystals. The belt also came with several matching pouches, which now were empty. They bought her several more of the same outfit in different colors with matching crowns, since Ranko liked this outfit as much as she had liked her Chinese shirt and kung Fu pants. In all Honeysuckle bought her five of the same outfit.


They left the store and headed toward the palace, Honeysuckle riding on the top of Ranko's head. When they reached, the palace the guards heads turned as Ranko walked by making the young girl blush. They were met outside the throne room by the Queen's personal advisor a high elf called Rohn. He looked at the young redhead with disdain, but directed them to a small sitting room off the main throne room to wait to be summoned. They waited for about half an hour when Honeysuckle was called into the throne room as the pixie left Nodoka came in, she being wrapped in a piece of her Kimono. Ranko ran to her mother as she slammed into her, she gave Nodoka a tight hug, and almost knocking her off her feet. Ranko started talking about all the places she had seen and where she and Honeysuckle went. Her eyes sparkling with the joy found in small children's faces when they have been somewhere new. Nodoka laughed and put a finger to her lips.

"Daughter you can tell me later but I understand you have something for me to wear?" She said, looking at what her daughter was wearing, and shaking her head.

"I hope it is not what you are wearing I am afraid I am a little to old for that." She continued with a raised eyebrow.

Ranko smiled mischievously, at her mother, to Nodoka's surprise her child seemed different, more child like then before, but she could not scold her for this was the first time since she had been back with her child that she seemed truly happy. Ranko ran over to where she dropped her mother's bag, she picked it up and handed it to her.

"This was the only one we found that _I knew_ you would like." Ranko said excitedly as she jumped from one foot to the other waiting for Nodoka to open the bag.

Nodoka smiled, they could go shopping later for more. She reached into the bag and pulled out the dress as it unfolded before her eyes, Nodoka gasped, a tear streaming down her cheek. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. She looked up at her baby and smiled broadly at her daughter. She reached out and gave Ranko a tight hug.

"Thank you daughter it is beautiful, I love it." She finished to Ranko's smiling face.

Nodoka then turned and removed her wrap and put on the dress; she then reached into the bag for the slippers and put them on then finally the crown. When she had finished dressing, she turned to show her daughter.

"_Wow_, you're beautiful momma!" Ranko enthused with her hands clasped under her chin.

The dress was floor length, with a pearl white satin under dress, with spaghetti straps. Over top was a gold gossamer princess style over dress with long flowing sleeves, in a cone shape with the widest end reaching down to the middle of her hand. On her feet was a pair of pearl white slippers with a one-inch heel, trimmed in gold. To finish she wore a woven crown of cherry blossoms and pearls, with three strands of cherry blossoms and pearls hanging down the back.

There was a knock at the door. Then it slowly opened. Honeysuckle stuck her head in a little when she saw Nodoka she let out a low whistle. She came all the way into the room, fluttered up, and landed on Ranko's shoulder as if she had been doing it all her life being sure to shrink down so as not to be to heavy.

"The Queen is ready to meet Ranko, and to set up the training of your powers." The little pixie stated, directing them toward the door.

They all left with Ranko following her mother. Skipping and dancing a little as she went. Nodoka again raised an eyebrow at her antics. She was beginning to worry. When they enter the throne room, Ranko was awed into stunned silence, as she stood at the door transfixed. Honeysuckle lightly tapped her cheek causing her to move. As she walked mouth agape, she looked around the large room, not watching where she was going but to late to stop at the pixie's warning.

"_Ranko_ watch out!" Ranko ran face first into an immovable object causing her to bounce off and land flat on her butt.

"OOWW! That hurt!" She complained when she looked up at what she ran into and looked into the face of a very stern man.

"Uh oh, it's Seran!" Honeysuckle whispered into Ranko's ear, Ranko just stared in awe the beautiful room forgotten.

Seran stood about three inches taller than Nodoka he had coal black hair worn in a ponytail down to his waist. He had hard cold steel blue eyes, with a slight hooked nose, though, not predominate, but it fit his thin hard features. His wings were dark medium blue on top and a darker blue on the bottom. He was wearing a navy blue tunic down to just below his hips and long black pants tucked into calf high soft-soled boots, of black leather. He had a matching black leather belt around his waist, which had several pouches hanging from it.

