
anyway, here is is. Stuff's gonna go down soon. TrUst me. Just not in this chapter... I don't own danny phantom obviously I'm on fanfiction aren't i? I'm only 15 after all.

Chapter 15: Clingon

Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?


It's Phantom looking for a certain boy he couldn't get his mind away from.
The white haired ghost teen was currently soaring across the skies with determination unmatched by any person living or alive. His eyes burning with surety, he searched every alleyway, house, department store and public toilet in search for Dash. He had been on this hunt for at least two hours and a Phantom was getting impatient. He gave up on trying to stay at home as it was a dull and dreary place in comparison to seeing Dash. Sure, he knew that Dash had gone to visit his cousin, but there was no harm in trying, no? He was desperate after all.

"Egads, this was harder than I thought it'd be." He scratched his head and looked puzzled as he gazed down at Amity Park below. "Perhaps Fenton was right. My search was fruitless after all." He sighed and began to turn back home when...

"Inviso-bill! Hey!" A whispered shout caught his attention and Phantom looked around in confusion. "Down here! Quick! I heard that the Fentons were told you were hovering around this place. You don't want to be caught!" Phantoms eyes widened slightly and he flew down into the alleyway that was the source of the voice.

"Reveal yourself." He ordered, his tail turning into legs as he dropped to the floor.

"I'm right here." He jumped back as he spotted Paulina standing directly behind him. She stood with less confidence than he had seen her with before.

"You!" Phantom's eyes narrowed at the Latina girl and he growled menacingly. His body tensed and he fisted his hands.

"Um... Yes. I need to talk to you." She told him quietly and looked behind her in nervousness. Phantoms anger boiled up to levels he couldn't contain and he grabbed her arm.

"About what?! You want me to stay away from Dash? You want him for yourself?! Well, let me inform you of something miss! Dash is mine. No one else can touch him but me, you got that?! He's my bond-mate and no one, not even you, can take that away from me! He's mine to enjoy." He hissed menacingly and tightened his grip on her arm despite her complaints. "Mine." He announced possessively, ignoring the stupidity of what he had ranted out.

"... I- I was gonna say I was sorry... For the other day with Dash. I shouldn't have made you angry like that about it. And I shouldn't have gotten angry either." Paulina looked at the spirit who looked extraordinarily different to what she remembered him as, "you had a growth spurt?"

Phantom blinked with wide eyes and let go of her arm. His neon peepers looked Paulina up and down for a moment and he opened his mouth without any words coming out of it for a moment before he said, "I forgive you and also sincerely apologise for my behaviour. Um... Ignore anything I just babbled out..." He rushed the end and began to speed walk away in the opposite direction.

"Hey hey hey! Un momento chico!" She pulled him back and faced him with excitement bubbling up inside of her. "Do you think I love Dash?" She asked.

"...Yes." Phantom admitted quietly.

"I don't okay? Is that why you were so angry with me? Because you were jealous?" Paulina gasped, "You like Dash!?" She exclaimed with a screeching voice.

"I don't like Dash! I was angry because you were annoying him..." He lied unconvincingly.

"So you won't mind if I ask him out on Monday?" She asked cheekily and found that Phantoms eyes blared green and he trembled before sighing.

"Is it obvious? That I'm infatuated?" He recoiled and let his body go slack in defeat, making Paulina smirk in victory. Paulina tapped her chin and crossed her arms for a second before pointing at the ghost kid with a smile.

"Well, I don't even know if ghosts can feel that sort of thing but you definitely seem to be showing the signs of it." She laughed, "But it's no biggy. I think Dash likes you too anyway." The Latina shrugged.

Phantom grinned almost evilly and cheered up at what she said, "I've been told that before. And I'm still not sure. But he will be mine." He said determinedly and rubbed his hands together.

"Woah possessive much?" She exclaimed, eyes wide at the sudden change in the ghost kid. "That's not a good way to attract him you know." Paulina warned as they watched the Fenton Ghost Assault Vehicle zoom past at the speed of light.

Phantom walked away from Paulina a bit before turning and grinning at the girl, "I know it's not. But it's the quickest way to get him as mine." He countered and flew away, not acknowledging her complaints.

Paulina sighed and rubbed her head as she moved out of the alleyway and towards her home. "What's up with that guy?" She frowned at the thought of her dead crush wishing to ravish one of her closest friends. It wasn't a thought she was too happy about. She wasn't jealous of Dash (something she was quite surprised of herself), but she was feeling more scared for him. Above all, she didn't want him hurt. Phantom didn't seem to be in the right state of mind right now and she didn't want that inflicted on Dash. However, she had chosen to help Dash realise his true feelings by telling of Phantoms affinity for him. It wasn't interfering no; just harmless pushing of them in the right direction.

Paulina smiled to herself as she went through her rather interesting plan once again.

