A/N-So here it is…the last entry. I am sad to let this story go but…..who knows what the future holds? Many thanks to all who have stayed the course with me. I appreciate your time and comments more than you will ever know. If this ending comes as a surprise I would love to get your thoughts on it. If it is cliché and expected…well throw those thoughts my way as well. Cheers Reading Peeps! XOXO

In the Presence of Mine Enemies Epilogue

After the confrontation with Pratt, Tony and Gibbs relationship was as strong as it had been at the beginning of their partnership.

Before they returned to work on that Monday, Tony took Gibbs to dinner at Cesar's. Angelina was ecstatic to see her Antonio and to know he was safe. Tony thanked her profusely for looking out for him. He had heard her message warning him about Stiles. He wondered if he would have heeded it if he had heard it first. Probably not…learning more about the inner workings of the mind of one Leroy Jethro Gibbs was a powerful draw. When Tony admitted this to Gibbs he laughed and said he was actually flattered. He also promised to be more forthcoming if Tony had questions. Tony said he would hold him to that.

Tony owed Carla an explanation. She came over to his apartment the Sunday before he was to return to work. She stared, wide eyed and on the edge of her seat as he regaled her with his near death experiences. He was over the top and was rewarded with mind blowing sex. He could always count on Carla.

Tony never mentioned Shannon and Kelly again to Gibbs, respecting his boss would broach that subject in his own time. One night while Tony watched Gibbs sand his boat the subject came up. Gibbs had put down the sander and walked over to his work bench. Opening a drawer, He pulled out a framed photo (The one Stiles had stolen from him) and handed it over to Tony. He held it in reverence and gratitude that Gibbs had included him in such a private and personal part of his life. Gibbs girls were beautiful and he told him as much. He thanked Gibbs for his trust and agreed that it would be their secret until Gibbs might decide to share with anyone else.

During one of their infamous "Cowboy Style" dinners and after too many beers, Gibbs broke down and told Tony why he had pummeled him that day in the NCIS boxing ring. Tony was forgiving. He understood the psychological actions lack of sleep could provoke. Soon after that, Gibbs learned that Captain Travis Marshall had been killed in battle; shot in the back…"accidental" friendly fire was the verdict. No one was ever held accountable. The SecNav, Philip Davenport, was replaced when a new President was elected….time did not stand still.

Gibbs and DiNozzo were strong men who realized they were even stronger together. They had to be. Over the next six months the two of them would be tested in ways they could not even imagine.

Plague, car bombs targeting Gibbs team, the murder of their beloved Kate, hunt for her killer, achieving revenge for her death, change of Directors, new members to their team…so much happening that Gideon Stiles became a footnote in their lives.

6 Months Later-Brownsville, Texas

Brownsville Texas is located on the southernmost tip of Texas on the northern bank of the Rio Grande River, directly north and across the border from Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Brownsville served as a site for several battles and events in the Texas Revolution, the Mexican American War and the American Civil war. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico is a major site of the Mexican War for Independence, The Mexican Revolution and the French Intervention.

With all its history this area of the United States is one of the most desired locations for Cartel activity. Movement between the two towns and across the river makes it ideal to escape into Mexico or escape into the United States.

The Colonel had picked this location to start his new corporation with this fact in mind. Doug Pratt and Ty Owens left their last employer the Talamere Corporation, sold all their holdings in Virginia and joined the Colonel in his new venture.

The Colonel greatly respected Owens and Pratt and had been excited to add Major Stiles to the payroll based on their recommendation.

He was more than disturbed to hear from the boys that Stiles had been almost fatally wounded.

He provided all he had at his disposal to assist the boys in getting their mentor out of Virginia and to a safe place so he could recover.

The Colonel's M.O. was to fake the death of members of his team only to resurrect them with new I.D.s so they could carry out the "Special tasks" they were assigned. It was his proposal to "bury" Stiles at Arlington. His plan was brilliant and went off without a hitch. If anything it brought to light the Major had two enemies now: Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Anthony DiNozzo.

Douglas Pratt was especially interested in Anthony DiNozzo. The Colonel told him to be patient…all things in there time.

First they needed to get the major back to good health. It took almost six months for his complete recovery. The knife wound had pierced a kidney which had to be removed and part of the large intestine had to come out as well. Stiles had lost a lot of blood and developed sepsis from the intestinal wound. They also helped Stiles with his mental issues. The Colonel provided the psychiatric care and Stiles maintained a certain level of balance when he took his meds.

The Major stood before the Colonel looking like a new man. Fit, healthy -physically (and somewhat mentally) and ready to go. He was excited to get back into action. He would be able to use his various skills and make a ton of cash. He would be working with his boys who loved him and took care of him.

His first assignment would also satisfy his thirst for revenge. He was meeting a cartel leader who had requested him specifically.

He crossed the Rio Grande to meet the cartel leader accompanied by his boys and the Colonel.

They arrived at a beautiful cantina and were not kept waiting long.

The cartel leader was not what Stiles expected. When they were introduced the cartel leader said

"Major Stiles, It is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard much about you and was specifically drawn to you knowing we share a mutual enemy."

Stiles eyebrows rose at that. He looked at Pratt, Owens and the Colonel and they smiled at him like he was about to be surprised.

"Leroy Jethro Gibbs" the cartel leader said

Stiles frowned and said venomously "Leroy….yes, he is my enemy."

The cartel leader smiled and held out her hand.

"My name is Paloma Reynosa. Colonel Bell has told me everything about you. I want to hire you to help me get revenge on our mutual enemy."

Stiles simply took her hand and smiled.