He looked down at Ranko his arms crossed over his chest, as he just glared at her. Ranko gulped and she quickly got up. She bowed to the man and ran to hide behind her mother. Nodoka turned to face the man and matched him steely stare for steely stare.

"So these are to be my students? She is a little on the cowardly side, your highness!" His voice boomed like thunder.

"Hey, who are you callin' a coward! I can wipe the floor with you!" It was as if he knew what buttons to push, while Nodoka marveled at her son's return.

Ranko jumped up, not flew, up and double flipped over her mother, those watching knew she was not using her wings as she reached a height of more than thirty feet. She landed in front of a shocked Seran, in a ready stance, sneering at the winged man. Then there was another collective gasp from the Faeries, when Ranko's aura burst around her. The heat coming off Ranko caused Seran to take a couple of steps back. This was something they had never seen the likes of, only Nodoka and Tatiana did not seem surprised. Nodoka walked up to her child and gently placed her hand on her shoulder knowing that Ranko would not hurt her.

"My child is the best martial artist of her generation, I would recommend not calling her a coward again, or she may demonstrate how she killed the Phoenix demi-god back into his egg. The next time I may not be there to stop her." Nodoka said with a sly smile.

"Then it looks like I will be learning as well as teaching!" Seran commented with a broadening smile.

Suddenly the cathedral room of stained glass and golden filigree filled with the sound of laughter, laughter that sounded like the tinkling of bells. They all turned to see Queen Tatiana laughing heartily. Seran turned to her with a raised eyebrow. Then dawning came across his face, as he narrowed his eyes.

"You _knew_ about this child's abilities before she got here!" It was more a statement then a question.

Tatiana shrugged her shoulders then turned to face Nodoka and Ranko. She smiled at the young girl, and Ranko smiled back, she then directed them to sit. Once all were seated, she began.

"Welcome to the Realm of the Faeries, Nodoka, Ranko, you have been chosen from the Mortal Realm to be my messengers. To that end, the two of you are like no other. You are now elemental's of the air, but because you are going into a world that would rather destroy and dissect then listen and understand we choose to enhance your powers of Air with that of Faerie magic. You are Sylph, but with a little Faerie thrown in. Seran will be your primary teacher. He will teach you of the Sylph, and will coordinate with others in this Realm to teach you as well. You will learn much before you go back, for that meeting in one week of mortal realm time." Tatiana noticed Nodoka's confused gaze.

"Time is different from realm to realm as Sylphs you must learn this as you are free to travel between realms with no hindrance. Seran will show you how to do this also. He will set up a schedule with the other elementals for training, since to some extent you can use the other elements. You will also be taught about your Faerie powers." Ranko looked on in awe while Nodoka just nodded; she then looked at her daughter, questionably.

Tatiana had noticed her confusion. Tatiana nodded for Nodoka to tell her what was bothering her. Nodoka sighed. She then looked again at her child, to see her again looking around the room like a little child, instead of paying attention, as a young adult should be. Taking a deep breath, she turned to the Queen and asked her the question.

"Your highness, it seems that since the changing Ranko has been acting more like a small child of five or six then her eighteen. What has happened to her?" Tatiana laughed her bell like laughter causing Ranko to look back at her.

"It is quite simple Nodoka you are now Faerie Folk with a life span so long you would be considered immortal. Ranko is a small child. When she was reborn, she was reborn as a Sylph Faerie and they don't mature for sometime. Please don't fret she also as you saw retained some of her previous adulthood. Once some of the newness wears off, she should behave more maturely. I will warn you though there will be lapses to child like behavior until she is, ooh about one hundred and fifty or so." She completed with a small smile at the shock on Nodoka's face.

"Tomorrow you and Ranko will begin your training with Seran. This meeting is over. Honeysuckle please take Nodoka and Ranko to their new home." Tatiana finished as she rose and left the room.

As they left, Seran followed them to their new home, which was high up in one of the taller trees. Ranko darted inside and started looking around as Seran and Nodoka stood outside smiling at her antics.

"It will be interesting training her, and learning from her, I will be here tomorrow morning by sunrise so please be ready. You might want to wear something you won't mind getting dirty though." Seran looked at Nodoka appreciatively.

They turned as they heard the giggles from inside the apartment, then they heard Ranko's new bell like tones singing as she ran through their home.

"Momma's got a boyfriend, momma's got a boyfriend!" Nodoka blushed as they heard the little pixie flew after her.