Phantom stumbled into his bedroom, clutching his stomach hard and squeezing his eyes shut. He completely ignored the fact that the window was wide open and pushed through the wall instead, huddling up against it as his slid down until his backside met the floor. All he could think about was what Paulina said. 'I think Dash likes you' stuck in his head and spread a tingly warmth all through his veins, in his core and organs. The tense sensation in his stomach was almost unbearable. He struggled to fly straight because of it and he was using all of his control to not fly out that window and search for Dash again.

Phantom squeezed his stomach hard and found no satisfaction from it. He groaned irritably and rolled over onto the floor, looking rather like someone had just kicked his unmentionables. Getting fed up, he crawled across the floor and tugged himself onto the bed, curling up in the sheets and letting out an irritated sound. He opened his eyes momentarily and spotted a long, curved pillow strewn across the bed only a few centimetres away. Phantom smiled and pulled the comfort into him, wrapping his legs around it and hugging it tightly. With the illusion that he was hugging someone, Phantom felt infinitely better and a whole lot more relaxed.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Phantoms eyes snapped open and he looked to the door where Fenton stood with a confused look on his face. He looked down to the pillow in his grip and back up to the icy blue gaze that judged him so severely. He smirked and laughed embarrassedly without letting go.

"Um... I'm tired..?" He answered feebly and Fenton gave him a face that said 'really?' in with some sort of inward groan attached to it. "Um... Hmmm... I miss Dash. Sexually." He nodded without any hesitation while Fenton flinched.

"Is that why I couldn't find you all day?" Fenton asked with a sigh. Phantom nodded and he shook his head, "Get off my pillow now please." Fenton shut the door behind him and tugged the pillow.

He tugged again, finding that Phantom had not let go. Phantom, a little annoyed by Fenton ordering him around, tightened his hold on his comforter and frowned back up at the human boy. Fenton pulled again. "Dude, get off."

"Noooooo!" Phantom moaned and clung tighter.

"Get off!"


"I'll get Vlad's Plasmius Maximus I swear!"

"I don't care! I love it!"

"You love Dash not the pillow! Now get off!"

"N-" Phantom started to retort once again but stopped in mid thought. Fenton wanted him to get off right? It didn't mean that he'd have to stop hugging something. In fact, there was something far more suited for the purpose right in front of him. Phantom grinned.

"Okay." He loosened his arms and Fenton pulled the pillow away softly.

"Thank you." Danny sighed in relief. "I'm glad you ARGH!" He began before Phantom launched himself at his Ghost Half, pinning him to the floor and wrapping his legs around his mid-section. His arms folded around his torso and Phantom squeezed as tightly as possible, feeling really quite pleased with his new course of action. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Danny shouted.

"Is everything okay up there sweetie?" His mom called from the bottom of the stairs, worry evident in her voice.

"Everything's fine mom!" They answered in unison and then Fenton glared down at the ghost kid again, "I said get off!"

"You said get off the pillow. I need a human-shaped object to cling to. It soothes my need slightly." Fenton blushed in embarrassment, "why do you want me to get off?" Phantom asked out of curiosity and lay his head down on Fentons quickly rising and falling chest.

"Because it's awkward and weird and you are horny for Dash, not me!" Danny growled and pushed Phantom off forcefully, freeing himself of the ghost. As Phantom was pushed back, he hit his head against the bed leg hard and he hissed in pain.

"You little bint!" Phantom cursed and grabbed the back of his head.

"Little what?" Fenton said cluelessly, not really acknowledging that Phantom was in some sort of pain.

"It means a woman who sleeps around." Phantom explained with angry eyes.

Fenton was about to retort some witty comeback but he felt useless seeing his ghost half in front of him. He looked away and brought his legs up to his chest. "I miss him just as much as you do. Maybe it's because he's gone, maybe it's because he's something we can't have... But we're just going to have to suck it up because we've lied to him about who we are and everything..." Fenton grumbled into his knees.

"Hey? When did this new turn of personality come about? I thought Fenton was the positive one." Phantom pushed himself up, rubbing his head.

"Fenton is the realistic one." He glowered at his counterpart. "But I suppose negative could cover that." Fenton shifted and crossed his legs, a little uncomfortable with being lead down on the floor.

Phantom frowned at him and bit his lip. "You moan a lot don't you?" He said it more as a observation rather than an insult or condescending jab.

"You think?" Fenton groaned and hugged his legs to his chest.

After a few minutes of meaningless silence, in which Phantom thought long and hard, he finally came up with something to do. "Forgive me for this." Yet again, he launched himself at his other half and hugged him but as more of a supportive gesture. He held Danny's head near his chest and stroked the thoroughly irritated boys hair. "There there. Everything shall be fine." He said robotically and looked up at the ceiling.

"What're you doing?" Fenton asked with his teeth grit, due to the strong arm of Phantom pushing his jaw up into his skull. Not on purpose of course.

