Authors Note: Okay, everyone, this is the last chapter of this part. Don't panic...I'm working on the second part right now and it should be up within the week. To keep things clear I'm posting each part as its own story so follow me as an author or click on my name to find the next part. Chapter 1 of part two is currently with my Beta so yell at Pint-sized She-Bear to hurry up.

Now, onto this...Mija002: Brace for a jealous Victus. EbonySapphire: Sorry, no Saren engagement. It was a cameo...that's it. Glad you enjoyed it. Garnet Seren: Glad you enjoyed the chapter...hopefully not too many typos for you. :)

Mass Effect
"Foreign Relations"

Chapter Seventeen: All Good Things

Victus stepped into his quarters and heard the shower running; something that most in the galaxy shared was bathing. Turians were not born to swim but they used water to clean themselves just like Humans and Asari. When Sidda took a shower the smell of the shampoo she used made his quarters smell nice. In all honesty it was her smell that he liked; his bad mood quickly overcame the joy he got from knowing she was there and that his quarters smelled like her. He sighed and didn't really want to think about what he had to do next. He heard the water shut off and casually leaned against the wall with a perfect view of where Sidda was. She stepped out of the shower and Victus couldn't help but smile to himself, never in a million years would he have thought he'd be attracted to anything other than another Turian and he definitely never thought he'd love a human. Sidda was different, she was human but she thought like a Turian. They had molded her into a fierce battlemaster combining the training of a Turian with the resilience of a human and that fierce creature was his. All his. He watched her towel off leaving him an unobstructed view of her curvy body and let out a low rumble of approval that was enough to draw Sidda's attention. She looked back at him and smiled to the idea of him watching her and making those noises.

"Like what you see?" she asked with a giggle and Victus let his eyes take in the full view of her strong back, shapely ass, and strong but slender legs. She dried her hair and tossed it over her shoulder letting the long brown locks tumble over her back.

Victus knew what he wanted to say but suddenly forgot how to articulate a word let alone a sentence. He grunted a response then blinked finally remembering what she had asked. "Nothing better." He replied finally and she giggled to the decorated General losing his train of thought at the sight of a naked woman in his quarters.

Sidda wrapped herself up in a towel and walked up to him standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. He helped and leaned down until her lips gave him a simple kiss before she moved away from him. His mind eventually shifted back to the aggravating news he'd just received. He'd been a little aggravated since Nihlus' rescue operation. Nov getting shot threw his harmonious ship into a little bit of chaos, he hated replacing members and replacing Nov was irritating but his teams had run a man short on several occasions. Now his aggravation was amplified by the orders he had received.

He sighed and stood up straight following her for a moment as she started to brush through her wet hair. "I received new orders from Palaven." He stated and Sidda turned to pay attention to him as he spoke but didn't seem as concerned as he was. How could she? She didn't know. "I am to return you to Arcturus Station and report to Palaven by order of the Primarch."

Sidda froze in mid brush stroke and stared at him, she was confused. "What? I still have a few weeks left? How can I be sent to Arcturus?"

Victus sighed, grumbled actually. "The Council is highly satisfied with your assignment and feel that you can return home. Which means the Primarch pounced on Councilor Sparatus and forced him to end this prematurely so he can chew me out in person on Palaven."

"You're in trouble." She said realizing that this was a repercussion from Octavia's visit. The Primarch was pissed off enough to order Victus back to Palaven without Sidda meaning he was going to be there a while.

Victus snorted. "I'm always in trouble."

"Adrien-…" she began her tone filled with sympathy. She felt like this was all her fault that their relationship had gotten him into trouble. In reality it was Victus' bending of the rules that got him into hot water not Sidda.

He held up a hand to silence her. "It's okay…I clash with him a lot…I'll be chewed out and reprimanded and be back on the Lante before you know it."

"How can you be so caviler about this?" she asked. "If I was summoned to Arcturus to be chewed out by the Parliament I'd be a little more worried."

Victus snorted again. "Because I'm used to this." He replied. "It'll give my crew some R&R and allow Nov to undergo his surgeries."

"And what if it's worse?" Sidda asked. "You kicked his investigator off the ship."

Victus shrugged, he'd done worse…a lot worse. He never had a problem telling the Brass when they were stupid or wrong. Mostly he did that all in the same sentence. "I've called him an idiot too but I'm still here." He replied making Sidda chuckle. She believed him and could hear him saying that, the amusing thing was picturing the Primarch's face. "He just wants to flex his muscle over me and tell me how much he disapproves of my personal relations."

Sidda sighed; she still worried about him, what would happen if things didn't go how he thought they would go but she let it go since he wasn't going to tell her anyway if something was wrong. She also felt sad; she really didn't want to leave. This assignment had been the toughest she'd ever had and literally gave it her all. She knew it was temporary but didn't want it to end. "So…how much time do I have?"

"I need to be on Palaven by the end of the week but Nov needs to be there sooner. Holum's done all he can for his arm." He stated. Releasing a sigh she dropped the hairbrush on the nearest table and he saw the troubled expression. She hoped that his explanation for the assignment being ended a few weeks early was correct, that the Primarch was mad enough to order him back and damn the Council's project and not because of her relationship with him or her performance under his command. "We should be at Arcturus sometime tomorrow." He finished and walked up to stand close to her.