"Quiet Ranko they'll hear you!" Seran laughed then he bowed to Nodoka, turned, and flew away.

Try as she might she could not be mad at Ranko, it was as if she was given a second chance to raise her child and she was going to make sure that this time it was truly a happy childhood. Nodoka entered the apartment, and was amazed at its size.


Nodoka walked into her new home then stopped and stared in awe. The hollowed out tree apartment was beautiful. With the honed tree walls and floor. She was standing in a small alcove, where she removed her slippers putting them next to Ranko's sandals. She then walked into the living room, which was sunken into the room, about two steps down and off centered to the left of her. They had shaped it as round as possible leaving just a little unevenness to make it look natural to the tree's shape. Around the outer perimeter on three sides was a three-foot walkway. On the fourth side level with the walkway was a large floor space where a dining room table and chairs sat. On the table sat a beautiful sculptured silver candlestick holder. It held five taper thin candles and they had a dragon motif. She then noticed on directly opposite the front door was a balcony and a set of French doors. She walked toward the dining room and noticed hiding in a corner out of site from the front entryway was another door. She entered and found her self in a kitchen. She marveled at the wood burning stove and wondered how she was to use it without burning the tree down.

She left the kitchen perplexed then noticed the hallway across from the dining area. She started to head there. She had walked halfway across the living room when a bundle of raw energy slammed into and carried her up to the ceiling spinning her around. As Ranko spun her mother around she and her mother's long hair twirling around them.

"Isn't this wonderful momma and it is all ours!" Ranko happily enthused.

Nodoka stared at the unbridled joy now shining in her darling daughter's eyes. Looking into those sapphire blue eyes, she could not believe the horror she went through under Genma's care. Taking a deep breath and pushing the rage deep inside her, she smiled at her daughter. Revenge will come later, and will be painful.

"Why don't you show me the rest of the house Ranko?" Nodoka asked as they landed.

Ranko burst into happy giggles, took her mother's hand, and led her up a spiral staircase and down the hall. It seemed that even in the Faerie Realm there was indoor plumbing. Nodoka was pulled passed a closet. Then she went passed a bathroom, a small bedroom, and a very large bedroom. Ranko continued to drag her mother up a small flight of stairs to an attic type room. The ceiling had a skylight and although it was larger than the smallest room downstairs. It was not as large as the last bedroom they passed.

"Can this be my room, momma? Please!" Nodoka looked around deciding that this would be a good room for her daughter.

There was a full size bed, a dresser, and vanity table, with bench. The room also had a big bay window with a window seat and a walk in closet. Nodoka looked down at her child looking at her expectantly and nodded her head. Ranko jumped for joy onto the bed laughing all the while. Nodoka left to check out the rooms that she flew by to allow Ranko time to enjoy her new room. She was met at the bottom of the stairs by the pixie, Honeysuckle. She smiled at the little pixie as they went to look at the other rooms. The Master bedroom was the largest about two of Ranko's bedrooms would fit inside it. There was a large king size bed, again a vanity and two dressers. One dresser was low about four feet off the floor and over five feet long. It had a large mirror attached to it with shelves to the left of the mirror for collectables. The other dresser was four and half feet high and about three feet wide. Nodoka saw there was a walk-in closet here as well. There was also a small sofa and two chairs by one of the big bay windows; this room had two. Nodoka would make this her room.

They then went to look at the smaller room. It was more of an office then a bedroom, with a twin-size bed for the occasional guest. It had one small bay window, and a dresser and desk, with a normal closet.

During the tour, Nodoka found that the stove worked with eldritch fire and that she would be taught how to use it. They then gathered Ranko and the three went shopping for more clothing especially something to wear during training, and to broaden Ranko's wardrobe. Ranko's eyes twinkled with mischief as the three of them headed to the business district.


While they shopped, Nodoka worried about the money Honeysuckle was spending on them; she did not like to be a burden to others, when she came up with an idea.

"Honeysuckle, I want to open a shop to make my own funds, I don't wish to be a burden to Queen Tatiana, like this." Nodoka explained to the pixie.

"You are not a burden, _I am_ spending your salary as the Queen's messenger." She smiled sweetly at the worried woman.

Nodoka raised an eyebrow, at the little pixie letting her know, that she knew she was not being honest. Honeysuckle blushed, as Nodoka continued.

