AN: So I had some request to continue this story. I decided to write one more chapter. I believe what I will do is write a sequel later. For now I hope you enjoy this update. And thank you so much to everyone who takes the time to read this and favorite and follow. It means so much to me that people enjoy the story. Thank you!
Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own lost girl or any of its characters. I am writing this for fun not profit.
Chpt 3
Bo wasn't sure what she was expecting, but she was a little surprised when she entered Tamsin's loft. It was a small one room apartment, only space for one person. The size of the room wasn't what caught Bo's attention. She herself had lived in places such as this before she found out who she was. What she noticed was the lack of decoration, no pictures of family or friends, and very minimal furniture. It was simple, empty and cold. The complete opposite of what she had come to learn about Tamsin.
"So this is my place, not much to look at but it serves its purpose" Tamsin said as she locked the door behind her.
"Please" Bo scoffed. "You have seen where I live right" Her house barely had walls, but it was warm and inviting unlike the room they were in now.
"True" Tamsin smirked. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence as the two powerful women glared at one another, both wondering what the other was thinking.
Bo decided she would be the one to make the first move. She took off Tamsin's jacket, exposing her cleavage that was bursting out of her bra. Tamsin's eyes widened and became dark with lust at the sight of Bo's exposed flesh. Bo grinned pleased at the affects she was having on the Valkyrie.
"You are so beautiful" Bo stepped up to Tamsin, invading her personal space. She gently placed her hands on Tamsin's face and pulled her in for a kiss. Tamsin wrapped her arms around Bo's waist, bringing the woman closer to her. Bo tangled her fingers in long silky blonde locks, deepening the kiss. Their kisses became more heated and urgent by the second.
In the back of her mind, Tamsin knew this was a mistake, but with every kiss from Bo's lips, she pushed those thoughts further away. Right now she was risking everything just to feel Bo's touch. The succubus was intoxicating.
Piece by Piece, Bo took off Tamsin's clothes, until she was standing in front of the succubus, naked. Bo's breath caught in her chest. Tamsin's body was impeccable. Curvy but toned. She had six pack abs, and legs that went on for miles. Bo's hunger increased at the sight of Tamsin's core glistened with arousal.
Bo pushed Tamsin down onto the bed. She took off her clothes and tossed them to the side. Bo crawled up Tamsin's body placing kisses on her thighs, stomach, neck, to those succulent pink lips. Bo kissed Tamsin like her life depended on it, with her leg was pressed up against the blonde's heated core. Tamsin moaned at feel of Bo's fiery skin as met with her throbbing clit. Bo pulled back from the kiss inhaling Tamsin's delicious chi causing Bo's own wetness to slide down her leg. The succubus fed to her satisfaction. She then continued her seduction of the Valkyrie goddess. She slipped two fingers into Tamsin's slick entrance at the same time pushing her charm directly into Tamsin's center increasing the stimulation to her g-spot.
"Shit" Tamsin whimpered. She thrust her hips up as Bo pounded into her establishing a rhythm. Bo added another finger as she flicked the woman's clit with her thumb.
Tamsin's walls were beginning to tighten around Bo's fingers. She was close to release. Bo pushed herself deeper into Tamsin and turned up the charm.
"Oh fuck Bo!" Tamsin screamed as she exploded into a mind blowing orgasm. Bo continued her ministrations sending the detective into ecstasy again, while at the same time, feeding on Tamsin's exquisite Valkyrie chi. Bo was overwhelmed by pleasure from the feed, causing her to orgasm as well. She collapsed next to Tamsin, breathing heavy, her appetite completely satiated. The couple lay in silence for a few minutes as they came down from their high.
"That was….WOW!" Bo commented.
"Intense" Tamsin's replied. The women turned onto their sides to face each other. Bo was hypnotized by Tamsin's ocean blue eyes. She could see anguish in those eyes that should not be there after what they just experienced together. Bo brushed back a strand of hair from Tamsin's face.
"Tamsin, are you ok?" Bo asked.
"Yeah, Of course, I'm fine" Tamsin said smiling back at the succubus. She had lied. Tamsin was not ok. The range of emotions flooding through her right now was overpowering. Bo was no fool. She could sense that the Valkyrie was troubled.
"I know you're lying but I'm not going to push you to talk" the last thing Bo wanted was to scare Tamsin off "when you're ready I am here" Bo scooted as close as she could get to Tamsin. She laid her head on her lover's shoulder and wrapped an arm around Tamsin's waist. Bo lightly brushed the Valkyrie's taught stomach until she drifted off to sleep.
Tamsin kissed the top of Bo's head. She lay there staring up at the ceiling cursing her self for being so weak. She may have put her best friend's life in danger all because she allowed Bo into her heart. After what seemed like an eternity of self loathing, Tamsin closed her eyes giving into her exhaustion, she soon fell asleep.
A few hours later, Tamsin awoke with a start. Beads of sweat were dripping from her forehead. Her breathing was quick and raspy. Tamsin was often plagued with nightmares due to her life as a Valkyrie. Death was everywhere she went including her dreams.
Tonight her dream was more personal, which made it all the more terrifying. HE was there, her boss, The Wanderer. Tamsin was chained to a steel chair forced to watch as he tortured and killed her long time friend Acacia. He laughed "This is what happens to those who disobey me" She struggled as tears poured down her cheeks. She was gagged so her screams were muffled. Then she saw Bo. Her face was bruised and bloody. His minions had beaten the shit out her. Tamsin jerked on the chains to no avail. She was not strong enough to save the one person she truly loved. "She is mine" he bellowed, his voice echoing through out her mind. She watched helplessly as he dragged Bo away, to who knows where. Right before one of her sister Valkyrie slit her throat, Tamsin woke up trembling with fear. She felt around the bed and breathed a sigh of relief when she touched Bo's sleeping body.
"Shit" Tamsin muttered. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand.
For a split second, Tamsin thought about fleeing. It would be so easy to drive the hell out of town and live the rest of her time on earth in hiding. She didn't have much time left anyway. Tamsin looked down at Bo. I can't leave her she told her self knowing her heart would make her stay. Tamsin had no clue as to what she was going to do about her predicament, but she did know this, she would spend the rest of her time in this world protecting Bo, no matter what the cost.