Sidda understood the phrase 'subject to the will of the service' and decided to make the best out of it. "Well, I guess I better not waste my time then." She stated and Victus narrowed his eyes unsure of what that meant.

"What?" he asked as she turned toward him and guided him back a little so he was at the foot of the bed. Victus grunted as Sidda forcefully shoved him backward onto the bed. He watched as his female shed the towel covering her soft body and crawled over him straddling his waist with a smile. She watched as the seasoned General's eyes took in the details of her naked body. She started to unfasten his tunic as she felt his hands glide up her thighs and over her back eventually settling on her breasts.

Sidda leaned down to him with a pleased grin and kissed his left mandible first before leaving a trail of small kisses down to his neck where she paused to nuzzle as she tried to get the tunic to come undone.

He purred…she loved that…sometimes the purr came across as a growl but that was even more inviting. Human men didn't purr or at least not in a way that was in the least bit sexy. Turian's were born predators, they purred, they growled, and they bit…she'd been completely ruined for Human men now. "I can postpone the trip…" he stated and heard Sidda giggle in his ear.

Word of Sidda's early departure spread through the ship faster than a zero G fire. The rumor mill worked overdrive and Cerrus probably hadn't stopped his happy dance since he got word. They all knew it was coming but it was still bittersweet for those who felt Sidda was an excellent addition to the crew and a nearly unmatched leader. Even Cerrus respected her abilities in the field although he had somewhat less of an opinion after her mistake on Ihm'shal that Nihlus was able to bail her out of.

Sidda hissed at the scratch on her right shoulder, Victus accidently gave her two 3 inch scratches over her right shoulder blade when their sex got really intense. She didn't feel it in the moment but was feeling it now, sex with Turians carried a few drawbacks. The scratches stung under her clothes but she'd survive.

"So…you're leaving us." Maridus stated getting her attention.

Sidda turned and smiled to him. "A few weeks early, but yes." She stated and Maridus looked her up and down.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked.

"Just a couple scratches."

"Humans weren't made for Turians." He stated with a chuckle and Sidda scoffed to him.

"Bite me." She replied and Maridus smirked.

"Someone else already did that…I just don't wanna know where." He stated with a chuckle and she playfully shoved him out of her way.

"Did you want something or were you just skulking around waiting for me to come out?" she asked with a chuckle and Maridus let out a laugh.

"I don't skulk." He replied.

With the news of her early out, Sidda made her way to Medical to check on Nov and to talk to him. Odds were that he already knew that her mission was coming to an end early but he was stuck in the rat cage and probably needed to get out. She found Holum changing the bandage, finishing the last bit to splint his arm to his side. There was really nothing he could do to help but give painkillers. The damage to the bone was too severe for his bone healers so he didn't even bother. The shoulder needed reconstruction so his goal was to keep it immobile until then.

Sidda entered the bay and held her step as she saw Holum finish with the sling. Nov was doing well to not make a peep but he was clearly in pain. His eyes were closed and he sat tight like a spring waiting for Holum to finish his left hand was gripping the bed so tight that claw marks were probably left behind. Sidda said nothing and thought about leaving and returning when he was finished.

"Commander." Holum greeted and Nov opened his eyes looking over at her. She was a welcome sight but that didn't clear the pain from his mind. Sidda observed quietly as his amber eyes were full of pain, if that shot had been centered a little more Nov would be dead and she was eternally grateful that he wasn't.

"Are you done yet?" he growled, finally his teeth clenched as Holum fastened the sling.

"Yes, yes, I'm done." He stated and picked up a syringe of painkiller that was Nov's best friend right now. Where on a human, the sights for injections varied depending on muscle depth or blood the plating on a Turian's hide was very thick which accounted for the wicked looking nearly 12 gauge needles that she had seen. Mostly she'd seen things injected in the neck, the softest part of their body, Rajin injecting Nihlus' chest was the first she's ever seen of that. Holum tilted Nov's head and punched the needle into his skin dosing him with another round of the painkiller. "Alright, nothing sudden, do you understand?"

Nov nodded as Holum draped the loose shirt back over his exposed torso. As soon as she was finished with that Nov was on his feet and turned to look at Sidda. "You're leaving." He stated, the lingering pain he was in clouded his tact so he got straight to the point.

Sidda nodded as Nov grimaced while situating the shirt. "Apparently the Primarch wants Adrien's ass so bad he was able to convince the Council to let me go early." She stated and Nov chuckled. He was struggling with the shirt to cover himself and she gave him a hand.

Nov looked down at her helping him dress; he blinked a few times as his foggy mind raced with things that he shouldn't be thinking about. He thought he had pulled himself together but was apparently very wrong…or it was the drugs and pain. Probably the drugs and pain. "I'll be happy to get this damn shoulder fixed." He stated shutting out thoughts of her. "Sid, get me out of here…I'm going crazy."

Sidda chuckled slightly. "Hey, Doc, can I take him?" she asked and Holum looked at her with a slight grumble. No was his first answer but Nov was starting to go crazy and therefore driving him crazy. His blue eyes shifted between them and he looked to Sidda.