"I could open a clothing store of mortal realm clothing, I am a very good seamstress, and the designs made with Faerie cloth would sell here and back on the mortal plane. I could also open a restaurant. Would the Faerie folk like to try the foods of the mortal plane?" She wondered aloud as she looked at the little pixie.

Honeysuckle sighed, not understanding _humans_. She then looked up and noticed the older woman watching her. She blushed again then made a suggestion.

"Let me talk to Queen Tatiana, right now you need to work on your training, ok." She finished with a pleading face.

Nodoka agreed and they continued to do some more shopping, they picked up six more outfits for Nodoka and one or two for her training sessions. She also picked up a few outfits that were more formal for Ranko, against the young girl's protests. They were on their way to a food emporium to pick up some groceries, when Ranko flew off excitedly. Nodoka and Honeysuckle hurried after her.

"_Ranko_ come back here, child!" Nodoka called to her wayward child.

They followed her to the entrance of a magic shop. Ranko was already inside looking around. When an out, of breath Nodoka and exhausted Honeysuckle enter the shop. Honeysuckle was so tired she draped herself over Nodoka's shoulder facing forward so she could see what was happening.

"_Wow_ is she fast! I have never met any Faerie realm folk that is as fast as she is!" The little pixie huffed and puffed out.

"It is her training in the martial arts it makes her stronger, faster, and more durable, I will even wager that her wings are stronger and more resistant to damage than normal Faerie wings." Nodoka said with a proud knowing smile.

Honeysuckle looked up at her skeptically, and was about to comment on that fact, when Ranko came running up carrying two very pretty bags. Both were the color of Ranko and her mother's hair, and were in measurement (Dani: sorry human measurements, just remember they be Faerie size) eight inches long and about six inches wide and five inches thick. The bags had a drawstring for closing. At the end of each of the pull strings was a deep red garnet. It was being held in the mouth of a gold dragon on one string and a silver dragon on the other string. The tails curled in a loop at the end and that was where the pull ties were attached. About two inches under the gather of the drawstrings was a silver dragon with an opened mouth trying to grasp the garnet in the tail of a gold dragon, which was on the opposite side of the bags and was trying for the garnet in the silver dragon's tail. This was done all on candy apple red leather.

"Momma can we get them please, they seem...to call to me! Don't you feel it momma?" To Nodoka's surprise, she did feel it.

"Those are bags of holding, and very old from the looks of them, we don't decorate them like that. They must have come from somewhere outside the Faerie Realm." Honeysuckle offered in way of explanation.

"The little pixie is correct on both counts." Startled the three of them turn to see a young man of about thirty, with shoulder length white hair, gold skin, and sparkling golden eyes.

He smiled at Ranko then looked to her mother. He bowed to her, as she bowed to him. He stood at five feet ten inches, while leaning in a relaxed position on a six-foot staff. The golden-skinned man walked toward them using the walking staff, but not needing it. The staff was of gnarled oak, which at the top had a dragon's claw, holding a sickly green glowing stone. He was wearing a light gray robe trimmed with three stripes one of black, red, and white. Then placed over the stripes were strange symbols in gold and silver.

"Welcome to my store of Magic lovely ladies, I am called Raist. How may I help you?" He said as he offered his hand to Nodoka.

She tentatively put out her hand and shook it. She then looked to the bags her daughter was holding. He took one from Ranko, when Nodoka grabbed for the other one in her daughter's left hand a spark of lightning zapped out, not enough to do damage but to startle. Raist then handed the bag he was looking at to her. She backed away; he smiled as he explained.

"Your daughter was right these bags, will call only to their owners, that one is your daughters this one wants to be yours. It is alright here take it." The young man held out the bag to her.

Nodoka slowly reached out and took the bag when nothing happen she brought it closer to her to examine it. She then looked up suspiciously but Raist was gone. She looked around and he was nowhere to be found. She turned to Honeysucklie looking for an explanation. The pooped faerie just shrugged as she explained to the new Sylph.

"*Sigh* I don't know how he makes a living when he does that." Honeysuckle complained, shaking her head slowly.

"You know him? Why did he leave like that? What about payment for the bags?" Nodoka inquired.

"Yes I know him. He came to live here ooh about five hundred mortal realm years ago. He had many curses, and he was wracked with a debilitating cough, we were able to cure that and one of his most horrendous curse, but his gold skin and eyes we couldn't fix. He doesn't seem to mind though." Honeysuckle told them as they walked out the door unbeknownst to them they were being watched, well Ranko in particular, by a pair of curious golden eyes.

