Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or Lord Perseus Child of Rome, All goes to Anaklusmos14 and Rick Riordan

A/N: I've been asked to make one of these kinds of stories and here it finally years after 3 weeks of continuous asking.

Hestia's POV

I was sitting by the hearth while the other gods and goddesses were fighting like kindergarteners, no offense to the kindergarteners. One of Artemis' huntresses said,

"Milady? Where is Zoe?" and Artemis looked around shocked that she didn't notice the absence of her lieutenant. She was so caught up in her fight with Apollo, that she did not even notice Zoe wasn't here. Before Artemis could respond, a vortex opened and Lupa, Zoe, and Thalia walked out. A letter appeared and said,

Dear Olympians,

You face a threat in the near future. My son is the only one able to help but I want you to get a sneak peak of 7 months into the future so that you may make the future better, especially you Zeus. Unfortunately for you Ares, you are 2 months too late. You all will find out soon enough what I mean. In the meantime, more characters will come, but bring the 2 camps. Both Camp Jupiter and Camp Half Blood.

-The Fates and Lord Chaos.

P.S. No flashing out. You seriously can't. After you bring both camps, a bathroom, and a kitchen will pop up. If you get hungry, just will it and it will appear. No killing or anything, I may join you soon.

After Zeus read this note aloud, he sent Apollo and Hermes to go get the two camps. After 15 minutes, the two camps were here and the room glowed a black and silver light. After the glow died down, a book appeared in my hands and I said, "I'm reading first." Since no one objected, I opened the book and started to read.

Deep in the woods of the Roman Empire, a large wolf sprinted further and further into the wilderness trying to find a cave or clearing where she could deal with the golden glow emitting from her stomach.

"Lupa, is that you?" Artemis asked. Lupa nodded her head and motioned for me to continue.

Eventually the pain became too intense and she settled herself beside a tall tree. The wolf began to glow with a blinding light until in the place of the wolf stood a beautiful woman with noticeably largecanine teethwhenever her mouth opened. With no experience of her own she did not know what she should be doing and prayed for a miracle to save her from the misery of her first childbirth.

"Childbirth?! Lupa! You are a maiden goddess, or have you forgotten?!" Zeus yelled at her. Lupa snarled at him and bared her canines. She looked towards Artemis to see a look of betrayal in her eyes. Instead of saying anything, Lupa just looked at her sadly as if saying, "You'll understand soon enough." I cleared my throat and started to read again.

While she had raised many children of Rome such as Romulus and Remus she has never dealt with childbirth, especially not the birth of a godling. As she waited a wall of darkness appeared and out stepped a man around 6 ft. 6 with pitch black eyes that seemed to radiate intense power. As the man approached her, her vision became blurry and she could feel herself losing consciousness. Before the darkness overtook her, the man knelt beside her and said, "Relax mother of Rome, I am her to help ease you of the burden inflicted on you".

"Burden? Lupa what happened?" Hermes asked.

"Maybe if you let me read, you would know." I said getting impatient with my family. But no one but me and Athena noticed the way Ares shifted uncomfortably in his seat as a look of realization and fear crept up on his face. So I started again.

When the wolf goddess awoke she found herself in a pure white room with no memory of how she got there. She began to worry what had become of her child and the man who showed up claiming to be there to help her. As if hearing her unasked question, the man stepped into the room through a door that she swore had not been there a moment ago. In his arms, wrapped in a blanket was a small young baby boy with jet black hair, red eyes and familiar large canines protruding just barely out of his small infant mouth. The man walked near the bed, snapped his fingers and produced a chair where he sat down with the infant still cradled in his arms.

"I know what has brought you here and this child into the world", the man said. "I know what that bastard war god did to you and for that I am sorry." The Goddess Lupa began to feel tears welling up in her eyes but quickly regained her composure like a true Roman and steeled her nerves enough to ask the question she thought she knew the answer to but had to be sure.

"Who are you?" She asked with conviction in her voice but also apprehension as she knew if this is who she thought it was this man could wipe out an entire galaxy with a snap of his fingers.

"That's what we want to know." Athena said.

"Wait, there's only one person I know with red eyes. And there's only one bastard war god here. ARES, YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU RAPED HER?!" Artemis screamed before she started launching arrow after arrow at her half-brother. Everyone was too shocked to fully comprehend what was going on. Zeus' form flickered to Jupiter before he asked, "You mean Mars raped her?" But this time Lupa spoke up, "No, Ares raped me." She said her voice laced with hatred. No one bothered to pull Artemis away as she switched to pounding his face in with her bare hands. That is, until Zoe came in, "Artemis, let's continue with the story. He'll get what's coming to him." After a hard kick in the ribs she got up and walked to her throne, but before she sat down, she notched an arrow and shot him in his manhood. Every guy in the room flinched and she and her hunters gave a small smile. She embraced Lupa in a hug before apologizing for thinking that she would voluntarily break her oath.

"Why I believe your know the answer to that Lupa, I am Chaos the creator, the first primordial. As for your next question, I am here to help you and your son but first I must ask you, what it is you want to do with your child?" Chaos asked in a kind tone but laced with curiosity about her thoughts on the child.