Holum trusted that Nov couldn't get into too much damn trouble on the ship but knowing the both of them they'd find it. "He is to take it easy, Commander, and I am not even close to kidding." Holum stated. "I'm serious. If he jostles that shoulder too much it could end his military career." He explained and Sidda looked up at the red painted Turian.

"I'll be careful." She replied and Holum looked to Nov with the same threatening expression.

"Lieutenant?" he asked and saved Nov the first response. "I mean it; if you damaged that further I'll inflict so much damn pain on you-…"

Nov huffed. "Yeah, I get it, Sir."

Nov's mind was clouded with painkillers and the idea of Sidda leaving. He hated the idea of her leaving, like the others that held her dear he had gotten used to having her around. There was a part of him that wanted to drop down in front of her and tell her everything that he felt for her but the honor in him made him stop. As much as he wanted her she was not his. He was frustrating himself with his warring sides and made a conscious effort not to say something he'd regret due to his drug clouded mind.

Normally, he heard everything she said when she was talking but right now he was finding stuff hard to focus on. One thing at a time was about all his brain could handle with the powerful stuff that Holum gave him coursing through his veins. She was talking but her words fell on deaf ears or rather drugged ones. He closed his eyes and shook his head sharply pausing in his gait.

Sidda stopped realizing he wasn't walking with her anymore and stepped back to him. "Cal, you okay?" she asked and Nov took a moment before nodding.

"Yeah…Holum doesn't fuck around when it comes to his drugs." He stated and Sidda chuckled.

"We can go back." She said and Nov shook his head.

"No. No, I'll be alright." He said and continued walking. "You're a much prettier sight than Holum and I'd much rather look at you than him." Sidda laughed loudly and paced him.

Rajin was seated at the Rec Room table scrolling through a datapad, her feet were propped up and she completely engrossed in what she was reading. It was a letter from Nihlus, the rescue two days ago nearly killed him and she knew he was on his way back to the Citadel for some time off. It surprised her that he sent her a letter so quickly. As soon as the Council ship departed with the living legend Saren they used the core to jump to the Citadel. Clearly, it was enough time for Nihlus to compose a letter and send it to her. She let out an audible giggle to something he wrote and ignored the loud entourage of Nov, Kalvaris, and Sidda enter.

Sidda and Nov collected Kalvaris while on the way to the Rec Room. Kalvaris shared the same opinion of most everyone else, he too had grown accustom to Sidda being around but didn't share the romantic inclinations that Victus and Nov did. He simply counted her a friend and comrade. The addition of Kalvaris, the conversation grew louder as they both tried to draw Nov out of his drug induced haze.

"How's the shoulder, Cal?" Masso asked patting Nov's injured arm.

Nov released a hiss and a growl toward the fellow officer. "Still good enough to knock you back to your mother's womb if you do that again."

Masso raised his brow and took his hand away from Nov with a chuckle. "He is really testy today." He said to Sidda who shrugged.

"He's angry that I'm leaving." She replied and Masso chuckled.

"And Cerrus is probably dancing." He stated as the group laughed.

Nov cocked his head to Rajin who hadn't moved from her seat or paid any attention to what was going on around her. He moved toward her standing over her from behind eyeing what she was reading. "What's got you so engrossed?" he asked and when she didn't respond he quickly snatched the pad from her and scurried back as fast as his battered body would allow. "Oh…what's this? A letter from Nihlus?"

Rajin shot to her feet turning on her former lover who was obviously teasing her. "Give it back, Cal."

Nov played keep away with her, Rajin's former dwarfed by his despite injury. "It is from Nihlus…" Nov announced with a mischievous chuckle. "Our dear Deliah has captured the eye of the second best Spectre in the galaxy."

"One more word, Cal…" Rajin threatened.

"What did he write?" he asked. "Was it steamy?"

Rajin glowered at him and gave Nov the reward for angering her. She smacked his injured arm hard enough to make him cry out in pain and drop his good arm to cradle the one that now hurt more giving Rajin the opportunity to take back what she wanted. "None of your damn business."

The pained look on his face and his growl of pain made her smirk a little. "Tell Nihlus to be careful…you're mean."

"You seemed to like it." She sniped and Nov let out a cackle through the pain.

"Oh, wow…" he stated. "I like you like this."

Rajin's eyes narrowed to him, drugged or not he was still a flirt and one that made her laugh despite being such a pain in the ass.

About an hour later Sidda had left Nov in the Rec Room as the hour approached for her to start packing things up and returning items to the armory.

"So exactly how are we going to do this?" Victus asked as he watched her. "Me here, you there….it's going to be tough to see each other."

Sidda dropped what she had and turned toward him sitting on the edge of her bed. She cupped his face in her hands and straddled his lap feeling his hands on her back to make sure she didn't fall back. "We will see each other again, Adrien." She stated and nuzzled him pressing her forehead to his. Victus purred holding her to him. "We may be parted for longer than we want but that'll just make it better when we do see each other."