"I think he does that every once in a while as a way to repay Queen Tatiana for the cures." Honeysuckle said as she looked back at the store.

Nodoka looked around to remember where the store was, if he would not take money for such valuable items she would see to it he would take friendship and gifts of food. Since Nodoka's dress did not have a belt, she slipped the pouch over her hand like a purse, while Ranko attached it to her belt. They wondered around some more, purchasing food staples and household supplies. She then noticed Ranko becoming listless. She still flitted from store to store wanting to see everything, but she was looking a little peeked. Nodoka began to realize that Ranko was still a small child, as Faerie folk went and would need to rest more.

"Ranko, Honeysuckle I think we should head back now, we have enough things for now. Let us go home." She called to her child and the pixie.

Ranko flew to her mother's side with Honeysuckle riding her shoulder. The young girl looked like she was ready to drop from exhaustion. Nodoka cursed herself for not being more observant and not remembering that although she looked like a teen she was really just a child. As they slowly progressed, Ranko became slower and more listless, until she finally could go no more she collapsed.

"Momma, I am so tired, I wanna sleep, please!" Ranko said barely above a whisper.

"Ranko, dear you can rest when we get home come, on child it is not that much farther." Nodoka was becoming frantic, as her child did not respond.

"May I be of some service?" A familiar voice spoke from behind her.


Shampoo, walked her bicycle up to the Nekohanten's back door. She locked it to the stand there and entered the restaurant. Cologne watched her great granddaughter sadly. She did not take the news well when she was told the Kiss of Marriage was now voided, she was happy she did not have to carry out the Kiss of Death though. Mousse and Cologne watched each like Shampoo remembering the day Ranma left Nerima forever.

(o)(o) FLASHBACK (o)(o)


As Cologne rode her staff, slowly back to the Nekohanten, she was deep in thought. She was concentrating so much on what had happen to the Saotome woman that she had pogo right passed her home.

"Great grandmother where you go?" Shampoo inquired as her grandmother went right on by.

Cologne stopped she looked around her, confusion quickly passing over her features. She sighed heavily and turned to enter the restaurant. Cologne turned to her granddaughter. Shampoo stared back confused and expectantly at her elder. Neither neither noticed nor wanted to notice the shadow behind the door to the kitchen.

"Child please close up we have Amazon business to discuss, and bring Mousse with you. I will be up in my room come, and get me when you and the boy have finished cleaning up." She left the main room and Shampoo could hear her pogo up the stairs.

While Mousse and Shampoo cleaned, her mind was not in her work. She would keep looking up in the general direction of where her great grandmother's room was. Mousse watched her closely for once he kept his distance. He wondered what Cologne was going to tell them, he was surprised she wanted him there they never allowed him to participate in Amazon business before.

An hour later the teens had finally finished cleaning the restaurant, while Mousse, prepared tea for the meeting Shampoo went to fetch her grandmother. She slowly ascended the stairs. She wanted to know what was going on, but something deep inside of her told her she would not like it. She finally reached the door to her grandmother's room, and knocked.

"Grandmother we ready Mousse make tea for meeting." Shampoo waited for a moment, but no reply came.

"I wait down stairs." She stated, turned, and left to go back downstairs.

She entered the main room and Mousse had set everything up in a booth by the window. He sat on the side with his back to the window, but he was turned sideways so he could look out of it. As he stared out the window, Shampoo watched him closely. She marveled at his handsome face, and was surprised at the depth of sadness she read there. She had never noticed that before. She was brought back to the problem at hand, as she heard her great grandmother pogo down the stairs. She went to the table and took the seat across from Mousse. He did not even acknowledge her presence. When Cologne sat down Mousse turned to face them, his clear gray eyes for just a moment showed deep pain then it was gone. Both women gasped, but then believed they had imagined it. Mousse poured everyone some tea. As Cologne sipped her tea, she formulated what she was going to say in her mind. She then set down her teacup and began.

"As of this afternoon, the Kiss of Marriage to Ranma Saotome's male half and the Kiss of death to his female half has been revoked." She sat there waiting for the response. After the initial shock wore off, she got it.

"_WHAT_! WHAT GRANDMOTHER TALK ABOUT!" Cologne patted the girl's arm; Mousse just stared at her with a small smile.