"I do not blame the child for what happened to me, despite him being the son of that bastard war god; he is still my child, my only child, my own flesh and blood. I would raise the child but I do not think it is possible. If Jupiter or the other Olympians found out about him they would most likely try to kill him before he could be a threat. The child will not be able to find a place in this world. He will be an outcast, he will not be accepted in Rome as he is half Greek, and the Greeks will not accept a child of Rome into their world either." Lupa stated with worry in her eyes. "The bastard did not even have the decency to assault me in his Roman form, he chose to rape me as Ares as if to add insult to the injury he inflicted on me."

Artemis glared hard at Ares once more before glaring at the floor with her hands clutching the armrest of her throne so hard her knuckles turned white.

"Where is this child now?" Zeus asked. But Lupa, Zoe, and Thalia smiled before glaring at Zeus, who had changed back from Jupiter.

"None of your damn business, Zeus." Thalia said defending her father.


"My father isn't here. Whoa déjà vu." Thalia said. She put up five fingers behind her back so everyone else in the council could see. When she reached one, she smirked at Zeus while he threw his master bolt at her. But the surprising thing is, she stared defiantly at him. Before the bolt could hit her, a vortex opened and out walked a man with black and silver eyes with two children.

"MOMMY!" they said and to everyone's surprise, with the exception of Lupa and Thalia, ran up to Zoe.

"Hi Andromeda and Artemisia, did you take care of daddy?" She asked them.

They nodded their heads and went to embrace their sister Thalia, who was still smirking at the frozen lightning bolt 5 inches away from her.

"I knew you would come dad." She said to everyone's surprise.

He nodded at her and then faced Zeus and said, "Zeus, Zeus, Zeus. When will you ever learn?"

He took a seat beside Zoe after giving her a kiss and each took a daughter in their lap, while Thalia sat beside them.

"Does the war god know of the child in any way?" Chaos asked as he took in the information provided by the Goddess.

"No. I have avoided him and the other Gods and Goddesses the last few months to ensure they did not notice a change in my aura that could tip him off to the pregnancy." Lupa replied.

Chaos was silent for several minutes as he seemed to be thinking over the best route to take concerning the child. "If you wish it, I will raise the child here, in the void, as if he were my own." He said as he looked at Lupa to see her reaction.

"So I will never see my child again?" Lupa asked with worry in her voice.

"That is up to you my dear Goddess. I can give you a way to contact me which will allow you to visit him here or I can use my powers to hide him from other gods and allow him to come to earth the visit you for short periods to time when he is older. I do not wish to take your child from you but as you know he is a God. A very powerful one at that as he is the first child of the mother of Rome and the first child of the Greek Olympian God of War. I will teach him about his powers and abilities as I raise him but he will also gain more powers and abilities from my blessing. I would also like to adopt him as my son and make him a true son of the creator. I will not hide his origins from him either. When he is old enough I will explain to him the facts surrounding his creation that led him to my care." Chaos replied.

"I must tell you that eventually he will return to earth as I have foreseen a day far in the future when the survival of the Gods will depend on him. That day is still far into the future but when it comes he will be the only hope for the survival of Olympus." Chaos said looking deep into Lupa's golden eyes for her reaction to his proposal.

"I see no other option for my son's survival. I will be forever in your debt Lord Chaos." The wolf goddess replied sadly as she looked at her son.

"You owe me nothing, I am more than happy to help a true hearted goddess like yourself. I will make sure no one learns that you are no longer a maiden so as to be sure you are not cast out of your home." Chaos kindly responded.

"Now what would you like to name your son?" Chaos asked.

"Perseus." Lupa replied looking deep into her son's eyes, which she could not help but notice were so much like her rapists; which brought anger and fury into her heart but despite the reminder of the child's father, she looked at her son with a combination of love and sadness. Love for her only child and sadness for the fact she cannot raise him herself. "He will need luck on his side just like the Greek hero Perseus had, for his return to earth."

Perseus looked at his mother and smiled, and she smiled back. But he noticed Artemis' glare towards him and he sighed. This would take a while.

"Very well, from this day forward he will be known as Lord Perseus, son of Lupa the mother of Rome and adopted son of Chaos the creator" Chaos stated before he began to chant quietly in a language Lupa could not understand. After he stopped chanting, Perseus began to glow the darkest black imaginable. When the glowing died down, Lupa looked at her son and gasped when she saw his eyes, they were a glowing mix of black, and silver, and pulsed with power similar to the eyes of Chaos.

Chaos handed the baby to Lupa who smiled a fanged smile at the baby boy in her arms.

"I thought it would be better if the child had no physical reminder of the war god." Chaos stated as he looked at the happy face of the wolf goddess as she looked at her son.

"Thank your Lord Chaos. Thank you for everything you have done for us." Lupa said.

"It was my pleasure as I now have a new son of my own as well." Chaos replied with a smile.

"End of the chapter. Who's next?" I asked and Hera answered. I gave her the book and we decided to take a little break so these two could explain.

"We can't. You'll have to find out later in the book like everyone else." Zoe said.

"Why don't you just tell us now? Or I'll have Ares pummel you." Zeus said.

Perseus' eyes caught fire and said, "Try it. You won't lay a finger on her. You'll be in the void before you can even say Olympus."

Everyone could feel the amount of power radiating off of him and Zoe sent him a thankful smile. He nodded back at her and told Hera that she could start reading now.