Victus' purr turned the non-hostile growl that she loved as his mouth dropped to the left side of her neck and sharply placed her on her back as he settled over her. Her giggle made him chuckle as well, if he was going to go without her for god knows how long he was going make the last day count.

When it came to packing the rule was the same no matter who you were or where you were, when Sidda came onboard she brought a duffle. Just one duffle. Now she was having a hard time fitting everything back into that duffle and it wasn't like she had gone on a shopping spree. It was just a pain in the ass putting the genie back into the bottle.

"How in the hell could I have accumulated this much stuff." She stated. "I didn't even buy anything."

Victus allowed a chuckle as he put the bed back in proper order and sat down on it. She continued to neatly fold everything up so that it would all fit and Victus observed her, he really wasn't happy about her leaving but there wasn't much choice in the matter. He was military and was used to the separation, it was just that he had gotten used to having her around. "So where do you think they're going to send you?" he asked continuing the line of questioning she had interrupted earlier and she shrugged.

"Not sure. Probably send me to Earth after I download to the Brass." She stated and paused for a moment. "They better send me to Earth…first thing I'm eating is a giant steak with mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans…" Sidda stopped in the middle of her day dream as she heard her stomach grumble. "Yeah, I'm gonna shut up now."

Victus laughed as she resumed her packing ignoring the grumbling stomach. She began to clear the things on the bed next to him and uncovered a knife. He narrowed his eyes to it and picked it up to inspect it closer. He seen her carry it but never took a good look at it, it looked like a Talon but slightly different. He pulled the blade up a few inches and froze feeling his blood burn at the sight of the stamp. Rylo's colony sigil. "Where did you get this?"

Sidda looked down at him holding the rolled up shirts in her hand. "Nov. He gave it to me." She stated and Victus felt a deep seed of anger and jealousy start to rise.

He dropped the knife back into the sheath sharply with a loud click and shot off the bed. He really didn't like that…not coming from Nov, he had noticed a few looks here and there and had never doubted Sidda but he was suspicious of Nov though. Sidda and Nov's bond was strong but and he had never wondered until now if Nov wanted to take anything further. If that was the case he needed to curb it, now. "Did he say why?" he asked and his tone made Sidda's eyes narrow.

"He said it was a gift."

Victus growled and turned to leave. "I'll be back." He grumbled and turned to leave but Sidda stopped him.

"Adrien?" she asked but he didn't answer hitting the button to leave. "Hey, Adrien?" she repeated gripping him tighter making him stop and looked down at her.

"It's a Turian thing, Sid, let it go." He stated and left in a huff still holding onto the knife.

Victus found his target, he wasn't sure why he didn't notice the knife before but he had noticed Nov's behavior toward her. He never felt like he needed to worry because of how Sidda acted around him. She flirted back but it was mainly harmless. The knife was a family knife and as much as Nov tried to distance himself from his home colony, his father really, it was a Rylo custom to give a knife to a potential mate.

He rounded the corner into the Rec Room gripping the knife in his left hand. Nov was there chatting with a few crew members, the red faced Turian was in good spirits despite the pain he was in. When Victus appeared the chatting stopped and Nov seemed not to mind the General joining the conversation but his body language made him rethink that.

"Out." Victus ordered to the crewmen who scurried out quickly. Nov narrowed his eyes and got up walking over to him judging that something was wrong. He opened his mouth to ask if there was something wrong Victus pushed him back firmly into the wall with his right hand. Nov hit the wall hard enough to cause pain to shoot through the right half of his body but Victus maintained the pressure holding him in place.

A growl of pain escaped him as his mandibles clenched tight. "What the-…" he began but Victus took a step closer to get into his subordinate's face.

He presented the sheathed weapon to him. "What is this?" Victus demanded in a growl still holding Nov to the wall, the pressure continuing to cause pain to course through his back.

Nov overcame the initial surge of pain and glowered at his superior. "That's Sid's knife."

"It's your knife." He snapped harshly. "Why does she have it?"

Nov let himself be manhandled to a point but the point had been reached and surpassed. He shoved the General back with his left arm causing Victus to skip back a few steps but maintained his aggressive posture. Despite the pain he was in Nov's posture mirrored Victus' telling him that the younger officer wasn't afraid to throw down even with only one good arm and he'd fair better than most. "It was a gift." He replied, his voice mired in a painful growl. "I gave it to her for her birthday."

"A family knife?" Victus questioned, the hostility in his tone was unmistakable and Nov realized that Victus was being territorial. He beat on Cerrus for less and for something that he couldn't control. All the while he should have been watching Nov. He felt threatened by him and was acting out. "It looks more like a dowry."

The expression on Nov's face changed and Victus knew right then and there that the younger officer was attracted or even in love with Sidda. He resisted the urge to beat the man into a bloody pulp mainly because of Sidda. He got the impression that Nov hadn't told anyone about how he felt and he certainly didn't tell Sidda. He felt threatened by Nov's gift to her and wanted to make his displeasure known. Sidda was his and that was the end of it. He held the knife in his right hand by the blade and shoved it into his chest forcing him to take it and pushing him back into the wall. He didn't care about the obvious pain he was causing his officer as he wanted to make his position abundantly clear. "She is not yours." He growled in his face. "Stay away from her." He used no rank as this wasn't a military issue. Victus gave him one final shove to reiterate his statement then stormed out having said his peace.