"When I was called away this afternoon it was by the Tendo girl, she made me promise on my Amazon Heritage not to say anything and I agreed. I went to Dr. Tofu's clinic and what I found there both excited and frightened me." Cologne shook her head and looked down at the cup of fast cooling tea, she missed seeing the shocked looks of her charges.

She sighed heavily then told them both of what had happen to Ranma, and _her_ mother. Both the teens listened intently, Shampoo with disbelief, horror, anger, and then despair. Mousse listened with relief, pity, and curiosity. What surprised him was the feeling of jealousy and loss. They barely heard Cologne when she said that the two would be coming back at the end of the week and that they were to be at the Tendo Dojo to find out why this happened.

Shampoo nodded solemnly, rose, and ran upstairs; they heard her quietly close the door to her room. Cologne knew her granddaughter she had picked up Ranma's habit of going to the roof especially when she was upset. She knew that her granddaughter would be heading there to sort out her feelings.


Shampoo closed the door to her room, leaning her head against the door. Now she let herself be weak, to be a young girl and not an Amazon warrior. Her heart breaking in two to think she would never be Ranma's wife. Although she already knew deep down that it would never happen especially after the failed wedding attempt, but she held out hope, the longer it was that he did not marry the Tendo girl. Taking a deep cleansing breath, she grabbed a blanket and pillow from her bed then climbed out the window and onto the roof for a night under the stars.

When she got to the roof she walked over to the chimney, sitting down, she leaned her pillow against it then leaned on the pillow. She left the blanket beside her, and pulled her legs up to her chest wrapping her arms around them. She leaned her head back and stared at the stars, wondering if her Aire...no if _Ranko_ was finally happy. A tear slowly traveled down her cheek as she imagined herself as Ranma's wife. It was just a dream, she knew deep down that Ranma would never have been happy as an Amazon male, it would have killed his spirit, that which attracted her the most, then it would have eventually killed him as well.

The tears began to flow freely, as her heart shattered. She hoped that Ranko was happy now, that she would live a long and healthy life. Shampoo lowered her head to the top of her knees and began to sob. She was alone now she had lost her best friend. She cried even harder when the realization came to her, that was all she ever was and would be to Ranma, but she did not care. When she was with him she felt alive, she felt needed. Ranma was an adventure waiting to happen, the sobbing got even more intense as they wracked her shapely frame. Shampoo slowly calmed and leaned back again to stare at the stars, she looked directly into the full moon, and speaking in Mandarin she invoked and ancient request.

"=Oh, ancient Goddess of the Moon, take this pain from my heart and soul, help me to find the happiness that I seek. Help me to find the man that will be as Ranma was but will be mine alone.=" She reached over and pulled the blanket up around her and drifted off into a restless sleep.




Mousse stood in the shadows he watched as his beloved Shampoo's heart shattered. He would kill Saotome for this. All he had to do was wait until the end of the week. As he turned to leave he heard her as she spoke. His eyes opened wide as he listened to what the woman he loved said and he felt the pain Shampoo was feeling as his heart shattered.

He heard her invoke the ancient Goddess of the moon to find her a new love. Mousse turned, and walked back inside the Nekohanten. As he entered his room, he closed the door, and leaned against it. Now alone he let the tears flow freely, he knew now that he would never have his beloved. No, he could not call her his beloved any longer. She had invoked an ancient prayer, and it was not for his love. She did not care, though he always knew it he just did not want to admit it. He would wait until this meeting, at the end of the week not to kill Saotome but because he was also curious. He would then leave and return home. No, he liked the freedom he had here, the feeling of equality. He would go somewhere else, and maybe start a school of his own. Mousse slowly walked to his futon. He crawled into it and after much tossing and turning sleep finally claimed him.




Cologne watched as a brokenhearted Mousse entered his room. She wondered what happen she did not hear the usual argument from the two of them. She would have to ask in the morning. She closed her bedroom door, and went to her desk. She sat there for the longest of time trying to figure how she was going to tell the counsel of the change. She picked up her pen and put it to the paper but nothing would come. All that was in her mind was the look on her granddaughter's face when she told her what had happened. Cologne watched as her heir's heart shattered, and what hurt Cologne the most was that she could do nothing to rectify it. Cologne put her head down on top of her arms on the desk and for the first time in over several hundred years, she cried for the pain of the only person she loved, Shampoo.


