Final part of Part One of A Phoenix's Song.
Please read the AN at the end of the chapter...


/Yami to Hikari/
\Hikari to Yami\

Chapter One Part Seven

Atem faced the crowd before him grimly. They all looked nervous. Good, they needed to be, especially if they were hiding something.

"Today, you all will take the truth serum. You will be questioned, and you will be tried. All of you."

"But sir, surely not all of us need to be tested!" A blond man protested.

\That's Lucius Malfoy, Atem.\ Yugi warned through the link.

/Thanks Abiou./ The man thought back. "You will all be tested. I will not allow my brother's soulmate to fall into harms way because I over looked one person." The man smiled darkly, "when I was Pharaoh, I was not kind, but I was fair. I won't be kind to traitors and oath breakers. That is a crime against the gods themselves. As of now, there are three sides to your war. Your King's, Voldemort's, and Dumbledore's." Whispers broke out. "Akefia, Marik, Mariku, are you ready?" The three stepped forward with feral grins. "Start with dear Lucius." The man shivered at his name.

"What is your name?" Marik started, the sanest of the group. He forced a truth serum down his throat.

"Lucius Abraxas Malfoy."

"How old are you, Lucius?"


"Who is your family?"

"Narcissa and Draco Malfoy."

"Is Voldemort back?"

"Yes." As it came from gritted teeth, a few people gasped in surprise.

"Would you leave his service?"


"Why not?"

"He is our true king! He alone can do what must be done! Mudbloods deserve to be killed, filthy creatures!" Akefia snarled, throwing a knife from nowhere at the man. It pierced his arm, causing the man to scream.

"Lucius Malfoy, you are guilty of treason, and an oathbreaker. You are hereby striped of your title, which will be handed to your son upon his seventeenth birthday. Next!" Atem ordered.

"What is your name?"

"Amelia Susan Bones."

"Are you related to a Susan Bones?" Yugi interrupted, blushing when Marik pouted at him, and Atem sighed.

"She is my only family, my niece."

"How old are you?"


"Who are you loyal to?"

"I am loyal to my family, and to my government."

"Will you support Harry Potter as your king?"

"I will." She was dismissed, and the trials continued. Over half were thrown into cells to be questioned about information that the truth serum couldn't get them to spill. Others were dismissed when they said they would not work for Harry's chosen court. The last fourth left swore into service.

The group was tired when they returned to the school. Yugi and Atem found Harry and Phoenix asleep on the Gryffindor couch in front of the fireplace.

Harry ignored the whispers and stares as he entered the Ministry. Today was his godfather's trail. While he couldn't vote, he could attend. He would show his support no matter what.

"Sirius Black, you have been accused of betraying Lily and James Potter to Voldemort, the murder of Peter Pettigrew, and the murder of twelve muggles! How do you plead?" Atem demanded.

"Not guilty. To all charges."

"Marik, the potion." The truth serum was given.

"What is your name?" Bakura asked, crossing his arms.

"Sirius Orion Black III."

"How old are you?"


"What is your animagus form?"

"A black Irish Wolfhound."

"Okay, it's him. Now-" The doors opened.

"This is a closed trial." Atem snapped at Fudge. "How did you get in here?"

"How dare you try to overthrow my throne while I was away!" The man thundered as if he had a right.

"How dare you claim the throne without royal blood!" Harry hissed, standing.

"You! I KNEW IT! I should have killed you when I had the chance!"

"Magic wouldn't have allowed you." Harry replied, a tad smug. "When you became minister, you swore an oath. Though your time as minister is over, you are still held by that oath."

"LIES! What is wrong with you people? Can't you see a liar when you look at him? He's been nothing but a pest! and convincing you that Black, who killed Lily and James Potter, is innocent, is a laugh!"

"My godfather did not kill my parents! VOLDEMORT did. Aurors, arrest him!" Harry snapped, glaring. "Fudge is charged with a threat to your King!" The man was disarmed and dragged off. "Atem, you may continue with the trial."

"Sirius Black, were you the Secret Keeper for Lily and James Potter? If so, how long?"

"For the first week that they went into hiding. Then I convinced them to switch to Peter Pettigrew."


"Because no one would suspect of Peter being the Secret Keeper. Should have known he was the traitor, but we agreed. We thought Remus was the traitor selling our secrets because he was treated horribly."

"Sirius Black is cleared of all charges!" Yugi proclaimed and the antidote was administered. Sirius hugged his godson with a laugh.

"Thank you, Bambi! Thank you!"

"Now you can take Mooney out on that date." Harry teased, grinning. "Speaking of Mooney..." The man came running up and Harry pulled out a scroll. "Remus Lupin, you are hereby the new Defense Association teacher."

"Defense Association?"

"Once called Dumbledore's Army. I used to run it, but with Umbridge gone, I can finally get a teacher who knows what he is doing." Sirius started laughing. "Of course, Sirius is your new assistant."

"Wha-? BAMBI NO!" Sirius whined. Harry grinned. "I'm not teacher-"

"Of course you aren't! That's why you are an assistant. Otherwise known as the victim!" Harry laughed, looping arms with his other half. "Shall we get going?" Harry waved, and the two left rather quickly. Leaving a still protesting Sirius behind in Remus's capable hands.

The future was looking a bit better, even with Voldemort in it.

AUTHOR's NOTE!: I am sorry! I'm having a rather rough time with any writing right now. So that is why this chapter is so short. Between work, depression, cosplay design, and a few other problems, I will likely not be able to post for a while. I am so sorry, for those that have faithfully followed this story's progression. I will try to start on the second part, but there is no promise.

Again, I apologize and hope you all will continue to enjoy my stories when I manage to start writing again.

Blood Demon Alchemist