Nov closed his eyes and let his good arm cradle his sore one. He allowed a whine of pain to be heard before making his way out of the Rec Room. He had thus far kept himself in control and didn't act on his feelings for Sidda. He was honestly surprised as hell that Victus had just now felt threatened by it, but now that he had he needed to make a choice; to let her go or jump in with both feet. He saw the way Victus and Sidda were together and how happy Sidda seemed to be and he refused to be the one to ruin that especially if she didn't feel the same way about him, it would firebomb their friendship and he wouldn't allow that. As badly as he wanted her he really only had one choice, whether or not he acted on it was another story.

As Sidda walked into the armory she found Ruvvak and Cerrus in the middle of a debate over which gun was better, the brand new Phaeston that was still being tested or the military's mainstay assault rifle the Crossfire. The general consensus was that the Phaeston was versatile and state of the art but not everyone liked it. Ruvvak was one of them.

"The Crossfire is way more precise and has more punch power than the Phaeston will ever dream of." Ruvvak stated as Cerrus began to disassemble a Brawler at his work bench to fix the heat sink.

"Mod it and you get the same result." Cerrus replied and Ruvvak scoffed.

"Modded or unmodded the Crossfire is better." Ruvvak defended and Cerrus shook his head to the demolitionist.

"Now I know why you're just a sergeant." Cerrus sniped and Ruvvak shook his head.

"Well, Captain, I must say you're an idiot." He stated bluntly and Cerrus laughed.

Sidda laughed as she entered the room to that comment. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that around here." She said in an obvious banter to Cerrus who simply ignored her.

"Just having a simple, if not unbalanced, debate over which gun is better…" Ruvvak stated and cast a look over to Cerrus then back to Sidda. "What do you think, Commander, Phaeston or Crossfire?"

"Phaeston's lighter." She stated and Ruvvak shook his head.

"Grow stronger." He replied playfully.

Sidda scoffed, that coming from Ruvvak made her laugh. Although he was shorter than most of the Turians onboard he was heavier built and when one of his punches connected it was like being hit by a damn sledgehammer. "Not all of us can be a walking anvil, Linus." She bantered back and Ruvvak laughed.

"They say we're dropping you off in a few hours." He said and Sidda nodded.

"Yep." She replied with a heavy sigh then gestured to Cerrus. "Has he started dancing yet?" she asked.

Ruvvak laughed louder to that comment but Cerrus did what he usually did, ignored her. However he did have a response to that. "That happens after you leave, Commander." Cerrus stated making Ruvvak laugh more.

Sidda smiled to his glee. "Record that for me," she said to Ruvvak. "I'd pay to see it."

She even got a chuckle from Cerrus for that but nothing more. Sidda was going to miss his perpetually bitchy ass and then sighed handing Ruvvak her sidearm. It was like giving up a piece of herself. This was the weapon she was issued when she came onboard, now she was giving it back. Ruvvak saw the hesitation on her face as she handed it to him.

"You alright, Commander?" he asked and Sidda nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah." She replied her tone brushing off the look. "Yeah, I'm good….it just feels weird." She stated and Cerrus looked up from his project for a moment before returning his attention to it. After all this time he still didn't know what to make of her. She was fierce, he admitted that but he still didn't see her as an equal. Her ferocity wasn't in question, when pushed into it she could rival the best in combat but the fact that he was still split on her talent and skill irritated him.

Ruvvak could understand that and looked down at her as she extended her hand to him. The Turian shook her hand firmly with a nod. "It's been far too short, Commander."

Sidda smiled to him and nodded. "That it has, Linus." She stated and gripped his hand firmly with respect. "Take care of yourself."

Ruvvak nodded to her. "You too, Commander, those Alliance types won't be able to watch your back as well as we can." He stated and Sidda giggled.

"True but I'll finally find someone of equal fucking height." She chuckled. "I'm getting a crick in my neck looking up at you giant bastards." She stated and Ruvvak enjoyed the banter. Sidda was unlike any commander he'd ever had, she conducted herself more like and equal than someone over him. He enjoyed her command style and was only sorry to see it end so quickly.

"Well, add grow taller to the list, Commander." He returned and Sidda laughed patting his arm as she left the armory.

Nov tried his best to deal with the painful throb in his shoulder. Holum was gonna kill him there was no way around that. He was told to be careful and until his encounter with Victus he was. The broken bones under his skin ached, throbbed, and bit into his nerves. He clenched his mouth closed showing obvious pain as he entered the Medical Bay. Holum looked up as Nov entered and knew the pained look on his face.

"What's the matter with you?" he asked but it came out more like a demand.

Nov had but one answer, there was no way he was going to say he tangled with the General over a female so he went the sarcastically vague route. "I ran into a fucking wall." He growled and Holum didn't buy that but also didn't push it.

"I told your clumsy ass to watch where you're going." He scolded as Nov made is way to the bed that had become his.

"Yeah, yeah." He murmured.