(o)(o) END FLASHBACK (o)(o)

Cologne had tried several times to talk to both Mousse and Shampoo to find out what happened the previous night, but neither one would say anything to her. Mousse would just shrug and walk away. Then Shampoo would say she never saw Mousse on the roof, and then continue with her work. Cologne resigned herself too the fact that she would never know. What really surprised her and Shampoo was Mousse's behavior after that night, he became distant, even when Shampoo tried to provoke him by flirting with the male customers Mousse would just walk away. Cologne could tell he was up to something but what she did not know. She even sent him on a delivery to search his room. She was even more confused when she finished the search.

This was because the room was totally devoid of any life. Mousse had removed all essence of himself from the room. Cologne had to stop pondering as the lunch crowd started to roll in, Shampoo came back down the stairs and started to help run the restaurant, Cologne decided tonight she was going to get some answers, she did not want any surprises, she hated surprises, especially at her age.


Ukyo left Dr. Tofu's she walked slowly back to Ucchan's when she stood outside the door of her home and restaurant she frowned. She looked at the 'closed sign' then turned and walked off toward the Nerima Park. As she entered the park, she slowly walked around the lake her heart breaking. She loved Ran-Chan even as children. Though now she could see, she did not know what love was back then. She,knew what it was now and her Ran-Chan was all she wanted. Ukyo stopped suddenly her face filled with shock and fright, 'Her' Ran-Chan? He was not really hers he only saw her as good ole' Ucchan that was all he would ever see her as, was it not?

She stood motionless for several moments then moved toward a line of trees she needed to think to cry and to die a little inside her heart. As she walked deeper into the trees, she went over her time in Nerima. The flashes of memories came back of her causing her Ran-Chan pain. She did not see the pain in his eyes when it happened she did not want to see it. She knew if she had seen it she would have taken revenge against Genma and left. She decided even on her first day in Nerima she could not hurt him. Then the memory of her nearly killing his mother played out across her mind. She collapsed to her hands and knees as her sobs wracked her body.

She had seen from where she and Shampoo hid that Ranma wanted to marry Akane. She saw that even though he did not know what love was he did love her. He killed for her and brought her back from the dead. She shuddered as she wondered if he would have done that for her. The bile rose in her stomach as she thought about the failed wedding attempt. She remembered vaguely noticing her image in a mirror just inside the dojo. Her face was not of anger or betrayal it was of glee! She sat back on haunches her body shuddering with revulsion. She wanted to kill someone she wanted to kill someone Ranma loved she wanted to make him suffer she wanted to feel the depth of despair he and his father caused her.

Ukyo slowly rose to her feet as guilt and despair flooded her lithe frame as she realized the truth. What happened to her was not Ranma's fault. It was never Ranma's fault. It was his father and her father's fault. They made that stupid pact even though they knew Genma would not honor it! They just wanted a tighter control over their children. Ranma would never be free of all the fiancées that Genma saddled him with and they would cause trouble for Ranma forcing him to get aid from Genma. Her father wanted control over her she knew it was to make her work for him and build a nest egg he could claim for himself. She had seen that after she returned to him when Genma abandoned her. That was why she left when she was fourteen to find Ranma and get her life back.

Ukyo left the trees and headed home her depression grew with each step. It grew so deep that a thin sickly greenish yellow glow formed around her. As she walked back to her home, she wondered what kind of life she would have without her Ran-Chan. She began to wonder if she wanted a life without him or her. She knew she could never have the life she wanted but she wanted to be in his life as a friend if that was all that was opened to her. If that was all she was going to get! She opened the door to the Ucchan's and closed it silently turning the lock. She moved softly through the restaurant never noticing how dark it was. She moved to the stairs that led to her apartment. As she entered her rooms, she did not turn on the lights but moved to her bed and crawled in to it. She clutched at the last gift her mother had given her before she died a stuffed cat doll. As she rolled over on her left side, she buried her face in the plush toy's neck and cried herself to sleep.


Dr. Tofu carried Akane to her home. He did not look at her or answer any of her, multitude of questions. When he reached the gate to the compound, he jumped the fence and walked to the front door. He gently kicked on the door and waited for someone to answer. He heard a sigh of relief from Akane when Nabiki opened the door. Tofu walked in a shocked look on Nabiki's face. He deposited Akane on the sofa and turned to leave but Nabiki blocked his path.

"What happened to my sister?" She asked her glare told him she would not let him leave without an answer.

