I will wait for you
Chapter one

Edd's heart tore into two when his parents informed him of their move, but it's not like he had an option of staying here in the Cal-De-Sac of Peach Creek, His father was offered a Job in Cider City which was a good long ways from here, so far enough that Eddy and Ed's parents would probably not allow them to visit. His parents knew this move was going to be hard for him but the offer was too good to refuse. But Double Dee understood, the money his father was going to make would probably help them out greatly so he told them it was okay, that change might be good for him, even though he knew this was going to be rough on him.

When He told Eddy and Ed about the new giant change that was going to happen in their lives they were devastated. Ed clung to him saying how he didn't want Double Dee to leave, his eyes were teary even, Ed was such a big strong lug, Edd could of swore he heard something snap once he got pulled into the others arms. Though Ed was taking this news very emotionally Eddy's reaction how ever just seemed like he was trying to put on a strong front, threw his voice cracking Eddy simple complained about how he was going to have to change all his scam ideas because they were all planned out to involve three people, now he had to fix them so they worked for two.

Edd didn't feel the need to tell everyone he was leaving, he asked his friends not to tell anyone unless they asked, not because he didn't like them he did, he just because he figured they wouldn't care if he left. One less Ed to worry about screwing them over for jawbreaker money, besides not like he was popular like Kevin or Nazz but over all he enjoyed his time here.. but it was time to move on.
On the day of Edd's leaving Ed gave him a hug that was bigger then precious one he received when he mentioned he was leaving.

"You won't forget us right Double Dee?" the big guy asked as he crushed Edd in his arms.

"That is a preposterous idea Ed of course I won't forget you guys, I'll miss you everyday." Edd wrapped his arms around the taller male as he spoke returning the hug. "I may make new friends but they won't compare to you guys." Finally Ed stopped clinging to him, but he couldn't blame the big guy they had been friends all their childhood, him leaving was a big deal for them.

"Double Dee, we are going to make sure to email you everyday and keep you up to date on what is going on in our lives and how successful our scams have been going with out you, hopefully it will make it seem like you never left." Eddy told his hatted friend before wrapping his arms around him and hugging him too.

"I'd appreciate that Eddy, I will also email you both and let you know what wild adventures I may get up to in Cider City." as he hugged his shorter friend back his parents informed him it was time to leave.
"This is it..." He said nervously. He didn't want to leave, he knew everyone here, he knew his way around, he had friends here who loved him. Hell he was probably even going to miss the stuff he hated like the bullying he recieved from Kevin. He frowned and gave his friends both one last hug before his father told him to hurry up because they had to hit the road. His friends looked at him with watery eyes as he waved good bye to them before getting into the car. He watched his friends wave to him as his dad drove away. They waved at him until he was out of view and he waved back until he couldn't see them anymore as they drove away... He hated this move.

It had been a few years but Edd was finally moving back to the Cal-de-sac, Edd was in Gr.10 now, just starting his second year of highschool, he sat in the back seat of his car as his parents sat in the front, his dad got another promotion that required him to be closer to the main company he was working for, which was in Peach Creek, so his parents decided just to move back to Peach Creek. Of course he didn't get his old house or anything but atleast he was going to get to see his friends again. He didn't tell Ed or Eddy about his return though, he wanted to surprise them. He was happy when Eddy kept up with his promise of emailing him, though it wasn't everyday like the small boy said he would. But still the prankster tried.

They had just reached Peach Creek and Eddward felt his stomach flip, he wondered what has changed since he was gone, Did Jimmy get rid of his braces? Did Johnny stop carrying Plank around? Was Sarah still a spoiled brat? Did Kevin and Eddy finally stop butting heads? Eddy didn't really mention anyone else in his emails just stuff that was happening in his and Ed's lives so much was left to be unanswered.

As they pulled into their new driveway that lead to their new house all the butterflies in his stomach faded, He got out of the stuffy car and stretched, looking up at the new house in his old neighbourhood. He was finally home again.