"I can't give you anymore drugs so just lay there and try to heal for a change." Holum ordered, his tone ringing of irritation.

Nov found the single comfortable position and closed his eyes letting the pain subside. "Yes, Sir." He stated through an exhaled breath.

After the armory Sidda went to the locker room to collect her armor and gear. She cleaned out her locker and stowed her gear away properly so it could be moved. Her armor had seen considerable use in the past year, scratches and scuffs from sliding down the platform could still be seen, one of her more colorful memories in the past year. She remembered the first mission with Nihlus, the Prothean ruin that sent her, Nihlus, and Maridus tumbling.

"Lost in memory?" Maridus asked and Sidda turned her attention him.

"Yeah." She replied. "Chasing you down a platform, rolling like a rock in a Prothean ruin, bar fight of the damn century."

Maridus chuckled. "Certainly hasn't been boring." He stated and Sidda laughed.

"Definitely one of my more eventful years." She replied and stowed her helmet into the trunk. "Is it bad that I don't want to leave?" she asked him and Maridus leaned against the wall with a sigh.

"No." he answered and she put the rest of the gear into the trunk. "You've got enough blood, sweat, and tears in this ship to be a part of it." He stated as he observed her troubled appearance. "I don't want to see you go. You opened the eyes of a lot of people on this ship, mine included."

Sidda looked down with a half-smile. "You were my first ally, Damar." She stated. "Your eyes were already open."

Maridus moved toward her. "I didn't expect you to be a friend, Sid." He stated. "I thought you'd just come in, do you job and leave. I hope you realize just what kind of good you've done with this ship and crew." Sidda looked over at him but didn't move from her position. "To have an entire Turian crew look on you as an equal is no small feat…minus Cerrus of course."

Sidda chuckled to his final comment but understood his meaning. "This is the first assignment I don't want to leave from." She stated and Maridus sighed understanding how she felt.

"You'll be missed, Sid." He stated and Sidda gave him and reluctant nod. "I'll see you later."

Sidda smiled to his words but it didn't make her feel much better. She was conflicted but had no choice but to leave. She finished collecting all her things and carried the trunk back to her quarters to be easily collected later. Things weighed on her mind but she remembered the last time she saw Victus, going off to find Nov and issue whatever warning he wanted about the knife. Turians were so damn territorial about mates but since Victus didn't come unglued over the fact that she tried to mate with Nov she put it out of her mind. Nov was the one he should have been angry at not Cerrus but Cerrus took the brunt of Victus' aggression. Sidda had thought she quelled his jealously but obviously not. They were from two different cultures and things were bound to grate.

Now that she was finished collecting everything she had brought on board and put it in one central place she was free to go and find people she wanted to hang out with for the last two hours of her assignment. Nov was her best friend and the bond they shared wasn't going to be easily forgotten. Something told her that she might want to check on him to make sure that the moody General of this ship didn't damage him over nothing. When she didn't find him in the Rec Room or the Training Room she figured that his wounds forced him back to Medical to relax. It took a great deal of time to get to the Bay considering she had been stopped by nearly everyone in passing to say goodbye. Sure enough she found Nov in Medical, as she entered Holum stood looking grumpier than he normally was.

"You had one job, Commander." He stated and Sidda narrowed her eyes to the doctors greeting he leveled at her. "Just one."

"Huh?" she replied and Holum gestured to Nov precariously perched on his bed trying to rest.

"I send him out with you and he comes back in pain. More pain than he should be." He stated and Sidda's brow furrowed.

"I have no idea, Doc, I left him in the Rec Room with the guys so I could go pack." She stated and Holum's expression turned from her, still irritated. "Can I see him?"

Holum grunted a response largely to rid her from his presence. "Just try not to hurt him, Commander."

Sidda snorted. "I make no promises, Doc." She replied moving over to Nov. Much like the past few times she'd come to see him he opened one eye when she approached him. "Hey, you okay?" Sidda asked looking Nov up and down.

"Yeah." He replied mustering the energy to sit up straight. "Yeah, I'm alright."

Sidda noticed that he was favoring his injury more than he was earlier and had to know that Holum's painkillers lasted longer than that. "What happened?" she asked and saw the knife resting on the bed.

"Nothing." He replied but she didn't believe him.

Her eyes narrowed. "Did Adrien do this?" she asked but it came across more like a demand.

"It's fine." He replied and Sidda's question was answered with his lack of response.

Sidda didn't like seeing Nov hurting because of Victus' jealous fury though she got the feeling that he could have damaged Nov much more than this if he had a mind to. Still, it pissed her off. "So help me, I'm gonna beat that stubborn fucking Turian into the ground."

Nov had to snort to her fire, she sounded like a Turian, a trait that drew Victus to her and he knew that. "Sid. Sid." He said stopping her from leaving. "I know Victus will probably kill me for it but…it was a gift."

Sidda looked at the knife he was handing to her. She took it from him and smiled. "Thanks." She stated and clutched it in her hands tightly. "You rest, okay."

Nov watched her leave and shook his head to his irritation with himself, her, the situation, and the universe. All he had to do was tell her but he kept his mouth shut in what was probably the worst mistake of his life. He leaned back and grimaced to the pain but closed his eyes to rest like she told him. To say that he was going to miss her was the biggest understatement of the century.