"Social convention dictates when an acquaintance is upset you try to comfort them. Hence the 'there there' and 'everything shall be fine.'" He explained with no real emotion in his voice, "plus, if we merge back together I don't want to be unhappy and I don't think you do either hm?" He cocked an eyebrow at the mop of hair below him.

"I guess..." Fenton shrugged through his restricted state. He heard Phantom chuckle and his face turned into one of confusion, "what's so funny?"

"You remind me of one of those damsels I rescue sometimes right now." Phantom continued to pet Fentons hair.

"DUDE! I'm no damsel!" He announced with his face turning bright red and proceeded to force Phantom away from him. "I am a perfectly masculine, manly guy thank you very much." He flopped away from him and crossed his arms over his chest with a pout.

"Whatever you say... Mary Jane..." Phantom teased and looked his way to see Fenton glaring.

"Why you little...!" Danny growled and jumped at Phantom with all the force he could muster, only to fall face-first onto the floor.

Phantom dodged the attack and looked down at his ghost half with a tut, "You and your anger issues." He shook his head and began to read through a comic book that Fenton had left lying about.

A dark tipped, slender hand gripped the hilt of the sword slowly, wrapping the fingers around the piece one by one. The sword was large in comparison to the woman, but this was not surprising considering her gaunt, skeleton-like appearance. There was one reason why Diabolia was here and no one could stop her from doing it.

She tugged on the sword hard and pulled it out of its pumpkin with one long, graceful pull. The ghoul dropped the sword to the side and stepped back to watch a figure appear from a cloud of green and purple smoke that puffed from the shrivelled Halloween decoration. Out of the cloud appeared Fright Knight, ghost of Halloween, standing proud and sure of himself.

"Finally, I'm free once more!" He announced proudly with his usual echoey, deep voice. He laughed darkly before spotting Diabolia standing in front of him, looking less than amused. "M-my Lady D-ark!" Fright Knight stumbled and shrunk in on himself. "H-ow are y-ou?"

Her dead eyes looked him up and down as she walked around. "I wish to know the location of my daughter." Her looking stopped at his eyes and didn't blink. "Well? I assigned her to you on transport to a safe house. Where is she?" She moved closer to the spectral knight.

"Well... Um... There may be a small problem. The team signed to your daughter may have... Lost them?" He replied, bracing himself for a heavy backlash.

Diabolia's eye twitched but other than that, her face did not move a muscle. She sighed an unnecessary sigh and rubbed her hands together, "What happened?" She asked with a hint of acidity to her tone.

"We were escorting her to Aragon in the Medieval Kingdom as you instructed when we were ambushed by the Observant's lackeys unexpectedly... I ran off with your daughter but we ran into a dead end and... I turned around to see her disappear into a natural portal of some kind. It shut again before I could follow her. I would've tried to look for her further but I was imprisoned." The Fright Knight defended himself. "You know I would've gone after her. I never got the chance to get her back mistress." He lowered his head.

She frowned slightly and rubbed her hands harder, "I know that you two were set for betrothal, Knight. So you must know that this is a great loss for me also. She was going to be a large part in my plans for this kingdom." Diabolia looked at her nails.

"What about our Lord Pariah then? Surely you wish him to be a part of your plan?" Fright Knight bent down and picked up his trusty sword, weighing it up in his hands.
"No. He was freed before was he not?" She asked with no feeling.

"Yes. He was. But he failed to gain control over the human realm and the ghost zone. The invasion was a disaster. He was beaten and locked away in his sarcophagus hereafter." He explained and stalked over to yet another pumpkin.

"He didn't come find me then, so I won't go find him now. Plus, there is no point seeing as he was such a disaster. It's my turn to rule this land as he proved himself unworthy to rule." She watched as he set his winged horse free from the pumpkin in an entrance much like the Knight's. "And I know that you are loyal to me. I need information and allegiance from the most influential ghosts in the ghost zone that are willing to join me. Do you know of any?" Diabolia tapped her boney arm impatiently.

"I know just the Ghosts. They aren't brave but they are the ones I know the most." He replied with a nod.

"Then show the way Fright Night. We have peasants to attend to." They left the castle in a blur of flames and ash towards the most well-known ghosts of the Ghost Zone.

As much as Clockwork didn't like it, this was the only way to make things work without interfering too much. The ghost of time looked down the corridor towards the room where the Stagnum Renascentia lay. Daniel was about to be swarmed with issues that could easily avoid him. But if they avoided him, there wouldn't be the world that he knew anymore. Only a world filled to the brim with malevolence and cruelty. Clockwork hoped the boy was as clever as he foresaw him to be.

Because if he wasn't, nothing would be the same.

DUNDUNDUUUUUUN. There is a reason for everything I promise. Within this story anyway. Review and stuff because I'm revising a lot and it could make it easier for me to upload seeing all your warm, happy faces smiling up at me :) I love your reviews so much *.*


okay I'll stop now.





incesterbation 0.0