Rachel walks into the choir room ready to start singing a beautiful song when out of the corner of her eye she sees Finn making out with Quinn. She can't help, but wonder what it would be like if it were her instead of Quinn when Mr. Schue walks in.

"Finn stop making out with Quinn! Guys we need to start practicing, Sectionals is in a month and we are up against the Troubletones and we are no were near ready."

"Mr. Schue I think if someone would stop kissing a certain someone then we could be ready to win. Besides you have not chosen the song that I am going to sing and I need that soon!"

"Rachel relax you are going to get the song soon Mr. Schue is just not ready to give you your song."

"Well, Rachel I have not given you your song yet because I want you and Finn to sing a duet."

"Wait, what? Mr. Schue you can't do this I should be the one sing with my boyfriend not this freak who is in love with Finn."

"Oh my this is so great I can't believe this I am so excited so what song are we singing?"

"For sectionals I have chosen the song Faithfully by Journey. I need you two to practice every spare moment you got."

"Finn tonight at 7 we should practice at my house."

As the day goes on Quinn tries to come up with a plan to keep Finn from going to Rachel's house.

"Brittany what am I going to do I do not want Finn to go to Rachel's house he will get into trouble."

"You could pretend to be sick"

"Britt that won't work, I need something bigger."

"Well, why don't you fake a pregnancy."

"Santana you are a genius, why did I not think of that."

"Here's what we will do I will need you to go to the store and get a pink marker and a pregnancy test. Then we will get Finn to see the test."

The day is long and Quinn is so nervous that she hopes everything goes well. Santana brings the pregnancy test and tells Quinn to do her fake tears so she can tell Mr. Schue to help her talk to Finn.

"Hey Quinn whats the matter?"

"Why did we do it? I am not ready for this! Finn is going to be so mad. I am pregnant."

"Does Finn know?"

"I have not told him yet I am scared to tell him. I think he is going to be mad."

"Just relax I am sure he won't be mad."

"You don't know that do you."

"Quinn whats wrong?"

Quinn runs out of the room not telling Finn she is pregnant. Mr. Schue talks to him and tells him what is going on and Finn sinks his head.