~My rude, cocky, handsome boss

A/N: Hi minna-san! This is my 2nd AU GrayLu fanfic. To those who're supporting my other stories, thank you so much! By the way, I worked really hard to come up with this story so I hope you guys will like it! Enjoy!~ (^o^)

Disclaimer: I don't own fairy tail.

Chapter 1

Blinking lights, lot of cameras, beautiful actresses, gorgeous actors, and screaming fans. This is what I see from where I am standing. Actually, I can't really see a lot right now because of the people in front of me. I haven't even seen those "beautiful" actresses and "gorgeous" actors yet, but I am sure they are. This is my first time to visit a shooting. To be honest, I really am not in to movies, or television series. But ever since I saw Gray Fullbuster in a certain commercial, that's when I started loving media. I am actually a book worm type of girl, I only, what do they call it again… Hmm, "fangirl", I think that's the term. I only turn into a "fangirl" when he is on air.

Gray Fullbuster has a lot of fans. Of course! He is an actor after all. His charisma attracts a lot of girls. Believe it or not, some fans even hate the actresses paired to him. Like that actress, Ultear Milkovich! She is stunning, I tell you! Beautiful face, perfect body! But many fans didn't like her for him. They protested that she kinda looks old for him, they look more like siblings, and they're not compatible, etcetera, etcetera. Well for me, their love team was okay. To be honest, I am not a hater type of girl so whoever they pair with Gray is okay with me. He looks good with anyone matched with him anyway.

Too bad Ultear went to the states because a certain network there wants her to be one their star actresses. Of course a chance like that is only once in a lifetime so she grabbed it, leaving Gray with no leading lady. Soon, the staff found a girl who goes well with him. And her name, Juvia Lockser. A girl that is almost, I think, the same age as him. Now, some fans hate her, some likes her. Well, that's showbiz nevertheless, you can't possibly please everybody. In fact, there is a rumour that Gray and Juvia are dating. I don't know if that's true, because ya' know, some love teams/management say that so the pair would captivate more supporters.

"Lucy! How long are we going to stand here! My feet are hur—waahh!"

"Oh Natsu!" I grabbed him, "You alright?"

"You're asking if I'm alright? Seriously? That was like, the 5th time I fell and got squeezed by these girls!"

"I know" I smiled, "I'm sorry!"

"Tch- you're lucky to have me as your best friend ya' now!"

I forced a laugh, "A-ahh! Hahaha."

"Don't ahahaha me! What time are we going home?! I'm hungry Luce!" he roared.

"I'll just treat you to lunch! We'll go home as long as I see—kyaaaa!"

Natsu covered his ears, "Why the hell did you squeal?!"

"He's, he's… I see him! Kyaaaa!" I shouted as I forced my way to the front.

"Oi! Luce, where are goi—waahh!"

"I'll be back, Natsu!" I whispered as I saw him being compelled by a bunch of women again.

I was so determined to see him close –up. I forced my way through a lot of people. That wasn't easy! My feet were being stepped on, my face was hit by elbows, probably the most challenging path I've taken, but I know it's worth it. I am not obsessed; I just wanna see him, at least just this once. I mean, it's normal for girls to have an actor as their crush right? Just let me ta—

"Kyaa-!" I screeched as one of the fans, I suppose, unknowingly pushed me very hard. And as I tilted my head up, I saw him, right beside me. Or I think, the proper explanation is, holding me, preventing me from falling. Dear certain fan who pushed me really hard, thank you, someday, I will repay you.

"Umm, miss, are you okay?"

"Ah—yes, yes. Thank you very much." I said as I stood up with my own feet, fixing my clothes and my hair, blushing.

"Ja`, take care not to fall again." he beamed.

Okay. I was totally speechless. He was even more handsome up close. He also is super nice for catching me. And his muscles, goodness!

"Oi, Luce, you okay?"

"A-ahh." I nodded as if I wasn't living in the present world.

"Okay then! Let's get outta here!"

"Wait a minute Natsu. I am just, just processing in my mind what exactly happened."

"Tch-" he rolled his eyes. "By the way, did you get his autograph?"

"Eh?" my eyes slowly widened, "Oh no!"



"I still can't believe I didn't get his autograph" I sighed.

"That's okay, he held you right? That should be fine!" Natsu said while he stuffed food in his mouth.

"But still…"

"By the way, what exactly do girls like about that guy?"

"Well, he is undoubtedly handsome, he looks cool, his acting skills are very good, not to mention, he's super nice!" I cupped my chin then nodded.

"What? Nice? Do you even know him? I mean, you don't know, he might be like that in front of people, but maybe, he really is a jerk."

"But maybe, he really is nice."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not!"

"If you say another word, I'll make you pay whatever you ate!"

He forced a laugh, "I'm just kidding. You know how much I support you in liking that guy! I even accompanied you to his shooting right?"

"Tch- sarcastic!" I pouted, "By the way, hurry up, I'm tired!"

"A while ago you're full of energy, and now that I'm eating, you want me to hurry up." He mumbled.

"What did'ya say?"

"A-ahh, nothing!"





"We have something to discuss."

"Let's discuss it tomorrow, Erza. I'm dead tired." He said as he lay down his bed, and shut his eyes close.

To be continued…

A/N: So how was it? I hope it's okay? I'm sorry if you see mistakes!

What do you think is Erza's role? Is the rumour about Gray and Juvia true? How will Lucy exactly end up as Gray's personal assistant? Those questions and more will be answered in the next chapters. Tehee~ please feel free to review, etc! \(◦'')/ xx