Sidda was on the fuming warpath after seeing Nov, who was already injured, in more pain than necessary at Victus' hands. Sidda was gonna turn her beloved lover inside out, seeing Nov already injured was bad enough, seeing him even more injured because of Victus pissed her off. "Hey." She snapped getting Victus' attention before he headed into his office and backed him into the wall much like he did to Nov. "I do not need you pacing with your hackles up glowering at any man who gives me a gift." She hissed and Victus looked down at her puzzled.

"What?" he asked the confusion evident in his voice. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about this." She snapped and presented the knife he had given back to Nov on her behalf and shoved it into his chest. "It was a gift, a birthday gift, nothing more."

"Sidda, I-…" he began and she held up her hand.

"Att!" she barked. "You had no right to do that to him." She scolded and Victus looked down at her. His female and felt even more attracted to her since she wasn't afraid to stand toe to toe with him. "Do not ever do that to him again. He's my friend, that's it."

Victus couldn't help but let out a growl. "Sidda, I am not going to let him-…" he began and Sidda stood closer pointing a finger in his face. Victus straightened to her finger pointed close to his face and his expression narrowed. She was obviously mad at him, perhaps he overstepped a bound.

"I do not respond well to jealousy, Adrien. Leave him alone." She snapped to him but he opened his mouth to say something but her expression made him stop. "It's a Human thing, Adrien, let it go." She growled throwing those words back at Victus. "I mean it."

He had to commend her on putting him in his place, he didn't like it but Sidda had fire and determination. That was what attracted him in the first place, being in a relationship with a Human meant he needed to make certain concessions when it came to culture and traditions. "Alright." He said allowing the concession. With her point clearly made Sidda's glower lingered on him as she moved to walk away but Victus snatched right arm quickly. "But I won't let things slide."

Sidda looked down at his hand then back up at him. Turians were similar to posturing human males but instead of the behavior being frowned on in Turians it was expected. "Excuse me?" she demanded swatting his hand off her arm causing Victus to growl.

"I will not stand by and let someone else give you a dowry." He stated and Sidda cocked her head.

"A dowry? You think him giving me a knife is a dowry?" She questioned and Victus grumbled again.

"Since he's from Rylo…yes." Victus fired back. "The fact that you don't even know is infuriating..."

Sidda stepped toward him her posturing mirroring his. "Maybe because it was a gift, damnit, not some declaration of undying love."

"Sidda, do not keep it." Victus stated. His tone sounded more like a warning than anything else.

"Do not tell me what to do, Adrien." She snarled back, the defiance in her voice was evident.

Victus could see this imploding if he wasn't careful, he didn't want to tank the relationship but he also wasn't going to stand by and look like a fool with questionable action happening between his chosen female and a subordinate. "Sidda, I'm asking you not to keep that." He decided to try the diplomatic card first and maybe he might not piss her off any more than she already was. They both had to learn how to compromise with each other.

Sidda took a step back from her pride and anger and look at the situation objectively. If Victus was in a twist about this there was a reason and she needed to think about that. "Fine." She stated and both of their postures seemed to relax. "Just don't hurt anyone like you did Cal." She warned and Victus gave her a nod, he felt a twinge of shame for his actions especially after hearing that he actually hurt his subordinate.

Victus had a point. To the outside observer it was inappropriate for her to accept a gift like that especially if it upset her lover as much as it obviously had. This was a concession that she needed to make. She didn't like it but she needed to make it, Nov's gift was thoughtful and from the heart but she didn't want to send the wrong signals or give the wrong idea to anyone. Honestly, she didn't have the heart to walk up to her friend and give the weapon back so she took the cowards way out and left it on his bed in his quarters. Nov wasn't gonna be please about that but he'd get over it, it was better than Victus not showing as much restraint as he had during his first encounter with Nov. She heaved a sigh and placed it on his bed ultimately making her decision to give Victus his concession.

The mass relay spat out the Lante into the Arcturus Stream and Maridus sighed before pressing the comm button. "General," he began. "we're approaching Arcturus Station."

"Very well, Major, begin docking procedures." Victus stated quickly and Victus turned toward Sidda.

She sighed and decided not to prolong the inevitable, she was set to leave and that was that. She grabbed one of the duffels and Victus grabbed the other one. "Its official…" she stated as they headed into the hall making their way toward the airlock. "I hate this."

Victus snorted and walked next to her as they left. "Join the club." He stated and Sidda shook her head with a soft chuckle.

As the Lante docked with Arcturus Station, Sidda and Victus came round the corner and Sidda saw something she didn't really expect. Argo and Centar teams assembled to see her off along with Maridus. She'd already seen everyone and said her goodbyes so having everyone see her off was a little surprising. She looked from them to Victus and then back again.

Victus took her bag and headed to the airlock door as Sidda came across Cerrus first. She eyed him who eyed her back, she was uncertain of what he would say or do and frankly surprised as hell he was even there to see her off. "Bet you're gonna be happy to get me out of here." She stated and Cerrus remained silent as he thought a moment before extending his hand to her.

