When there was a knock at the door both Shae and Tyrion looked at her, she nodded at Shae to answer it. She felt Tyrion's gentle squeezes from her hand to calm her. When Shae opened the door slowly she could hear them, she could hear him. Did she truly want to see him? Shae looked back from the door and gave Sansa a slight glare and Sansa nodded to let him in. Shae opened the door wider to let him in, his armour clanked as he moved.
"Lord Tyrion, Lady Sansa" She looked up at the Hound. She could felt Tyrion's glare.
"Leave us. All of you" she commanded. She knew both Tyrion and Shae were angry. "Now" they all left only her and the Hound. She stood up then he stepped to her, pulling her to him all of the sudden crushing his lips to hers. She didn't know what to do, she remember that she was angry with him but it was forgotten now. Her lips moved with his and her hands rested on his cheats as they kissed. Just then they were on the bed and his lips moved from hers to her bruised skin.
No... no... yes... no...
"My sweet little bird... my sweet little bird..."
The anger rose within her, she began to shake again and on the edge of tears. "Where were you?" his lips at her neck stopped "Where were you?!" she repeated. He pulled back looking at her "I was drunk remember? You came to my chamber then you ran off and I must've passed out, my sweet little bird I'm so-"
Tears streamed down her face, she remembered it all too well. "You promised... you promised to protect me...you'd die for my protection you said! Get off me!"
"I can explain my sweet little bird" She made him all soft, he was no longer mean when he talk to her. She missed it when he did talk but she didn't mind him now. She was his weakness, he had said to her. As he was hers.
He sighed deeply "I'm leaving"
She sat up to look at him she didn't know what to say she had a million questions to ask him "Where are you going? Are you coming back? For how long?"
"That's the thing"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm not coming back to Kings Landing, I could take you with me, take you home"
Home? Home never felt so strange to think about it's been so long. There was nothing there any more for her. Her mother and brother Robb were fighting wars and making alliances. Her father, Bran and babe Rickon were dead. Possibly Ayra and Jon too... no one was there. It was all burned, it was all gone. "I have no home anymore" she looked away
"I can take you away then"
"You know I can't leave! Even how much I want it. I don't care that you would die to protect me! So much been lost, so much I've love. I can't risk loosing what I have now! My wedding-"
"The wedding you do not want"
"I know-"
"Apparently you don't know! You don't know what you want any more! I told you all of this is driving you made!"
He was right, she hated being wrong. The pictures came back Joffrey, the mob, her father, what had happened last night, Tyrion. She started to cry again. "My sweet little bird don't cry, you mustn't"
The tears weren't stopping, he was holding her to him to calm her. Everything continued to fun through her mind. Stop... make them stop! All she did was cry, nothing would ever stop them they were a lot stronger than her only something could...
"Kill me... kill me please... I can't handle is... I beg you..." she cried
"Stop talking nonsense, Sansa!"
"Make it all stop... kill me..." she curled up again like she does when nothing was going right.
She can hear him shouting for help now, she was so lost in her thoughts that she was lost and couldn't remember to function. She went numb. Tyrion and Shae return to her chambers then Tyrion leaves and returns with the maester. She was shaking , her arms were taken from her knees and she was laid on the bed and the maester that familiar liquid, the milk of the poppy.
She felt lips on her forehead, she knew they belonged to Sandor then her lips for a longing kiss that she could give back. Then he was gone.