"She was punished by someone more powerful then herself for trying to beat on Ranma. I also have a message from Nodoka." He said as he turned his back on Nabiki and faced Genma ana Soun.

"As of today _all engagements_ are null and void. This is due to what Genma had done during the training trip to not only Ranma but also others. They will be returning at the end of the week to explain more thoroughly and will be here at the Tendo compound in late afternoon." Tofu turned and came face to face with Kasumi to everyone's surprise he did not go crazy.

"Have a wonderful day Kasumi. Akane will have the paralysis for the next day or so then she will be fine." He bowed to Kasumi then walked out leaving everyone including Kasumi in stunned silence.

"Oh my!?" Kasumi was the first to come to as she went to Akane to check her over.

"Father please, carry Akane to her room!" Kasumi asked as he rose to do as he was asked.

Kasumi followed behind her father and sister and once Soun put her on the bed, he left to allow Kasumi to help her sister. She did not say a word to her sister, as she knew what had happened she knew everything. She made her sister comfortable then left the room before Akane could say anything. Kasumi closed the door slowly and turned out the light in Akane's bedroom. Before she left completely she told Akane what she needed to know.

"I will bring you up your dinner later. You overstepped your rights Akane! It has cost you a good man that loved you beyond all else. It is for the best I think. After all he was really much too good for you." She shut the door and left a stunned and angry Akane to glare at her bedroom door.


Akane turned her gaze from the door and to her ceiling. She watched as her life with Ranma danced across it. She loved Ranma she could admit it to herself now. But her anger at his pretending to be a girl when they met had set the tone for their relationship. At first, she wanted him dead she wanted his mother to force him to kill himself. That slowly changed as she began to realize Ranma was the way his was because of his father. She however could not stop blaming him. She liked being the only person who could pulverize the 'Great Saotome Ranma' and get away with it. The tears streamed down the sides of her eyes to land silently on her pillow. As she remembered the love, she had seen in his eyes the day she walked down the isle.

Then the other fiancées had shown up and it was replaced with anger not on his face but on hers. She blamed him for ruining _her_ wedding. It was his wedding too. She realized it was Nabiki, that had invited them but she could not take her anger out on her sister. Therefore, she turned it toward the only person she could punish for it, Ranma. Then the day's events played through her mind and she saw her rage at Ranma for changing but was it really for that reason.

Akane sighed as she realized that her rage at Ranma today was because he was leaving her he was moving on to a new and wonderful life a life without her! She wanted to go with Ranma whether a boy or a girl she needed to have the ex-aqua-transsexual in her life. Akane gasped as a thought she tried to ignore flickered across her mind. As she tried to push it, back down it would return with vengeance. Did she want to be with Ranma because she loved him or because she could beat on him and he would not stop her. In doing, so it made her feel she was more powerful then he was and could lord it over him.

She watched as the lighted room slowly turned dark. She watched as the shadows of night crept across the ceiling of her room. Her tears had long since dried up as she pondered what her life would now be like with Ranma gone. She cringed as she realized Nabiki would sell the information that Ranma was gone and she was now available. Though she hoped, she would not but that was useless. She jumped slightly as her door opened and Kasumi stepped in with a tray of food. She watched as her sister moved to her bed and placed the tray on her nightstand.

As Kasumi sat down after putting her into a seated position, she began to feed Akane her dinner. Every time Akane started to talk to Kasumi, her older sister would stuff food or tea in her mouth. She looked at her sister's face as the elder Tendo fed her. She nearly choked on her beef bowl at the rage she saw in the eyes of her sister. She closed her eyes tightly and reopened them and the anger was still there. She slowly began to realize she was not the only one who cared for Ranma but Kasumi was the only one that cared enough not to cause Ranma any pain. Akane had lost her appetite, at that thought and shook her head when Kasumi tried to give her another bite. Kasumi tried several more times and when Akane refused any more food. She rose and walked out taking the tray with her.

Akane turned her head toward the wall and cried silently at the lost friend and lover she could have had if she had given him a chance. She wanted him now more than ever but he was finally lost to not only her but also all of them. Her only hope would be to get Ranko to come back and stay with them if she could get Nodoka to let her. She doubted that since Genma was still here. Maybe she could get Nodoka to let her go back with him. She smiled as she now had a plan and she would be with Ranko, even if she had to kill her to make it happened.