Me: I own nothing but my OC, Victor.

The loonatics were enjoying some down time when suddenly alarms went off and Zadavia appeared on their TV screen.

" Loonatics, it seems that the Sagittarius stomper has escaped prison and is recking havoc in the city. Make sure he's stopped and put back in prison. "Said Zadavia

"Sure thing, we'll have him back in his cozy jail cell faster than Rev can run." Replied Ace.

"Good luck, Zadavia out." The TV off by itself.

"You heard her, gang. Let's jet." Said Ace, the team made their way over to the elevator.

-Red triangle-

The loonatic ship landed, most of the people had already fled the area. The hero's got out of the ship and found the Sagittarius stomper ripping open an armored bank truck.

"Well, somebody seems hungry for the green stuff." Said Duck. Everyone got into position.

"Alright, listen up, here's the plan. Slam you-"Suddenly a white wolf in a black hoodie and faded grey jeans ran past them.

"Hey, stomper, didn't anyone ever tell you that too much of something is bad for you? " The wolf said with a smirk.

"Eh? "Stomper turned around with a grin. "Well, lookie here, the puppy dog wanted to play." He started throwing his fists toward the wolf, which in turn dodged each time.

"Hold still, already!" the stomper said with frustration. The wolf gave a small laugh as he dodge another fist.

"Aw, somebody's abit hot tempered. How's about a cool ya down, pal? "Suddenly the wolf's eyes and hands glowed a soft blue; he pointed his hand at the Sagittarius stomper.

"Eh?" suddenly the Sagittarius Stomper was being covered in ice; soon his entire body up to his neck was frozen. Moments later, the police arrived and took him away and the wolf was swarmed with news reporters.

"Say, , what's your name? Are you apart of the loonatics? Are you their new member? "The wolf's ears tilted slightly at the on slaught of questions. He gave a nervous grin.

"Uh, well, no. I'm not a part of the loonatics but I'd like to be, I think it'd be awesome to work with a team instead of just by myself like I normally do and my name's Victor. "Soon, the news reporters and the news vans left, leaving Victor alone, unaware of the loonatics. He shrugged and pulled up his hood then started to walk home.

"Let's give the new guy a ride home, gang. "They nodded to Ace's remark and ran after Victor.

"Hey, Victor, wait up!" Ace called out, Victor turned around.

"Hm? Oh, hey, what's up? It's not every day I meet famous people. "He replied with a small smirk.

"Well, we just wanted to say it was awesome how you handled the Sagittarius stomper like that." Lexi said, with a small blush.

"No big deal seemed kinda fun since things have been so quite lately. "

"So, how's about you join our team? We could use a cool and collected guy like you." Said Ace, the others nodded.

"I think it's a great idea" agreed lexi

"sounds-like-it'd-be-fun" chimed in Rev

"I'm with Rev" replied Tech

" weidwiorrwq" ( welcome to the team ) Slam added.

" I guess you'd be helpful to the team but don't get the idea that you'll be better than me" Duck said while crossing his arms, who got elbowed by Lexi. Victor chuckled.

"Thanks guys but don't I need to take like a test or something to prove that I should be on the team?" Victor asked

" I considered what today was as the test. But is there anything else you can do? "The leader of the loonatics asked

"Well, I'm smarter than a super computer; I have the power over ice and I can create a sonic wave by howling which I call the sonic howl, I know not a very creative name but it's all I could think of. I don't really use it much because it drains my energy; it's more of an emergency power. " The loonatics nodded.

"So you need a lift? " Tech asked, pointed his thumb at the ship.

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all, let's go. " Ace replied and they all got into the ship.

-Green triangle-

"So, not to sound pushy but what are your parents like? "Asked Lexi on the way to Victor's house.

"Oh, they're great. They like the idea that I'm helping out the city with my powers. They're professors at Acme Institute. "

"Really? I've never seen any wolves while I was a student there. "Tech replied.

"Oh, that's because they aren't wolves. " Said Victor, leaving the others with ideas on what to his parents actually might be.

Me: please review!