"Well, you are a pain in the ass, but…it's been a pleasure, Commander." He stated as there was a certain amount of sincerity in his voice, he was being honest.

She shook his hand with a firm grip and a nod to him. "Surprisingly…likewise, Captain, you're a hell of a soldier." Cerrus simply nodded an acknowledgement to her statement as he released her hand.

Sidda didn't know what to feel, nearly a year ago when she was getting pounded into the ground on a daily basis in the training room she couldn't wait for the assignment to be over now she didn't want to leave. She patted Masso's arm on the way by and Kalvaris shook her hand with a respectful nod. Desala was next and she shook her hand firmly. Sidda and Desala had formed a bond over their training together. "Thanks for everything, Commander." Desala stated and Sidda gave her a smile.

"Keep working with Cerrus and you'll be unstoppable on the field, Rekka." She stated and the Oma Kerr native nodded to her.

Desala nodded. "Good luck, Commander." She replied.

"Don't let Cerrus push you around." She said to Ruvvak who simply chuckled. "You're right about the guns." She chuckled referencing their earlier conversation.

"I'm always right about the guns." He stated in a playful 'everyone knows that' tone. "And bombs and tactics…I'm the Sergeant, Commander, I'm right about everything."

The officers surrounding him all let out various cackles and snorts to express how they felt about that comment as Sidda laughed and patted his arm.

Next was Nov, her friend, ally, and partner in crime. The young Turian couldn't wait to get his shoulder fixed and his coiled spring appearance reflected that, he was in pain. She stood in front of him and he looked down at her, a million and one things racing through his mind. The ship wasn't going to be the same with her gone. "I hate goodbyes." He stated making Sidda giggle. "Don't be a stranger, Sid."

She wanted to give him a hug but didn't both out of fear of incurring Victus' anger toward the other Turian and causing him more pain so she simply shook his hand firmly. "Drop me a line…I'll take you to Earth, turn you loose on the population."

Nov chuckled even though there was only one human female he wanted, her. "Poor girls." He replied and she laughed.

"Deliah…keep an eye on him will ya?" she said. "Make sure he doesn't get dead."

Rajin shook her hand as well. "Take care of yourself, Commander."

"I guess things are gonna get a whole lot quieter around here with me gone." Sidda stated to both Maridus and Victus. "You get your less chaotic ship back."

"Well, Cerrus will be happy but the chaos will remain." Maridus stated and followed suit with everyone else shaking her hand as she smiled up at him.

Maridus was her first friend, the first one to help her fit in, and the first to encourage the relationship with Victus. He would be the one she would miss the most. Nov's humor and endless flirting was fun but it was Maridus that she would miss the most aside from Victus, the wise councilor that wasn't afraid to speak his mind. In truth she'd miss them all but Maridus more than most. "Thanks for everything, Damar." She stated and actually pulled that Turian into a hug.

"Anytime, Sid." He replied and she stepped back from him. "Be careful."

"You too."

Victus was last; they had talked in depth about keeping contact. Coordination was going to be a bitch they they'd figure it out. "Well, this is it." She stated as they both maintained the professional decorum.

"It's been interesting, Commander." He said and Sidda chuckled. That was putting it mildly, she turned his world upside down from the moment he met her.

"I'll let you know where I land." She stated and he simply nodded.

"Major." He said simply and Maridus made a noise that drew the others to attention.

"Cdr. Shepard, departing." Maridus announced as what was not an apparent honor guard saluted with the exception of Nov. A smile spread across her face, she couldn't help it, how far she had come to receive that kind of sendoff.

"Good luck, Commander." Victus stated as Sidda stepped through the airlock and through to Arcturus' letting it scan her and cycle through. She collected her bags that Victus had set in the airlock and passed onto the station after the decontamination program was finished.

"Commander," an Alliance officer greeted as the door opened. "welcome to Arcturus."

Sidda nodded with a smile. She didn't know which was odder; the fact that she was surprised to see another human or the fact that she found that surprise strange. In that moment she realized just how long she'd spend on that Turian ship.

"This way, Commander, I'll show you to your quarters." The officer stated and took one of her bags.

"Fantastic…then show me the nearest restaurant." She replied. She was going to miss that ship and the crew, after a year they had become more like family to her than anything else. It was a shame that they couldn't stay but Victus was on the clock and had to get to Palaven both to get chewed out and to get Nov to the professionals he needed. She'd adjust and eventually be transferred back to Earth after her download to the Brass. Since her mission was cut short she figured she had a day or two before Anderson found her on Arcturus. There was no doubt that she was going to fill those off days with every restaurant she could find.

Two days after her departure from the Lante, Sidda was greeted by Anderson and gave her report to him then submitted her written report to the Brass. She was taken back to Earth and given a whole lot of shore leave while she awaited her next assignment.

It took Victus a little longer to get away from Palaven then he initially thought, he was grounded and his crew given shore leave while the Primarch took his anger out on his insubordinate subordinate. Months passed as Nov remained in and out of the primary military hospital in Cipritine. The forced R&R gave Victus the perfect opportunity to visit Sidda on Arcturus. They spent two weeks on the station together before both were recalled back to their respective places.